I want to test if a particular Matter body is a circle or not, as in:
const compounds = Matter.Composite.allBodies(engine.world)
compounds.forEach(compound => compound.parts.forEach(part => {
const isCircle = ???
if (isCircle) console.log(part.id, 'is a circle')
else console.log(part.id, 'is not a circle')
I can't find an official way to test if a Matter body was created as a circle. How can I test if a body was created with new Matter.Body.Circle versus another Body constructor?
You can console.log(a_circle) and check for something to identify a circle by.
I think you can check for a_circle.circleRadius or a_circle.label=='Circle Body'
EDIT: I have looked at the source code before posting this. It's a safe bet (for now as there is no documentation) because you can see that otherwise is just a polygon.
Matter.Bodies.circle = function(x, y, radius, options, maxSides) {
options = options || {};
var circle = {
label: 'Circle Body',
circleRadius: radius
// approximate circles with polygons until true circles implemented in SAT
maxSides = maxSides || 25;
var sides = Math.ceil(Math.max(10, Math.min(maxSides, radius)));
// optimisation: always use even number of sides (half the number of unique axes)
if (sides % 2 === 1)
sides += 1;
return Bodies.polygon(x, y, sides, radius, Common.extend({}, circle, options));
The other answer suggests looking for circle-specific properties. One problem is, these can change in future Matter.js releases. Also, it doesn't make for readable, intuitive code, and can lead to surprising bugs when additional body types wind up containing a property unexpectedly.
Better is to use the internal label property (also suggested in that answer), which should be stable and defaults to the seemingly-useful "Rectangle Body" and "Circle Body". For simple use cases, this works. Since it's possible to set the label to an object to store arbitrary custom data on the body, it's tempting to go further and use labels for just about everything.
However, I generally ignore labels. The reason is that it pushes too much of the client logic into a physics library that's not really designed for entity management. Furthermore, either of these approaches (labels or body-specific properties) involves iterating all of the bodies to filter out the type you're interested in.
Although no context was provided about the app, having to call allBodies often seems like a potential antipattern. It might be time to consider a redesign so you don't have to. What if you have 5 circles and 500 other bodies? Recursively iterating all 500 on every frame just to find the 5 is a huge waste of resources to achieve something that should be easy and efficient.
My preferred solution for entity management is to simply keep track of each type upon creation, putting them into data structures that are tuned to application-specific needs.
For example, the following script shows a method of efficiently determining body type by presenting the body as a key to a pre-built types map.
const engine = Matter.Engine.create();
engine.gravity.y = 0; // enable top-down
const map = {width: 300, height: 300};
const render = Matter.Render.create({
element: document.querySelector("#container"),
options: {...map, wireframes: false},
const rnd = n => ~~(Math.random() * n);
const rects = [...Array(20)].map(() => Matter.Bodies.rectangle(
rnd(map.width), // x
rnd(map.height), // y
rnd(10) + 15, // w
rnd(10) + 15, // h
angle: rnd(Math.PI * 2),
render: {fillStyle: "pink"}
const circles = [...Array(20)].map(() => Matter.Bodies.circle(
rnd(map.width), // x
rnd(map.height), // y
rnd(5) + 10, // r
{render: {fillStyle: "red"}}
const walls = [
0, map.height / 2, 20, map.height, {
isStatic: true, render: {fillStyle: "yellow"}
map.width / 2, 0, map.width, 20, {
isStatic: true, render: {fillStyle: "yellow"}
map.width, map.height / 2, 20, map.height, {
isStatic: true, render: {fillStyle: "yellow"}
map.width / 2, map.height, map.width, 20, {
isStatic: true, render: {fillStyle: "yellow"}
const rectangle = Symbol("rectangle");
const circle = Symbol("circle");
const wall = Symbol("wall");
const types = new Map([
...rects.map(e => [e, rectangle]),
...circles.map(e => [e, circle]),
...walls.map(e => [e, wall]),
const bodies = [...types.keys()];
const mouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint.create(
engine, {element: document.querySelector("#container")}
Matter.Composite.add(engine.world, [
...bodies, mouseConstraint
const runner = Matter.Runner.create();
Matter.Events.on(runner, "tick", event => {
const underMouse = Matter.Query.point(
if (underMouse.length) {
const descriptions = underMouse.map(e =>
document.querySelector("#type-hover").textContent = `
${descriptions.join(", ")} hovered
else {
document.querySelector("#type-hover").textContent = `
[hover a body]
if (mouseConstraint.body) {
document.querySelector("#type-click").textContent = `
${types.get(mouseConstraint.body).description} selected
else {
document.querySelector("#type-click").textContent = `
[click and drag a body]
Matter.Runner.run(runner, engine);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/matter-js/0.18.0/matter.min.js"></script>
<h3 id="type-click">[click and drag a body]</h3>
<h3 id="type-hover">[hover a body]</h3>
<div id="container"></div>
If creating and destroying bodies can happen dynamically, a function would need to be written to handle data structure bookkeeping.
Another approach that might work well for some apps is to have a few type-specific sets or maps. This allows you to quickly access all entities of a particular type. This becomes particularly useful once you begin composing bodies as properties of custom classes.
There's no reason you can't have both structures--a reverse lookup that gives the type or custom class given a MJS body, and a structure that contains references to all entities or MJS bodies of a particlar type.
The reverse lookup could enable logic like "on click, take an action on a specific MJS body depending on its type" or "on click, locate my custom class/model associated with this MJS body", while collections support logic like "destroy all enemies".
Ideally, code shouldn't be doing much type-checking. With proper OOP design, you can implement classes that respond correctly to methods regardless of their type. For example, if you have Enemy and Ally classes that each respond to a click, you might create a method called handleClick in each class. This allows you to use code like clickedEntity.handleClick(); without having to know whether clickedEntity is an Enemy or Ally, thereby avoiding the need for a "get type" operation entirely.
For more design suggestions for Matter.js projects, see:
How do you access a body by its label in MatterJS?
My own model in matter.js
I use matter.js physic engine for my game. I updated body vertices with call setVertices but after call his collisions are not updated, so other object does not fall.
Maybe I skipped some basic principles of using matter.js so I present short version of using them, if this is not enough I will create a separate working example.
// Init engine
const engine = Engine.create();
const runner = Runner.create();
Runner.run(runner, engine);
// Add circle for check collision
const circle = Bodies.polygon(300, 100, 5, 12, {
frictionAir: 0, friction: 0.0001, restitution: 0.6
World.add(engine.world, circle);
// Create a body from vertex (parsed from svg path)
// Original vertexes
const mapVertexes = [[..]];
const ground = Bodies.fromVertices(400, 400, mapVertexes, { isStatic: true }, true);
World.add(engine.world, ground);
// On click to update vertices for polygon
const newVertices = [...]
Body.setVertices(ground, newVertices);
Before update vertices:
After update vertices:
I'm looking for a way to check if two path2D are intersecting but can't find a way...
Exemple :
// My circle
let circlePath = new Path2D();
circlePath.ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, 0, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
// My rectangle
let rectPath = new Path2D();
rectPath.rect(x, y, width, height);
// Intersect boolean
let intersect = circlePath.intersect(rectPath); // Does not exists
Is there a function to do that ?
I found isPointInPath(path2D, x, y) (that I use with my paths to check intersect with mouse) but can't use it between two paths.
Or maybe a way to get an array of all points in a Path2D to use isPointInPath with all points ?
FYI, I want this for a game development, I want to be able to check collision between my entities (an entity is defined by some data and a Path2D). My entities can be squares, circles or more complex shapes.
There currently is nothing in the API to do this.
The Path2D interface is still just an opaque object, from which we can't even extract the path-data. I actually did start working on a future proposal to expose this path-data and add a few more methods to the Path2D object, like a getPointAtLength(), or an export to SVG path commands, which would help doing what you want, but I wouldn't hold my breath until it's part of the API, and I must admit I didn't even consider including such a path-intersect method...
However as part of this effort I did build a prototype of that API that currently exposes only a few of the expected methods: https://github.com/Kaiido/path2D-inspection/
Among these methods there is a toSVGString() that can be used with this project (that I didn't extensively test).
So we could build a Path2D#intersects() by merging both libraries. However note that at least mine (path2d-inspection) hasn't been extensively tested yet and I don't recommend using it in production just yet.
Anyway, here is a very quickly made hack as a proof-of-concept:
const circlePath = new Path2D();
circlePath.ellipse(rand(100, 20), rand(100, 20), rand(80, 10), rand(80, 10), rand(Math.PI*2), 0, Math.PI*2, false);
// My rectangle
const rectPath = new Path2D();
rectPath.rect(rand(150), rand(100), rand(200), rand(200));
// Intersect boolean
const intersect = rectPath.intersects(circlePath);
console.log("intersect:", intersect);
// List of intersection points
const intersections = rectPath.getIntersections(circlePath);
// Render on a canvas to verify
const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.strokeStyle = "green";
ctx.strokeStyle = "red";
function rand(max=1, min=0) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 50px !important }
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Kaiido/path2D-inspection#master/build/path2D-inspection.min.js"></script>
// a really quick hack to grasp 'intersect' from their esm
globalThis.module = {};
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/bpmn-io/path-intersection#master/intersect.js"></script>
// part 2 of the hack to grasp 'intersect', let's make it a Path2D method :P
const intersect = module.exports;
delete globalThis.module;
Path2D.prototype.getIntersections = function(path2) {
return intersect(this.toSVGString(), path2.toSVGString());
Path2D.prototype.intersects = function(path2) {
return this.getIntersections(path2).length > 0;
I'm using Matter.js and I want two rectangles with a constraint to make them act if they where a single rigid object.
I am basically setting stiffness to 1, so the contraint acts like a rigid bar instead of a spring.
Also to prevent the object from rotating, I'm setting the intertia to Infinity.
// a 20x20 square with 0 friction and infinite inertia
let objectA = Bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 20, 20, {
frictionAir: 0,
inertia: 'Infinity'
let objectB = Bodies.rectangle(30, 0, 20, 20, {
frictionAir: 0,
inertia: 'Infinity'
let constraint = Constraint.create({
bodyA: objectB,
bodyB: objectB,
length: 30,
stiffness: 1);
This indeed creates 2 objects with a fixed distance and they do not rotate (both squares always have the same absolute orientation)
However the objects can rotate between them, the constrain acts as a linear constraint but not as an angular constraint.
This picture shows how the distance between objects is kept, how the absolute orientation of the objects has not changed but how the objects rotate around each other.
How can I get rid of this rotation and have the two objects act if they were a single object?
I use a different approach: building a Body from parts instead of using constraints. The result is a single rigid object. Matter handles the parts still separately, so you can e.g. drop a ball in the cart created with the code below.
let cart = bodyWithParts(200, 150, { isStatic: true, friction: 0.0 });
function bodyWithParts(x, y, options) {
options = options || {}
let w = 4;
options.parts = [];
options.parts.push(Matter.Bodies.rectangle(w, 20, 5, 20));
options.parts.push(Matter.Bodies.rectangle(40 - w, 20, 5, 20));
options.parts.push(Matter.Bodies.rectangle(20, 40 - w, 50, 5))
let body = Matter.Body.create(options)
Matter.Body.setPosition(body, { x: x, y: y });
return body;
Building a Body to of parts can be useful, however, the strength of the orientation "constraint" cannot be lowered. The orientation stays fixed in any situation.
Therefore, I've written the following TypeScript function which adds two constraints of zero length to two Body objects. Constraints allows us to set the stiffness parameter.
Note that removing one the constraints allows one of the bodies to rotate around its own position ("midpoint") but it cannot change its position relative the other body.
* Adds constraints to `bodyA` and `bodyB` such that their current
* relative position and orientaion is preseved (depending on `stiffness`).
* #param bodyA the first body of the constraint
* #param bodyB the second body of the constraint
* #param stiffness the stiffness of the constraint connecting `bodyA` and `bodyB`
* #param offsetA the constraint offset on `bodyA` in its coordinate system
* #param offsetB the constraint offset on `bodyB` in its coordinate system
function addRigidBodyConstraints(
bodyA: Body, bodyB: Body,
stiffness: number = 0.1,
offsetA: Vector = Vector.create(0, 0),
offsetB: Vector = Vector.create(0, 0)
) {
function makeConstraint(posA: Vector, posB: Vector): Constraint {
return Constraint.create({
bodyA: bodyA, bodyB: bodyB,
pointA: posA, pointB: posB,
// stiffness larger than 0.1 is sometimes unstable
stiffness: stiffness
// add constraints to world or compound body
World.add(world, [
makeConstraint(Vector.sub(bodyB.position, bodyA.position), offsetB),
makeConstraint(offsetA, Vector.sub(bodyA.position, bodyB.position))
I have a simple pdf file, containing the words "Hello world", each in a different colour.
I'm loading the PDF, like this:
PDFJS.getDocument('test.pdf').then( onPDF );
function onPDF( pdf )
pdf.getPage( 1 ).then( onPage );
function onPage( page )
page.getTextContent().then( onText );
function onText( text )
console.log( JSON.stringify( text ) );
And I get a JSON output like this:
"items" : [{
"str" : "Hello ",
"dir" : "ltr",
"width" : 29.592,
"height" : 12,
"transform" : [12, 0, 0, 12, 56.8, 774.1],
"fontName" : "g_font_1"
}, {
"str" : "world",
"dir" : "ltr",
"width" : 27.983999999999998,
"height" : 12,
"transform" : [12, 0, 0, 12, 86.5, 774.1],
"fontName" : "g_font_1"
"styles" : {
"g_font_1" : {
"fontFamily" : "serif",
"ascent" : 0.891,
"descent" : 0.216
However, I've not been able to find a way to determine the colour of each word. When I render it, it renders properly, so I know the information is in there somewhere. Is there somewhere I can access this?
As Respawned alluded to, there is no easy answer that will work in all cases. That being said, here are two approaches which seem to work fairly well. Both having upsides and downsides.
Approach 1
Internally, the getTextContent method uses whats called an EvaluatorPreprocessor to parse the PDF operators, and maintain the graphic state. So what we can do is, implement a custom EvaluatorPreprocessor, overwrite the preprocessCommand method, and use it to add the current text color to the graphic state. Once this is in place, anytime a new text chunk is created, we can add a color attribute, and set it to the current color state.
The downsides to this approach are:
Requires modifying the PDFJS source code. It also depends heavily on
the current implementation of PDFJS, and could break if this is
It will fail in cases where the text is used as a path to be filled with an image. In some PDF creators (such as Photoshop), the way it creates colored text is, it first creates a clipping path from all the given text characters, and then paints a solid image over the path. So the only way to deduce the fill-color is by reading the pixel values from the image, which would require painting it to a canvas. Even hooking into paintChar wont be of much help here, since the fill color will only emerge at a later time.
The upside is, its fairly robust and works irrespective of the page background. It also does not require rendering anything to canvas, so it can be done entirely in the background thread.
All the modifications are made in the core/evaluator.js file.
First you must define the custom evaluator, after the EvaluatorPreprocessor definition.
var CustomEvaluatorPreprocessor = (function() {
function CustomEvaluatorPreprocessor(stream, xref, stateManager, resources) {
EvaluatorPreprocessor.call(this, stream, xref, stateManager);
this.resources = resources;
this.xref = xref;
// set initial color state
var state = this.stateManager.state;
state.textRenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.FILL;
state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.gray;
state.fillColor = [0,0,0];
CustomEvaluatorPreprocessor.prototype = Object.create(EvaluatorPreprocessor.prototype);
CustomEvaluatorPreprocessor.prototype.preprocessCommand = function(fn, args) {
EvaluatorPreprocessor.prototype.preprocessCommand.call(this, fn, args);
var state = this.stateManager.state;
switch(fn) {
case OPS.setFillColorSpace:
state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.parse(args[0], this.xref, this.resources);
case OPS.setFillColor:
var cs = state.fillColorSpace;
state.fillColor = cs.getRgb(args, 0);
case OPS.setFillGray:
state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.gray;
state.fillColor = ColorSpace.singletons.gray.getRgb(args, 0);
case OPS.setFillCMYKColor:
state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk;
state.fillColor = ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk.getRgb(args, 0);
case OPS.setFillRGBColor:
state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb;
state.fillColor = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgb(args, 0);
return CustomEvaluatorPreprocessor;
Next, you need to modify the getTextContent method to use the new evaluator:
var preprocessor = new CustomEvaluatorPreprocessor(stream, xref, stateManager, resources);
And lastly, in the newTextChunk method, add a color attribute:
color: stateManager.state.fillColor
Approach 2
Another approach would be to extract the text bounding boxes via getTextContent, render the page, and for each text, get the pixel values which reside within its bounds, and take that to be the fill color.
The downsides to this approach are:
The computed text bounding boxes are not always correct, and in some cases may even be off completely (eg: rotated text). If the bounding box does not cover at least partially the actual text on canvas, then this method will fail. We can recover from complete failures, by checking that the text pixels have a color variance greater than a threshold. The rationale being, if bounding box is completely background, it will have little variance, in which case we can fallback to a default text color (or maybe even the color of k nearest-neighbors).
The method assumes the text is darker than the background. Otherwise, the background could be mistaken as the fill color. This wont be a problem is most cases, as most docs have white backgrounds.
The upside is, its simple, and does not require messing with the PDFJS source-code. Also, it will work in cases where the text is used as a clipping path, and filled with an image. Though this can become hazy when you have complex image fills, in which case, the choice of text color becomes ambiguous.
Sample PDF's to test:
function parseColors(canvasImgData, texts) {
var data = canvasImgData.data,
width = canvasImgData.width,
height = canvasImgData.height,
defaultColor = [0, 0, 0],
minVariance = 20;
texts.forEach(function (t) {
var left = Math.floor(t.transform[4]),
w = Math.round(t.width),
h = Math.round(t.height),
bottom = Math.round(height - t.transform[5]),
top = bottom - h,
start = (left + (top * width)) * 4,
color = [],
best = Infinity,
stat = new ImageStats();
for (var i, v, row = 0; row < h; row++) {
i = start + (row * width * 4);
for (var col = 0; col < w; col++) {
if ((v = data[i] + data[i + 1] + data[i + 2]) < best) { // the darker the "better"
best = v;
color[0] = data[i];
color[1] = data[i + 1];
color[2] = data[i + 2];
stat.addPixel(data[i], data[i+1], data[i+2]);
i += 4;
var stdDev = stat.getStdDev();
t.color = stdDev < minVariance ? defaultColor : color;
function ImageStats() {
this.pixelCount = 0;
this.pixels = [];
this.rgb = [];
this.mean = 0;
this.stdDev = 0;
ImageStats.prototype = {
addPixel: function (r, g, b) {
if (!this.rgb.length) {
this.rgb[0] = r;
this.rgb[1] = g;
this.rgb[2] = b;
} else {
this.rgb[0] += r;
this.rgb[1] += g;
this.rgb[2] += b;
getStdDev: function() {
var mean = [
this.rgb[0] / this.pixelCount,
this.rgb[1] / this.pixelCount,
this.rgb[2] / this.pixelCount
var diff = [0,0,0];
this.pixels.forEach(function(p) {
diff[0] += Math.pow(mean[0] - p[0], 2);
diff[1] += Math.pow(mean[1] - p[1], 2);
diff[2] += Math.pow(mean[2] - p[2], 2);
diff[0] = Math.sqrt(diff[0] / this.pixelCount);
diff[1] = Math.sqrt(diff[1] / this.pixelCount);
diff[2] = Math.sqrt(diff[2] / this.pixelCount);
return diff[0] + diff[1] + diff[2];
This question is actually extremely hard if you want to do it to perfection... or it can be relatively easy if you can live with solutions that work only some of the time.
First of all, realize that getTextContent is intended for searchable text extraction and that's all it's intended to do.
It's been suggested in the comments above that you use page.getOperatorList(), but that's basically re-implementing the whole PDF drawing model in your code... which is basically silly because the largest chunk of PDFJS does exactly that... except not for the purpose of text extraction but for the purpose of rendering to canvas. So what you want to do is to hack canvas.js so that instead of just setting its internal knobs it also does some callbacks to your code. Alas, if you go this way, you won't be able to use stock PDFJS, and I rather doubt that your goal of color extraction will be seen as very useful for PDFJS' main purpose, so your changes are likely not going to get accepted upstream, so you'll likely have to maintain your own fork of PDFJS.
After this dire warning, what you'd need to minimally change are the functions where PDFJS has parsed the PDF color operators and sets its own canvas painting color. That happens around line 1566 (of canvas.js) in function setFillColorN. You'll also need to hook the text render... which is rather a character renderer at canvas.js level, namely CanvasGraphics_paintChar around line 1270. With these two hooked, you'll get a stream of callbacks for color changes interspersed between character drawing sequences. So you can reconstruct the color of character sequences reasonably easy from this.. in the simple color cases.
And now I'm getting to the really ugly part: the fact that PDF has an extremely complex color model. First there are two colors for drawing anything, including text: a fill color and stroke (outline) color. So far not too scary, but the color is an index in a ColorSpace... of which there are several, RGB being only one possibility. Then there's also alpha and compositing modes, so the layers (of various alphas) can result in a different final color depending on the compositing mode. And the PDFJS has not a single place where it accumulates color from layers.. it simply [over]paints them as they come. So if you only extract the fill color changes and ignore alpha, compositing etc.. it will work but not for complex documents.
Hope this helps.
There's no need to patch pdfjs, the transform property gives the x and y, so you can go through the operator list and find the setFillColor op that precedes the text op at that point.
Playing around with point-free style javascript for fun.
Say I am coding the video game Diablo, and I am modeling enemies using complex nested types like this but deeper and more complicated:
{ name: "badguy1", stats: { health: 10: strength: 42 }, pos: {x: 100, y: 101 } }
So I have a list of all my enemies. I want to do damage to all the enemies within a certain radius
function isInRange(radius, point) { return point.x^2 + point.y^2 >= radius^2; }
function fireDamage(health) { return health - 10; }
var newEnemies = enemies.filter(isInRange).map(fireDamage);
this of course doesn't type check - my combinators take primitives, so i need to map and filter "down another level". I don't want to obscure the filter/map business logic pipeline. I know lenses can help me but lets say I am in a browser, as this is of course trivial with mutable structures. How do I do it?
Is your question is about how to use lenses in Javascript? If so, I may be able to help. Have you checked out the Ramda.js library? It's a terrific way to write functional JS. Let's start by looking at your enemy model:
/* -- data model -- */
let enemyModel = {
name: "badguy1",
stats: {
health: 10,
strength: 42
pos: {
x: 100,
y: 101
Lens: In order to construct a lens you need a getter method and a setter method for your specific object -- in your case the "enemy". Here's how you could construct those by hand.
Method 1: Create your own getters and setters
const getHealth = path(['stats', 'health']);
const setHealth = assocPath(['stats', 'health']);
const healthLens = lens(getHealth, setHealth);
Method 2: Ramda's expedient convenience-lens for Objects
const healthLens = lensPath(['stats', 'health']);
Once you've created the lens, it's time to use it. Ramda offers 3 functions for using lenses: view(..), set(..), and over(..).
view(healthLens)(enemyModel); // 10
set(healthLens, 15)(enemyModel); // changes health from 10 to 15
over(healthLens, fireDamage)(enemyModel); // reduces enemyModel's health property by 10
Since you're applying the fireDamage(..) function to an enemy's health, you'll want to use over(..). Also, since your position coordinates are nested within the enemyModel, you're going to want to use a lens to access those as well. Let's create one and refactor isInRange(..) while we're at it.
As a reference, here's the origin fn:
// NOTE: not sure if this works as you intended it to...
function isInRange(radius, point) {
return point.x^2 + point.y^2 >= radius^2; // maybe try Math.pow(..)
Here's a functional approach:
/* -- helper functions -- */
const square = x => x * x;
const gteRadSquared = radius => flip(gte)(square(radius));
let sumPointSquared = point => converge(
[compose(square, prop('x')),
compose(square, prop('y'))]
sumPointSquared = curry(sumPointSquared); // allows for "partial application" of fn arguments
/* -- refactored fn -- */
let isInRange = (radius, point) => compose(
isInRange = curry(isInRange);
Here's what that would look like when dealing with a collection of enemyModels:
/* -- lenses -- */
const xLens = lensPath(['pos', 'x']);
const yLens = lensPath(['pos', 'y']);
const ptLens = lens(prop('pos'), assoc('pos'));
// since idk where 'radius' is coming from I'll hard-code it
let radius = 12;
const filterInRange = rad => filter(
over(ptLens, isInRange(rad)) // using 'ptLens' bc isInRange(..) takes 'radius' and a 'point'
const mapFireDamage = map(
over(healthLens, fireDamage) // using 'healthLens' bc fireDamage(..) takes 'health'
let newEnemies = compose(
I hope this helps illustrate how useful lenses can be. While there are many helper functions, I think the end piece of code is super semantic!
Lastly, I'm just flooding my scope with these functions from Ramda to make this example more readable. I'm using ES6 deconstruction to accomplish this. Here's how:
const {
} = R;
// code goes below...
Try it out in jsBin! They offer Ramda support.
Read my article on lenses. It answers your question exactly the way you worded it. Seriously, I'm not even joking. Here's a code snippet from my post:
fireBreath :: Point -> StateT Game IO ()
fireBreath target = do
lift $ putStrLn "*rawr*"
units.traversed.(around target 1.0).health -= 3