Unable to get image src url with Cheerio - javascript

At the moment I am trying to get value in src= of
<div class="page-break no-gaps">
<img id="image-0" src="https://foo.bar/image.jpg" class="wp-image" alt="Title">
with the following code:
getImageSrc(imageObj: Cheerio | undefined): string {
let image
image = imageObj?.attr('src')
selector code:
chapterDetailsSelector = 'div.page-break > img'
However all I am getting is undefined
EDITED - add more context

View source html != what is fetched by cheerio
Seems like the image url is in attr('data-cfsrc') rather than attr('data') when fetched with cheerio


Split image path gotten from database and append to src

I have multiple image paths saved into the database in the same column. The image is saved in this sample in the database:
Two images are not uploaded every time (the highlighted is the multiple image upload example separated by comma). I am using Nodejs and am getting the image data with foreach on the ejs side (data is the output of the select statement on the index.ejs side
router.get('/homes', function (req, res, next) {
db.query("SELECT * FROM stocks", function (err, rs) {
if (err) {
else {
res.render('homes', {data:rs})
<% data.forEach(function(item) { %>
<input type="hidden" id="desc" value="<%= item.image %>" />
<img id="pic1" class="pic-1" src = "" alt="image" >
<% }); %>
item.image value (input string you are getting from $('#desc').val()). It is just string format of the image path as the loop occurs.
I am saving the image on my localhost server. I am doing the split and wanting to append the src in the script tag with the code below:
var desc = $('#desc').val();
var temp = new Array();
temp = desc.split(",");
var container = document.getElementById("container");
temp.forEach(function (imagepath) {
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.className = "class";
img.src = imagepath;
// div.innerText = text;
document.getElementById("pic1").src= "/" + text;
I use the same format for split text and it works, but am not sure what am getting wrong in the image part. I will appreciate any assistance or any other way to achieve this. Thanks.
I still don't know exactly what you intend to do. However, I tried to tidy up your code. In the HTML I got rid of the non-unique IDs by replacing them with class attributes.
In your JavaScript code I replaced the lengthy vanilla-JavaScript expressions by suitable jquery expressions and avoided some (temporary) variables altogether. The following is valid HTML and working JavaScript but might not be what you intended:
// var desc = $('#desc').val();
var data=[{image:"MyImage-1591506118979.png"},
`<input type="text" class="desc" value="${item.image}" /><br>`
+ item.image.split(',').map(pth=>`<img class="pic1" src ="${pth}" alt="${pth}"><br>`)).join(''));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="container"></div>

Image not loading in HTML when appended by jQuery

Image loads correctly in HTML, but not when appended through jQuery.
The project is set up through webpack and images are loaded through file-loader. The code works correctly when directly typed into HTML however, it doesnt work when I attempt to load it through jQuery.
For HTML :
<img src = {require('../images/icon1.png')} className = 'studentIcon' />
For jQuery :
$("<div class = 'row'>").append(
$("<div class = 'col-xs-4'>").append(
"<img src = {require('../images/icon1.png')} />"
In HTML the jQuery appended images shows up as:
<img src="{require('../images/icon1.png')}">
with Console error:
icon1.png')%7D:1 GET http://localhost:8080/%7Brequire('../images/icon1.png')%7D 404 (Not Found)
When directly inserted into HTML the images shows correctly, however I have a large number of images which I want to directly attach to some generated code.
You don't need to "nest" many .append() methods like this.
But what you definitely have to do is to concatenate the string (+ sign) with your templating (which runs first), else it's just characters that are part of the string as is.
Here is what you want:
$("#students").append("<div class = 'col-xs-4'><img src = "+{require('../images/icon1.png')}+" /></div>");
And a more "visual/readable" way for the same:
.append("<div class = 'col-xs-4'>"+
"<img src = "+{require('../images/icon1.png')}+" />"+
Would advise the following.
$(function() {
var students = $("#students");
var row = $("<div>", {
class: "row"
var col = $("<div>", {
class: "col-xs-4"
$("<img>", {
src: "../images/icon1.png"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.2.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-GJzZqFGwb1QTTN6wy59ffF1BuGJpLSa9DkKMp0DgiMDm4iYMj70gZWKYbI706tWS" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="students">
This jQuery creates the various HTML Elements as jQuery OIbjects, appends them as needed, and adds them to the DOM. For the Image Source, it is a relative path to the location on the web server.
Hope that helps.

retrieving gifs from tenor API json

i'm implementing this tenor API into my Site....the thing is that with this function I retrieve a single value single gif...How do I foreach() all of them?
How would need to be the html structure and the javascript loop
function grab_data(anon_id)
// set the apikey and limit
var apikey = "*************";
var lmt = 8;
// callback for trending top 10 GIFs
function tenorCallback_trending(responsetext)
// parse the json response
var response_objects = JSON.parse(responsetext);
top_10_gifs = response_objects["results"];
// load the GIFs -- for our example we will load the first GIFs preview size (nanogif) and share size (tinygif)
document.getElementById("preview_gif").src = top_10_gifs[1]["media"][0]["nanogif"]["url"];
document.getElementById("share_gif").src = top_10_gifs[6]["media"][0]["tinygif"]["url"];
I would have this top_10_gifs variable loaded of content...how do I foreach it?
<h2 class="title">GIF loaded - preview image</h2>
<div class="container">
<img id="preview_gif" src="" alt="" style="">
<h2 class="title">GIF loaded - share image</h2>
<div class="container">
<img id="share_gif" src="" alt="" style="">
Depends on what exactly you're trying to do (which you haven't explained), but something like
response_objects.results.forEach((gifObj, i) => {
if (i >= 8) return;
// do something with each gifObj
.src = gifObj.media[0].tinygif.url;
to iterate over all of them.

Displaying remote images in a firefox add-on panel

I'm trying to display remote images in a FireFox add-on panel, but the src attributes are being converted from something like this:
to something like this:
I can't figure out if I'm breaking a security policy or not.
In my add-on script (index.js) I'm retrieving image URLs using the sdk/request API and passing them to my content script (data/my-panel.js). My data/my-panel.js file is creating DOM elements in my panel file (data/popup.html) – including images – using the URLs passed from index.js. Here are the relevant bits of code:
var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
width: 500,
height: 500,
contentURL: "./popup.html",
contentScriptFile: "./my-panel.js"
url: url,
onComplete: function(response) {
// Get the JSON data.
json = response.json;
// Launch the popup/panel.
panel.port.emit("sendJSON", json);
var title;
var desc;
var list;
var titleTextNode;
var descTextNode;
self.port.on("sendJSON", function(json) {
json.docs.forEach(function(items) {
title = JSON.stringify(items.sourceResource.title);
desc = JSON.stringify(items.sourceResource.description);
img = JSON.stringify(items.object);
var node = document.createElement("li"); // Create a <li> node
var imgTag = document.createElement("img"); // Create a <img> node
imgTag.setAttribute('src', img);
imgTag.setAttribute('alt', desc);
imgTag.style.width= '25px';
titleTextNode = document.createTextNode(title);
descTextNode = document.createTextNode(desc);
node.appendChild(titleTextNode); // Append the text to <li>
node.appendChild(descTextNode); // Append the text to <li>
document.getElementById("myList").appendChild(node); // Append <li> to <ul> with id="myList"
The console.log(img) line is displaying the URLs correctly, but not in popup.html...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<ul id="myList"></ul>
<p id="myImgs"></p>
How can I make the images' src attributes point directly to the remote URLs?
I figured out what I was doing wrong. Using JSON.stringify() on the img URL was adding double quotes around it. Removing it fixed the images:
img = items.object;
I'm not so sure about SDK permissions, but as a last resort you can turn the remote url into a resource URI like this -
var res = Services.io.getProtocolHandler("resource").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler);
res.setSubstitution("rawr", Services.io.newURI('http://www.bing.com/',null,null));
// now try navigating to resource://rawr it will load bing
Then you can load resource://rawr and it should work.

Find a element and append a image

I know how to append a image to a known tag. e.g.
<div class="ImageContainer"></div>
var image = new Image;
image.src = '/Public/Images/image.png';
but how to find a certain tag(the figure tag here) and append the image?
I could locate the figure tag with '.find()':
var ImageContainer = $('<div><figure></figure></div>').
but failed to append the image to it:
image.appendTo(ImageContainer.find('figure')); //doesn't work
If you have an image element with an id you can select it like so:
var $image = '<img src="/Public/Images/image.png" />';
Then so find the figure elemnt:
Try below code.
1) Stored image url in variable name $img.
2) Find the div using class name 'image' ($('.image'))
3) Appended image to div
<div class="image"> </div>
var $img = '<img src="https://skypeblogs.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/skype-button.png"/>';
if you are using jquery, you can just do
var htmlString = '<div><figure><img src="some image src" /></figure></div>';
but if you are wanting to insert the div/figure and image separately, then you'd be best giving it some sort of identifier, i.e.
var htmlString = '<div><figure id="myFig"></figure></div>';
$('#myFig').html('<img src="" />');

