let behavior in a for loop - javascript

In the following example, how does the for loop know that it has to assign a new value to each i and not just assign the last i three times likes var does?
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
setTimeout(function() { console.log(i) }, 100);
Also, I've seen some explanations that mention let is block-scoped in a for loop.. But since let's lexical scope is the for loop (outside of the {block}), is it then "loop-scoped"? I've only heard of block/function/global scope, never a loop scope, so what exactly is a loop if not a function?

In a for loop, Variables that are declared with the let keyword are local to that specific statement. This is in contrast to variables that are declared with var which ARE NOT local to the loop and are actually set in the same scope as the loop itself and not its inside.

The actual scope is determined by the interpreter / runtime which ideally correctly implements sufficiently precise language specs (in this case see here).
The latter tell you that in 'for' loops, the scope of declarations in the initializer section is a 'virtual' block encompassing the overt block of the for loop. However, it gets a bit more complicated: for each iteration, the binding of declarations is renewed.
You could rewrite the code as follows to elicit equivalent behavior:
let i=42;
let i_shadow = 0;
while (i_shadow < 3) {
let i = i_shadow;
setTimeout(function() { console.log(`'i' written through 'setTimeout': ${i}`) }, 100);
console.log(`'i' inside virtual block: ${i_shadow}.`);
console.log(`'i' outside virtual block: ${i}.`);
The interpreter/runtime 'knows' about that behavior as the context o a 'for' loop has been lexically established at the time the declaration of i is encountered (*).
Compare to the original:
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
setTimeout(function() { console.log(i) }, 100);
console.log(`'i' outside virtual block: ${i}.`);
You may also want to have a look at this SO answer.
Note that in principle (ie. for other languages), the establishment of the lexical context at this position is no necessity: it all depends on the language semantics from the specs and their embodiment in compilers/interpreters and the runtime.


Must we include Let keyword in javaScript For Loops?

I am learning about For Looops and I find that the following two pieces of code work just the same.
Code 1:
for (let i=0 ; i<bobsFollowers.length; i++){
for ( let j=0; j<tinasFollowers.length; j++){
if (bobsFollowers[i] === tinasFollowers[j]){
Code 2
for (i=0 ; i<bobsFollowers.length; i++){
for ( j=0; j<tinasFollowers.length; j++){
if (bobsFollowers[i] === tinasFollowers[j]){
You can globally access the variable if you do not include let keyword
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
console.log('j ', j); // accesible
console.log('i ', i); // inaccesible
Yes, if you do not specifically use the let keyword in a for, for...of or for...in loops etc, they will work the same as when you use the let keyword.
However, when you don't explicitly declare using let keyword, the variable will be declared as a var. let and const are block level variables, but you also need to understand that 'functions are not the only blocks, any { } is basically a block'. i.e. Once declared a 'var' will become a function scoped variable and in case it is not inside a function, and declared outside, then it becomes globally available, which is not such a good thing considering you might have multiple for loops using a variable named 'i' and if you don't use let, it will just keep incrementing the old 'i'. Please see the below two examples to understand what I mean by the above sentence:
const test = function(){
let let1 = 1;
var var1 = 2;
let let1 = 9; //This is a block scoped variable limited to this { } block
var var1 = 3; //re-initialization still overrides the original var 1 variable's value because once declared, the var variable is function scoped
console.log(let1); //9 - Block Scoped
console.log(var1); //3 - Function Scoped
console.log(let1); //1 - Function Scoped
console.log(var1); //3 - Still Function Scoped, always function scoped
What I meant by globally incrementing value of 'i':
for(i=0; i< 2; i++){
console.log('first loop', i)
for(i;i< 5; i++){//I am not initializing i to 0, but I'm just trying to show that it is a global variable now.
console.log('second loop', i)
for(i; i< 7; i++){ //I am not initializing i to 0, but I'm just trying to show that it is a global variable now.
console.log('third loop', i)
Secondly, in ES5, Strict Mode was introduced, which basically is a way you can opt out of writing 'sloppy mode' JS code, and you can use it by specifying 'use strict'; globally or at a function level. And strict mode is used in most companies and developers in their professional code bases.
The point I want to convey with this is that 'Strict Mode' does not allow you to use for loops without declaring the variable, you have to explicitely specify the 'var' or 'let' keywords. Therefore it is always a good practice to declare your variables. You can read more about strict mode here: Strict Mode
Lastly, in the current post ES6 times, using the var keyword to declare variable is not considered as a good practice due to something called as Hoisting, which basically means that before the a var x; is declared, if you try to use it, you still can, however it's value will be 'undefined'. But in case of let you cannot use a variable before you declare it. You can read more about it Here : Hoisting
Also, in case of let if you try to access a variable before it's initialized, it throws you a Reference Error. This is because of a concept called as a 'Temporal Dead Zone'. You can read more about it here: TDZ
'let' is all about lexical scope, by default variables and objects in javascript have a global scope. As other have pointed out, using var will make the scope of variable global so anything can access and modify it.
Another use case for let would be in closures.
This example is from CS50's react native lecture 0 & 1.
Here makeFunctionArray returns an array of functions which print the value of i.
function makeFunctionArray() {
const array = [];
for(var i=0; i<5; i++) {
array.push(function () { console.log(i) });
return array;
const functionArray = makeFunctionArray();
Now, what do you expect functionArray[0]() to print?
0, right? because we're invoking the function at index zero and it should console log 0.
But it doesn't print 0, instead it prints 5.
This is because 'i' has a global scope and will have a value of 5 when loop terminates.
the function(closure) we're returning from the makeArray function will still have access to 'i' and the value 5 gets wrapped up in it while being returned. so every functionArray[index]() will print 5.
This can be avoided with 'let' if 'i' is a let, its scope will only be the 'for' loop.
At the end of this lecture, this scenario is introduced and answered in next lecture
Yes, you have to. Or the old var
As other responses mention you will populate this variable in a broader scope.
Imagine this situation, You need to create a function that print the first 10 numbers:
function printNumbers(){
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
That's cool. Now you need to invoke this function 12 times, easy right?
function printNumbers(){
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
Well, if you execute this in your google chrome console (don't). You will fry your browsers. Since i will never reach 12 and you will be in an infinite loop.
You can test this safely by changing 12 by 5, you will see that the function only runs 1 time and not 5.
So it is not for your code (only), it is for who is going to use your code in the future. You are leaving a potential big fail in your code. Imagine it is in a library.
You have a good explanation already in StackOverflow about scoping and let here: What's the difference between using "let" and "var"?
Also about scope in general here: What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?
The scope of let is restricted to that block alone. but if you do not specify let keyword it is scoped to the global environment(the global scope of the browser is window object)
let a = 1;
b = 2;
console.log(a) //error
console.log(b) //2

Is a variable declaration the same as a variable's binding?

MDN documentation states:
let bindings are created at the top of the (block) scope containing
the declaration, commonly referred to as "hoisting". Unlike variables
declared with var, which will start with the value undefined, let
variables are not initialized until their definition is evaluated.
Accessing the variable before the initialization results in a
ReferenceError. The variable is in a "temporal dead zone" from the
start of the block until the initialization is processed.
Is the "let binding" referrred to (the hoisting of let and const) just the keyword let, or is it just the creation of storage space (which doesn't have to do with the keyword)?
Previously I thought the variable keyword and variable name together comprised a declaration, but in a question I asked recently, the answerer said they are actually an initialization.
I'm sorry for using two different terms when writing that MDN paragraph. For all purposes in that article, "variable" and "binding" should be understood as the same thing. But let's go into details.
A variable declaration creates the variable (as an abstract entity). It tells the compiler that it should introduce a new variable, and also can tell it about a name, a type to be held, an initial value, a scope etc. (depending on the language). In JS, there are different kinds of declarations that do different things, for example
var has a name, an optional initialiser and scoping rules specific to var
function has a (sometimes optional) name, the value is always given and known to be a function
const has a name, a required initialiser, should be immutable, and has lexical scoping
A binding is the association of a variable name with the variable entity, for example "x refers to the variable declared with class x". Such bindings depend on the scope, i.e. in every different scope there are different bindings and so the identifier x might refer to different things in different scopes.
Given the scoping rules of JavaScript, a variable declaration also causes bindings for itself to be created in the respective scopes.
So the binding is what makes the name available to be used. That's what I referred to as "the let binding is created at the top of the scope". It has nothing to do with the variable existing, having memory allocated for it, or being initialised.
A declaration just says that something exists. In JavaScript you can declare variables, functions and (more recently) classes.
In some languages (e.g. C, C++) it's possible to declare something without defining it. For example:
// this declares a function exists with a given signature, but doesn't define its implementation
void someFunction();
someFunction(); // here we call the function, since we know it exists
// here we define the function, which we have to do at some point
void someFunction() { /* ... */ }
This pattern is less common in modern languages, where the declaration and the definition tends to be combined, but it's useful to understand the distinction seeing as your question seems largely about terminology.
Variables can be declared, however they don't have definitions.
let b; // we declare that there's a variable 'b'
Instead you can assign a variable:
b = 5; // assignment
let c = 6; // declaration and assignment in one statement
The concept of binding in computer science has many forms. For example, when you type foo in your code, binding is the act of working out which variable/function/type/... should be used. In JavaScript this is pretty straightforward, but in some languages it can get pretty hairy (due to things like overload resolution and so forth).
However I don't believe that's what MDN means when they talk about let bindings. I believe it's a shorthand for "let declaration and assignment", as we saw above.
Regardless, I wouldn't worry too much about that term. The most important bit to understand from the paragraph you've quoted is that let and const are tighter versions of var, introduced in recent versions of the language to address pitfalls and surprises that came from the way var works.
Previously I thought the variable keyword and variable name together comprised a declaration
You're right.
var a;
var b = 1;
let c;
let c = 2;
const d = 3;
These are all declarations of variables (even though const technical variables can't vary, or more precisely, they cannot be reassigned).
It's just that var is a bit sloppy and surprising.
You could declare a var more than once within the same scope:
var a = 1;
var a = 2;
This won't work with let:
let a = 1;
let a = 2; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared
Scoping on var can be surprising too:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var inner = 1;
console.log(inner); // prints 1 even though you might think this would be an error
Or worse:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
At a glance you might think this would print hello 100 times (10*10), but actually it is only printed 10 times because both loops use the same variable. This is a type of programmer error that the language should really prevent. If that code used let i instead, it would produce a syntax error.
As for hoisting you can think of it as though all the var declarations were moved to the top of the containing function.
function foo()
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++)
var k = 10;
Even though that's how you might write the code, it behaves as though you had written:
function foo()
var i; // all declarations hoisted to top of containing function scope
var j;
var k;
i = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
k = 10;
This is why you can write:
i = 10;
var i;
The var is moved up in the code, so it behaves as:
var i;
i = 10;
You can think of let as not being moved. Therefore it is an error to reference it before it is declared.
The main thing to understand here is that the js engine actually visits a let statement inntwo different situations (as well as every other statement, but it particularily matters here). It is visited once during parsing, when it generates an AST and also analyzes the scopes and the variables. It also creates a list of variables for each scope. Now when the code gets executed, the engine visits the statement a second time (or more often if its inside a loop / function / whatever) and now finally initializes the variable and assigns a value to it. So "hoisting" is basically just caused because of the parsing / executing stages, the engine knows that a variable exists before it reaches the declaration statement during execution as it has already parsed it before.
Is the "let binding" referrred to (the hoisting of let and const) just the keyword let, or is it just the creation of storage space (which doesn't have to do with the keyword)?
The keyword actually causes an entry in the scope record, which will then get turned into a storage space during execution. On the other hand the statement itself causes an initialization during execution. So its actually hard to say when a declaration happens, thats a question of words. Its common to say
That variable was declared at line 10
Its declared in that block
so wether "declaration" refers to the statement or the scope assignment is up to you :)
the answerer said they are actually an initialization.
Actually the answerer prefered to call it "initialization" and not "declaration" to not confuse readers, but well in reality its confusing as human languages are not as clearly defined as machine ones.

Declaring variables inside or outside in a for-in loop

Having this two options:
Option A:
var index;
for (index in myObject) {
// Do something
Option B:
for (var index in myObject) {
// Do something
I don't know if in the option B the variable index it's being redeclared every time of the loop or just once.
Those two snippets of code do exactly the same thing (and that's the case in most language such as C, C++ and C# amongst others). If the variable was redeclared at every iteration, then following your logic, it would also be re-initialized, and would constantly loop over the same object. Your loop would be infinite.
On a side-note, in JavaScript, all variable declarations get pushed to the function scope; this means that you can declare variables anywhere within a function, even within nested loops, and they will only be declared once.
Link to the var documentation
Relevant SO question
Other relevant SO answer
Edit courtesy of #torazaburo:
If you want to declare a variable with a local scope (as in, a variable that will only be defined in the current block such as a for, while or if, you can use the let statement:
let var1 = 123;
It also allows you to override variables with the same name but declared in a higher scope, such as in this example from the docs:
function letTest() {
let x = 1;
if (true) {
let x = 2; // different variable
console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 1
See the full documentation (and examples) here.
The preferred approach in 2016 is to declare the variable in the loop head, using let:
for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { }
There is probably minimal performance difference between this and other approaches, but there are major advantages in terms of the robustness and clarity of your code.
First, with let, i is local to the for construct, so it can't "leak out", or modify some other i in an outer scope.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, a new version of i is created for each iteration of the loop. In technical terms, "you get a fresh binding for each iteration if you let-declare a variable" (see this excellent article). This solves the age-old problem of closures created inside the for-loop using the final value of i. We can now just write
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
setTimeout(() => alert(i), i * 1000);
instead of having to do some clumsy work-around such as
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
(function(i) {
setTimeout(() => alert(i), i * 1000);
which has been the topic of countless questions here on SO, and which many of you have wasted far too many brain cycles learning.

javascript closure Immediately Invoked Function Expression

I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of javascript closures , reading about the subject i ran into many similar examples to the following function:
function idCreator(listOfItems) {
var i;
var uniqueID = 100;
for (i = 0; i < listOfItems.length; i++) {
listOfItems[i]["id"] = function (j) {
return function () {
return uniqueID + j;
return listOfItems;
I understand the main concept of using IIFE inner function and passing the counter variable as a parameter , so for instance in the above example we will be returning the right i (index) , and not the value we get after the end of the loop.
My question is why return an anonymous function, wouldn't returning the value itself work the same?
something like:
function iDCreator(listOfItems) {
var i;
var uniqueID = 100;
for (i = 0; i < listOfItems.length; i++) {
listOfItems[i]["id"] = function (j) {
return uniqueID + j;
return listOfItems;
The only reason I see to use closures and IIFE's in the example you provide, would be pedagogical: to show how you can swap code with an IIFE, and get the exact same result. Furthermore, it shows how inner functions can still access outer variables.
As said by Quentin, in this very example there is no other logical reason to use closure and IIFE. It is even counter-productive (slows down performance and obfuscates code).
By "definition", an IIFE ("immediately invoked") is not called later on. Its main (and probably only) use is to provide a function scope / closure (as if it were a "block" in other languages that provide block scope), while still avoiding having to use a normal function declaration, where you have to choose an identifier which may collide with another one defined somewhere else.
// Normal function declaration:
function someIdentifier() {}
// Let's immediately call it to execute the code.
// what happens if "someIdentifier" was defined somewhere else?
// For example in a previous loop iteration?
That is why the author had to use IIFE's within its for loop.
Within a scope / closure, you can use whatever identifiers (for variables and function declarations) you need, while preventing any collision with identifiers outside the scope. Whether using a function declaration, a function expression, or an IIFE.
// Using an Immediately Invoked Function Expression:
(function idForRecursion() { // being a Function Expression rather than a declaration, you can even use an identifier here to be used for recursion, and it will not pollute the global scope.
var anyIdentifier;
// If "anyIdentifier" were defined outside, this local definition will "shadow" it for the current closure only, without affecting / polluting the outside definition and value.
// As in normal closures, you can still access variables outside the IIFE.
Therefore maybe a more pedagogical example for closure would have been an IIFE where the uniqueID were inside and incremented but hidden from global scope (through a closure) so that no one can fiddle / interfere with it:
var iDCreator = (function () {
var uniqueID = 100; // initial value.
return function innerFn(listOfItems) {
for (var i = 0; i < listOfItems.length; i += 1) {
listOfItems[i]["id"] = uniqueID;
uniqueID += 1;
return listOfItems;
})(); // "iDCreator" is now a reference to the "innerFn" which has a closure with "uniqueID", but the latter is not accessible from global scope.
// Calling "iDCreator" several times gives truly unique id's, incremented from the previous call.
There's no need to use a function at all.
for (i = 0; i < listOfItems.length; i++) {
listOfItems[i]["id"] = uniqueID + i;
Using a closure can be useful when you are assigning a function that will be called later. It isn't here. It looks like the author of the code just got carried away.

Javascript for loop index variables become part of global scope?

Perhaps I'm not aware of how for loop index variables get scoped, but I was very surprised when one of my loops didn't complete, seemingly because a function called from within a loop contained an i for its for loop index as well.
Here's a little script I put together to demonstrate this behavior:
var loopOne = function(test) {
for(i = 0; i < test.length; i++)
var getMask = function(pass) {
var s = "";
for (i = 0; i < pass.length; i++) {
s = s + "*";
return s;
If I run this in Chrome and look at the console log, I should see ***** five times. However, I only see it once. Upon further inspection, if I type i in the Chrome javascript console, it will output 6 ( = 'hello'.length + 1). This makes me think that i has become a part of the global scope and is not limited to the scope of the for loop for which it was needed.
Is this correct? If so, what's a better practice for defining the index variable of a for loop in javascript?
In Javascript, variables are scoped with the var keyword. When declaring variables with var, the variable is scoped to the current function. When assigning to a variable without using the var keyword, it is assumed you're talking about an already defined variable in the same or a higher scope. If none is found, the variable is created in the highest scope.
Bottom line: declare all your variables using var.
You should declare your loop index variable with let:
for (let i = 0; i < test.length; i++) ...
That will declare and set the proper scope for the variable.
When you declare your variables with var, you scope them to the current execution context.
When you don't, they become properties of the global object (window in a browser).

