How to pass two user input dates through url - javascript

I have a requirement where I need to pass two dates(DateFrom and DateTo) through the URL using <a href> which goes to another page where it shows the report of that dates.both the dates are in format yyyy-mm-dd.
below is the code I'm using.
here DateFrom and DateTo in the URL will be the dates that the user selects.
I have used radio buttons to select the columns to be generated in the report. user will choose either 1st set of columns or 2nd set of columns. and the chosen set of columns will be shown in the report.
After choosing from date, to date, and set of columns, the user will click on the generate report button which goes to the other page where it shows the report.
How shall I pass those two date values and radio button conditions for selecting columns.
the UI is in FTL(freemarker). I'm also attaching an image of the UI for better understanding.
there are two different URLs for two different sets of columns.
the URLs are
1st set of columns: http://localhost:9191/preview?__report=production_1.rptdesign&__format=pdf&DateFrom=2022-06-10&DateTo=2022-06-10
2nd set of columns: http://localhost:9191/preview?__report=production_2.rptdesign&__format=pdf&DateFrom=2022-06-10&DateTo=2022-06-10
if the user selects 1st set of columns one <a href> will be used and if the user selects 2nd set of columns another <a href> will be used. I haven't completed the coding part yet. how shall I achieve this in FTL?
<input type="date" id="quality-fromdate">
<input type="date" id="quality-toDate">
<input id="radiobutton1" type="radio" name="radio-button">
<div class="select-columns-options-1" id="select-columns-options1">
<option value="tasks">Product Name</option>
<option value="tasks">Order Id</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity Ordered</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity To Produce</option>
<option value="tasks">Due Date</option>
<option value="tasks">Estimated Completion Time</option>
<input id="radiobutton2" type="radio" name="radio-button">
<div class="select-columns-options-2">
<option value="tasks">Product Name</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity Ordered</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity To Produce</option>
Generate Report

I wouldn't use <a> here, since the url has to be generated dynamically. Here's an example using a button and figuring out the url when the button is clicked. If you absolutely have to use <a>, you'd probably have to bind into the change events of the dates and the radios and update the href of the <a> that way.
const btnclick = () => {
let radio = document.querySelector("input[type='radio']:checked").id === "radiobutton1" ? 1 : 2;
let from = document.querySelector("#quality-fromdate").value;
let to = document.querySelector("#quality-toDate").value;
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
To: <input type="date" id="quality-fromdate"> From: <input type="date" id="quality-toDate">
<input id="radiobutton1" type="radio" name="radio-button" checked>
<select class="select-columns-options-1" id="select-columns-options1">
<option value="tasks">Product Name</option>
<option value="tasks">Order Id</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity Ordered</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity To Produce</option>
<option value="tasks">Due Date</option>
<option value="tasks">Estimated Completion Time</option>
<input id="radiobutton2" type="radio" name="radio-button">
<select class="select-columns-options-2">
<option value="tasks">Product Name</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity Ordered</option>
<option value="tasks">Quantity To Produce</option>
<button onclick="btnclick()">Generate Report</button>

You had quite a bit to go, here is working version using eventListener and URL object
I am not testing the dates
You also needed to be more consistent with IDs etc. I assume your link needed the two selects (they were divs in your code)
const url = new URL("http://localhost:9191/preview?__format=pdf")
const linkSpan = document.getElementById("link");
const dateFrom = document.getElementById("quality-fromDate")
const dateTo = document.getElementById("quality-toDate")
const reportType1 = document.getElementById("select-columns-options1");
const reportType2 = document.getElementById("select-columns-options2");
document.getElementById("reportDiv").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
linkSpan.innerHTML = "";
const reportRad = document.querySelector("[name=radio-button]:checked")
if (!reportRad) return;
if (reportType1.selectedIndex < 1 || reportType2.selectedIndex < 1) return; // nothing selected
url.searchParams.set("__report", === "radiobutton1" ? "production_1.rptdesign" : "production_2.rptdesign")
url.searchParams.set("__reportType1", reportType1.value);
url.searchParams.set("__reportType2", reportType2.value);
url.searchParams.set("DateFrom", dateFrom.value)
url.searchParams.set("DateTo", dateTo.value)
linkSpan.innerHTML = `${reportType1.options[reportType1.selectedIndex].text} - ${reportType2.options[reportType2.selectedIndex].text}`;
<div id="reportDiv">
<input type="date" id="quality-fromDate">
<input type="date" id="quality-toDate">
<input id="radiobutton1" type="radio" name="radio-button">
<select class="select-columns-options-1" id="select-columns-options1">
<option value="pname">Product Name</option>
<option value="oid">Order Id</option>
<option value="qo">Quantity Ordered</option>
<option value="qp">Quantity To Produce</option>
<option value="ddd">Due Date</option>
<option value="ect">Estimated Completion Time</option>
<input id="radiobutton2" type="radio" name="radio-button">
<select class="select-columns-options-2" id="select-columns-options2">
<option value="pname">Product Name</option>
<option value="qo">Quantity Ordered</option>
<option value="qtp">Quantity To Produce</option>
<span id="link"></span>


Switch Case JavaScript Form

I hope this is not a duplicate. I want to build a interactive web-form in this way. After every question or selection the user does the new question appear so till then all question are hidden , beside the first; and my second problem is that I want the second, third.. response to be dependent on which response they have on the previous question. Do you know how can I do that with switch case.
I will give here a small example of what i want:
So the only question that appears in form to be Where o you live, and if the user select France, a second dropdown list is created and is asking to select the city of France and only city of France is showed and so on.
<p>Where do you live</p>
<select name="country" id="country" required>
<option value="UK">UK</option>
<option value="UK">France</option>
<p>select the city in the uk</p>
<select name="town1 id="town1" required>
<option value="London">London</option>
<option value="Manchester">Manchester</option>
<p>select the city in france</p>
<select name="town2 id="town2" required>
<option value="Paris">Paris</option>
<option value="St.Tropez">St.tropez</option>
Thank you for the help,
try this.
You don't need duplicate select for every country. Just set depencency with data-country.
And for another questions you can make the same. Set data attributes with appropriate values for questions wrappers, and they dynamically shows or hides on form changing.
// This listener makes dependency variants in select
document.getElementById('country').addEventListener('change', function() {
const selectedCountryValue = this.value;
document.getElementById('selectedCountry').innerText = this.children[this.selectedIndex].text;
const town = document.getElementById('town');
town.querySelectorAll('option').forEach(function(opt, i) { = == selectedCountryValue ? 'block' : 'none';
if ((i == town.selectedIndex) && != selectedCountryValue) {
town.querySelectorAll(`option[data-country="${selectedCountryValue}"]`)[0].selected = true
document.getElementById('country').dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
// This listener makes questions showed and required, if another questions answered appropriate answers
document.getElementById('dynamicForm').addEventListener('change', function() {
const form = this;
document.querySelectorAll('.question').forEach(function(question) {
let activeQuestion = true;
Object.keys(question.dataset).forEach(function(key) {
activeQuestion &= (question.dataset[key] == form.querySelector(`#${key}`).value);
}) = (activeQuestion) ? 'block' : 'none'
question.querySelector('input, select').required = activeQuestion;
document.getElementById('dynamicForm').dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
<form id="dynamicForm">
<p>Where do you live</p>
<select name="country" id="country" required>
<option value="UK">UK</option>
<option value="France">France</option>
<p>Select the city in the <span id="selectedCountry"></span></p>
<select name="town" id="town" required>
<option data-country="UK" value="London">London</option>
<option data-country="UK" value="Manchester">Manchester</option>
<option data-country="France" value="Paris">Paris</option>
<option data-country="France" value="St.Tropez">St.tropez</option>
<div class="question" data-country="France">
<p>Another one question if you live in France</p>
<input type="text" />
<div class="question" data-town="Paris">
<p>Another one question if you live in Paris</p>
<input type="text" />

How can I calculate a number in an input field with a value from a dropdown menu?

I'm trying to create a calculator-like program that takes the number you enter into the first input field and divides it by the number in the dropdown field below it. I'm trying to get a specific percentage of whatever number is entered in the first field.
However, I keep getting "NaN" when it runs. What should I change?
const number = document.getElementById('number');
const percentageSelector = document.getElementById('percentageSelector');
const submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton');
//The mathematical stuff
submitButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
alert(number * percentageSelector);
<h2>Enter number here</h2>
<input type="number" id="number">
<h2>Select a percentage to divide by</h2>
<select id="percentageSelector">
<option selected disabled>Pick one</option>
<button type="submit" id="submitButton">Submit</button>
The following code ensures that the value of the inputs only get checked when the button is clicked. Values have also been added to each option and the value of the percentageSelector is checked using percentageSelector.selectedOptions[0].value.
I have also made a jsfiddle.
const percentageSelector = document.getElementById('percentageSelector');
const submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton');
//The mathematical stuff
submitButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
const number = document.getElementById('number').value;
const percentage = percentageSelector.selectedOptions[0].value;
alert(number * percentage);
<h2>Enter number here</h2>
<input type="number" id="number">
<h2>Select a percentage to divide by</h2>
<select id="percentageSelector">
<option selected disabled>Pick one</option>
<option value="0.01">1%</option>
<option value="0.02">2%</option>
<option value="0.03">3%</option>
<option value="0.04">4%</option>
<option value="0.05">5%</option>
<option value="0.06">6%</option>
<option value="0.07">7%</option>
<option value="0.08">8%</option>
<option value="0.09">9%</option>
<option value="0.1">10%</option>
<button type="submit" id="submitButton">Submit</button>
This const percentageSelector = document.getElementById('percentageSelector'); sets percentageSelector to the element not the value of the element. (Ditto "number").
Since the operands are set outside the click function, they will have the values as when the page loaded. You probably want to collect that info after the click, ie inside the function.
The value of a select element is the option that has been selected. The value is going to be the value attribute of the option. But none of the options has a value. Once you add values (as with <option value=".01">, it should be able to "do the math".
so simple.. take care to use numbers and not string values
const numberIn = document.getElementById('number-in')
, percent = document.getElementById('percentage-Selector')
, btCompute = document.getElementById('submit-Button')
console.log('percent=', numberIn.valueAsNumber *Number(percent.value) /100)
<h2>Enter number here</h2>
<input type="number" id="number-in">
<h2>Select a percentage to divide by</h2>
<select id="percentage-Selector">
<option selected disabled>Pick one</option>
<option value="1">1%</option>
<option value="2">2%</option>
<option value="3">3%</option>
<option value="4">4%</option>
<option value="5">5%</option>
<option value="6">6%</option>
<option value="7">7%</option>
<option value="8">8%</option>
<option value="9">9%</option>
<option value="10">10%</option>
<button id="submit-Button">Submit</button>

How to add multiple dropdown form with submit button combine value and make another html page name to go to it

I want the submit button to act on the combined values in the two didferent dropwdown menu's in the form.Which will be a html page name.
For example... west and winter is a different option which will creat "westwinter.html" then west and summer is a different option which will make "westsummer.html" . and clicking submit button the created page will load.I have already created such types of html page named (ex. westwinter.html).
I'm struggeling for days to make this work. I feel some how this must be possible. Please help!
This is the code I use. When I replace the value to a page name (ex. westsummer.html) . The page will be loaded on submit (go). I want the values of the first dropdown and second dropdown to be counted and the result should be a page name on submit. Finaly there should be 16 different html page name.
Iwant this solution with jQuery or javascript.
<div class="selCont">
<h2>pick an option</h2>
<select id="selection" name="selection">
<option value="1">West</option>
<option value="2">East</option>
<option value="3">North</option>
<option value="4">South</option>
<select id="selection" name="selection">
<option value="1">Winter</option>
<option value="2">Spring</option>
<option value="3">Summer</option>
<option value="4">Fall</option>
<button class="go-btn" type="submit">Go</button>
Firstly, let's set unique IDs for the select tags, and lets set the values to the actual strings (we could keep them numeric and perform a switch on them later to determine their value, but it's easier this way):
<select id="direction" name="selection">
<option value="west">West</option>
<option value="east">East</option>
<option value="north">North</option>
<option value="south">South</option>
<select id="season" name="selection">
<option value="winter">Winter</option>
<option value="spring">Spring</option>
<option value="summer">Summer</option>
<option value="fall">Fall</option>
Next, let's write a function to compose a link using the values from those select tags. I've used document.querySelector here, but you can easily change it out for jQuery if you'd like:
function getLink() {
var direction = document.querySelector("#direction").value;
var season = document.querySelector("#season").value;
//Assuming that the html files are in the same folder as the current page
return "./" + direction + season + ".html";
Finally, let's update our button to change the page location to the new link when clicked:
<button class="go-btn" type="submit" onClick="window.location.href = getLink()">Go</button>
Here's everything altogether:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<div class="selCont">
<h2>pick an option</h2>
<select id="direction" name="selection">
<option value="west">West</option>
<option value="east">East</option>
<option value="north">North</option>
<option value="south">South</option>
<select id="season" name="selection">
<option value="winter">Winter</option>
<option value="spring">Spring</option>
<option value="summer">Summer</option>
<option value="fall">Fall</option>
<button class="go-btn" type="submit" onClick="window.location.href = getLink()" >Go</button>
function getLink() {
var direction = document.querySelector("#direction").value;
var season = document.querySelector("#season").value;
return "./" + direction + season + ".html";

jquery form only passing first select box values on submit

I'm new posting here, have visited several times over the years to read every ones ideas.
My issue is I have a form with 2 select boxes, second one populated with values upon selection in the first. The second holds a url value which you got to upon submit.
This function works perfectly using the onchange but on submit only the first of the second select list urls work. I can swap them but only the first works, all the others only pass the primary url followed by a crosshatch '#'.
$("#category").change(function() {
$("#" + $(this).val()).show().attr("name", "product");
/* ' This works on all
$(".product").change(function() {
document.location = $(this).val();
/* this only passes url on first product option list else passes opening url + #*/
$('#discover').submit(function() {
document.location = $(".product").val();
return false;
<div id="discover-box">
<form id="discover" method="post">
<p class="category">
<label class="title">Category:</label>
<select id="category" name="category">
<option value="#" selected="selected">Choose category</option>
<option value="accommodation">Accommodation</option>
<option value="food">Food</option>
<option value="explore">Explore</option>
<select id="accommodation" name="product" class="product">
<option value="#" selected="selected">Choose sub-category</option>
<option value="accommodation_category.asp?o=1&c=1">Motels</option>
<option value="accommodation_category.asp?o=2&c=2">Camping, Caravan & Holiday Parks</option>
<option value="accommodation_category.asp?o=3&c=3">B&B, Self-Contained Houses & Cottages</option>
<option value="accommodation_category.asp?o=4&c=4">Hotels</option>
<option value="accommodation_category.asp?o=5&c=5">Backpackers & Group Accommodation</option>
<option value="accommodation_category.asp?o=6&c=6">National Parks</option>
<select id="food" style="display:none" name="product" class="product">
<option value="#" selected="selected">Choose sub-category</option>
<option value="food_wine_category.asp?o=1&t=1&c=1">Restaurants & Cafes</option>
<option value="food_wine_category.asp?o=2&t=1&c=2">Pubs</option>
<option value="food_wine_category.asp?o=3&t=1&c=3">Bakeries & Takeaway</option>
<option value="food_wine_category.asp?o=4&t=1&c=4">Local Produce</option>
<option value="food_wine_category.asp?o=5&t=2&c=1">Mount Gambier Wine Region</option>
<option value="food_wine_category.asp?o=5&t=2&c=2">Other Limestone Coast Wine Regions</option>
<select id="explore" style="display:none" name="product" class="product">
<option value="#" selected="selected">Choose sub-category</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=1">Top 10</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=2">Arts, Crafts, Galleries & Museums</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=3">Heritage, Antiques & Collectables</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=4">Family Fun</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=5">Caves & Sinkholes</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=6">Parks & Gardens</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=7">Walks & Drives</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=8">Kanawinka Geotrail</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=9">Retail</option>
<option value="explore_category.asp?o=10">Recreation, Leisure & Adventure</option>
<p class="buttons">
<input type="image" src="images/submit-red.png" Value="submit">
because $(".product").val(); will find first occurrence of DOM having class product so in any case it will fetch first one... u can do this using
$('#discover').submit(function() {
document.location = $('select[name="product"]').val();
return false;
Open Fiddler ( and watch the post go past. I find that generally when more than one control on a page uses the same name, the browser actually passes all of them, but the server-side framework expecting each post parameter to be unique, ignores all but the last one.
when you submit , you have only one select box with attribute name ,so you can select the selected value by that attribute
$('#discover').submit(function() {
document.location = $('select[name="product"]').val();
return false;

Don't display number greater than 72

I have a sample site here.
In the bottom of the document, there's a section labeled 'Potential Gen Ed TOC'.
If you open the Accordion labeled Composition, you'll see dropdown menus on the right.
As you can see, in this JavaScript, it was based on whether or not a checkbox was activated. Then the 'Potential Gen Ed TOC' would display a number based on the assigned value.
$(function($) {
var sum = 0;
$('#CourseMenu :checkbox').click(function() {
sum = 0;
$('#CourseMenu :checkbox:checked').each(function(idx, elm) {
sum += parseInt(elm.value, 10);
As you continue to check boxes throughout the different courses, a sum would be displayed.
What' I'm trying to do now, is eliminate the checkbox trigger in the JS. I've replaced them with dropdown menus that say, "Credits - Select Credit".
Whenever someone selects a value, the "Potential Gen Ed TOC" slowly increases based on that value.
I would assume that all I have to do is assign value="Any Number" and the JavaScript would pick up on that.
In the JavaScript (above), I'm having trouble accounting for pulling these values from the dropdown menus. As you can see the JS is based on checked boxes.
Once I'm able to pull values from the dropdown menu, I want to have these values add up, but never display a number higher than 72, no matter how many total transfer credits are selected.
Does that make sense?
Edit: Here is some markup to understand where I'm trying to pull the values from (dropdown menu)...
<fieldset name = Comunication>
<legend>Transfer Course Information</legend>
<label for="School Int.">School Int.</label>
<input name="School Int." type="text" size="6" maxlength="6" />
<label for="ID">ID</label>
<input name="ID" type="text" id="ID" size="8" />
<label for="Name">Name</label>
<input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" size="25" />
<label for="Grade">Grade</label>
<input name="Grade" type="text" id="Grade" size="2" />
<label for="COM1"></label>
<form id="form2" name="form2" method="post" action="">
<label for="Credits">Credits</label>
<select name="Credits" id="Credits">
<option value="0">Select Credit</option>
<option value="0.67">1 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="1.33">2 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="2.00">3 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="2.67">4 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="3.33">5 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="4.00">6 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="4.67">7 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="5.33">8 QrtCr.</option>
<option value="6.00">9 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="6.67">10 QtrCr.</option>
<option value="1">1 SemCr.</option>
<option value="2">2 SemCr. </option>
<option value="3">3 SemCr.</option>
<option value="4">4 SemCr.</option>
<option value="5">5 SemCr.</option>
<option value="6">6 SemCr.</option>
<option value="7">7 SemCr. </option>
<option value="8">8 SemCr.</option>
<option value="9">9 SemCr.</option>
<option value="10">10 SemCr.</option>
<input name="COM105" type="checkbox" id="COM1" />
Will display the sum up to 72 then just 72
Here's how you would do it with select inputs:
$(function($) {
$('#CourseMenu select').change(function() {
var sum = 0;
$('#CourseMenu select').each(function(idx, elm) {
sum += parseInt(elm.value, 10);
Important note
You have some serious issues with your form HTML markup. You have repeating ids in some of your elements which represents invalid markup, id attributes must be unique in a page. Also some of your inputs have the same name, which mean only one value will be submitted with the form. You can use arrays in your inputs name to submit multiple values.
how about:
if (sum <= 72) {
} else {

