Session Error While Using WebdriverIO with Appium on Android Device - javascript

I cloned the repo and tried to run the tests.
I consistently get the following error.
2022-06-16T22:51:13.157Z ERROR #wdio/runner: Error: Failed to create session.
Unable to connect to "http://localhost:4723/", make sure browser driver is running on that address.
If you use services like chromedriver see initialiseServices logs above or in wdio.log file as the service might had problems to start the driver.
Clone the repo
Download the latest version of the demo app which Android-NativeDemoApp-0.4.0.apk. The one in the repo does not work.
Update the capabilities.
Yarn Install/Yarn Run
I made some changes. However, was not able to resolve the issue. Any suggestions to resolve the issue?

From the error, it seems that appium server is not running. One reason could be that the repo has an old version of packages and you might have installed the latest version of appium.
One thing you could try is to remove the this line from the config file and try the below.
Start the appium server using the command appium on terminal
Run your tests and see if it works
Otherwise, you have to upgrade all the packages in the repo. but this also means you may have to change something in the code.

Your appium server is likely not running, from package.json I can see that the appium-service that is supposed to get it up is missing. You have two options:
install the #wdio/appium-service package, and appium should run automatically or
start the appium server yourself, either from the terminal with appium -a -p 4723 or launch the appium desktop app


Cypress failed to start. This may be due to a missing library or dependency (M1 mac)

I just got my M1 and trying to get my head around cypress so basically following basic steps in order to open cypress and check if its there and its possible to run it.
mkdir cypress_test
npm init -i
npm install --save-dev cypress
npx cypress open (thats where issues appears)
Cypress failed to start.
This may be due to a missing library or dependency.
Please refer to the error below for more details.
Command failed with Unknown system error -86: /Users/test/Library/Caches/Cypress/9.6.1/ --no-sandbox --smoke-test --ping=610
spawn Unknown system error -86
I have attempted trying to install cypress with force with the following command -
npx cypress install --force however sadly it did not help and same error appears
I also saw somebody manage to fix it by changing Mac with M1 chip to OS ver. 11.5.x (BigSur) however is not something i would like to do.
Any help is appreciated
The only way that i managed to sort this out is by install Rosetta 2 that transitions between Intel and Apple processors.
softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
The Problem
At the moment, Cypress cannot be compiled under the ARM-based architecture of new Mac computers and Continuous Integration (CI) providers do not currently offer M1 instances. For these reasons, Cypress is not currently released for the ARM-based architectures and will require Intel emulation for some time.
Therefore, running npm install cypress will install the Intel-based package until these challenges are resolved. See here for workaround
See here for more info

Cannot run this React Native example in web browser

Code example I am trying to run:
I am on windows 10.
What I do:
Downloaded the code
Extracted to folder
Setup with the following after deleting yarn.lock:
yarn add react-native-maps
yarn add react-native-maps-directions
yarn add react-native-google-places-autocomplete
npm install
npm audit fix
Edit the code in the 3 places that requires my custom google API key which I got from the developer site
Tried running via:
npm start
I get a successful run in the terminal (" Welcome to React Native! Learn once, write anywhere"), but no browser opens up. I go to localhost:8081 in my browser and see a barren webpage with the following text:
React Native packager is running.
Visit documentation
That's all. Nothing in the sample project runs. I just want to run their app in a browser or emulator, though I don't have any of the phone emulators working, so I just want to run in web browser.
How can I make this work from the above example? Much appreciated.
You have to run emulator separately on "Windows" using android studio or command line, and after open your project using VsCode(or your editor) and the run following command ,
react-native run-android
Your app will run on your opened emulator

Stuck on info starting JS server

I have initiated successfully a new react-native project. Then, every time I try to run my newly built project using the command react-native run-android, it gets stucks on info Starting JS server....
Here is the output:
$ react-native run-android
info Running jetifier to migrate libraries to AndroidX".
You can disable it using "--no-jetifier" flag.
Jetifier found 855 file(s) to forward-jetify. Using 4 workers...
info Starting JS server..."
I tried restarting the laptop and switching emulators. I don't know what else to do anymore.
How do I solve the problem?
Kill the automatically popped up metro bundler command prompt
Kill the command terminal which is running react-native run-android
Now Run react-native start This will start your js server
In new command prompt window run react-native run-android
The app came up in 5 mins in an emulator.
Go to the terminal and type:
react-native start
and then in OTHER terminal, inside your project folder:
yarn android
npm run android
Temporary fix:
REACT_TERMINAL= react-native run-android
in my case with manjaro + xfce4:
REACT_TERMINAL=xfce4-terminal react-native run-android
or puts in your .bashrc:
export REACT_TERMINAL=xfce4-terminal
I had the same problem. I started a project yesterday and it worked, started a new one today and it didn't work. The problem seems to be "#react-native-community/cli-platform-android". The version that showed up today is 2.8.2 as opposed to 2.7.0 for yesterday's project.
I used:
npm install #react-native-community/cli-platform-android#2.7.0
This is not a optimal solution, but it will get you going.
I had the exact same frustrating issue for a very different reason than mentioned in other answers.
As explained in this SO answer Android adb binds to port 5037 and I installed some program which took this port so adb was hanging silently (why adb! .. say something!)
Commands to test if this your issue cause:
test any adb command and see if it hangs, eg:
adb devices
If it does, then check who is using the port:
sudo lsof -i :5037
In my case(Manjaro OS)
npm start
Then in a separate terminal:
npm run android
The best solution that I constantly find myself using, is going to the application manager on android, then clearing the data of the app. Running the app afterwards goes smoothly without lagging.
Reinstalling android studio with a new emulator or changing the app name in app.json , build.gradle and android manifest.xml solved the issue.

Issue related to running of New React App

I installed Nodejs(v 10.16.0 LTS) and then using Windows Powershell I run following commands
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
The actual problem I am facing is that if PowerShell window is opened in the background, then my code works properly. But when I close PowerShell and reload Browser Tab, the error occurs which say
This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall.
Kindly help me to figure out this issue. Thanks
When you close PowerShell window you terminate your React app as well, it has to stay opened. Running npm start kicks off local server with your app running. If you want to have possibility to have application running with terminal closed you can use libs like, but I do not recommend that- it's easy to forget you have one app instance running already :)
When you run the command npm start, this is the expected behaviour. This command spawns a new npm instance in the directory from where you have executed it and directs it to start a server. The catch here is that the server runs as an attached process with PowerShell, by default and it is bound to terminate once you close the PowerShell window.
To manually detach a process from the terminal, we use an & after the command on a UNIX-based system (Linux, MacOS etc.) something like npm start &.In case of PowerShell, you can make use of a built-in function called Start-Process like this -
Start-Process -NoNewWindow npm start
If you'd like to read more about it, you can refer a blog post here -

How do I run a copied project in Node.js
I want to run this app on my windows,
the directions say:
-Install dependencies with npm update
-Start the application with node app.js
it's sound easy so I try myself.
1.Fist of all , I install node.js on it's official website (
I download the 8.9.3 version.
after installing node.js the command line and go to the project path.
3.then I input the command npm update.
it works,and the node_modules folder is created.But there are some warn message
4.finally input the command node app.js... it's not work with many error message
following is wrong message
I wonder know how should I do.Is any thing I didn't installed?
Please help me.I really want to research this mahjong project.
Before running npm update in the directory where you have your project, you should run npm install first to install all the required dependencies needed for the project to run.
So I advice to delete the node_modules directory that was created after you ran npm update, after which you can then run npm install. This should solve your issue.
Update: If you just want to try it online and not run it locally they've hosted a version on the web:
It's not your fault.
What you did was correct, but the project documentation needs to be updated. It's not a turn-key solution and you'll need to figure a few things out to get it working.
The error message is says it wants a mongo db instance, but you don't have one running. Try the mongodb home page or google for instructions. If you have docker it is pretty easy: docker run -it -p 27017:27017 mongo.
Even after spinning up mongodb I wasn't able to get the app to work locally. You could try contacting the repo maintainer for assistance. They may be happy to help given you've shown interest in their project.
Good Luck!

