How to create a test for the below controller? - javascript

do I need to write a test for the below code?
update(#Body() updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto, #Request() req) {
return this.userService.update(req.user.user, updateUserDto);

I'm going to make some assumptions about injected properties of the controller class. For full setups, you can view my testing example repo here. This should be essentially what you're looking for though
describe('UserController (Unit)', () => {
let controller: UserController;
let service: MockedClass<UserService>;
beforeAll(async () => {
const modRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
controllers: [UserController],
providers: [
provide: UserService,
useValue: {
update: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ hello: 'world' }),
controller = modRef.get(UserController);
service = modRef.get(UserService);
it('should call update and return the value', () => {
const bodyVal = objectThatMatchesUpdateUserDto;
const reqVal = {
user: {
user: valueThatMatchesReqUserUser
const res = controller.update(bodyVal, reqVal);
expect(res).toEqual({ hello: 'world' });
expect(service.update).toBeCalledWith(reqVal.user.user, bodyVal)


How can I test the function called inside another function in Nestjs?

i am writing test functions in nestjs and i am new to this task.
I mostly had problems with typeorm. but my current problem is that I do not call the paginate function in the PaginateLib class inside the function I wrote in the service. I tested the userList function directly before, but it gave paginate undefined error. Now I used mock and paginate function in test. it still gives undefined error.
Here's my admin.service code
public async userList(page, limit): Promise<any> {
const opt = {
relations: ['userInfo'],
const userData = await this.paginateLib.paginate(
return userData;
Here's Paginate function code in PaginateLib class. I'm cutting this short as I don't think it's very necessary.
export class PaginateLib {
async paginate(repo, opt, page, limit) {
try {
page = Number(page);
limit = Number(limit);
const items = (Number(page) - 1) * Number(limit);
const [data, count] = await repo.findAndCount({
skip: Number(items),
take: Number(limit),
if (count <= items) {
return [];
and here's my test code
class PaginateMock {
paginate(repo: any, opt: any, page: number, limit: number) {
return [];
describe('AdminService', () => {
let service: AdminService;
let connection: Connection;
let module: TestingModule;
let services: PaginateLib;
beforeAll(async () => {
const ApiServiceProvider = {
provide: PaginateLib,
useClass: PaginateMock,
module = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [
type: '****',
host: '****',
port: ****,
username: '****',
password: '****',
database: '****',
entities: [__dirname + '/../../**/*.entity.ts'],
synchronize: true,
providers: [
service = module.get<AdminService>(AdminService);
services = module.get<PaginateLib>(PaginateLib);
// afterAll(async () => {
// await module.close();
// });
describe('User Info', () => {
it('should be get user list', async () => {
const paginateSpy = jest.spyOn(services, 'paginate');
expect(true).toBe(service.userList(1, 1));
I tried different things many times. but the error I get is undefined. what should I do? Is there anyone have an idea?thank you
Try this:
describe('User Info', () => {
it('should be get user list', async () => {
const paginateSpy = jest.spyOn(services, 'paginate');
const userData = await service.userList(1, 1);
expect(userData).toBe(); // Don't know what userData actually looks like. So this is up to you

Mock Injectable model in nestjs with Jest

I want to unit test my service. Inside my service I have a constructor that is:
export class ContractService {
private logger = new Logger("ContractService");
private contractModel: typeof Contract
) {}
async getContracts(query: PaginationInterface): Promise<FetchContract> {
const { limit, page, skip } = paginationParseParams(query);
const { sortBy, direction } = sortParseParams(query, ColumnDetails);
const { count, rows } = await this.contractModel.findAndCountAll({
where: {},
offset: skip,
limit: limit,
order: [[sortBy, direction]],
const pages = Math.ceil(count / limit);
const meta = {
return { meta, data: rows };
My model looks like this: (Model is a class from sequelize-typescript)
export class Contract extends Model<Contract> {
So I want to create my unit test with jest. When I try to mock the contractModel, it does not find the method, eventhough I am trying to mock it.
const mockContractModel = () => ({
findAndCountAll: jest.fn(),
describe("ContractService", () => {
let contractService: ContractService;
let contractModel: Contract;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [
provide: Contract,
useFactory: mockContractModel,
contractService = module.get<ContractService>(ContractService);
contractModel = module.get<Contract>(Contract);
it("should be defined", () => {
describe("Get contracts", () => {
it("Should return all the contracts", async () => {
await contractService.getContracts(defaultPagination);
What is the right way to mock this contractModel?
Instead of using
provide: Contract,
useFactory: mockContractModel
You should be using
provide: getModelToken(Contract),
useFactory: mockContractModel
where getModelToken is imported from #nestjs/mongoose. This will get the correct DI token for Nest to know what you're mocking. For more examples, check this git repo

Controller integration testing with nestJS using different guards

I am trying to develop an application using NestJs as the backend framework. Currently I am writing some integration tests for the controllers.
This is my first project using typescript, I usually use Java/Spring but I wanted to learn and give nestJs a try.
I use different guards to access rest endpoints. In this case I have an AuthGuard and RolesGuard
To make the rest endpoint work I just add something like this in the TestingModuleBuilder:
.useValue({ canActivate: () => true })
The point is, is it possible to define or override this guards for each test to check that the request should fail if no guard or not allowed guard is defined?
My code for the test is the following one:
describe('AuthController integration tests', () => {
let userRepository: Repository<User>
let roleRepository: Repository<Role>
let app: INestApplication
beforeAll(async () => {
const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [
PassportModule.register({ defaultStrategy: 'jwt' }),
secret: jwtConfig.secret,
signOptions: {
expiresIn: jwtConfig.expiresIn
.useValue({ canActivate: () => true })
.useValue({ canActivate: () => true })
app = module.createNestApplication()
await app.init()
userRepository = module.get('UserRepository')
roleRepository = module.get('RoleRepository')
const initializeDb = async () => {
const roles = roleRepository.create([
{ name: RoleName.ADMIN },
{ name: RoleName.TEACHER },
{ name: RoleName.STUDENT }
await initializeDb()
afterAll(async () => {
await roleRepository.query(`DELETE FROM roles;`)
await app.close()
afterEach(async () => {
await userRepository.query(`DELETE FROM users;`)
describe('users/roles (GET)', () => {
it('should retrieve all available roles', async () => {
const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
.set('accept', 'application/json')
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
id: expect.any(String),
name: RoleName.STUDENT
id: expect.any(String),
name: RoleName.TEACHER
id: expect.any(String),
name: RoleName.ADMIN
It's not immediately possibly with the current implementation, but if you save the guard mock as a jest mock it should be possible. Something like this
describe('Controller Integration Testing', () => {
let app: INestApplication;
const canActivate = jest.fn(() => true);
beforeEach(async () => {
const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [AppModule],
.useValue({ canActivate })
app = moduleFixture.createNestApplication();
await app.init();
it('/ (GET)', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())
.expect('Hello World!');
it('/ (GET) Fail guard', () => {
return request(app.getHttpServer())

Testing in Angular with service dependency

I'm trying to write my first Angular 6 test. I have a component which returns a list of Companies from a service.
It looks like this:
<div *ngFor="let company of this.companies">
<h4 id="company-{{}}>{{}}</h4>
import { ApiService } from '../service/api.service';
ngOnInit(): void {
this.companies = this.apiService.getCompanies();
import { COMPANYLIST } from '../companyList';
companyList = COMPANYLIST;
public getCompanies(): Company[] {
return this.companyList;
I would like to test that I can see the list of Companies in the component. In my spec.ts I have tried to add a mocked apiService as per with no luck.
I'm guessing the test should look something like this, but I am having issues actually injecting the mocked service into this test.
it("should show the list of Companies", () => {
const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
expect(compiled.querySelector("company-" +"Mock Company");
The strategy is to inject a place holder object for your service. In the test get a reference to that place holder object and then add fake functionality to it that will be called when testing the component.
Example (I omitted code that does not illustrate the point I am trying to make)
import { ApiService } from '../service/api.service';
describe('CompaniesComponent Tests', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
declarations: [CompaniesComponent],
providers: [
{ provide: ApiService, useValue: {} }
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CompaniesComponent);
comp = fixture.componentInstance;
it("should show the list of Companies", () => {
// get service and fake a returned company list
const apiService = TestBed.get(ApiService) as ApiService;
apiService.getCompanies = () => ['Mock Company'];
// you probably need to call ngOnInit on your component so it retrieves the companies from the api service
const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
expect(compiled.querySelector("company-" +"Mock Company");
You can mock your service :
export class MockCompanyService {
getCompanies: Spy;
constructor(config) {
this.getCompanies = jasmine.createSpy('getCompanies').and.callFake(() => config.companies);
In your test, you will give companies to you mock so when your function is called, you will have your companies displayed.:
describe('CompanyComponent', () => {
let component: CompanyComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<CompanyComponent>;
let element;
const mockCompanies = [
beforeEach(async(() => {
return TestBed
declarations: [
imports: [],
providers: [
provide: ComponentFixtureAutoDetect,
useValue: true
.overrideComponent(CompanyComponent, {
set: {
providers: [
{provide: CompanyService, useValue: new MockCompanyService(mockCompanies)}
.then(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CompanyComponent);
component = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
element = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
it('should create', () => {
it('...', () => {
in your example the unit test should be pretty simple to implement.
It should be something like that:
describe("path", () => {
let component: Component;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<Component>
let service: Service;
beforeEach(() => {
declarations: [Component],
providers: [Service]
fixture = TestBet.CreateComponent(Component)
service = TestBed.get(Service)
afterEach(() => {
it("Component_Method_WhatDoYouExpect", () => {
let testCompanies = [{c1}....];
let spy = spyOn(service, "getCompanies").and.returnValue(testCompanies);
You have to create a test file for the component and one for the service.
In service test you should do almost the same like above, but there you have to initialize the company list, to call the method and to verify if the result is right.
service.companyList = [c1, c2...]
let res = service.GetCompanies();
Here you can find more information about TestBed and Unit tests.

Angular 4 HTTP Jasmine Unit Testing

I'm a noob at unit testing, I've been trying to create a mock unit test for a HTTP call to an end point.
My Service:
this.http.get('endPoint',options).subscribe((res: Response) => {
let result = res.json();
let obj = new ForgotPasswordResponse(res..........);
return obj;
My Unit Test
it('should get response from server', (done) => {
let responseObj:ForgotPasswordResponse = {
messageEN: 'dsadsada',
messageFR: 'dsada',
headerEN: 'dsada',
headerFR: 'dsada',
pageTarget: 'dsada',
args: 'dsa',
systemLogs: 'dsada',
msgCode: 'dsa',
type: 'dsa'
let signinid = '1234';
let lang = 'EN';
backend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
let options = new ResponseOptions({ body: responseObj });
connection.mockRespond(new Response(options));
subject.initPwdResetFlow(signinid, lang).subscribe((response) => {
My response object is of type ForgotPasswordResponse, with the appropriate props. However, when I run the test, I get a failure -- it only says Type Error thrown.
To mock your HTTP connection, you have to inject the XHRBackend as follows:
import { HttpModule, XHRBackend, Response, ResponseOptions } from '#angular/http';
import { MockBackend, MockConnection } from '#angular/http/testing';
import { MyService } from './my-service';
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [
providers: [
{provide: XHRBackend, useClass: MockBackend}
it('should get a response', (done) => {
inject([XHRBackend, MyService], (mockBackend: MockBackend, service: MyService) => {
const body = {content: 'blabla'};
const status = 200;
mockBackend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
connection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({body, status})));
service.get().subscribe(response => {

