How to iterate over an object which have array as value - javascript

For Example :
I have an object and in that object, I have values in the array. I want to return the array which contains the key which contains the value passing as a variable.
function getValues(val , object){
return []; // return [b,c] because xyz are present in both
var object = {
"a" : ["abc", "cde","efg"],
"b" : ["asdf","asee","xyz"],
"c" : ["asaw","wewe","xyz"]
getValues("xyz", object);

There are various ways to approach this.
One could be using Object's native functions:
function getValues(str, obj) {
return Object
// returns the entries pairs in a array of [key, value]
// from the array it searches the value for the string inputted and maps it back
.map(([key, array]) => array.includes(str) ? key : undefined)
// simply remove the undefined returned values from map()
.filter((value) => value);
This could have been done with reduce() as well but I found it easier to explain this way.
Another approach is using a for loop to iterate over the keys of the object:
function getValues(str, obj) {
let arr = [];
// Iterates through the object selecting its keys
for (let key in obj) {
// If the array of the current key has the string in it, includes in the array
if (obj[key].includes(str)) {
return arr;


filter the elements in object array corresponding to value

I have an object
let arr={tp:1, op:1, lp:0, co:0}
I want to push the element into a new array whose values is 1
Expected arr is like {tp,op}
You do have an object that is more like an "associated array" (i.e. a map).
If you want to get names (keys) which value is 1. You can use the following code:
Convert to an array of entries
Filter by value
Extract name
let arr={tp:1, op:1, lp:0, co:0}
const ones = Object.entries(arr)
.filter(([_, value]) => value === 1)
.map(([name]) => name)
That's an object. Iterate over the object and push the property key into an array if its corresponding value equals 1.
const obj = { tp: 1, op: 1, lp: 0, co: 0 };
const arr = [];
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === 1) arr.push(key);

Merge Javascript Objects WITH Same Key AND Include Duplicate Values WHERE Key Matches

I am trying to merge some JSON data sets BY key value WHILE including duplicate values WHERE the key matches.
I have tried this quite a bit now but can't seem to produce the object that I need.
Object 1
Object 2
I need to merge these objects in a way that looks like this:
Desired Output
Problems I am Experiencing
I am able to merge the data sets successfully using a function that looks like this:
function merge(a, b, key) {
function x(a) {
a.forEach(function (b) {
if (!(b[key] in obj)) {
obj[b[key]] = obj[b[key]] || {};
Object.keys(b).forEach(function (k) {
obj[b[key]][k] = b[k];
var array = [],
obj = {};
return array;
But it produces results that look like this:
Is there a way to use the above function WHILE keeping AND including the duplicate values where my keys match?
For each element in arr2, create a new element containing the props of the item from arr2, and the email of the corresponding entry in arr1.
let arr1 = [
let arr2 = [
let output = => ({...a2, email: arr1.find(a1 => a1.userId === a2.userId)?.email}));
This solution works even if the key isn't known yet. .flatMap() both arrays and pass in the desired key (in example it's "userId"). Use Object.entries() on each object so they will be an array of pairs.
[{A1: A1v}, {A2: A2v},...]
// into
[[A1, A1v], [A2, A2v],...]
.flatMap() the second array and on each iteration .flatMap() the first array. Then compare the given key ("userID") with the key of each object from the second array ("a") AND the value of that key and the value of the key of the object in the first array.
a === key && av === bv
If both criteria are meet then merge those objects and return it, otherwise...
? {...objA, ...objB}
return an empty array, which ultimately results to nothing since .flatMap() flattens one level of arrays.
: []
const arrA=[{userId:"1",email:""},{userId:"2",email:""}];const arrB=[{id:"1abc",listingId:"4def",userId:"2"},{id:"2abc",listingId:"2def",userId:"1"},{id:"3abc",listingId:"3def",userId:"2"}];
function masterKey(primary, key, secondary) {
let result = secondary.flatMap(objB => Object.entries(objB).flatMap(([b, bv]) =>
primary.flatMap(objA => Object.entries(objA).flatMap(([a, av]) =>
a === key && av === bv ? {...objA, ...objB} : []))));
return result;
console.log(masterKey(arrA, "userId", arrB));

How to access a String key in a javascript array of objects?

For example, the array is:
chipsArray = [{'cheetos':'good'},{'dorritos':'better'}]
Here, chipsArray[0] would give me {'cheetos':'good'}. Let's say I populated this array like the following:
But now that I'm trying to access the cheetos or dorritos keys in each of objects in this array, I can't. Doing chipsArray[0].chips gives me undefined.
As far as I know when populating the key of an object with a certain value/variable, they should be wrapped in square braces. But how can we extract values from them later on when each of these objects are array indices like the example given above? I tried using Object.keys(chipsArray[index]), but this only gives me the keys whereas I'm trying to extract the specific value for that specific key.
Tl;Dr: How to extract the key of an object inside an array when the keys are strings like this:
chipsArray = [{'cheetos':'good'},{'dorritos':'better'}]
You could use Object.keys and get only the first element.
var chipsArray = [{ cheetos: 'good' }, { dorritos: 'better' }];
chipsArray.forEach(function (object) {
var key = Object.keys(object)[0];
console.log(key, object[key]);
Or create an object with the reference to the single objects
var chipsArray = [{ cheetos: 'good' }, { dorritos: 'better' }],
hash = Object.create(null);
chipsArray.forEach(function (object) {
hash[Object.keys(object)[0]] = object;
Use the following function. It returns the value by key in the array
function getItemByKey (key, array) {
var value;
array.some(function (obj) {
if (obj[key]) {
value = obj[key];
return true;
return false;
return value;
More about Array.prototype.some here
I think the easiest way is to access the value:
where i is the index of the array.
> chipsArray = [{'cheetos':'good'},{'dorritos':'better'}]
[ { cheetos: 'good' }, { dorritos: 'better' } ]
> Object.values(chipsArray[0])
[ 'good' ]

Javascript Generic For Loop

Is there any way to create a generic for loop that will loop through either an array or an object correctly? I know I can write the following for loop, but it will also loop through other properties that would be added to an array.
for (item in x) {
By this I mean a for loop that will iterate:
x = [1, 2] = "foo"
y = {first:1, second: 2}
x as
y as
The reason behind this is that I won't know until runtime what x will be (either an Array or an Object). Is my only option to create a function that will check at runtime?
Use the for..of loop.
Iterating over arrays
const array = [1, 2]; = "test";
for (const number of array) {
console.log(number); // skips
Iterating over objects
const object = {
some: "string",
number: 42
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
console.log(key, value);
Anyway, from a code-style point of view, you should still check whether your object is an array before you iterate over it. You can use Array.isArray to achieve that. So, assuming data is either an object or an array:
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
for (const element of data) {
// Iterate over array
else {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
// Iterate over object
Generic looping
Since in JavaScript, typeof [] === "object" (i. e. arrays are objects that use the element's index as its key), you could reduce it to a single loop with Object.entries:
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
// For arrays, `key` will be the index
Beware though that this latter method will not do justice to your exclusion of dynamic properties (e. g., as you'll iterate over the result of Object.entries. If you do need to make this exclusion, use two for..of loops with Array.isArray as shown above.
If it's just the index/key values you need as per your expected output, here's a simple one-liner.
function loop(x) {
return (Array.isArray(x) ? x : Object.keys(x)).forEach(el => console.log(el));
loop(x); // 1 2
loop(y); // First Second

Convert Object to 2D array in JavaScript

Can we convert an Object to a 2D Array,
My Object is like this
So That Array Key will be like 'STARS_2' and value is ["STARS_4", "STARS_0", "STARS_12"]
with My attempts I can get something like this,
With this Code,
var testArray =[];, function (value, key) {
var newArray = new Array();
newArray[key] = value;
Here Keys are actually another array, which I do not want. I want key should be like 'STARS_2' , i.e. property of master object.
Is this what you need?
var ary2D = Object.keys(childFieldNames).map(function (key) {
return childFieldNames[key];
better version for what Shilly showed would be:
const arr2D = Object.values(childFieldNames);
const objVariable = {name: "Ted", job: "Dentist"}
const 2dArray = Object.entries(objVariable)
console.log(2dArray) // will print [["name", "Ted"], ["job", "Dentist"]]
Object.entries is a static method that belongs to the Object class. As a parameter, it accepts an object and returns a two-dimensional array.
Read more about it here:
You don’t need to create your structure into 2D array to just iterate over each key and its respective value(which is an array). If you want to iterate over it you can do something like this.
const object = {
a: [1,2,3],
b: [2,3,5]
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
console.log(`${key}: ${v}`);

