JSON parsing in React JS for side menu - javascript

I have a following JSON Structure which I need to parse in React to build a side menu for an app.
var a = [
{"name":"Open Roles","to":"/johnopenRoles"}
{"Second":[{"name":"Some People","to":"/johnpeople"},
{"name":"Another People","to":"/johnanotherpeople"}
{"name":"Open Roles","to":"/sarahopenRoles"}
{"Second":[{"name":"Some People","to":"/sarahsomepeople"},
{"name":"Another People","to":"/sarahanotherpeople"}
The output needed for the nested side menu should be as follows -
Open Roles
Some People
Another People
Open Roles
Some People
Another People
Is there a simple way using array.map function to achieve this since I am building this menu inside an HTML div.

You can create it very easily by using the following code
let a = [{
"name": "John",
"subMenus": [{
"First": [{
"name": "Vulnerability",
"to": "/johnvulner"
"name": "Open Roles",
"to": "/johnopenRoles"
"Second": [{
"name": "Some People",
"to": "/johnpeople"
"name": "Another People",
"to": "/johnanotherpeople"
"name": "Sarah",
"subMenus": [{
"First": [{
"name": "Vulnerability",
"to": "/sarahvulner"
"name": "Open Roles",
"to": "/sarahopenRoles"
"Second": [{
"name": "Some People",
"to": "/sarahsomepeople"
"name": "Another People",
"to": "/sarahanotherpeople"
var menuItems = []
a.map((menu) => {
var submenus = []
menu.subMenus.map((submenu) => {
let keys = Object.keys(submenu);
keys.map( key => {
var keyValues=[]
if (submenu[key]){
submenu[key].map((item) => {
[key]: keyValues
let thekey=menu.name
[thekey]: submenus
Update: Code updated for a any key fetch..


Replacing Data in Array

I am working on an angular application. I have an array as follows:
"Name": "Andy"
"Name": "Bayer"
"Name": "James"
"Name": "Doda"
I have another array which containes data as follows:
"Name": "Andy",
"Id": "1",
"Time": "2020-06-19T11:02+00:00"
"Name": "Billy",
"Id": "2",
"Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00"
"Name": "Ciena",
"Id": 5
"Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00"
"Name": "Doda",
"Id": "4",
"Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00"
I want a resultant array such that code should check if Name is present in first array, then it should copy data from second array for that Name and push it in resultant array. For example common name between above two array is Andy and Doda, so data from Andy and Doda should be pushed to resultant array as follows:
"Name": "Andy",
"Id": "1",
"Time": "2020-06-19T11:02+00:00"
"Name": "Bayer"
"Name": "James"
"Name": "Doda",
"Id": "4",
"Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00"
At run time I may get many names so code should be generic. I was trying following code which I got over stackoverflow itself
this.newArray = _.map(this.resultantArray, item => {
const value = _.find(this.dataArray, ['Name', item]);
const obj = value ? value : {Name: item};
return obj;
But this code is not working as expected as it works fine for the first time but when data comes for second time it appends data to previous data. I want array to be populated again freshly every time I send data. Please help
You can do this with vanilla JS no need for lodash. You can first map it and inside that you can find the value from second array otherwise return the current object:
var arrayTwo = [ { "Name": "Andy", "Id": "1", "Time": "2020-06-19T11:02+00:00" }, { "Name": "Billy", "Id": "2", "Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00" }, { "Name": "Ciena", "Id": "5", "Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00" }, { "Name": "Doda", "Id": "4", "Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00" } ];
var arrayOne = [{ "Name": "Andy"}, { "Name": "Bayer"}, { "Name": "James"}, { "Name": "Doda"}];
var result = arrayOne.map(val=>arrayTwo.find(p=>p.Name==val.Name) || val);
Suppose first array name is First
First : any [] = [{"Name": "Andy"},{"Name": "Bayer"},{ "Name": "James"},{"Name": "Doda"}]
And Second array name is Second
Second : any[] = [{"Name": "Andy","Id": "1","Time": "2020-06-19T11:02+00:00"},{"Name": "Bayer"},{"Name": "James"},{"Name": "Doda","Id": "4","Time": "2020-06-19T11:05+00:00"}]
Now do looping and check each name of first if its exists in second copy from second and push in result array
result : any[] =[];
this.First.forEach((element) => {
let index = this.Second.findIndex((x) => element.Name== x.Name);
if (index > -1) {
let data = {

Lodash to filter out an array of objects

I am trying to filter out a nested array of objects using lodash which is pretty straightforward but I am looking to avoid multiple calls.
I am looking to create 2 array of objects using a single lodash call/function. Looking to find object property "$isMultiAccount" if it exists put the whole object into one result set and if not put it to another ruleset.
Currently I am doing this with Lodash "has and filter" for first and for other "!has" which means same object is looped twice , as object is relatively large its creating bottleneck for speed
const item = {
"domains": [
"id": "dm11022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"$isMultiAccount": "./Yes"
"id": "dm12022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"$isMultiAccount": "./No"
"id": "dm12022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"conf": {
"accountType": "Primary"
Expected result
output1 = [
"id": "dm11022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"$isMultiAccount": "./Yes"
"id": "dm12022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"$isMultiAccount": "./No"
// $isMultiAccount account do not exist in this object
output2 = [
"id": "dm12022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"conf": {
"accountType": "Primary"
const item = {
"domains": [
"id": "dm11022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"$isMultiAccount": "./Yes"
"id": "dm12022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"$isMultiAccount": "./No"
"id": "dm12022",
"description": "Customer",
"owner": {
"name": "James",
"phone": "NA"
"others": [
"conf": {
"accountType": "Primary"
const [areMulti, areNotMulti] = _.reduce(item.domains, (current, next) => {
return _.has(next, ‘information.owner.others.$isMultiAccount’)
? [current[0].concat(next), current[1]]
: [current[0], current[1].concat(next)];
}, [[], []]);
Since item.domains.information.owner.others is an array, you need to tackle it as follows:
let multi = [];
let notMulti = [];
_.each(item.domains, function (obj) {
if (obj.information.owner.others.length && _.has(obj.information.owner.others[0], '$isMultiAccount'))
Unfortunately, you have to iterate over the domains array as well ass on the owner.others array to determine if the object with specific key sits inside.
So the algorithm has O(n*m) complexity.
If you ask for a lodash function seems that the partition method is what you're looking for
As docs says:
Creates an array of elements split into two groups, the first of which contains elements predicate returns truthy for, the second of which contains elements predicate returns falsey for. The predicate is invoked with one argument: (value).
So it will be like:
e => _.some(
_.get(e, 'information.owner.others'),
el => _.has(el,"$isMultiAccount")
Watch out - some hack available!
However, if the you're 100% sure that the element you're looking for will be always at specific index (for example it is supposed to be always as first element - so index 0) you can limit the algorithm to have linear complexity O(n) as only the size of the domains array will matter in terms of performance.
The hackish solution assuming fixed array index=0:
e => _.has(e, 'information.owner.others.0.$isMultiAccount')
Using lodash makes code a bit easier to read but of course it creates some performance overhead anyway.

Objects keys value to be updated with arrays value

Below is my Attempt, I have an object which has array of objects within it, it has a field: 'positionTitle'.
I also have an array of objects which also has a 'positionTitle'
They both have similar data I want all of the values for the positionTitles in my 'individualsData' to go into 'graphData' and be able to now use this new graphData!
I think my attempt is wrong its treating them both as arrays?
Thanks, Dale
graphData = {
"engagementAreas": [{
"id": "1",
"engagementTypes": [{
"name": "forestry",
"engagements": []
"name": "houses",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "3434",
"positionTitle": "Manager"
}, {
"name": "landscaping",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1343",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "4545",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager"
IndividualData = [{
"account": {
"id": "001b000003WnPy1AAF",
"fullName": "Adnan A. Khan"
"positions": [{
"id": "a16b0000004AxeBAAS",
"organizationId": "001b0000005gxmlAAA",
"organizationName": "a",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager, Energy",
"positionLevel": "5-Middle Management & Advisers",
"isPrimary": true,
"startDate": "2016-10-07",
"endDate": null
}, {
"account": {
"id": "0010X000048DDMsQAO",
"fullName": "Christine Leong"
"positions": [{
"id": "a160X000004nKfhQAE",
"organizationId": "001b0000005gxmlAAA",
"organizationName": "a",
"positionTitle": "Managing Director",
"positionLevel": "4-Head of Business Unit/Head of Region",
"isPrimary": true,
"startDate": "2018-03-05",
"endDate": null
What I expect to see:
NEWgraphData = {
"engagementAreas": [{
"id": "1",
"engagementTypes": [{
"name": "forestry",
"engagements": []
"name": "houses",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "3434",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager, Energy" <== from individualsdata
}, {
"name": "landscaping",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1343",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "4545",
"positionTitle": "Managing Director" <== also from individuals data
graphData.engagementAreas.map((el, i) => {
el.engagementTypes.engagements.members.position.positionTitle = individualsData.positions.positionTitle;
return el;
As engagementTypes, engagements and members properties are also array of objects, you have to loop them as well as below.
graphData.engagementAreas.map((el, i) => {
el.engagementTypes.forEach((et) => {
et.engagements.forEach((eg) => {
eg.members.forEach((mem) => {
mem.position.positionTitle = individualsData.positions.positionTitle; // make sure this is correct
return el;
Here is the solution. but you have to choose what individual data item will be the pick for the positionTitle
graphData.engagementAreas.map((el, i) => {
return el.engagementTypes.map((el2,i2) => {
return el2.engagements.map( (el3,i3) => {
return el3.members.map((el4,i4) => {
return el4.position.positionTitle =individualsDt[0].positions.[0].positionTitle;// take a look here, i just pick positionTitle staticly
see implementation in console here enter link description here

Most performant way to sort a deeply nested array of objects by another deeply nested array of objects

As an example - I've included a one element array that contains an object that has a Children key, which is an array of objects and each object also has its' own Children key that contains another array.
"Id": "1",
"Children": [
"Id": "2",
"Children": [
"Id": "10",
"DisplayName": "3-4",
"Id": "1000",
"DisplayName": "5-6",
"Id": "100",
"DisplayName": "1-2",
There is a second array of objects that I would like to compare the first array of objects to, with the intention of making sure that the first array is in the same order as the second array of objects, and if it is not - then sort until it is.
Here is the second array:
"Id": "1",
"Children": [
"Id": "2",
"Children": [
"Id": "100",
"DisplayName": "1-2",
"Id": "10",
"DisplayName": "3-4",
"Id": "1000",
"DisplayName": "5-6",
The data that this will run on can be up in the tens of thousands - so performance is paramount.
What I'm currently attempting is using a utility method to convert each element of the second array into a keyed object of objects e.g.
1: {
"Id": "1",
"Children": [
"Id": "2",
"Children": [
"Id": "4",
"DisplayName": "3-4",
"Id": "3",
"DisplayName": "1-2",
This allows fast look up from the top level. I'm wondering if I should continue doing this all the way down or if there is an idiomatic way to accomplish this. I considered recursion as well.
The order of the already sorted array is not based on Id - it is arbitrary. So the order needs to be preserved regardless.
Assuming same depth and all Id's exist in each level of each object use a recursive function that matches using Array#findIndex() in sort callback
function sortChildren(main, other) {
other.forEach((o, i) => {
if (o.children) {
const mChilds = main[i].children, oChilds = o.children;
oChilds.sort((a, b) => {
return mChilds.findIndex(main => main.Id === a.Id) - mChilds.findIndex(main => main.Id === b.Id)
// call function again on this level passing appropriate children arrays in
sortChildren(mChilds, oChilds)
sortChildren(data, newData);
console.log(JSON.stringify(newData, null, ' '))
var data = [{
"Id": "1",
"Children": [{
"Id": "2",
"Children": [{
"Id": "3",
"DisplayName": "1-2",
"Id": "4",
"DisplayName": "3-4",
var newData = [{
"Id": "1",
"Children": [{
"Id": "2",
"Children": [{
"Id": "4",
"DisplayName": "3-4",
"Id": "3",
"DisplayName": "1-2",

Building new JSON from existing one

I want to build an new JSON from existing one. The source has sections and rubrics that I no longer need for a listing. The new object called 'items' should have an array of the items.
The final JSON should be sorted by attribute 'name' and look like
"items": [
"id": 10000006,
"name": "Boah"
"id": 10000013,
"name": "Gut"
"id": 10000003,
"name": "Ipsum"
"id": 10000001,
"name": "Lorem"
"id": 10000005,
"name": "Lorum"
"id": 10000004,
"name": "Name"
"id": 10000002,
"name": "Stet"
For building the new JSON I get this source:
"sections": [
"name": "FooBar",
"rubrics": [
"name": "Foo",
"items": [
"id": 10000001,
"name": "Lorem"
"id": 10000002,
"name": "Stet"
"id": 10000003,
"name": "Ipsum"
"name": "Bar",
"items": [
"id": 10000004,
"name": "Name"
"id": 10000005,
"name": "Lorum"
"id": 10000006,
"name": "Boah"
"name": "BlahBloob",
"rubrics": [
"name": "Bla",
"items": [
"id": 10000013,
"name": "Gut"
"name": "Bloob",
"items": [
"id": 10000014,
"name": "Name"
"id": 10000015,
"name": "Lorem"
What do you think? How can I do this with plain JavaScript or maybe TypeScript?
Thanks for reading and have time for my question. And thanks for reply in advance.
Here you go. You just need to iterate over each rubric of each section of your source to get the items. At the end, sort your list of items by items, and you're done.
This example uses ES6 syntax, but it's easy to convert it to ES5 if needed.
function extractItems(source) {
const items = [];
for (const section of source.sections) {
for (const rubric of section.rubrics) {
items.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
return { items };
A more functional approach use map and reduce to pick the rubrics and merge them.
.map(section => section.rubrics) // get rubrics
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)) // merge rubrics
.map(rubric => rubric.items) // get items from each rubric
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)) // merge items
.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); // sort
function(oldObj) {
var newObj = {
"items": []
oldObj.sections.forEach(function(section) {
section.rubrics.forEach(function(rubric) {
rubric.items.forEach(function(item) {
newObj.items = newObj.items.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; }
if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; }
return 0;
return newObj;
And simply use JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() to convert JSON to and from objects.
It might help you
var data ={
"sections": [
"name": "FooBar",
"rubrics": [{"name": "Foo", "items": [{"id": 10000001,"name": "Lorem"}, {"id": 10000002,"name": "Stet"}, {"id": 10000003,"name": "Ipsum"}]
}, {
"name": "Bar",
"items": [{
"id": 10000004,
"name": "Name"
}, {
"id": 10000005,
"name": "Lorum"
}, {
"id": 10000006,
"name": "Boah"
}, {
"name": "BlahBloob",
"rubrics": [{
"name": "Bla",
"items": [{
"id": 10000013,
"name": "Gut"
}, {
"name": "Bloob",
"items": [{
"id": 10000014,
"name": "Name"
}, {
"id": 10000015,
"name": "Lorem"
var itemObj = {};
var itemArr = [];
var sections = data.sections;
for(var i=0;i<sections.length;i++)
for(var j=0;j<sections[i].rubrics.length;j++){
for(var k=0;k<sections[i].rubrics[j].items.length;k++){
var itemObj;
itemObj['id'] = sections[i].rubrics[j].items[k].id;
itemObj['name'] = sections[i].rubrics[j].items[k].name;
var finalObj = {"items":itemArr};

