Deploying a JS/Python/PostgresQL app on AWS - javascript

I have, as title says, a JS/Python/PostgresQL app that I would like to deploy using AWS. I feel as though I could figure out deployment of the 3 pieces as separate, discrete entities, but what I haven't been able to figure out/understand, is how the 3 pieces will communicate once they are live.
The site will be a lightly trafficked one where only I can add resources to the db. Additionally, what AWS services would you recommend for hosting each part?
Thanks kindly. And please let me know if I can provide any more helpful info.

One service that you can look at would be aws lightsail that can spin up your application and connect to your database and is designed for hosting such applications.
Another way would be to have your python app send request to an AWS lambda using api gateway and the lambda executes your SQL command and returns back the data. These are 2 ways one more service you can explore is AWS amplify that can do the same as well


Accessing JSON through Javascript- Different options

Still a newbie. I am building a simple quiz app which I plan to take make public. The questions will be stored in a JSON. Trying to understand the right approach to build this:
The javascript file cannot read the local json file through fetch (URL scheme file not supported) or using jquery (I get CORS error)
I want to expose only part of the json file and different question will be shared everyday.
Do I need a nodejs server to address these requests? What is the right way to host this on a server? When I buy a domain, do I need to keep a server running there to service these requests?
Would appreciate a response on the approach.
There are different "Components" in building and deploying an application on the web.
To handle the User Interface (Website as we know it), we would require HTML/CSS/Js or a frmaework like React, Vue, Angular etc.
This frontend will be connected to a server (backend) that can be developed by using Nodejs(Express), Python(Flask), Java(Spring), Go etc...
Then there is a database, you can use SQL or noSQL databases. (As per your requirements, I would recommend using MongoDb Atlas, a hosted cloud database)
Initially, you are going to develop Front-end and backend seperately as deifferent projects. Then Integrate the APIs.
Now, you can either host these projects seperately, or together.
Now, for testing servers, you can use Heroku or Netlify, these services host your projects for free (upto a certain limit), once you are done with development and testing. You can pay these services or choose other services to host your project and do other stuff like a good domain-name, a SSL certificate etc.

Connecting AWS MQTT via websocket

I am trying to connect a sensor to an AWS MQTT Broker to a database that will send it to a webserver so that it can be easily accessible. Right now the only way people in our lab can have access to our sensor data is through contacting me directly and having me connect to the Node Red dashboard. Would there be any way for everyone to have access to the data via WebSocket, or at least a couple of people?
I've searched for hours on end and have had no success regarding the ease of accessibility.
From what I've researched there is this a java based client called MQTT.Cool that can connect multiple brokers and have data published via WebSocket using JavaScript. However there is literally no data available except the ones provided by the company. So combining it it with my project has not been an easy task.
Also, I've thought about allowing my node red dashboard to be accessed out of my local
ip-address, but due to security reasons it has been recommended not to be done.
AWS IoT provides an SDK that you can use in your browser:
You can write a web application and view the contents returned by the database after logging in
If you need to browse in real-time, you can use mqtt.js to subscribe to some topics:
Or use MQTTX, a client tool, to connect directly to the MQTT broker and subscribe to topic

Why Next.js API?

Im starting with Next and I'm kind of confused about how it works the SSR and the API. When should I use the API folder in pages instead of having my own server with a database? Does Next server for SSR will have any conflict if I had my server in Node for example?
The point is to provide a simple, scalable alternative to running your own server.
When you deploy API routes via Vercel, it will provision AWS Lambda functions on the backend to form your API.
These functions are sort of like individual snips of code that get run on demand when you have traffic.
You're right in the sense that there isn't too much difference. Just an alternative way to deploy your API. The main purpose is to make it easy and reduce the management associated with running a server.
For most use cases, it should work well but please note it doesn't have support for Websockets.
You're free to use API routes, or your own server. It doesn't matter and won't impact on the SSR.

HTTPS Post request in Ionic 3

I'm working on an Ionic 3 application which requires me to send encrypted data over internet to AWS lambda function. I have a API created for this lambda function and I'm able to send a post request to the lambda function using ionic's http plugin. But we can easily track the post requests send from the current configuration of my application in the Network logs.
So how can I send my data from app to AWS lambda function in a secured way?
I read about the SSLpinning in http plugin but is this the only way to approach the issue?
The problem with encrypting in the app is, that it's not that hard to make reverse enginering to see how it is made.
It's a little harder to crack if you get a key from the server at login (or daily) and use this for encrypting.
I am pretty sure you can find other pre-made modules. Else make your own. Hackers hate custom design.
And btw - https-communication to be sure it's actual is you the app is talking to.

Alexa Smarthome-Skill without AWS

Im a little confuse atm.
Is it possible to build a Alexa Smarthome Skill without hosting it on AWS.
For my last custom skill I used Alexa-App but this doesn't support the Smarthome-API from Amazon, as far as I know. Also I did not found any library that does support the Smarthome-API.
Maybe you can Help me find a lib, so I can host my Smart home-Skill on my own Server.
Pref language: JavaScript and Ruby
Is it possible to build a Alexa Smarthome Skill without hosting it on AWS.
No, it is not -- not entirely, anyway.
Alexa supports hosting custom skills entirely externally. They call this "hosting a skill as a web service" -- that is, a web-accessible endpoint that Alexa can send requests to. However:
Web services can only be used for custom skills.
Smart Home Skills must be run in Lambda. Of course, the Lambda function for a Smart Home Skill can make is own external requests to the "device cloud" -- whatever that means to you, and which may involve servers of your own -- but this is done using either HTTPS request or requests using any other custom protocol you might use, either way, from inside the Lambda function that Alexa invokes.
Your skill code, which is hosted as a Lambda function receives and parses the directive, validating the authentication information. Your skill communicates with your systems, or device cloud, using communication channels you've defined to turn on the customer’s kitchen light. (emphasis added)

