How to override a owl function in odoo? - javascript

I want to override a function in companyService but have no idea how to do it.
Here is the code in company_service.js and I want to override the start function.
/** #odoo-module **/
import { browser } from "#web/core/browser/browser";
import { registry } from "#web/core/registry";
import { symmetricalDifference } from "#web/core/utils/arrays";
import { session } from "#web/session";
function parseCompanyIds(cidsFromHash) {
const cids = [];
if (typeof cidsFromHash === "string") {
} else if (typeof cidsFromHash === "number") {
return cids;
function computeAllowedCompanyIds(cids) {
const { user_companies } = session;
let allowedCompanyIds = cids || [];
const availableCompaniesFromSession = user_companies.allowed_companies;
const notReallyAllowedCompanies = allowedCompanyIds.filter(
(id) => !(id in availableCompaniesFromSession)
if (!allowedCompanyIds.length || notReallyAllowedCompanies.length) {
allowedCompanyIds = [user_companies.current_company];
return allowedCompanyIds;
export const companyService = {
dependencies: ["user", "router", "cookie"],
start(env, { user, router, cookie }) {
let cids;
if ("cids" in router.current.hash) {
cids = parseCompanyIds(router.current.hash.cids);
} else if ("cids" in cookie.current) {
cids = parseCompanyIds(cookie.current.cids);
let allowedCompanyIds = Object.values(session.user_companies.allowed_companies).map(company =>;
const stringCIds = allowedCompanyIds.join(",");
router.replaceState({ cids: stringCIds }, { lock: true });
cookie.setCookie("cids", stringCIds);
user.updateContext({ allowed_company_ids: allowedCompanyIds });
const availableCompanies = session.user_companies.allowed_companies;
return {
get allowedCompanyIds() {
return allowedCompanyIds.slice();
get currentCompany() {
return availableCompanies[allowedCompanyIds[0]];
setCompanies(mode, ...companyIds) {
// compute next company ids
let nextCompanyIds;
if (mode === "toggle") {
nextCompanyIds = symmetricalDifference(allowedCompanyIds, companyIds);
} else if (mode === "loginto") {
const companyId = companyIds[0];
if (allowedCompanyIds.length === 1) {
// 1 enabled company: stay in single company mode
nextCompanyIds = [companyId];
} else {
// multi company mode
nextCompanyIds = [
...allowedCompanyIds.filter((id) => id !== companyId),
nextCompanyIds = nextCompanyIds.length ? nextCompanyIds : [companyIds[0]];
// apply them
router.pushState({ cids: nextCompanyIds }, { lock: true });
cookie.setCookie("cids", nextCompanyIds);
browser.setTimeout(() => browser.location.reload()); // history.pushState is a little async
registry.category("services").remove("company").add("company", companyService);

You can use the patch utility
However, there are situations for which it is not sufficient. In those cases, we may need to modify an object or a class in place. To achieve that, Odoo provides the utility function patch. It is mostly useful to override/update the behavior of some other component/piece of code that one does not control.
/** #odoo-module **/
import { patch } from "#web/core/utils/patch";
import { companyService } from "#web/webclient/company_service";
patch(companyService, 'module_name.companyService', {
start(env, { user, router, cookie }) {
return this._super(env, { user, router, cookie });


How to write unit test with Jasmine-Karma in Angular?

I have two functions I need to write unit test for it. I tried some test but I don't know to check whether my variable value is changing according to the condition.
ifAllowed: Boolean = false;
checkRoleModifierExists() {
if (this.userDetails && this.userDetails.roles) {
for (
let userRolesIndex = 0;
userRolesIndex < this.userDetails.roles.length;
) {
if (this.userDetails.roles[userRolesIndex] === 'ROLE_ADMIN_SUPPORT' &&
this.roleModifiers.body &&
this.roleModifiers.body.length) {
this.ifAllowed = this.ifAllowedFun();
if (this.userDetails.roles[userRolesIndex] === 'ROLE_ADMIN') {
this.ifAllowed = true;
ifAllowedFun() {
let ifRole = false;
for (const roleModifier of this.roleModifiers.body) {
if (roleModifier === 'PC-ABC') {
ifRole = true;
return ifRole;
this is test which I tried but it's failing.
it('should check roles modifiers ', () => {
component.ifAllowed = false;
spyOn(component, 'checkRoleModifierExists').and.callThrough();
component.userDetails = {
roles: ''
component.userDetails.roles = [ 'ROLE_ADMIN_SUPPORT' ];
component.roleModifiers = {
body: [ 'PC-ABC' ]

Composition API - Vue 3 - How to call a function inside the template to get a value returned

In my template I'm using the following code:
{{ getScope(scope.row, itemIn.field) }}
In the Option API I'm using:
methods: {
getScope(data, key) {
const str_spl = key.split(".")
if(str_spl.length == 2) {
return data[str_spl[0]][str_spl[1]]
} else {
return data[key]
Now I want to turn to a Composition API method. I created the following code, but I can't return it back like I did with Options API. How to fix?
setup() {
getScope(data, key) {
const str_spl = key.split(".")
if(str_spl.length == 2) {
return data[str_spl[0]][str_spl[1]]
} else {
return data[key]
return {
In composition API you need to declare methods as functions:
const getScope = (data, key) => {
const str_spl = key.split(".")
if(str_spl.length == 2) {
return data[str_spl[0]][str_spl[1]]
} else {
return data[key]
function getScope(data, key) { ...

Dynamically building a complex object

This will be the different for every user based on their roles. I am looking to build an object that can look like this:
let permissions = {
'state': {
'tool': ['subTool1', 'subTool2']
An example:
roles = ['NY_email_submit', 'NY_email_approve', 'NY_build_submit', 'NY_build_view', 'DC_email_submit']
let permissions = {
'NY': {
'email': ['submit', 'approve'],
'build': ['submit', 'view']
'DC': {
'email': ['submit']
I am looping through a list, named roles, passed in that contains strings broken up like state_tool_subTool.
I would like it to have no duplicates. For example, if the next user role ran through the loop with the object above is NY_build_approve, I would like to simply add approve to the the list at ['build'].
Currently I have this that is not working correctly.
roles.forEach(role => {
role = role.split('_');
let state = role[0];
let tool = role[1];
let subTool = role[2];
if ([state] in permissions) {
permissions[state] = { [`${tool}`]: [subTool] };
} else {
This should do the trick! You were on the right track, just needed another layer of checks
let permissions = {};
roles = ['NY_email_submit','NY_email_approve','NY_build_submit','NY_build_view', 'DC_email_submit'];
roles.forEach(role => {
let [state, tool, subTool] = role.split('_');
if (state in permissions) {
if (tool in permissions[state]) {
} else {
permissions[state][tool] = [subTool]
} else {
permissions[state] = {[tool]: [subTool]}
roles = ['NY_email_submit', 'NY_email_approve', 'NY_build_submit', 'NY_build_view', 'DC_email_submit']
let permissions = {};
roles.forEach(role => {
role = role.split('_');
let state = role[0];
let tool = role[1];
let subTool = role[2];
if (!permissions[state]) {
permissions[state] = {[tool] : [subTool]};
} else {
if (permissions[state][tool]) {
if(!permissions[state][tool].includes(subTool)) {
permissions[state][tool] = [...permissions[state][tool], subTool];
else {
permissions[state][tool] = [subTool];
here is another approach using reduce
roles = ['NY_email_submit', 'NY_email_approve', 'NY_build_submit', 'NY_build_view', 'DC_email_submit']>o.split("_")).reduce((acc,curr)=>{
if (!acc[curr[0]]) acc[curr[0]]={...acc[curr[0]],[curr[1]]:[...[curr[2]]]}
else {
if(acc[curr[0]][curr[1]]) {
acc[curr[0]]={...acc[curr[0]],[curr[1]]:[...i,...[curr[2]]]} }
else {acc[curr[0]]={...acc[curr[0]],[curr[1]]:[...[curr[2]]]} }
return acc

RxJs BehaviorSubject for Array that allow setting/subscribing to individual items

I would like to use a BehaviorSubject to store an Array of objects and have a way to easily update (next?) a single item of that array without having to update the whole array.
I would also like for an easy way to subscribe to changes to an specific item of that array. I know it could be done with filter, but an easier way would be nice...
Is that possible?
I am currently using this version I created (which I don't know if it is the best way or not) that also persists its contents to localstorage:
export class LocalStorageBehaviorSubject<T, Y = T> {
private _data: BehaviorSubject<T>;
public asObservable() {
return this._data.asObservable();
public next(data: T) {
if(this.expirationFn !== null) {
data = this.expirationFn(data);
localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(data));;
public nextItem(item: Y) {
if (!Array.isArray(this._data.getValue())) {
throw "Type is not an Array";
let dados: any = (<any>this._data.getValue()).slice();
if (dados.some(r => r[] === item[])) {
dados = => r[] === item[] ? item : r);
} else {
if(this.expirationFn !== null) {
dados = this.expirationFn(dados);
localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(dados));<any>dados);
public removeItem(id) {
if (!Array.isArray(this._data.getValue())) {
throw "Type is not an Array";
let dados: any = (<any>this._data.getValue()).slice();
dados = dados.filter(r => r[] !== id);
localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(dados));<any>dados);
public removeExpiredData(){
let data = this.loadFromStorage();
if (data) {
if(this.expirationFn !== null) {
data = this.expirationFn(data);
public getValue() {
return this._data.getValue();
public getItem(id): Y {
if (!Array.isArray(this._data.getValue())) {
throw "Type is not an Array";
return (<any>this._data.getValue()).slice().find(t => t[] == id);
constructor(private key: string, private id: string, defaultValue: any = null, private expirationFn: (dados: T) => T = null) {
this._data = new BehaviorSubject<T>(defaultValue);
private loadFromStorage(): T {
let dadosStr = localStorage.getItem(this.key);
if (dadosStr) {
return JSON.parse(dadosStr);
return null;
I hoped that would be an simpler way...
I would also like for an easy way to subscribe to changes to an
specific item of that array. I know it could be done with filter, but
an easier way would be nice...
You can use map operator and inside lambda array.find
const mockStorage = {
values: {},
setItem(key, value) {
this.values[key] = value;
getItem(key) {
return this.values[key]
clearItem(key) {
this.values[key] = undefined;
class LocalStorageBehaviorSubject {
constructor(key, defaultValue) {
this.key = key;
this._data = new rxjs.BehaviorSubject(defaultValue);
nextItem(item) {
const list = this._data.value;
const itemIndex = list.findIndex(pr => ===;[
...list.slice(0, itemIndex),
...(list[itemIndex] || {}),
...list.slice(itemIndex + 1)
removeItem(id) { => !== id));
getItem(id) {
return this.asObservable()
.pipe( => values.find(pr => === id) || null),
asObservable() {
return this._data.asObservable().pipe(
rxjs.operators.tap(values => {
if (values && values.length) {
mockStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(values));
else {
const localStorageBehaviorSubject = new LocalStorageBehaviorSubject('items', []);
.subscribe(item => {
localStorageBehaviorSubject.nextItem({id: 1, value: 'test'})
localStorageBehaviorSubject.nextItem({id: 1, value: 'test1'})
localStorageBehaviorSubject.nextItem({id: 2, value: 'test2'})
localStorageBehaviorSubject.nextItem({id: 3, value: 'test3'})
<script src=""></script>

Javascript instanceof Operator returns different result

So, i have this CustomerProfile Class as:
import _customer from '../swaggerCodegen/Customer'
import Address from '../Address'
export default class CustomerProfile {
constructor(customerProfileResponse) {
where constructFromObject is a static function created by Swagger as:
static constructFromObject(data, obj) {
if (data) {
obj = obj || new Customer();
if (data.hasOwnProperty('accountManager')) {
obj['accountManager'] = Employee.constructFromObject(data['accountManager']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('addresses')) {
obj['addresses'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['addresses'], [Address]);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('billingAccounts')) {
obj['billingAccounts'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['billingAccounts'], [BillingAccount]);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('billingStatus')) {
obj['billingStatus'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['billingStatus'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('busNumber')) {
obj['busNumber'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['busNumber'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('companyName')) {
obj['companyName'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['companyName'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('contacts')) {
obj['contacts'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['contacts'], [Contact]);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('customerCode')) {
obj['customerCode'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['customerCode'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('email')) {
obj['email'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['email'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('gsm')) {
obj['gsm'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['gsm'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('idNumber')) {
obj['idNumber'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['idNumber'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('segment')) {
obj['segment'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['segment'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('subsegment')) {
obj['subsegment'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['subsegment'], 'String');
return obj;
Also, here the snippet that handle arrays in the covertToType function:
if (type === Object) {
// generic object, return directly
return data;
} else if (typeof type === 'function') {
// for model type like: User
return type.constructFromObject(data);
} else if (Array.isArray(type)) {
// for array type like: ['String']
var itemType = type[0];
return => {
return ApiClient.convertToType(item, itemType);
} else if (typeof type === 'object') {
// for plain object type like: {'String': 'Integer'}
var keyType, valueType;
for (var k in type) {
if (type.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
keyType = k;
valueType = type[k];
var result = {};
for (var k in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
var key = ApiClient.convertToType(k, keyType);
var value = ApiClient.convertToType(data[k], valueType);
result[key] = value;
return result;
Logging obj['addresses'][0] instanceof Address returns true when called from the static method, while logging this.addresses[0] instanceof Address from the CustomerProfile constructor brings me false.
Any insights? Thanks
P.S Calling calls returns 'Address'

