Angular: Increase Query Loading Time in Firebase Database - javascript

I have an angular app where i am querying my firebase database as below:
constructor() {
getData() {
this.projectSubscription$ = this.dataService.getAllProjects()
map((projects: any) =>> ({ key: sc.key, }))
switchMap(appUsers => this.dataService.getAllAppUsers()
map((admins: any) => =>{
const match: any = admins.find(admin => admin.key === proj.admin);
return {...proj, imgArr: this.mapObjectToArray(proj.images), adminUser: match.payload.val()}
).subscribe(res => {
this.loadingState = false;
this.projects = res.reverse();
mapObjectToArray = (obj: any) => {
const mappedDatas = [];
for (const key in obj) {
if (, key)) {
mappedDatas.push({ ...obj[key], id: key });
return mappedDatas;
And here is what I am querying inside dataService:
getAllProjects() {
return this.afDatabase.list('/projects/', ref=>ref.orderByChild('createdAt')).snapshotChanges();
getAllAppUsers() {
return this.afDatabase.list('/appUsers/', ref=>ref.orderByChild('name')).snapshotChanges();
The problem I am facing with this is I have 400 rows of data which I am trying to load and it is taking around 30seconds to load which is insanely high. Any idea how can I query this in a faster time?

We have no way to know whether the 30s is reasonable, as that depends on the amount of data loaded, the connection latency and bandwidth of the client, and more factors we can't know/control.
But one thing to keep in mind is that you're performing 400 queries to get the users of each individual app, which is likely not great for performance.
Things you could consider:
Pre-load all the users once, and then use that list for each project.
Duplicate the name of each user into each project, so that you don't need to join any data at all.
If you come from a background in relational databases the latter may be counterintuitive, but it is actually very common in NoSQL data modeling and is one of the reasons NoSQL databases scale so well.

I propose 3 solutions.
1. Pagination
Instead of returning all those documents on app load, limit them to just 10 and keep record of the last one. Then display the 10 (or any arbitrary base number)
Then make the UI in such a way that the user has to click next or when the user scrolls, you fetch the next set based on the previous last document's field's info.
I'm supposing you need to display all the fetched data in some table or list so having the UI paginate the data should make sense.
2. Loader
Show some loader UI on website load. Then when all the documents have fetched, you hide the loader and show the data as you want. You can use some custom stuff for loader, or choose from any of the abundant libraries out there, or use mat-progress-spinner from Angular Material
3. onCall Cloud Function
What if you try getting them through an onCall cloud function? It night be faster because it's just one request that the app will make and Firebase's Cloud Functions are very fast within Google's data centers.
Given that the user's network might be slow to iterate the documents but the cloud function will return all at once and that might give you what you want.
I guess you could go for this option only if you really really need to display all that data at once on website load.
... Note on cost
Fetching 400 or more documents every time a given website loads might be expensive. It'll be expensive if the website is visited very frequently by very many users. Firebase cost will increase as you are charged per document read too.
Check to see if you could optimise the data structure to avoid fetching this much.
This doesn't apply to you if this some admin dashboard or if fetching all users like this is done rarely making cost to not be high in that case.


I have more than 50,000 documents in my firestore and it is taking more than 30secs to sort and find in limits of 50. how to speedup?

Here is my snipping code of React Native which I am using for my mobile application. I can't wait 30sec for just 50k data. Imagine the time it will take to load in 500k of data or more
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = () => {
.orderBy('counter', 'desc') //order using firestore counter
.limit(50) //limiting value
.onSnapshot(snapshot => {
var items = [];
snapshot.forEach((doc)=> {
items.push({ id:, });
}, []);
You can try to sort them in the app.
But I think your main problem - you trying to get 50k items by ONE request. It's to much. 10 item it's ok. More than 100 - it's not ok.
I can't wait 30sec for just 50k data.
Reading 50k documents, it's way too much data to read in a single go. Bear in mind that, that the query performance in Firestore depends on the number of documents you request and not on the number of documents you search.
So it doesn't really matter if you search for 10 documents in a collection of 100 documents or in a collection that contains 100 MIL documents, the response time will always be the same. So to be able to read data fast, I recommend you load it in smaller chunks. This practice is called pagination and it can be really simple implemented using query cursors if take a look at the official documentation.
Besides that, since everything in Firestore it's about the number of reads you perform, reading 50k documents at once, can be a bit expensive.

How to isolate a Gunjs database?

I've been trying out GunJs for a couple of days now and I'm really enjoying it. As a starter project I've followed the Fireship chat dapp video aimed at building your own chat.
Here's the issue, now that I've finished the tutorial I would like to create my own chat. However, for some reason if I get a 'chat' node within my own app it seems to pick up on the same 'chat' node as the tutorial one that is online.
onMount(() => {
// Get Messages in large chat
.once(async (data, id) => {
if (data) {
// key for E2E - to do: change for web3
const key = '#foo';
var message = {
//transform the data
who: await db.user(data).get('alias'),
what: (await SEA.decrypt(data.what, key)) + '',
when:, 'what'),
if (message.what) {
messages = [...messages.slice(-100), message]
This is also the case if I change the encryption key (then the messages just become undefined). Multiple questions arise from this:
Are graph node names unique within the whole of GunDb?
How do you handle conflicts where two gun-based apps call on the same node name?
Is this problem generally solved through filtering using 'header' props?
How do I make it pick up on only my data?
Even if I've read most of the docs, there seems to be something I'm missing in my comprehension of how the graph is generally seperated between apps. Any insight on how this works would be much appreciated.
Are graph node names unique within the whole of GunDb?
How do you handle conflicts where two gun-based apps call on the same node name?
You don't. The expected result will be, they will overwrite each other.
Is this problem generally solved through filtering using 'header' props?
I don't think it's the right way to do it.
How do I make it pick up on only my data?
Use your own relay server.
Conclusion :
gunDB doesn't really care about the who fetch / put the data. If you want to protect your data, use your own relay server (not a public one), and put data in your user space. user space is readonly to the public, but read/write for the owner.

Handling large data sets on client side

I'm trying to build an application that uses Server Sent Events in order to fetch and show some tweets (latest 50- 100 tweets) on UI.
Url for SSE:
My UI is becoming unresponsive because there is a huge data that's coming in!
How do I make sure My UI is responsive? What strategies should I usually adopt in making sure I'm handling the data?
Current Setup: (For better clarity on what I'm trying to achieve)
Currently I have a Max-Heap that has a custom comparator to show latest 50 tweets.
Everytime there's a change, I am re-rendering the page with new max-heap data.
We should not keep the EventSource open, since this will block the main thread if too many messages are sent in a short amount of time. Instead, we only should keep the event source open for as long as it takes to get 50-100 tweets. For example:
function getLatestTweets(limit) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let items = [];
let source = new EventSource('');
source.onmessage = ({data}) => {
if (limit-- > 0) {
} else {
// resolve this promise once we have reached the specified limit
getLatestTweets(100).then(e => console.log(e))
You can then compare these tweets to previously fetched tweets to figure out which ones are new, and then update the UI accordingly. You can use setInterval to call this function periodically to fetch the latest tweets.

How to query

I was searching for an easy and simple database for a little highscore system for a some games I'm developing in javascript.
I saw in github's student developer pack. I found a suitable drivermodule nodejs orchestrate and have integrated them.
The problem comes with querying orchestrate for my data. I have managed saving scores and querying them with db.list('collection'), but this seems to not responding with all data. It appered to me that some values are not returned.
I read about the'collection','query') function. But I don't really understand how I could return all data because I don't want to query in a specific way.
My objects are as simple as follows:
As I understand, one has to send a key, when putting such values to an orchestrate-collection. But I'd like to query the whole collection and get the values in a descendant order in regard to the score.
As for now I end up sorting the result on the client-side.
I hope you guys can give me some hints for a query that can sort for specific values!
You have the option to use a SearchBuilder
db.newSearchBuilder() //Build a search object
.collection('collection') //Set the collection to be searched
.sort(score, 'desc') //Set the order of the results
.query("*") //Empty search
.then(function (res) { //Callback function for results
//Do something with the results
By default, .list uses a pagination limit of 10. You can either increase that, e.g.:
db.list('collection', { limit: 100 })
Or use .links, (from the docs):
db.list('collection', { limit: 10 })
.then(function (page1) {
// Got First Page
if (page1.links && { (page2) {
// Got Second Page

Progress event for large Firebase queries?

I have the following query:
fire = new Firebase ''
users = fire.child 'venues/ID/users'
users.once 'value', (snapshot) ->
# do things with snapshot.val()
I am loading 10+ mb of data, and the request takes around 1sec/mb. Is it possible to give the user a progress indicator as content streams in? Ideally I'd like to process the data as it comes in as well (not just notify).
I tried using the on "child_added" event instead, but it doesn't work as expected - instead of children streaming in at a consistent rate, they all come at once after the entire dataset is loaded (which takes 10-15 sec), so in practice it seems to be a less performant version of on "value".
You should be able to optimize your download time from 10-20secs to a few milliseconds by starting with some denormalization.
For example, we could move the images and any other peripherals comprising the majority of the payload to their own path, keep only the meta data (name, email, etc) in the user records, and grab the extras separately:
/users/user_id/name, email, etc...
The number of event listeners you attach or paths you connect to does not have any significant overhead locally or for networking bandwidth (just the payload) so you can do something like this to "normalize" after grabbing the meta data:
var firebaseRef = new Firebase(URL);
firebaseRef.child('users').on('child_added', function(snap) {
console.log('got user ',;
// I chose once() here to snag the image, assuming they don't change much
// but on() would work just as well
firebaseRef.child('images/''value', function(imageSnap) {
console.log('got image for user ',;
You'll notice right away that when you move the bulk of the data out and keep only the meta info for users locally, they will be lightning-fast to grab (all of the "got user" logs will appear right away). Then the images will trickle in one at a time after this, allowing you to create progress bars or process them as they show up.
If you aren't willing to denormalize the data, there are a couple ways you could break up the loading process. Here's a simple pagination approach to grab the users in segments:
var firebaseRef = new Firebase(URL);
grabNextTen(firebaseRef, null);
function grabNextTen(ref, startAt) {
ref.limit(startAt? 11 : 10).startAt(startAt).once('value', function(snap) {
var lastEntry;
snap.forEach(function(userSnap) {
// skip the startAt() entry, which we've already processed
if( === lastEntry ) { return; }
lastEntry =;
// setTimeout closes the call stack, allowing us to recurse
// infinitely without a maximum call stack error
setTimeout(grabNextTen.bind(null, ref, lastEntry);
function processUser(snap) {
console.log('got user',;
function didTenUsers(lastEntry) {
console.log('finished up to ', lastEntry);
A third popular approach would be to store the images in a static cloud asset like Amazon S3 and simply store the URLs in Firebase. For large data sets in the hundreds of thousands this is very economical, since those solutions are a bit cheaper than Firebase storage.
But I'd highly suggest you both read the article on denormalization and invest in that approach first.

