Vue.js Buefy carousel, adding local images - javascript

I am unable to figure out how to add local images to buefy carousel. Is there something I am doing wrong? I have tried to modify template section to include b-image but no use. Thanks
<b-carousel-item v-for="(carousel, i) in carousels" :key="i">
<section :class="`hero is-medium`">
<div class="hero-body has-text-centered">
export default {
return {
carousels: [
title: 'Slide 1',
image: require("#/assets/img1.png")
}, {
title: 'Slide 2',
image: require("#/assets/img2.png")
title: 'Slide 3',
image: require("#/assets/img3.png")

b-image tag takes src as prop which you can use to render your image. Try modifying the b-image part to the below code
<b-image :src="carousel.image" />


How to display array of text in react?

I'm making a portfolio website in ReactJS. I'm trying to display an array of text under desc in HomePageContent.js. I'm not sure how display each of the paragraphs. I think I have to map the paragraphs, but I'm not sure how to do that.
Relevent Code
// Image import statements
import Im1 from '../img/Im1.png';
import Im2 from '../img/Im2.jpg';
import Im3 from '../img/Im3.jpg';
let HomePageContent = {
job: [{
logo: Im1,
alt: 'Logo1',
companyName: 'comp1' ,
link: 'link1',
title: 't1',
duration: 'dur1',
location: 'loc1',
desc: {
text: 'p1',
text: 'p2',
text: 'p3',
text: 'p4'
id: 1
export default HomePageContent;
import React from 'react';
import '../css/Experience.css';
function Job(props) {
const jobList = =>
<div className='exp-container'>
<img src={j.logo} alt={j.alt} />
<div className='description'>
<a href={} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>
return (
export default Job;
You're right, mapping over the paragraphs would work, but I recommend changing the value inside desc to an array so that you have an easier time doing that.
desc: [
Then, in your JSX, you can map over it and put each of them in their own set of <p> tags.
{ => <p>{paragraph}</p>)}
This works because the map function returns an array of whatever you return in the provided fat arrow function, and JSX will automatically render an array of JSX elements one right after the other. So it looks like this in the rendered HTML:

Vue.js Data not Displaying in view i am trying to display todo list which just displaying blank

This is my App.vue where i have created the Data for todo list and trying to display all todo array data but nothing is showing i am stuck there and please help me to solve that problem
<div id="app">
import ToDo from './components/ToDo';
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data ()
return {
todos: [
id: 1,
title: "TODO 1",
completed: false
id: 2,
title: "TODO 2",
completed: true
id: 3,
title:" TODO 3",
completed: false
This is my ToDo.vue from there i am trying to pass the todo.title to Display the title but not working
<div v-bind:key="" v-for="todo in todos" >
export default {
props: ["todos"]
You should be getting a warning in your console.
You are using a properties but not actually send it to the component.
Your template should be like this.
<div id="app">
<ToDo :todos="todos"/>
Since you're "todos" is an object you need to send it as Javascript which is the meaning of the : before the attribute.
Moreover you should definitely ensure that you are sending an Object to your component by specifying it in the definitions of your props.
props: {
todos: Object
you need to pass the todos into ToDo component from the app component like
<div id="app">
<ToDo :todos=todos/>

Image in VueJS component is not loading

I got a parent component which sends a data object to the children component like this:
<child object-data=" url: 'url here', title: 'Title'"></child>
Then on my children component, I get this object data by doing:
export default {
props: [
Now, for some reason, I can use title without any problem like this {{ objectData.title }} and shows up.
But when it comes to the URL inside an img tag it's not rendering the image.
I attempted doing the following:
<img :src="objectData.url"/> <--- not rendering
<img v-bind:src="objectData.url"/> <--- not rendering
<img v-bind:src="require(objectData.url)"/> <-- throws a warning error because it's not a path but an object I guess.
<img v-bind:src="{objectData.url}"/> <--- throws an error
<img v-bind:src="{{objectData.url}}"/> <--- throws an error
When I check on the dom element, it doesn't even contain a src attribute afterwards.
If I write down the URL without an object, it works.
<img v-bind:src="src/assets/images/icon.png"/>
But I want my URL to come from a parent component.
Any ideas on how to solve this? I added the url-loader on my webpack file:
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/,
loader: 'url-loader'
I also attempted returning objectData.url from a computed/methods fuction:
computed: {
getImageUrl: function() {
return objectData.url;
And then use it like :src=“getImageUrl” or :src=“{{getImageUrl}}” and I wasn’t lucky either.
I faced the same issue and i fixed it by using require function :
in the parent component App.vue :
<carousel-posts :posts="posts" />
export default {
name: "app",
data() {
return {
posts: [
img: require("./assets/logo.png"),
title: "Title 1",
subTitle: "Sub Title 1",
body:"lorem ipsum ..."
in the child component i loop through the posts and bind the image src as follows :
<div class="card-body" v-for="(post,idx) in posts" >
<img class="card-img" :src="post.img" />
export default {
props: ["posts"],
So in your case you should have something like :
<child :object-data="objectData"></child>
url: require('./assets/someimg.png'),
title: 'Title'
Update :
my project tree :
| |_logo.png
| |_CarouselPosts.vue
Two alternatives:
Static links that vue resolves. But they're src-based and don't work with webpack / file-loader:
<img :src="'../assets/filename.png'"/>
Works with webpack. Note the ".default" at the end:
<img :src="require('../assets/filename.png').default"/>
Documentation relevant effective Nov 2019:

VueJS Routing the same component not triggering OWL Carousel

I'm facing this problem with re-evaluating the images rendered by VueJS into a Carousel plugin (OwlCarousel) while loading the same component with different variables
the problem is when loading the page with images everything works well and the carousel can show the images, but when clicking on a link to go to the same component with other images, the carousel shows only an empty box.
Here is what I have so far:
<div id="owl-work">
<div class="item" v-for="image in project.images" :key="">
<figure><img :src="'uploads/'+image.url" alt=""></figure>
<div class="similars" v-for="similar in similars">
<router-link :key="$route.fullPath" :to="{ name: 'project', params: { id:, project:similar }}" replace>
export default {
props: ["id"],
computed: {
...mapGetters(['getProject', 'getSimilars']),
project() {
return this.getProject(
similars() {
return this.getSimilars(
and my routes look like:
{name: 'projects', path: '/projects', component: ProjectsScreen},
{name: 'project', path: '/project/:id', component: ProjectScreen, props: true},
So the question is how to load the "similar" project image into the carousel when clicking on the <router-link> which outputs the results in the same components.
PS: the other fields are changed, and when getting rid of the carousel it works, so its certain with the setup of the carousel itself with how VueJS deals with routing or something like that..
Move the owl initialization to a lifecycle hook, so it is executed again when the route changes:
export default {
props: ["id"],
computed: {
...mapGetters(['getProject', 'getSimilars']),
project() {
return this.getProject(
similars() {
return this.getSimilars(
mounted() {
// Removed from here
Or, better yet, remove the need for accessing from id and use a ref instead.
<div ref="owlwork">
<div class="item" v-for="image in project.images" :key="">
<figure><img :src="'uploads/'+image.url" alt=""></figure>
<div class="similars" v-for="similar in similars">
<router-link :key="$route.fullPath" :to="{ name: 'project', params: { id:, project:similar }}" replace>
export default {
props: ["id"],
computed: {
...mapGetters(['getProject', 'getSimilars']),
project() {
return this.getProject(
similars() {
return this.getSimilars(
mounted() {
// Removed from here

Vuejs warning: infinite update loop in a component render function

working through my first project in vue js.
Here, looping through different tabs and show correct content for each tab when clicked on.
problem here is with line
this.cardData = $(".card-content").html(this.coinInfo[this.activeTabName]);
but I'm not sure how to fix this.
You shouldn't be mixing jquery and Vue if it's not 100% necessary.
Here a simple way to do it:
<div id="root">
<div class="navbar-start" v-for="tab in tabs">
<a class="navbar-item" href="#" #click="activeTabName =">{{}}</a>
<div class="card-content">
{{ coinInfo[activeTabName] }}
Vue instance
new Vue({
el: '#root',
data: {
activeTabName: 'Description',
tabs: [
name: 'Description',
name: 'Features',
name: 'Technology',
coinInfo: {
coinInfo could be passed by properties instead of beeing declared as data.

