Object destructuring with logical NOT all elements - javascript

I have an object:
const hide_account_settings_tabs = {
'links' :true,
'media' :true,
In another file I receive the object and assign every value + logical NOT on each element.
let showLinks = !hide_account_settings_tabs['links'];
let showMedia = !hide_account_settings_tabs['media'];
let showStatus = !hide_account_settings_tabs['status'];
Looking for a nice way to replace the 3 lines above with object destructuring. is this possible?
Something like:
let { showLinks, showMedia, showStatus} = !hide_account_settings_tabs;

You can use Object.keys or Object.values but you can maybe face problems if order is not conserved
const hide_account_settings_tabs = {
'links' :true,
'media' :true,
let [ showLinks, showMedia, showStatus ] = Object.keys(hide_account_settings_tabs)
.map(elem =>!hide_account_settings_tabs[elem]);
console.log( showLinks, showMedia, showStatus )
const hide_account_settings_tabs = {
'links' :true,
'media' :true,
let [ showLinks, showMedia, showStatus ] = Object.values(hide_account_settings_tabs)
.map(elem =>!elem);
console.log( showLinks, showMedia, showStatus )

You can use Object.entries to convert your object into an array of key-value pairs, then update the keys and invert the value. Then use Object.fromEntries to create a new object you then finally can destructure. This approach does not depend on any particular order of properties.
const { showlinks, showmedia, showstatus } = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(hide_account_settings_tabs).map(e => [`show${e[0]}`, !e[1]]));
Does it provide the required functionality? Yes. Is it elegant? IMHO, no ...


Javascript Function: Use Variable instead of single Values

I found here a script. It works fine. But now, I want to use a Variable instead of single values.
Here the original script:
const customData = {
const getSubset = (obj, ...keys) => keys.reduce((a, c) => ({ ...a, [c]: obj[c] }), {});
const Light.bri = getSubset(customData, "oid", "onVal", "offVal");
Result (OK):
bri: {
offVal: 0,
oid: "objekt-ID",
onVal: 1
Now I want to do define the keys in a variable, ideally as a object. But this do not work.
const params = {bri: "oid, onVal, offVal"};
const Light.bri = getSubset(customData, params.bri);
Result (NOK):
bri: {
oid, onVal, offVal: undefined
description: "Deckenspots"
what changes do I have to make?
Define the bri property as an array of strings. That way you can use the spread syntax (...) to pass the strings as individual arguments.
const params = {bri: ["oid", "onVal", "offVal"]}; // bri is now an array.
const Light.bri = getSubset(customData, ...params.bri); // Notice the ... before params.bri

Check for a key inside In array of objects

I am trying to find the best way to check whether an object key is present inside multiple objects present in an array which will provide a boolean as output
From the above example basically what I am trying to achieve is if any one object is missing the alert object key the output should be as false or anything
You can iterate your array with every(). Something like this:
const objects = [{alert:'hi'},{alert:'bye'},{}];
const every = objects.every(obj => obj.hasOwnProperty('alert'));
You can use the Array#some method and check if at least one element is undefined
const isAlertMissing = (array) => array.some(elem => elem.alert === undefined)
const objs1 = [{alert: "foo"},{alert: "foo"},{}]
const objs2 = [{alert: "foo"},{alert: "foo"}]
You can use every to check all items and some with Object.keys for finding a key in the inner objects.
const data = [{alert:"hi"},{alert:"bye"},{}]
const result = data.every(item => Object.keys(item).some(key => key === "alert"));
console.log(result) //false
some with Object.keys is kind of roundabout, so we can use hasOwnProperty instead.
const data = [{alert:"hi"},{alert:"bye"},{}]
const result = data.every(item => item.hasOwnProperty("alert"));
console.log(result) //false
Array#some will succeed as soon a match is found, making it more efficient than Array#every.
const test = (data, propName) =>
!(data.some((el) => !el.hasOwnProperty(propName)))
const data1 = [ {alert:'hi'}, {alert:'bye'}, {}]
const data2 = [ {alert:'hi'}, {alert:'bye'}]
console.log(test(data1, 'alert')) // false
console.log(test(data2, 'alert')) // true
const test = (data, propName) => {
for(let el of data) {
return false
return true
const data1 = [ {alert:'hi'}, {alert:'bye'}, {}]
const data2 = [ {alert:'hi'}, {alert:'bye'}]
console.log(test(data1, 'alert')) // false
console.log(test(data2, 'alert')) // true

Cannot assign to read only property with .map(). Recoil with NextJs

before I use only nextJs everything is good to go but after I try to use recoil and I try to assign new value to array object by using .map() but the error show up
Cannot assign to read only property
Here is my example Array object
const [allData, setAllData] = useRecoilState(
Here is example state AllData
const allData = [
Here is my code
const edit = (listId, value) => {
allData.map((data) => {
if (data.id === listId) {
data.value = value;
example I want to call edit funcion like this
I want my new allData output look like this
const data = [
I have read someone told that I have to use .slice() to create new object but still not use how to use slice with an array object
Here is what you need to do,
const [allData, setAllData] = useRecoilState(allDataState);
const edit = (listId : number, value : string) => {
let newAllData = allData.map((data) => {
let newData = {...data};
if (data.id === listId) {
newData.value = value;
return newData;
setAllData (newAllData);
edit(1, 'new value 1');
Noticed, newAllData is a new array. Also newData is a new object constructed from data.
it's because of atom in recoil you have to re create object array and then setState again by using _clondeep or slice

Selectively Destructure an object, based on key name

Let's say I have this object:
const someProps = { darkMode: true, underlineMistakes: false, spellingView: (...), grammerView: (...) };
I do not necessarily know the names of any of the props, except that 1+ end in 'View'.
and I want to only destructure the keys that end in 'view', which I'd like to do something like:
const propsEndingInView = Object.keys(someProps).filter(prop => !prop.endsWith('View');
const {
...nonViewProps, // darkMode, underlineMistakes
propsEndingInView // {spellingView: (...), grammerView: (...)}
} = someProps;
I need to somehow separate the two kinds of props, preferably while
I can't think how to do this, or even if it's possible.
Destructuring is just way to get the properties you already know. You can't do this with destructuring. You can create a custom method to filter out the keys to get a subset of the object
const someProps = {
darkMode: true,
underlineMistakes: false,
spellingView: 'spellingView',
grammerView: 'grammerView'
const subset = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(someProps).filter(([k]) => k.endsWith('View'))
This cannot be done by destructuring, but you can write some code to do it. For example:
const extract = (obj, regex) =>
.filter(([k]) => (typeof k === 'string') && regex.test(k))
.reduce((out, [k, v]) => (
out[k] = v,
), {})
const someProps = { darkMode: true, underlineMistakes: false, spellingView: '(...)', grammerView: '(...)' };
const propsEndingInView = extract(someProps, /View$/)
If I understand correctly you want to end up with an object that only contains properties from someProps whose names end in View. You can do something like:
const viewProps = Object.keys(someProps).reduce((props, propName) => {
// Here we check whether propName ends in View
// If it does we add it to the object, if not we leave the object as it is
return propName.match(/View$/) ? { ...props, [propName]: someProps[propName] } : props;
}, {});
Does that help? You can find the documentation about Array.reduce here.

Dynamically get values of object from array

Let's say I have an Object myBook and an array allCategories.
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"];
const myBook = {
isItScienceFiction: true,
isItManga: false,
isItForKids: false
What I want : Loop over categories to check the value of Book, for example, check if "sciencefiction" exists in my Book Object and then check it's value
What I have tried :
1) With indexOf
allCategories.map((category) => {
// Always returns -1 because "sciencefiction" doesn't match with "isItScienceFiction"
2) With includes
allCategories.map((category) => {
// Always returns false because "sciencefiction" doesn't match with "isItScienceFiction"
Expected output :
allCategories.map((category) => {
// Example 1 : Returns "sciencefiction" because "isItScienceFiction: true"
// Example 2 : Returns nothing because "isItManga: false"
// Example 3 : Returns nothing because there is not property in myBook with the word "school"
// Example 4 : Returns nothing because there is not property in myBook with the word "art"
// If category match with myBook categories and the value is true then
return (
If you need more information, just let me know, I'll edit my question.
You could use filter and find methods to return new array of categories and then use map method to return array of elements.
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"];
const myBook = {isItScienceFiction: true, isItManga: false, isItForKids: false}
const result = allCategories.filter(cat => {
const key = Object.keys(myBook).find(k => k.slice(4).toLowerCase() === cat);
return myBook[key]
}).map(cat => `<p>${cat}</p>`)
You can also use reduce instead of filter and map and endsWith method.
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"];
const myBook = {isItScienceFiction: true,isItManga: false,isItForKids: false}
const result = allCategories.reduce((r, cat) => {
const key = Object.keys(myBook).find(k => k.toLowerCase().endsWith(cat));
if(myBook[key]) r.push(`<p>${cat}</p>`)
return r;
}, [])
You can use
... place you code instead of console.log. This can do the trick without hard coding and also the best practice.
You should really not keep a number of properties containing booleans. While that might work for 1, 2 or 3 categories, for a few hundred it won't work well. Instead, just store the categories in an array:
const myBook = {
categories: ["sciencefiction", "manga", "kids"],
If you got some object with the old structure already, you can easily convert them:
const format = old => {
const categories = [];
return { categories };
Now to check wether a book contains a certain category:
const isManga = myBook.categories.includes("manga");
And your rendering is also quite easy now:
myBook.categories.map(it => <p>{it}</p>)
Use Array.filter() and Array.find() with a RegExp to find categories that have matching keys. Use Array.map() to convert the categories to strings/JSX/etc...
const findMatchingCategories = (obj, categories) => {
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
return allCategories
.filter(category => {
const pattern = new RegExp(category, 'i');
return obj[keys.find(c => pattern.test(c))];
.map(category => `<p>${category}</p>`);
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"];
const myBook = {
isItScienceFiction: true,
isItManga: false,
isItForKids: false
const result = findMatchingCategories(myBook, allCategories);
You can modify the key names in myBook object for easy lookup like:
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"];
const myBook = {
isItScienceFiction: true,
isItManga: false,
isItForKids: false
const modBook = {}
Object.keys(myBook).map((key) => {
const modKey = key.slice(4).toLowerCase()
modBook[modKey] = myBook[key]
const haveCategories = allCategories.map((category) => {
if (modBook[category]) {
return <p>{category}</p>
return null
Converting sciencefiction to isItScienceFiction is not possible and looping all the keys of myBook for every category is not optimal.
But converting isItScienceFiction to sciencefiction is pretty easy, so you can create newMyBook from yourmyBook and use it instead to check.
Creating newMyBook is a one time overhead.
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"];
const myBook = {isItScienceFiction: true,isItManga: false,isItForKids: false};
const newMyBook = Object.keys(myBook).reduce((a, k) => {
return { ...a, [k.replace('isIt', '').toLowerCase()]: myBook[k] };
}, {});
allCategories.filter(category => !!newMyBook[category]).map(category => `<p>${category}</p>`)
You can try like this:
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"];
const myBook = {
isItScienceFiction: true,
isItManga: false,
isItForKids: false
const myBookKeys = Object.keys(myBook);
const result = allCategories.map(category => {
const foundIndex = myBookKeys.findIndex(y => y.toLowerCase().includes(category.toLowerCase()));
if (foundIndex > -1 && myBook[myBookKeys[foundIndex]])
return `<p>${category}</p>`;
You could create a Map for the the categories and keys of object:
const allCategories = ["sciencefiction", "manga", "school", "art"],
myBook = { isItScienceFiction:true, isItManga:false, isItForKids:false }
const map = Object.keys(myBook)
.reduce((r, k) => r.set(k.slice(4).toLowerCase(), k), new Map);
/* map:
{"sciencefiction" => "isItScienceFiction"}
{"manga" => "isItManga"}
{"forkids" => "isItForKids"}
allCategories.forEach(key => {
let keyInObject = map.get(key); // the key name in object
let value = myBook[keyInObject]; // value for the key in object
console.log(key, keyInObject, value)
if(keyInObject && value) {
// do something if has the current key and the value is true

