Remove file extension from a localhost server without using .htaccess - javascript

Let's say for example I have a localhost server running on port 3000 and the url looks like: localhost:3000/index.html, how can I remove the .html extension without using .htaccess since it's on a localhost server. If there is no way without localhost then could you give me some way I could implement .htaccess in localhost? Thank you in advance
Edit: It is a site made in HTML, CSS and JS. Using a server.js file to do the backend stuff.

Most static file servers will by default implicitly serve index.html without needing to specify it in the path.
So the URL / will serve /index.html, and /somewhere will serve /somewhere/index.html.
Of course this depends on the software configuration.


Node.js source code getting sent over to client

I'm building with Node.js locally and I came along a weird problem where if I typed localhost:8080/server.js, the whole server-side source code shows up in the browser (the server file's name is server.js). I guess what's happening is the server looks for server.js, finds itself in the directory and sends it over. That's a huge security risk right? Any way to solve it?
All my code files are present in the same folder; would changing that be the best way to fix the problem?
Since index.html and server.js are in the same folder then the server will send server.js when requested because it thinks it's javascript code for the client and not the server.
You should put the files you want to serve in sub folder (usually named public) like this:
then start the server using that folder with:

Windows IIS wwwroot angular javascript serving up .json files not working

The website with index.html is located here
The is using angular/javascript and i'm trying to serve up fake data with .json files
locally I can do this just fine. Its just very simple javascript ... If i have any CORS issues the browser will tell me in developer tools and i just enable a CORS extension in chrome.
Go here :
Reason it seems that no data is showing is the obvious message in that it cannot locate this path
What am I doing wrong?
This is where devices.json is located ... under wwwroot
IIS is serving 404s (not found) for various reasons, to find out what the problem for your request is, without enabled detailed errors, look at the http log files, locate the request in question and find the http sub-status: GET /devices.json - 80 ... 404 3
the number to the right of the 404 is the sub-status, in this case the 3 means: MIME type restriction. IIS by default is not configured to serve status files with a .json extension. You have add a new MIME Type mapping in IIS on the server or site level.
you may not be owner of
your IIS settings are wrong. Try to set ist reachable under http://localhost/ or
You may also modify your host file under system32 folder but it's not recommended.

Node.js / not found express 4.0

So I'm trying to get chat working on my website, and when I was testing locally it worked great, because port 8080 on my localhost was available and all that good stuff. But now I pushed my code to my Heroku app, and when I try and load my chat page, I get the error stating that it can't get localhost:8080/
I've seen node.js / not found
and tried the suggestions, but none worked, even moving the file into a resource file did not work. I'm guessing this is because I'm using express 4.0?
Any help would be appreciated
So to add more details, since my question could seem a little vague, here is my relevant app.js code:
var client = require('').listen(8080).sockets;
In my jade file for the chat page, I have:
script (src = `'http://localhost:8080/`')
and later on
var socket = io.connect(`'http://localhost:8080`');
and all this works on localhost (I load up on port 5000, is connected to port 8080). I do this using 'foreman start' with the heroku toolbelt.
When I try and change these to work on heroku, it breaks and I'm not sure how to fix it. I hope this clarifies the question a bit.
Edit 2:
I'm running:
express 4.0.0 0.9.16
node 0.10.x
Do you have an explicit route in express which catches all other routes? Something like this perhaps:
app.get("/", handlers.home);
app.get("/..." ...);
app.get("*", handlers.error);
This might keep from being able to host it's own js file for the client. There is an easy way to fix this, since you probably already have a public or static folder setup in express. Something like:
Make a new folder called and copy over the appropriate file into said folder, and all should be well. However note that there are two files named!! So, if you see something like "Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined" it means you copied the "node-ey" server side file. Here is the correct client file to copy:
Note #BHendricks: I would have just posted as a reply to your comment, but I currently lack the required reputation.
The OPs question probably has more to do with the "localhost" issue. When connecting from a client (say your home IP), as far as your browser knows - localhost implies a connection with the machine which is locally hosting stuff. Since your home machine (or phone) does not host, this is failing.
What you need to do is have your server embed the socket connection information (either a fully qualified hostname, ip etc). This can be done when the server "renders" the page with the client connection.
What happens when you go to http://localhost:8080/
Does it 404? If it does you need to make sure you have it in a directory that Express is set to serve statically.
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Then put your file in public/ (relative to your app.js file)
Restart your server and see if that fixes it.
Basically, Express doesn't serve files statically from the file system unless you explicitly tell it where to map from.

IDEA Failed to load resource

I want to debug my html + javascript site in IDEA and Chrome browser.
When I press 'debug' in console i got:
Failed to load resource file:///C:/js/angular.min.js
As I undestand, I need to set root path of my web site in properties. But where this option?
Such urls (site root-relative, the ones starting with slash) can't be properly resolved when opening file locally (using file:// protocol) - the browser will search for these files in your system root (C:/). You need using remote javascript debug configuration (access your html using the web server url rather than local path) to make this work. See for more information on remote javascript debugging in Idea
Note that Idea 12 supports so-called built-in webserver (, so you can test your code without installing a web server.
Instead of accessing from local file system try to access your html + javascript application from a web server by putting those appication files in web server.
Install XAMPP or WAMP in your system and copy your application into the htdocs folder to run that application locally.Also edit the files using IDEA from there.So,you can parallely edit using IEDA and run using XAMPP.

Node.js serve as a backend server for frontend app

I want to use Node.js run as a back-end server to serve front-end request.
The samples I found, seems can only run pages from Node.js server.
<script src="/"></script>
The above js include is served by Node.js, how to include it if the front-end is a different application (e.g. PHP or static pages) ? Do I need to include all the dependent js libraries to make it work?
I'm currrently running apache/php alongside node.js/
If this is what you're trying to do, you can do it by serving on a different port than what apache is serving on (assumed 80).
In node.js, initialize the listener on a port 8080 for example:
var io = require('').listen(8080);
I believe, by default, will also serve its static client side files conveniently for you, such that in you html, you can:
<script src="http://yourhost:8080/"></script>
Hope that helps.
It all depends on your server configuration. You may choose a path to Node.js backend that is not used by any other resource, and configure your web-server to serve everything else.
E.g. for Apache I used ProxyPass directive to enable connections to a local Node.js on a different port (to bypass local port restrictions), though may be not an option for your purposes:
ProxyPass /help/server/ http://localhost:8002/ connectiontimeout=1500ms

