useEffect does not go to if statements - javascript

Do not actually understand why this code part not working as it should.
This useEffect block re-renders on every scrollY position. Also, I see that this code part: console.log(; should call if and else if statements, but it does not.
Here is the code:
useEffect(() => {
if ( === 0) {
} else if ( === 1) {
}, [position]);

As you can see here, style values are strings, but with the === operator you also check for type equality.
This means you check that '0' === 0 which are not the same types and also why your check never enters the if body.
Either check for '0' or use the == operator which does ignore types.


issues with localStorage and saving values

I have a program where I have these strings being added to an array. However, there are many strings that are triggered by a certain condition, which can be met multiple times, however I only want it to be added on the first occurrence. So I have implemented a system where the event of adding the string to the array is triggered by the original condition, and a boolean expression. Here is an example of one of those conditions:
if (count >= 10 && displayMulti == true) {
consoleData.push("Multi available")
displayMulti = false
window.localStorage.setItem("display_multi", String(displayMulti))
When the string is added to the array, the boolean, displayMulti, is set to false so that it will not trigger again. However, upon refreshing the page, it will still trigger. I'm not sure why because I feel like I have saving the values to localstorage correctly. Code is below:
if (window.localStorage.getItem("display_multi") != null ) {
displayMulti = Boolean(window.localStorage.getItem("display_multi"))
} else {
var displayMulti = true
There "here" console log statement is not triggered. So I have no idea why this would keep triggering because I don't see how the boolean is true. I've tested at like so many different points I genuinely have no idea what's wrong. I also don't think those values are affected anywhere else in my code. Any help is appreciated.
Here is a solution that properly parses your string as a boolean. Instead of Boolean(), a conditional (window.localStorage.getItem("display_multi") === 'true')(window.localStorage.getItem("display_multi") === 'true') is used.
if (window.localStorage.getItem("display_multi") != null ) {
displayMulti = (window.localStorage.getItem("display_multi") === 'true')
} else {
var displayMulti = true
if (count >= 10 && displayMulti == true) {
consoleData.push("Multi available")
displayMulti = false
window.localStorage.setItem("display_multi", String(displayMulti))

if statement with more than one condition

I need to check three conditions,
sheet_exists = 1
recalc = 1
qty_total and new_qty_total are not equal
The if statement works well if only the first 2 arguments are used:
if(sheet_exists === 1 && recalc === 'yes'){
//do something
But when I try to add he 3rd argument it fails, the actions in the if statement are ignored. I've tried:
if((sheet_exists === 1) && (recalc === 'yes') && (qty_total !== new_qty_total)){
//do something
if(sheet_exists === 1 && recalc === 'yes' && (qty_total !== new_qty_total)){
//do something
if(sheet_exists === 1 && recalc === 'yes' && qty_total !== new_qty_total){
//do something
Where am I going wrong?
Considering you are happy with the behavior of the first two conditions, and not with the last one, the problem must be in the last one.
Pay attention, qty_total !== new_qty_total will return TRUE only when the value or type of qty_total and new_qty_total are different.
If one is an integer 100 and the other is a string '100' then the condition evaluates as TRUE because they differ on the data type. But if they are both integers it will return FALSE, because neither the value nor the type are different.
To make sure the comparison works ok, make sure both variables are the same data type.

javascript passing the result of a boolean comparison confusion

I've been working through some text book to learn web development and i've become confused on an example. The example creates a meter element and fills it with some attributes. There is then some javascript to check for browser support for the tag. The part where i'm confused is after the first expression returns either true or false for the support, shouldn't there be a check for if true or false was returned on the following if statement? also as an aside, when the create element builds the element does is give it default values, or grab values from an existing meter in the html.
The check for support is as follows.
var noMeterSupport = function(){
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined);
the next part that builds the meter if the support isn't found is below. This is where i become confused as it seems to take either value and continue without checking if it was true or false.
if (noMeterSupport()) {
var fakeMeter, fill, label, labelText, max, meter, value;
value = meter.attr("value");
meter = $("#pledge_goal");
max = meter.attr("max");
labelText = "$" + meter.val();
fakeMeter = $("<div></div>");
label = $("<span>" + labelText + "</span>");
fill = $("<div></div>");
fill.css("width",(value / max * 100) + "%");
fill.append("<div style='clear:both;'><br></div>");
The body of the if is only executed if noMeterSupport() returns true. The condition in an if statement requires something "truthy", i.e. something that can be interpreted as true or false. Since the function returns a boolean value, that is sufficient. (See first Google hit for truthiness javascript, which is a good explanation.)
EDIT: Forgot about your second question. When a new element is created with document.createElement, it does indeed get default values. In your example, the default value of max for a <meter> is 1.
if (noMeterSupport()) { checks the return value. It means exactly the same as this:
var supported = noMeterSupport();
if(supported) {
I hope that I understand your question correctly and will try to answer it.
So you would expect something like this:
if (noMeterSupport() == true)
Actually, this is equivalent to this:
if (noMeterSupport())
And if you want to check false:
if (noMeterSupport() == false)
This is equivalent to:
if (!noMeterSupport())
This statement will make the function either return true or false:
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined)
basically it would be synonymous with writing:
if(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
That makes the value of noMeterSupport() either true or false.
var noMeterSupport = function(){
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined);
noMeterSupport returns the result of the comparison document.createElement('meter').max === undefined.
The comparison will be either true or false, ok?
So, now, when you do
if (noMeterSupport()) { /*then do something*/}
is like saying
if (/*the result of noMeterSupport() is true*/) {/*then do something*/}
So, this if statement will only run if noMeterSupport returns true
var noMeterSupport = function(){
return(document.createElement('meter').max === undefined);
This section of code is not actually doing the check, it is defining a function called noMeterSupport.
The code is not actually run until the function is called. It is called by adding () to the function name.
Your if() statement is where it is being called as it the brackets.
You expect a boolean condition inside the if statement:
The noMeterSupport() is actually returning true or false, so the
is converted to if(true) or if(false)
depending on the result of the document.createElement('meter').max === undefined evaluation.
You are receiving a boolean condition and the if statement works fine.
As a beginner, there's two points to quickly learn in programming :
The comparison operators == and === not only do the comparison, but returns in fact the result of this comparison (you can place it in var to test)
var bool = 1 === 2;
console.log(bool); // will print false
The test if(boolean === true) is equivalent to if(boolean), and the test if(boolean === false) is equivalent to if(!boolean)

Execute If statement, only if element is existed

if($("#Prefix").val().trim()=="" && $("#Infix").val().trim()==""){
return false;
In the above code, when the element id Prefix or Infix does not exist, it's throwing undefined error
TypeError: $(...).val(...) is undefined
I know, this can be avoided by checking its length $("#Prefix").lenght>0 and $("#Infix").lenght>0.
My question here is, how can we do both checks inside single if statement itself.
try below code . check this link explain element length condition
if(($("#Prefix").length && $.trim($("#Prefix").val()) == "") && ($("#Infix").length && $.trim($("#Infix").val())=="")){
return false;
if (($("#Infix").lenght>0 && $("#Prefix").lenght>0) && ($("#Prefix").val().trim()=="" && $("#Infix").val().trim()=="")){
//your code here
Yes you can.
if statement with && operator stops checking farther when first 0 is returned. [0 && anything == 0].
So just check for the .length first.
if ( ($("#Infix").lenght && $("#Prefix").lenght) && (another conditions) ) {

If statement is not working properly

I'm trying to change the condition in which data is written to a table. I noticed a strange result when trying to change this: it seems WriteToTable function would runno matter what if condition I subjected it to. To test this I did the following:
var TestThis=0;
if (TestThis=1000){
WriteToTable(iPlaceDisplayNum,, place.rating, xScoreFinal, iProspect, place.url, place.formatted_phone_number);
alert ('This alert should not be displaying.');
The function will still execute and the alert will be still be displayed when the script runs. I'm not sure why?
Here's the rest of the function, the problem is towards the bottom:
function printme(place, status) {
if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
if (typeof !== 'undefined') {
var xScore = 0;
var xGlobal = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
reviews =[i];
for (var x = 0; x < reviews.aspects.length; x++) {
aspectr = reviews.aspects[x];
xScore += aspectr.rating;
var xScoreFinal = (xScore / xGlobal);
if (typeof xScoreFinal !== 'undefined') {
var iProspect;
if (xScoreFinal < 2.3) {
iProspect = 'Yes';
//Not sure what's going on here
var TestThis=0;
if (TestThis=1000){
WriteToTable(iPlaceDisplayNum,, place.rating, xScoreFinal, iProspect, place.url, place.formatted_phone_number);
alert ('This alert should not be displaying.');
You are assigning a value to your variable in your if condition check. Your TestThis variable is being assigned value 1000, which will be true after being converted to boolean by JavaScript. That's why your function is being always executed. You can read more about the automatic type conversion here.
Now to fix your code, change this -
if (TestThis=1000)
to this -
if (TestThis == 1000)
or if you don't want automatic type conversion -
if (TestThis === 1000)
Sometimes people like to reverse the values in the comparison, in the following way -
if (1000 === TestThis)
This is called a Yoda Condition (yeah, named after the Grand Jedi Master Yoda) . The benefit is that in case someone mistakenly puts only a single equal, it will result in an error as you cannot assign anything to a constant. I have never used it personally though (and probably never will because I find it rather unconventional).
JavaScript allows you to assign a value in a conditional, so this TestThis=1000 results to 1000 and in a conditional statement positive numbers (actually anything not 0) result to an evaluation to true.
To make it a conditional, you should do TestThis===1000 (and you should almost always use the === over the == as the === forces an actual comparison of the two and doesn't try to convert one part of the conditional to equal the other.)
You can also do 1000 === TestThis (or conversly 1000 == TestThis) Some people say this is bad coding, because it's difficult to read. I'll leave that up to you to decide, but this absolutely won't allow you to accidentally assign a value in the conditional because you can't assign a value to 1000.
In the if statement, you're setting TestThis to 1000, rather than comparing it to 1000. The = operator returns the value that was set, which evaluates to true because it is not undefined, 0, or null. You simply need to use the == operator.
if(TestThis == 1000)
if (TestThis == 1000)
Change like this.
For comparing equality in if you must have ==
if (TestThis=1000)
if (TestThis==1000)
You're actually assigning to TestThis which will return true and execute the conditional block.

