How to pause setTimeout and then continue it? - javascript
const changeTimeset = setTimeout(()=>{
if (is_paused) return; = array[current]
changeBackgroundImages(data, ++current % array.length)
}, a)
function chandgeBackgroundImageOnMouse() {
samoyed.addEventListener("mouseover", ()=>{ = house
is_paused = true
samoyed.addEventListener("mouseleave", ()=>{
is_paused = false
How to pause setTimeout and then continue it? It should be like when it hovered on text - picture stops auto slider, when it mouseout - auto slider is working
Here i tried to do it with it_paused = false/true. But nothing succeeded. What am i doing wrong?

In this case, you may try using setInterval instead of setTimeout.
About setInterval:

In fact, setTimeout internally can't be paused, but we can work around, it by when pause clearing the old setTimeout and checking the difference in time, and setting it in a variable called remaining, then when we resume creating a new setTimeout with the remaining time.
class Timer {
constructor(callback, delay) {
this.remaining = delay
this.callback = callback
this.timerId = undefined;
this.start = undefined;
pause() {
this.timerId = null;
this.remaining -= - this.start;
resume() {
if (this.timerId) {
this.start =;
this.timerId = window.setTimeout(this.callback, this.remaining);
const pause = document.getElementById('pause');
const resume = document.getElementById('resume');
var timer = new Timer(function() {
}, 5000);
pause.addEventListener('click', () => {
resume.addEventListener('click', () => {
<button id="pause">Pause</button>
<button id="resume">Resume</button>


Do something when timer ends

I have a timer, I want to do something when textContent of div element === 0;
function createTimer() {
const display = document.createElement('div');
display.classList.add('display'); = 'display';
display.textContent = '5';
return display;
let intervalID;
function startTimer() {
intervalID = setInterval(() => {
let displayTimer = document.getElementById('display');
let displayNumber = parseInt(displayTimer.textContent);
if (displayTimer.textContent !== '0') displayTimer.textContent = displayNumber - 1;
}, 1000);
function resetTimer() {
function someFunc() {
// here is a lot of code stuff and timer is working correctly
const timer = createTimer();
This is what i tried:
function someFunc() {
const timer = createTimer();
timer.addEventListener('input', () => {
if (timer.textContent === '0') {
As far as I understood correctly, by creating input event on timer, I always get timer.textContent when it changes, right? I keep track of all the changes that's happening in this div element.
Nothing happens.
Keep track of your count as a number in JavaScript. This creates clarity in what the count is and how it can be manipulated.
Inside the setInterval callback, check if the count is 0. The interval is already there and will run every second, so it makes sense to check it in that place.
The example below is a modified version of your script with the suggested implementation. Since you're returning the display element from the createTimer function I've decided to reuse it in the startTimer function. That way you don't have to select the element from the DOM, as you already have a reference to the element.
As a bonus an extra argument which can be callback function to do something whenever the timer ends.
let count = 5;
let intervalID;
function createTimer() {
const display = document.createElement('div');
display.classList.add('display'); = 'display';
display.textContent = '5';
return display;
function resetTimer() {
function startTimer(timer, onFinish) {
intervalID = setInterval(() => {
if (count !== 0) {
if (count === 0) {
if (typeof onFinish === 'function') {
timer.textContent = count;
}, 1000);
function someFunc() {
const timer = createTimer();
startTimer(timer, () => {
The input event fires when the value of an <input>, <select>, or <textarea> element has been changed by user. It does not fire when setting the textContent programmatically.
You can use the MutationObserver API to observe the node change.
const timer = createTimer();
new MutationObserver(() => {
let timer = document.getElementById('display');
if (timer.textContent === '0') {
}).observe(timer, { childList: true });
You could implement the timer with the help of async/await code. It makes the code a lot more cleaner, by having your start and end code in the same function.
const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function createTimer(name) {
const element = document.createElement("div");
element.textContent = name+": -";
return async function(seconds) {
for (let second = seconds; second >= 0; second--) {
element.textContent = name+": "+second;
if (second > 0) {
await wait(1000);
async function someFunc() {
const timer = createTimer("First timer");
console.log("first timer started", new Date());
await timer(10);
console.log("timer ended", new Date());
await wait(2500);
console.log("first timer started again", new Date());
await timer(5);
console.log("first timer ended again", new Date());
async function someOtherFunc() {
const timer = createTimer("Second timer");
console.log("second timer started", new Date());
await timer(20);
console.log("second timer ended", new Date());
.timer {
text-align: center;
font-size: 2em;
font-family: sans-serif;

How to use setTimeout without using setTimeout function

Is there a way to use setTimeout without using setTimeout inbuilt function?
I don't want to use setInterval or clearInterval either or window.use. I have gone through multiple blogs, but all those use window, setInterval or clearInterval.
For example, the below code works, but I dont want to have window.
const setTimeouts = [];
function customSetTimeout(cb, interval) {
const now =;
const index = setTimeouts.length;
setTimeouts[index] = () => {
setTimeouts[index].active = true;
const handleMessage = (evt) => {
if ( === index) {
if ( - now >= interval) {
window.removeEventListener('message', handleMessage);
if (setTimeouts[index].active) {
} else {
window.postMessage(index, '*');
window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage);
window.postMessage(index, '*');
return index;
const setIntervals = [];
function customSetInterval(cb, interval) {
const intervalId = setIntervals.length;
setIntervals[intervalId] = function () {
if (setIntervals[intervalId].active) {
customSetTimeout(setIntervals[intervalId], interval);
setIntervals[intervalId].active = true;
customSetTimeout(setIntervals[intervalId], interval);
return intervalId;
function customClearInterval(intervalId) {
if (setIntervals[intervalId]) {
setIntervals[intervalId].active = false;
customSetTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
Alternate solution:
But here, again i dont want to use clearInterval and setInterval
var setMyTimeOut = function(foo,timeOut){
console.log('inside time out');
var timer;
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
var blah=()=>{
if (new Date().getTime() >= currentTime + timeOut) {
console.log('clear interval if');
console.log('clear interval else');
timer= setInterval(blah, 100);
setMyTimeOut(function() {
}, 3000);
Is there way to achieve the same but without the use setInterval and clearInterval?
I use here the requestAnimationFrame with
Its not super exact (well setTimeout neither), but it do the work.
function sleep(delay, cb) {
function check(time, delay) {
if(time >= delay) {
time =;
requestAnimationFrame(check.bind(null, time,delay))
check(, delay +;
sleep(4000, ()=> {
console.log("sleep done");
console.log("i do not block the main thread");
You can use a while loop which checks a set time against the current time:
const startTime = new Date().getTime() + 3000;
let currentTime = new Date().getTime();
function customTimeout() {
while (startTime > currentTime) {
currentTime = new Date().getTime();
return console.log('3 Seconds')

Set up a pause/resume-able timer in javascript

Is there a way to create a "timer"(or stopwatch) class, that the timers created using this class can be paused and resumed on triggering an event, e.g. clicking a button?
I tried to create the class and create timer objects using it, but the timer cannot be paused once it starts.
My attempt on creating this class:
class countdown {
constructor(min, sec) {
this.mins = min;
this.secs = sec;
this.handler = 0;
static setTimer(x,minfield,secfield) {
this.handler = setTimeout(() => {
if (x.mins == 0 && x.secs == 0) {
} else {
if (x.secs == 0) {
x.mins -= 1;
x.secs = 59;
} else {
x.secs -= 1;
}, 1000)
static updateTimer(x,minfield, secfield){
document.getElementById(minfield).innerHTML = x.mins;
document.getElementById(secfield).innerHTML = x.secs;
static stopTimer(x,minfield,secfield) {
// document.getElementById(minfield).innerHTML = x.mins;
// document.getElementById(secfield).innerHTML = x.secs;
let countdown1 = new countdown(15,0);
let countdown_act = false;
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener( 'click', () => {
if (!countdown_act) {
countdown.setTimer(countdown1, 'ctdwn-mins', 'ctdwn-secs');
countdown_act = true;
} else {
countdown.stopTimer(countdown1, 'ctdwn-mins', 'ctdwn-secs');
countdown_act = false;
The countdown_act flag is used for indicating the state of the timer.
There's no need for any of your methods to be static. Also, it's much simpler and easier to use if you just record seconds and then calculate minutes when you need the output. As a standard, capitalize the name of classes. Finally, you're probably looking for setInterval, not timeout.
Think of a real-world timer. You can set it, start it, pause it, and stop it. Stopping a timer is really just restarting it and pausing it, and it's set upon creation, so let's make a Timer with start, pause, set and stop or reset. This still behaves the same way as yours in the background by using a 1s timeout, but it's a lot cleaner and easier for someone reading your code to understand:
class Timer {
constructor(seconds, callback) {
this.originalTime = seconds;
this.remainingTime = seconds;
this.timeout = null;
this.callback = callback; // This is what the timer does when it ends
start() {
this.timeout = setInterval(() => {
this.remainingTime -= 1; // Remove a second from the timer
if(this.remainingTime === 0) {
this.callback(); // Run the callback function
this.stop(); // Stop the timer to prevent it from counting into the negatives
}, 1000);
pause() {
stop() {
this.remainingTime = this.originalTime; // Reset the time
setTime(seconds) {
this.originalTime = seconds; // Set a new time
this.stop(); // Have to restart the timer to account for the new time
get remaining() {
return {
seconds: this.remainingTime % 60,
minutes: Math.floor(this.remainingTime / 60)

Selective timeout based events handling: immediate first, debounce next

Let's say there are random sequences of external actions (e.g. scroll events). I need to handle the first action immediately, then dismiss all actions occurred with intervals less than some given delta, and then handle the next one which should be delayed for that delta. Further actions should be processed in the same manner.
This looks like a combination of debounce-immediate and simple debounce. I prepared a diagram to demonstrate the idea.
What is the best solution/approach here? I wonder if there is some ready-made pattern...
I would like to thank all participants! For the research I created plunker with four five different realizations suggested in answers:
const handler = [
processEvent, // normal
debounceNext(processEvent, DELAY), // dhilt
makeRateLimitedEventHandler(DELAY, processEvent), // user650881
debounceWithDelay(processEvent, DELAY, 0), // willem-dhaeseleer
_.debounce(processEvent, DELAY, {leading: true}) // lodash debounce + leading,
debounceish(DELAY, processEvent) //Mikk3lRo
A great news was the Lodash has a leading-flag debounce implementation which satisfies the issue (thanks to Willem D'Haeseleer). And here is the cool demo from Mikk3lRo' answer, he also provided some useful synthesis.
I investigated the sources and the results: form just visual point to memory allocation stuff... I didn't find any performance issues, and the views seem okey. So the ultima ratio was the code itself. All sources were converted to ES6 (as you can see in Plunker) for I can compare them fully. I excluded my own try (it is a bit excessive, despite I like how it looks). The timestamp version is very interesting! The postDelay version's nice, though it wasn't a requested feature (so that snippet demo has double delay for two lodash demos).
I decided not to have a lodash dependency (in other way I certainly would use lodash debounce with leading option), so I chose debounceish by Mikk3lRo.
PS I would like to share that little bounty (unfortunately there is no such an option) or even take some more scores from my reputation for it (but not 200, is too much and would be unfair to the winner which would have only 100). I even can't vote twice... Nevermind.
A very simple solution in vanilla JS using a single timer:
function debounceish(delta, fn) {
var timer = null;
return function(e) {
if (timer === null) {
//Do now
//Set timer that does nothing (but is not null until it's done!)
timer = setTimeout(function(){
timer = null;
}, delta);
} else {
//Clear existing timer
//Set a new one that actually does something
timer = setTimeout(function(){
//Set timer that does nothing again
timer = setTimeout(function(){
timer = null;
}, delta);
}, delta);
function markEvt(e) {
var elm = document.createElement('div'); = 'position:absolute;background:tomato;border-radius:3px;width:6px;height:6px;margin:-3px;'; = e.clientY + 'px'; = e.clientX + 'px';
document.addEventListener('click', debounceish(2000, markEvt));
<p>Click somewhere (2000ms delta) !</p>
Comparing 6 proposals using the same type of visualization:
var methods = {
default: function(delay, fn) {
return fn;
dhilt_debounceNext: (delay, cb) => {
let timer = null;
let next = null;
const runTimer = (delay, event) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
if(next) {
next = null;
}, delay);
return (event) => {
if(!timer) {
else {
next = cb;
runTimer(delay, event);
Mikk3lRo_debounceish(delta, fn) {
var timer = null;
return function(e) {
if (timer === null) {
//Do now
//Set timer that does nothing (but is not null until it's done!)
timer = setTimeout(function(){
timer = null;
}, delta);
} else {
//Clear existing timer
//Set a new one that actually does something
timer = setTimeout(function(){
//Set timer that does nothing again
timer = setTimeout(function(){
timer = null;
}, delta);
}, delta);
user650881_makeRateLimitedEventHandler: function(delta_ms, processEvent) {
var timeoutId = 0; // valid timeoutId's are positive.
var lastEventTimestamp = 0;
var handler = function (evt) {
// Any untriggered handler will be discarded.
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = 0;
var curTime =;
if (curTime < lastEventTimestamp + delta_ms) {
// within delta of last event, postpone handling
timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
}, delta_ms);
} else {
// long enough since last event, handle now
// Set lastEventTimestamp to time of last event after delta test.
lastEventTimestamp =;
return handler;
Willem_DHaeseleer_debounceWithDelay: (delay, func) => {
let postDebounceWait;
let timeOutLeading = false;
const debounced = _.debounce((...args) => {
// wrap the handler so we can add an additional timeout to the debounce invocation
if (timeOutLeading) {
for the first invocation we do not want an additional timeout.
We can know this is the leading invocation because,
we set timeOutLeading immediately to false after invoking the debounced function.
This only works because the debounced leading functionality is synchronous it self.
( aka it does not use a trampoline )
} else {
postDebounceWait = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
}, delay, {leading: true});
return (...args) => {
// wrap the debounced method it self so we can cancel the post delay timer that was invoked by debounced on each invocation.
timeOutLeading = true;
timeOutLeading = false;
Willem_DHaeseleer_lodashWithLeading: (delta, cb) => {
return _.debounce(cb, delta * 2, {leading: true});
Javier_Rey_selfCancelerEventListener: function (delta, fn) {
return function(ev) {
var time = new Date().getTime();
if ( && time - < delta) {return;} = time;
var method_count = 0;
var colors = ['grey', 'tomato', 'green', 'blue', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'black'];
function markEvt(method) {
var style = 'position:absolute;border-radius:3px;width:6px;height:6px;margin:-3px;';
style += 'background:' + colors[method_count] + ';';
if (method_count > 0) {
style += 'transform:rotate(' + Math.floor(360 * method_count / (Object.keys(methods).length - 1)) + 'deg) translateY(-8px);';
var elm = document.createElement('div');
elm.innerHTML = '<span style="width:.8em;height:.8em;border-radius:.4em;display:inline-block;background:' + colors[method_count] + '"></span> ' + method;
return function(e) {
elm = document.createElement('div'); = style; = e.clientY + 'px'; = e.clientX + 'px';
for (var method in methods) {
document.addEventListener('click', methods[method](2000, markEvt(method)));
<script src=""></script>
Note that I needed to make minor adjustments to some of the methods to get a common interface. Adapting Cully's answer took more effort than I was willing to put in considering the comments suggest it doesn't do what the OP wants anyway.
It should be pretty clear that Javier Rey's approach behaves completely differently from the rest. Dhilt, user650881 and my own methods seem consistent. Both of Willem D'Haeseleer's methods have double the delay (and other subtle differences), but seem to behave consistently too. As far as I understand the double delay is completely intentional, though that is not how I understand the OP.
I would say that Willem D'Haeseleer's lodash method is without a doubt the simplest - if you already use lodash that is. Without external dependencies my method is IMO simplest - but I may be biased on that one ;)
You might track the last event time and only create a timer event when a follow-up check is required.
function makeRateLimitedEventHandler(delta_ms, processEvent) {
var timeoutId = 0; // valid timeoutId's are positive.
var lastEventTimestamp = 0;
var handler = function (evt) {
// Any untriggered handler will be discarded.
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = 0;
var curTime =;
if (curTime < lastEventTimestamp + delta_ms) {
// within delta of last event, postpone handling
timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
}, delta_ms);
} else {
// long enough since last event, handle now
// Set lastEventTimestamp to time of last event after delta test.
lastEventTimestamp =;
return handler;
var DELTA_MS = 5000;
var processEvent = function (evt) { console.log('handling event'); };
el.addEventHandler('some-event', makeRateLimitedEventHandler(DELTA_MS, processEvent));
The behavior in your visual is no different then the standard lodash debouncing behavior with the leading option, the only difference is that your only displaying half of the delta instead of the full delta.
Therefore, your solution can be as simple as this.
_.debounce(cb, delta * 2, {leading: true});
If you want the last delay to be longer, you can solve that by wrapping both the debounced method and the handler. That way you can set the timeout in the handler, and cancel it in the debounce wrapper.
You do have to check if the current invocation was the leading one in order to not add the timeout in that case.
It could look like this:
const _ = require('lodash');
const bb = require('bluebird');
function handler(arg) {
console.log(arg, new Date().getSeconds());
const debounceWithDelay = (func, delay, postDelay) => {
let postDebounceWait;
let timeOutLeading = false;
const debounced = _.debounce((...args) => {
// wrap the handler so we can add an additional timeout to the debounce invocation
if (timeOutLeading) {
for the first invocation we do not want an additional timeout.
We can know this is the leading invocation because,
we set timeOutLeading immediately to false after invoking the debounced function.
This only works because the debounced leading functionality is synchronous it self.
( aka it does not use a trampoline )
} else {
postDebounceWait = setTimeout(() => {
}, postDelay);
}, delay, {leading: true});
return (...args) => {
// wrap the debounced method it self so we can cancel the post delay timer that was invoked by debounced on each invocation.
timeOutLeading = true;
timeOutLeading = false;
const debounceDelay = debounceWithDelay(handler, 50, 2000);
(async function () {
console.log(new Date().getSeconds());
await bb.delay(3000);
await bb.delay(3000);
Runnable script:
Here's something that I think works the way you described. If not, it's at least something to go off of.
// set up the event bus
const start = getMilli()
const bus = createBus()
bus.on('event', e => console.log(`[${getPassage(start)}] [${e}] original bus: saw event`))
const wrappedBus = wrapBus(1600, 'event', bus)
wrappedBus.on('event', e => console.log(`[${getPassage(start)}] [${e}] wrapped bus: saw event`))
wrappedBus.on('skipped', e => console.log(`[${getPassage(start)}] [${e}] skipped by wrapped bus`))
wrappedBus.on('last before interval', e => console.log(`[${getPassage(start)}] [${e}] this was the last event before the end of the interval`))
wrappedBus.on('interval tick', _ => console.log(`[${getPassage(start)}] interval tick`))
// trigger events on the bus every so often
let totalTime = 0
const intervalTime = 300
setInterval(() => {
totalTime += intervalTime
bus.trigger('event', totalTime)
}, intervalTime)
function getMilli() {
return (new Date()).getTime()
function getPassage(from) {
return getMilli() - from
// creates a simple event bus
function createBus() {
const cbs = {}
return {
on: (label, cb) => {
if(cbs.hasOwnProperty(label)) cbs[label].push(cb)
else cbs[label] = [cb]
trigger: (label, e) => {
if(cbs.hasOwnProperty(label)) cbs[label].forEach(f => f(e))
// creates a new bus that should trigger the way you described
function wrapBus(waitInterval, eventLabel, bus) {
const newBus = createBus()
let deliveredFirst = false
let gotIgnoredEvent = false
let lastIgnoredEvent = undefined
setInterval(() => {
// just here so we know when this interval timer is ticking
newBus.trigger('interval tick', null)
// push the last event before the end of this interval
if(gotIgnoredEvent) {
gotIgnoredEvent = false
deliveredFirst = false
newBus.trigger(eventLabel, lastIgnoredEvent)
newBus.trigger('last before interval', lastIgnoredEvent)
}, waitInterval)
bus.on(eventLabel, function(e) {
if(!deliveredFirst) {
newBus.trigger(eventLabel, e)
deliveredFirst = true
gotIgnoredEvent = false
else {
gotIgnoredEvent = true
lastIgnoredEvent = e
// this is here just to see when the wrapped bus skipped events
newBus.trigger('skipped', e)
return newBus
Here's my try:
const debounceNext = (cb, delay) => {
let timer = null;
let next = null;
const runTimer = (delay, event) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
timer = null;
if(next) {
next = null;
}, delay);
return (event) => {
if(!timer) {
else {
next = cb;
runTimer(delay, event);
const processEvent = (event) => console.log(event);
const debouncedHandler = debounceNext(processEvent, 125);
myElement.addEventListener('scroll', debouncedHandler);

How do I reset the setInterval timer?

How do I reset a setInterval timer back to 0?
var myTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 4000);
I tried clearInterval(myTimer) but that completely stops the interval. I want it to restart from 0.
If by "restart", you mean to start a new 4 second interval at this moment, then you must stop and restart the timer.
function myFn() {console.log('idle');}
var myTimer = setInterval(myFn, 4000);
// Then, later at some future time,
// to restart a new 4 second interval starting at this exact moment in time
myTimer = setInterval(myFn, 4000);
You could also use a little timer object that offers a reset feature:
function Timer(fn, t) {
var timerObj = setInterval(fn, t);
this.stop = function() {
if (timerObj) {
timerObj = null;
return this;
// start timer using current settings (if it's not already running)
this.start = function() {
if (!timerObj) {
timerObj = setInterval(fn, t);
return this;
// start with new or original interval, stop current interval
this.reset = function(newT = t) {
t = newT;
return this.stop().start();
var timer = new Timer(function() {
// your function here
}, 5000);
// switch interval to 10 seconds
// stop the timer
// start the timer
Working demo:
Once you clear the interval using clearInterval you could setInterval once again. And to avoid repeating the callback externalize it as a separate function:
var ticker = function() {
var myTimer = window.setInterval(ticker, 4000);
then when you decide to restart:
myTimer = window.setInterval(ticker, 4000);
Here's Typescript and Nuxt 3 version if anyone's interested :]
Composable useInterval.ts
export function useInterval (callback: CallableFunction, interval: number): Interval { // Argument interval = milliseconds
return new Interval(callback, interval)
class Interval {
private timer = null
constructor (private callback, private interval) {
start () {
this.timer = setInterval(this.callback, this.interval)
stop () {
this.timer = null
restart (interval = 0) {
if (interval) {
this.interval = interval
Example usage
const interval = useInterval(function() {
// your function here
}, 5000);
// Reset the interval and set it to 10s
// Stop the interval
// Start the interval

