How to merge two Objects and keep the hierarchy between properties? [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
How to deep merge instead of shallow merge?
(47 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
I have a question about the two objects above:
const object1 = { issues: { global: 'a great string!' } };
const object2 = { issues: { cooldown: 'oh well, another message!' } };
For the purpose of my code, I would need to merge everything but keep the hierarchy between the properties. Like this:
Object.assign(object1, object2);
// expected output: { issues: { global: 'a great string!', cooldown: 'oh well, another message!' } }
Except that the problem is that the Object.assign() works such that it will overwrite the previous property (here global) to keep only the last property (here cooldown). Like this:
Object.assign(object1, object2);
// real output: { issues: { cooldown: 'oh well, another message!' } }
My question is then simple: how do we get the expected result? I guess it's not as simple as a simple Object.assign(), but precisely: how? Knowing that obviously I took here an example and that, in reality, impossible to know in advance which properties will arrive...
Thanking you for help 💙

I think a recursive solution will help for any level of nesting:
const obj1 = { issues: { global: 'a great string!' } };
const obj2 = { issues: { cooldown: 'oh well, another message!' } };
const obj3 = { issues: { global: 'a great string!' } , problems : { name : 'cool' , size : {
medium : 'ok',
small : 'ok'
} } };
const obj4 = { issues: { cooldown: 'oh well, another message!' } , problems : { name : 'cool' , size : {
big : 'not ok',
} } };
const merge = (obj1,obj2) => {
const newObj = {};
for(let key in obj1){
if(typeof obj1[key] !== 'object'){
newObj[key] = obj1[key];
if(key in obj2){
newObj[key] = merge(obj1[key],obj2[key]);
newObj[key] = obj1[key];
for(let key in obj2){
if(!(key in obj1)){
newObj[key] = obj2[key];
return newObj;
You check if keys are matching (available in both objects) and based on that add a new key to your new result object.
Note: The above by defaults handle case when the property values are not objects. You can change and add your desired behaviour

i create this function i think it will do the work
const obj1 = { issues: { global: 'a great string!' } };
const obj2 = { issues: { cooldown: 'oh well, another message!' } };
const obj3 = {
issues: { global: 'a great string!' }, problems: {
name: 'cool', size: {
medium: 'ok',
small: 'ok'
const obj4 = {
issues: { cooldown: 'oh well, another message!' }, problems: {
name: 'cool', size: {
big: 'not ok',
const mergeObj = (obj1, obj2) => {
const Obj1Keys = Object.keys(obj1)
const Obj2Keys = Object.keys(obj1)
const allKeys = [ Set([...Obj1Keys, ...Obj2Keys])]
const newObj = {}
for (let i = 0; i < allKeys.length; i++) {
const key = allKeys[i]
if (typeof obj1[key] === "object" && typeof obj2[key] === "object")
newObj[key] = mergeObj(obj1[key], obj2[key])
return Object.assign(obj1, obj2, newObj)
console.log(mergeObj(obj3, obj4));


How to output nested object keys separated by a dot - JS [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Javascript reflection: Get nested objects path
(3 answers)
Get all paths to a specific key in a deeply nested object
(1 answer)
Get nested objects key as joined string
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
const obj = {
client: {
id: 1,
personal: {
name: "Mike"
address: {
street: "streetname"
function recursiveKeys(obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
if (typeof obj === "object") {
Object.keys(obj[key]).forEach((innerKey) => {
Desired output:
This code works only for a 2 level object, but it won't work for a 3rd-4th level and deeper, is there a clean way to achieve this?
You need to make your recursiveKeys actually recursive. Pass along the partial property string from the parent object on each recursive call.
const obj = {
client: {
id: 1,
personal: {
name: "Mike"
address: {
street: "streetname"
function recursiveKeys(obj, propStr = '') {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, val]) => {
const nestedPropStr = propStr + (propStr ? '.' : '') + key;
if (typeof val === 'object') recursiveKeys(val, nestedPropStr);
else console.log(nestedPropStr);
This code works only for a 2 level object, but it won't work for a
3rd-4th level and deeper, is there a clean way to achieve this?
The problem is you should make your recursiveKeys as it is with 3 steps:
Determine the key result named keyRes
Check if the inner content is an object, then recursive it.
Print the keyRes along with getting out of the recursive, important to avoid infinite loop !!!
const obj = {
client: {
id: 1,
personal: {
name: "Mike"
address: {
street: "streetname"
function recursiveKeys(obj, previousKey = '') {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, values]) => {
let keyRes = previousKey ? `${previousKey}.${key}` : key; // Step 1
if (typeof values === 'object') // Step 2
recursiveKeys(values, keyRes);
else // Step 3
The answer is: recursion!
const obj = {
client: {
id: 1,
personal: {
name: "Mike"
address: {
street: "streetname"
function recursiveKeys(obj) {
const keys = []
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
if (typeof obj[key] === "object" && obj[key]) {
//vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv--- the function calls itself
recursiveKeys(obj[key]).forEach(innerKey => {
return keys
If you have access to the new Array#flatMap() method, you can use it to make this even more elegant:
const obj = {
client: {
id: 1,
personal: {
name: "Mike"
address: {
street: "streetname"
function recursiveKeys(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).flatMap(key =>
typeof obj[key] === "object" && obj[key]
? recursiveKeys(obj[key]).map(innerKey => `${key}.${innerKey}`)
: key

Update fields in nested objects in Typescript / Javascript

In Firestore you can update fields in nested objects by a dot notation ( I wonder how to make that work in Typescript / Javascript.
For example the following object:
const user = {
id: 1
details: {
name: 'Max',
street: 'Examplestreet 38',
email: {
address: '',
verified: true
token: {
custom: 'safghhattgaggsa',
public: 'fsavvsadgga'
How can I update this object with the following changes: = false;
token.custom = 'kka';
I already found that Lodash has a set function:
_.set(user, '', false);
Disadvantage: I have to do this for every change. Is their already a method to update the object with an object (like firestore did)?
const newUser = ANYFUNCTION(user, {
'': false,
'token.custom' = 'kka'
// OUTPUT for newUser would be
id: 1
details: {
name: 'Max',
street: 'Examplestreet 38',
email: {
address: '',
verified: false
token: {
custom: 'kka',
public: 'fsavvsadgga'
Does anyone know an good solution for this? I already found more solutions if I only want to change one field (Dynamically set property of nested object), but no solution for more than one field with one method
I think you are stuck with using a function but you could write it yourself. No need for a lib:
function set(obj, path, value) {
let parts = path.split(".");
let last = parts.pop();
let lastObj = parts.reduce((acc, cur) => acc[cur], obj);
lastObj[last] = value;
set(user, '', false);
if what you want to do is merge 2 objects then it is a bit trickier:
function forEach(target, fn) {
const keys = Object.keys(target);
let i = -1;
while (++i < keys.length) {
fn(target[keys[i]], keys[i]);
function setValues(obj, src) {
forEach(src, (value, key) => {
if (value !== null && typeof (value) === "object") {
setValues(obj[key], value);
} else {
obj[key] = value;
let obj1 = {foo: {bar: 1, boo: {zot: null}}};
let obj2 = {foo: {baz: 3, boo: {zot: 5}}};
setValues(obj1, obj2);
One solution in combination with lodash _.set method could be:
function setObject(obj, paths) {
for (const p of Object.keys(paths)) {
obj = _.set(obj, p, paths[p]);
return obj;

A way to access a property without knowing its path in a nested js object

is there a way to access a nested property within an object without knowing its path?
For instance I could have something like this
let test1 = {
location: {
state: {
className: 'myCalss'
let test2 = {
params: {
className: 'myCalss'
Is there neat way to 'extract' className property?
I have a solution but it's pretty ugly, and it accounts just for this two cases, I was wondering if there is something more flexible I could do
Here's a somewhat elegant approach to creating nested property getters:
const getProperty = property => {
const getter = o => {
if (o && typeof o === 'object') {
return Object.entries(o)
.map(([key, value]) => key === property ? value : getter(value))
return getter
const test1 = {
location: {
state: {
className: 'test1'
const test2 = {
params: {
className: 'test2'
const test3 = {}
const getClassName = getProperty('className')
If you want to prevent cyclical objects from causing a stack overflow, I suggest using a WeakSet to keep track of iterated object references:
const getProperty = property => {
const getter = (o, ws = new WeakSet()) => {
if (o && typeof o === 'object' && !ws.has(o)) {
return Object.entries(o)
.map(([key, value]) => key === property ? value : getter(value, ws))
return getter
const test1 = {
location: {
state: {
className: 'test1'
const test2 = {
params: {
className: 'test2'
const test3 = {}
const test4 = {
a: {
b: {}
test4.a.self = test4
test4.a.b.self = test4
test4.a.b.className = 'test4'
const getClassName = getProperty('className')
Sure. Give this a try. It recursively iterate over the object and returns the first match. You can configure the for loop to match all or last, according to your needs
let test1 = {
location: {
state: {
className: 'myCalss'
let test2 = {
params: {
className: 'myCalss'
function getClassName(obj) {
if(typeof obj === "object" && 'className' in obj) {
return obj.className
const keys = Object.keys(obj)
for(let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i]
let res = getClassName(obj[key])
if(res) return res
return null
console.log(getClassName(test1), getClassName(test2))

How to access key from nested object in javascript

Can you please help me how can I access "name" key from obj3. Please find below example.
I am looking for good approch, I dont want to do :
var obj = {
obj1 : {
obj2: {
obj3: {
name: 'jhon'
You could theoretically destructure using es6 for example
const {obj1: {obj2: { obj3: {name: b}}}} = obj
console.log(b) //jhon
You can use a recursive function that returns the first non object element.
Obviously this functions works only for structures where the nested objects contains only one object or one value.
var obj = {
obj1 : {
obj2: {
obj3: {
name: 'jhon'
const getName = (obj) => {
if (typeof obj[Object.keys(obj)] === 'object') {
return getName(obj[Object.keys(obj)])
} else {
return obj[Object.keys(obj)]

Multiple key names, same pair value

I'm trying to setup an object literal in a JavaScript script that has a key with multiple names. referring to the same object value i.e. something like these that I have already tried:
var holidays: {
"thanksgiving day", "thanksgiving", "t-day": {
someValue : "foo"
var holidays: {
["thanksgiving day", "thanksgiving", "t-day"]: {
someValue : "foo"
Is there a way I can accomplish this?
Another approach is to do some postprocessing
function expand(obj) {
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var key = keys[i],
subkeys = key.split(/,\s?/),
target = obj[key];
delete obj[key];
subkeys.forEach(function(key) { obj[key] = target; })
return obj;
var holidays = expand({
"thanksgiving day, thanksgiving, t-day": {
someValue : "foo"
JSON does not offer such a feature, nor do Javascript object literals.
You might be able to make do with something like this:
holidays = {
thanksgiving: {foo: 'foo'},
groundhogDay: {foo: 'bar'},
aliases: {
'thanksgiving day': 'thanksgiving',
't-day': 'thanksgiving',
'Bill Murrays nightmare': 'groundhogDay'
and then you can check
holidays[name] || holidays[holidays.aliases[name]]
for your data.
It's not a wonderful solution. But it wouldn't be too difficult to write a little function that created this sort of object out of a representation like:
names: ['thanksgiving', 'thanksgiving day', 't-day'],
obj: {foo: 'foo'}
names: ['groundhogDay', 'Bill Murrays nightmare'],
obj: {foo: 'bar'}
if that would be easier to maintain.
Another solution, if you can afford RegExp execution, and ES6 Proxy:
let align = new Proxy({
'start|top|left': -1,
'middle|center': 0,
'end|bottom|right': 1,
}, {
get: function(target, property, receiver) {
for (let k in target)
if (new RegExp(k).test(property))
return target[k]
return null
align.start // -1 // -1
align.left // -1
align.middle // 0 // 0
align.end // 1
align.bottom // 1
align.right // 1
See MDN Proxy
2021 EDIT:
Another (cleaner?) solution using reduce & defineProperty :
const myDict = [
// list of pairs [value, keys],
// note that a key should appear only once
[-1, ['start', 'left', 'top']],
[0, ['center', 'middle']],
[1, ['end', 'right', 'bottom']],
].reduce((obj, [value, keys]) => {
for (const key of keys) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value })
return obj
}, {})
I guess you could do something like this:
var holidays = {
'thanksgiving day': {
foo: 'foo'
holidays.thanksgiving = holidays['t-day'] = holidays['thanksgiving day'];
If you see yourself doing this often or you have more values consider this pattern:
'thanksgiving, t-day, thanks, thank, thank u'.split(',').forEach(function(key) {
holidays[key] = holidays['thanksgiving day'];
A better approach would be to process your data beforehand instead of adding duplicates.
That should work as expected:
function getItem(_key) {
items = [{
item: 'a',
keys: ['xyz','foo']
item: 'b',
keys: ['xwt','bar']
_filtered = items.filter(function(item) {
return item.keys.indexOf(_key) != -1
}).map(function(item) {
return item.item;
return !!_filtered.length ? _filtered[0] : false;
With ES6 you could do it like this, but it's not ideal:
const holidays = {
"single": {
singleValue: "foo",
"thanksgiving day", "thanksgiving", "t-day",
].reduce((a, v) => ({...a, [v]: {
someValue: "foo",
}}), {})),
"other": {
otherValue: "foo",
I still think the cleanest solution is probably:
let holidays = {
"t-day": {
someValue: "foo",
holidays["thanksgiving"] = holidays["t-day"];
holidays["thanksgiving day"] = holidays["t-day"];
Now this may be overkill for you, but here's a generic function that will create an object with "multiple keys." What it actually does is have one real property with the actual value, and then defines getters and setters to forward operations from the virtual keys to the actual property.
function multiKey(keyGroups) {
let obj = {};
let props = {};
for (let keyGroup of keyGroups) {
let masterKey = keyGroup[0];
let prop = {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
get() {
return obj[masterKey];
set(value) {
obj[masterKey] = value;
obj[masterKey] = undefined;
for (let i = 1; i < keyGroup.length; ++i) {
if (keyGroup.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
props[keyGroup[i]] = prop;
return Object.defineProperties(obj, props);
This is less sketchy than you would expect, has basically no performance penalty once the object is created, and behaves nicely with enumeration ( loops) and membership testing (in operator). Here's some example usage:
let test = multiKey([
['north', 'up'],
['south', 'down'],
['east', 'left'],
['west', 'right']
test.north = 42;
test.down = 123;
test.up; // returns 42
test.south; // returns 123
let count = 0;
for (let key in test) {
count += 1;
count === 4; // true; only unique (un-linked) properties are looped over
Taken from my Gist, which you may fork.
Same reponse (ES6 Proxy, RegExp), but in a shorter way (and significantly less legible)
let align = new Proxy({
'start|top|left': -1,
'middle|center': 0,
'end|bottom|right': 1,
}, { get: (t, p) => Object.keys(t).reduce((r, v) => r !== undefined ? r : (new RegExp(v).test(p) ? t[v] : undefined), undefined) })
align.start // -1 // -1
align.left // -1
align.middle // 0 // 0
align.end // 1
align.bottom // 1
align.right // 1
//create some objects(!) you want to have aliases tags
var {learn,image,programming} =
["learn", "image", "programming"].map(tag=>({toString:()=>tag }));
//create arbitrary many aliases using a Map
var alias = new Map();
alias.set("photo", image);
alias.set("pic", image);
alias.set("learning", learn);
alias.set("coding", programming);
//best put the original tagNames in here too..
//pretty easy huh?
// returns the image object
// ;)
here is a way you can initialize an object with several keys sharing the same value
var holidays = {
...["thanksgiving day", "thanksgiving", "t-day"].reduce((acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: 'foo' }), {})
although I would personally think it was more clear if it was written out
Object.fromEntries produces some fairly readable and concise code:
var holidays = Object.fromEntries(
["thanksgiving day", "thanksgiving", "t-day"].map(k => [k, "foo"]));
The spread syntax can be used to include this alongside other key/value pairs:
var holidaysAndMore = {
"A": "a",
["thanksgiving day", "thanksgiving", "t-day"].map(k => [k, "foo"])),
"B": "b"

