I have a function that makes an element from a list of elements change its .className when clicked, so lets say when I click the element becomes one color and the others another color. This function is the following:
const memberB = document.querySelectorAll('#memberBoxAlex,
#memberBoxLiv, #memberBoxFlo');
for (let i = 0; i < memberB.length; i++)
memberB[i].onclick = function(){
memberBoxAlex.className = "faded";
memberBoxLiv.className = "faded";
memberBoxFlo.className = "faded";
This works perfectly, but what I want to happen next, is when I click outside its box to stop the all the effects so to make all memberB "normal" let's say, so to have .className="". I've tried to give to their container this function:
let exitEffect = document.getElementById(team)
exitEffect.onclick = function(){
memberBoxAlex.className = "";
memberBoxLiv.className = "";
memberBoxFlo.className = "";}
How can I do so when I click outside the box of the member all className for memberB will "stop" or become .className="".
use a single class for this for a more generic selector and I use this snippet to use a single event listener for this.
window.addEvent = (event_type, target, callback) => {
document.addEventListener(event_type, function (event) {
// If the event doesn't have a target
// Or the target doesn't look like a DOM element (no matches method
// Bail from the listener
if (event.target && typeof (event.target.matches) === 'function') {
if (!event.target.matches(target)) {
// If the element triggering the event is contained in the selector
// Copy the event and trigger it on the right target (keep original in case)
if (event.target.closest(target)) {
const new_event = new CustomEvent(event.type, event);
new_event.data = { originalTarget: event.target };
} else {
and then
window.addEvent('click', '.openable-member', (event) => {
document.querySelectorAll('.openable-member').each((element) => {
if (element !== event.target) {
element.classList.remove('open'); // guessing you'll need this too
The Document method querySelectorAll() returns a static (not live) NodeList representing a list of the document's elements that match the specified group of selectors.
So you can map through memberB because it's not an array.
What you can do is:
const memberB = document.querySelectorAll('#memberA,#memberAA, #memberAAA ');
memberB.onclick = function(){
memberB.className = "faded";
if(memberB.className == "open"){
memberB.className = "";
memberB.className = "open";
You can try this:
memberB[i].className = memberB[i].className.replace("open", "");
I have searched for a good solution everywhere, yet I can't find one which does not use jQuery.
Is there a cross-browser, normal way (without weird hacks or easy to break code), to detect a click outside of an element (which may or may not have children)?
Add an event listener to document and use Node.contains() to find whether the target of the event (which is the inner-most clicked element) is inside your specified element. It works even in IE5
const specifiedElement = document.getElementById('a')
// I'm using "click" but it works with any event
document.addEventListener('click', event => {
const isClickInside = specifiedElement.contains(event.target)
if (!isClickInside) {
// The click was OUTSIDE the specifiedElement, do something
var specifiedElement = document.getElementById('a');
//I'm using "click" but it works with any event
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var isClickInside = specifiedElement.contains(event.target);
if (isClickInside) {
alert('You clicked inside A')
} else {
alert('You clicked outside A')
div {
margin: auto;
padding: 1em;
max-width: 6em;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
text-align: center;
Is the click inside A or outside?
<div id="a">A
<div id="b">B
<div id="c">C</div>
You need to handle the click event on document level. In the event object, you have a target property, the inner-most DOM element that was clicked. With this you check itself and walk up its parents until the document element, if one of them is your watched element.
See the example on jsFiddle
document.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
var level = 0;
for (var element = e.target; element; element = element.parentNode) {
if (element.id === 'x') {
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = (level ? "inner " : "") + "x clicked";
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = "not x clicked";
As always, this isn't cross-bad-browser compatible because of addEventListener/attachEvent, but it works like this.
A child is clicked, when not event.target, but one of it's parents is the watched element (i'm simply counting level for this). You may also have a boolean var, if the element is found or not, to not return the handler from inside the for clause. My example is limiting to that the handler only finishes, when nothing matches.
Adding cross-browser compatability, I'm usually doing it like this:
var addEvent = function (element, eventName, fn, useCapture) {
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(eventName, fn, useCapture);
else if (element.attachEvent) {
element.attachEvent(eventName, function (e) {
fn.apply(element, arguments);
}, useCapture);
This is cross-browser compatible code for attaching an event listener/handler, inclusive rewriting this in IE, to be the element, as like jQuery does for its event handlers. There are plenty of arguments to have some bits of jQuery in mind ;)
How about this:
jsBin demo
document.onclick = function(event){
var hasParent = false;
for(var node = event.target; node != document.body; node = node.parentNode)
if(node.id == 'div1'){
hasParent = true;
you can use composePath() to check if the click happened outside or inside of a target div that may or may not have children:
const targetDiv = document.querySelector('#targetDiv')
document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const isClickedInsideDiv = e.composedPath().includes(targetDiv)
if (isClickedInsideDiv) {
console.log('clicked inside of div')
} else {
console.log('clicked outside of div')
I did a lot of research on it to find a better method. JavaScript method .contains go recursively in DOM to check whether it contains target or not. I used it in one of react project but when react DOM changes on set state, .contains method does not work. SO i came up with this solution
//Basic Html snippet
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<div id="mydiv">
click outside this div to test
Check click outside
//Implementation in Vanilla javaScript
const node = document.getElementById('mydiv')
//minor css to make div more obvious
node.style.width = '300px'
node.style.height = '100px'
node.style.background = 'red'
let isCursorInside = false
//Attach mouseover event listener and update in variable
node.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
isCursorInside = true
console.log('cursor inside')
/Attach mouseout event listener and update in variable
node.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
isCursorInside = false
console.log('cursor outside')
document.addEventListener('click', function() {
//And if isCursorInside = false it means cursor is outside
if(!isCursorInside) {
alert('Outside div click detected')
using the js Element.closest() method:
let popup = document.querySelector('.parent-element')
popup.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (!e.target.closest('.child-element')) {
// clicked outside
To hide element by click outside of it I usually apply such simple code:
var bodyTag = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
var element = document.getElementById('element');
function clickedOrNot(e) {
if (e.target !== element) {
// action in the case of click outside
bodyTag[0].removeEventListener('click', clickedOrNot, true);
bodyTag[0].addEventListener('click', clickedOrNot, true);
Another very simple and quick approach to this problem is to map the array of path into the event object returned by the listener. If the id or class name of your element matches one of those in the array, the click is inside your element.
(This solution can be useful if you don't want to get the element directly (e.g: document.getElementById('...'), for example in a reactjs/nextjs app, in ssr..).
Here is an example:
document.addEventListener('click', e => {
let clickedOutside = true;
e.path.forEach(item => {
if (!clickedOutside)
if (item.className === 'your-element-class')
clickedOutside = false;
if (clickedOutside)
// Make an action if it's clicked outside..
I hope this answer will help you !
(Let me know if my solution is not a good solution or if you see something to improve.)
Newby to pure JS.
I'm creating a menu that has to work with mobile.
I'm trying to create with pure .js, instead of using jQuery so, that's an experiment and it has been challenging.
Here's my code:
(function() {
var menu = document.querySelector('.mobile-menu');
var subMenu = {
downToggle: document.getElementsByClassName('sub-menu'),
downToggleTitle: document.getElementsByClassName('sub-menu-title'),
subMenuItems: document.getElementsByClassName('sub-menu-item-mobile'),
searchBar: document.getElementById('mobile-search'),
onclickimg: document.querySelectorAll('.sub-menu-arrow'),
function listen() {
for(var i=0; i<subMenu.downToggleTitle.length; i++) {
subMenu.downToggleTitle.item(i).addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// if there is a menu that's already open and it's not the element that's been clicked, close it before opening the selected menu
for(var i=0; i<subMenu.downToggleTitle.length; i++) {
if (subMenu.downToggleTitle.item(i).classList.contains('expanded') && subMenu.downToggleTitle.item(i) !== e.target) {
// inside each sub-menu is a third-level-sub-menu. So inside each sub-menu we
// check if it's already open, then close it
for(var i=0; i<subMenu.subMenuItems.length; i++) {
// console.log("test test")
if(subMenu.subMenuItems.item(i).classList.contains('expanded') && subMenu.subMenuItems.item(i) !== e.target) {
for(var i=0; i<subMenu.subMenuItems.length; i++) {
subMenu.subMenuItems.item(i).addEventListener('click', function(e) {
for(var i=0; i<subMenu.subMenuItems.length; i++) {
if(subMenu.subMenuItems[i].classList.contains('expanded') && subMenu.subMenuItems[i] !== e.target) {
console.log("hello Aug 20");
} listen();
The behavior that I want to change is the following:
In the first version, if the client press the .sub-menu-title class (the variable downToggleTitle), which is a li item, the very element will toggle the class expanded. Now I want something a little bit different.
I added the class sub-menu-arrow, which is the variable onclickimg to an img at the very end of my list element, so if the client will click on the arrow, all the class element sub-menu-title ( var = downToggleTitle ) will toggle the class expanded.
This is not happening because for some reason if I change the code in this way:
subMenu.onclickimg.item(i).addEventListener('click', function(e) {
for(var i=0; i<subMenu.downToggleTitle.length; i++) {
if (subMenu.downToggleTitle.item(i).classList.contains('expanded') && subMenu.downToggleTitle.item(i) !== e.target) {
the class expanded will be toggled to the sub-menu-arrow elements (like I said, some images with animations).
Any suggestion on how to target the parent element in this case?
Also, is it possible to exclude the anchor element with the class mobile-toplevel-link from the click event?
The <a> element is the other children of the sub-menu-title class
This is really just a comment. You can greatly simplify your code using the iterator functionality of modern NodeLists. I don't see the point of the subMenu object, it just makes references longer.
Also, I've replaced getElementsByClassName as it produces a live NodeList, whereas querySelectorAll returns a static list. Not much difference here, but can be significant in other cases.
The following is a simple refactoring, it should work exactly as your current code is supposed to. Note that for arrow functions, this is adopted from the enclosing execution context.
(function() {
let menu = document.querySelector('.mobile-menu');
let downToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.sub-menu'),
downToggleTitle = document.querySelectorAll('.sub-menu-title'),
subMenuItems = document.querySelectorAll('.sub-menu-item-mobile'),
searchBar = document.getElementById('mobile-search'),
onclickimg = document.querySelectorAll('.sub-menu-arrow');
function listen() {
downToggleTitle.forEach(dtTitle => {
dtTitle.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// If there is a menu that's already open
// and it's not the element that's been clicked,
// close it before opening the selected menu
downToggleTitle.forEach(node => {
if (node.classList.contains('expanded') && node !== this) {
// inside each sub-menu is a third-level-sub-menu. So inside each sub-menu
// If it's already open, close it
subMenuItems.forEach(item => {
// console.log("test test")
if (item.classList.contains('expanded') && item !== this) {
subMenuItems.forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
subMenuItems.forEach(item => {
if (items.classList.contains('expanded') && item !== this) {
console.log("hello Aug 20");
If you want to get the parent element of the clicked target, then you can exploit your current eventListener and use the e.target.parentNode to get it. This will return you an element, which you can add/remove CSS classes from and do pretty much everything you like. Keep in mind, you can use the .parentNode multiple times and for example, if you wanted to get the "grandparent" of an element (2 levels up) you could write e.target.parentNode.parentNode and so on.
I want to detect clicking outside an element using class name as
<div id="popOne" class="pop">...</div>
<div id="popTwo" class="pop">...</div>
<div id="popLast" class="pop">...</div>
var popElement = document.getElementById("pop");
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var isClickInside = popElement.contains(event.target);
if (!isClickInside) {
//the click was outside the popElement, do something
As an alternative to iterating over all possible .pop elements for every click event, just traverse the DOM looking to see if the node or any ancestor thereof has the desired class:
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var node = e.target;
var inside = false;
while (node) {
if (node.classList.contains('pop')) {
inside = true;
node = node.parentElement;
if (!inside) {
// click was outside
} else {
This would make the performance scale relative to the depth of the DOM tree, rather than by the number of .pop elements.
Made the following changes to the script
var popElement = document.getElementsByClassName("pop");
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
for(i=0; i < popElement.length; i++){
popEl = popElement[i];
var isClickInside = popEl.contains(event.target);
if (!isClickInside) {
} else {
First of all you are using the incorrect function to get Element. It should be getElementsByClassName("pop") and not getElementsById("pop") and also getElementsByClassName returns a HTMLCollection of elements having that class. So you need to loop over them and check whether clicked inside any of them or not. Here is the demo. Have added some style to divs so that it easy to differentiate between them. And also if need to check whether the click was on any of the divs then you need to check for that and as soon as you find that it was clicked inside a div having class pop. Break from the loop and continue with you conditions. But if for all the elements the IsClickedInside comes out to be false then you can handle it accordingly
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var popElement = document.getElementsByClassName("pop");
var isClickInside;
for (var i = 0; i < popElement.length; i++) {
isClickInside = popElement[i].contains(event.target);
if (isClickInside) {
//alert("Outside of" + popElement[i].id);
//the click was outside the popElement, do something
alert("Clicked inside one of the divs.");
alert("Clicked outside of the divs.");
div {
height: 100px;
border:2px solid black;
<div id="popOne" class="pop">...</div>
<div id="popTwo" class="pop">...</div>
<div id="popLast" class="pop">...</div>
Hope it helps :)
I have a set of scrolling objects with text in them. I have surrounded said text with a div and a class name of "scrollContent". I have added an onscroll attribute that calls my method.
I have come across the .addEventListener feature and want to add a listener when any divs with the class name scrollContent is scrolled, call my function.
Is this possible and how?
function checkScroll(scrollEle) {
var topLG = getTopLG(scrollEle);
if(scrollEle.scrollTop < 10){
topLG.style.display = "none";
var scrollDivs = document.getElementsByClassName("scrollContent");
for (var i =0; i<scrollDivs.length; i++){
scrollDivs[i].addEventListener('scroll', checkScroll(scrollDivs[i]), false)
Use event delegation. Something like:
// somecontainerDiv can be document, document.body or any Element
// containing your elements having class 'scrollContent'
somecontainerDiv.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandling);
function scrollHandling(e){
var originator = e.target || e.srcElement;
if (!/scrollContent/i.test(originator.className) {return true;}
return checkScroll(e); // or insert checkScroll code here
i am trying to write a custom event which should get fire when user click three times on any html node.
i know that i can create even using
var evt = document.createEvent("Event");
but i am not getting how i will capture that three times click event.
I will be appreciated if some one can suggest me the write approach for this.
You can create a special event
Code and example - here is your problem solvation :)
Just create a variable that stores the number of clicks.
var clickTimes = 0;
element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if(clickTimes==3) {
clickTimes = 0;
/* do something like dispatch my custom event */
This will count the clicks for any specific element and trigger Event on every third click.
Event_threshold = 500;
var clicked_times = $(this).data('Event-clicked-times');
if(clicked_times == '')
clicked_times = 0;
if(clicked_times == 0)
if(clicked_times == 3)
Fixed and added threshold control.
You can create iteration variable and check if element was three times clicked.
For example:
var clickTimer = 0;
document.body.addEventListener('click', function() {
if(clickTimer == 3) {
clickTimer = 0;
// fire your event
}, true);
To make this behavior like dbclick you can compare timestamp with first click.
For example:
var clickTimes = 0;
var fisrtClickTime = 0;
element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if(clickTimes == 1) {
fisrtClickTime = +new Date();
if(clickTimes == 3) {
clickTimes = 0;
firstClickTime = 0;
if((+new Date() - fisrtClickTime) < 1000) {
/* do something like dispatch my custom event */
This works without using external variables, using the HTML5 "data-" attribute for storage, so you will work on multiple elements.
$('#yourLink').click(function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {$(this).data("count",1)},300)
if(typeof $(this).data("count")=='undefined') {
else {
var myCount = parseInt($(this).data("count"))
if(myCount==3) {
else {