React Highchart: How set the "accessibility.enabled" option to false - javascript

I have this error in console:
Highcharts warning: Consider including the "accessibility.js" module to make your chart more usable for people with disabilities. Set the "accessibility.enabled" option to false to remove this warning. See
Cannot find in documentation where Set the "accessibility.enabled" option to false.
This is the option that I pass to component:
const optionNUsersPerService = {
chart: {
plotBackgroundColor: null,
plotBorderWidth: null,
plotShadow: false,
type: 'pie'
title: {
text: 'Utenti per servizio'
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
accessibility: {
point: {
valueSuffix: '%'
plotOptions: {
pie: {
allowPointSelect: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
format: '<b>{}</b>: {point.percentage:.1f} %'
series: [{
name: 'Utenti',
colorByPoint: true,
data: getDataUsersPerService(props.items)
And this is the component:
return (

The warning has been added since Highcharts v10.1.0 (2022-04-29)
To disable accessibility, set:
accessibility: {
enabled: false
Live demo:
API Reference:

I don't advise that you disable accessibility for your charts, it will make them inaccessible to users with disabilities that rely on a keyboard and voice over software like NVDA, JAWS, VoiceOver etc.
An alternative way to get rid of this warning is to simply import the Accessibility module.
import Highcharts from "highcharts";
import HighchartsReact from "highcharts-react-official";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";


React draft wysiwyg default font size

Could I ask you how to change default font size in react draft wysiwyg Class defining toolbar:
export const toolbar = {
options: ['inline', 'textAlign', 'list', 'link', 'fontSize', 'colorPicker', 'emoji'],
inline: {
inDropdown: false,
className: undefined,
component: undefined,
dropdownClassName: undefined,
options: ['bold', 'italic'],
list: {
inDropdown: false,
className: undefined,
component: undefined,
dropdownClassName: undefined,
options: ['unordered'],
textAlign: {
inDropdown: false,
className: undefined,
component: undefined,
dropdownClassName: undefined,
options: ['left', 'center', 'right']
link: {
inDropdown: false,
className: undefined,
component: undefined,
popupClassName: undefined,
dropdownClassName: undefined,
showOpenOptionOnHover: true,
defaultTargetOption: '_self',
options: ['link'],
linkCallback: undefined
fontSize: {
options: [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96],
className: undefined,
component: undefined,
dropdownClassName: undefined,
colorPicker: {
className: undefined,
component: undefined,
popupClassName: undefined,
emoji: {
inDropdown: true,
className: undefined,
component: undefined,
popupClassName: undefined,
Font size 14 is defautl now. I don't know why. I searched for 14 in all the sourcecode and I didn't found it anyhere. When option 14 is not present in list no font size is defaultly selected. Wanted is to preselect option font size = 24. Thanks for reply.
I had same question and struggled with it even a woking day!
It's a pity that there is no oficial solution in documentation...
Found 2 solutions:
Simple (but not flexible):
just add this css code
.DraftEditor-root {
font-size: 24px;
This would apply size=24px to all the react-draft-wysiwyg items on the page/
Found this in library source code:
Complex, but more flexible:
Firstli, import util functions (react-draft-wysiwyg uses this library itself)
import {
toggleCustomInlineStyle, getSelectionCustomInlineStyle,
} from 'draftjs-utils';
Secondly, on each render(!?)
you should execute:
const fontSize = getSelectionCustomInlineStyle(editorState, ['FONTSIZE',]).FONTSIZE
if (!fontSize) {
setEditorState(toggleCustomInlineStyle(editorState, 'fontSize', 24))
Why on each render and not on creating EditorState?
I don't know.
But this custom style is reset to empty (so - to default) when focus editor, so I have to force it each time.
I hope first solution would be enought for me and for you, because second looks like workaround and bad practice!

Change element prop in runtime

I have a chart component, and my job is to make a button to change it's type (eg. columns to pie), but i don't know how to change it on a button click event. Here's the structure of the component (the idea is to change the :series-defaults-type when the button with ChangeType id is pressed)
<div style="width: 100%;overflow: overlay;border-radius: 20px;">
<button id="changeType" #click="changeType()">Change</button>
<chart-more-option :kpiName="'EquipmentRetirementForecast'" v-if="showMoreOptions"/>
<chart :title-text="'Equipment Retirement Forecast'"
:series-defaults-type= "'column'"
import { Chart } from '#progress/kendo-charts-vue-wrapper';
import ChartMoreOption from '../ChartMoreOption';
export default {
name: 'EquipmentRetirementForecast',
components: {
'chart': Chart,
props: {
fetchData: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
showMoreOptions: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
watch: {
var c = this.$refs.chart
return this.$store.getters['usersession/getTopologyRequestBody']
return this.$store.getters['riskmanagement/getRetirementForecastSeries']
return this.$store.getters['riskmanagement/getRetirementForecastCategoryAxis']
data: function() {
return {
valueAxis: [{
line: {
visible: false
minorGridLines: {
visible: true
labels: {
rotation: "auto"
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "#= #: #= value #",
methods: {
//code goes here
<style src="../style-dashboard.scss" lang="scss" scoped />
This is the chart i need to change:
Changing the :series-defaults-type to pie by hand, it works, but i need to make that change in a button click, as follows:
Add a data property and give it the default of 'column', name it for example chartType. Then inside the changeType() you add this.chartType = 'pie'. And change :series-defaults-type= "'column'" to :series-defaults-type= "chartType".
Also remember to NOT use : for attribute values that are hardcoded. So :chart-area-background="'#1B1534'" should be chart-area-background="#1B1534".

Categories overlaps when export the chart

I have this chart:
exporting: {
enabled: true,
exportButton: {
enabled: true
buttons: {
customButton: {
symbol: 'url(',
onclick: function() {
setChartColumn([name,name2], categories, [data,data2], ['column','column']);
In the jsFiddle the chart exports correctly but in my project looks like this:
What could be the problem? I'm using the same scripts.
I use this as a solution and work:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

Highcharts: Exporting.js add two extra button

I added exporting.js to my project, but when I checked the page it seems to add two extra buttons, but in my jsfiddle it does not, do you have any idea of what is causing this?
This is a diagram of my chart, can you see there are two buttons:
This is my jsfiddle:
exporting: {
enabled: true,
exportButton: {
enabled: true
//x: 20,
symbol: 'url(',
onclick: function() {
setChartColumn([name,name2], categories, [data,data2], ['column','column']);
Fixed, the problem was in the theme, I just remove this lines.
exporting: {
buttons: {
exportButton: {
symbolFill: '#55BE3B'
printButton: {
symbolFill: '#7797BE'

How to disable range selector from highstocks charts

I'm trying to disable the from - to range selector that comes by default in highstocks. Looked up the api documentation but didn't find a solution. Thanks for the support!
In your chart config, set rangeSelector.inputEnabled false.
The accepted answer will only disable the Range Selector;
If you want to remove it completely, you need:
rangeSelector: {
enabled: false
you can use add inputEnabled:false
rangeSelector : {
You can use for StockChart just like below:
this.chartData = new StockChart({
title: {
text: 'Data Chart'
rangeSelector: {
selected: 0,
inputEnabled: false
series: [{
tooltip: {
valueDecimals: 2
name: 'Chart',
data: [],
type: undefined

