I'm using jquery-querybuilder to build out a query. I'm currently having an issue with adding in selectize as a plugin to allow for autocomplete inside the select inputs. I'm logging the data in the for loop and it prints out the correct data so I know its physically getting the data, but when typing in the input box, there is still no autocomplete and I'm not quite sure where I went wrong.
let totalMachines = [];
var rules_basic = {
condition: 'AND',
rules: [{
}, {
condition: 'OR',
rules: [{
}, {
let options = {
plugins: [],
allow_empty: true,
filters: [
id: 'machineName',
label: 'Machine Name',
type: 'string',
input: 'text',
operators: ['equal'],
plugin: 'selectize',
values: {
plugin_config: {
valueField: 'id',
labelField: 'machineName',
searchField: 'machineName',
sortField: 'machineName',
create: false,
plugins: ['remove_button'],
onInitialize: function() {
var that = this;
totalMachines.forEach(function(item) {
valueSetter: function(rule, value) {
rule.$el.find('.rule-value-container input')[0].selectize.setValue(value);
url: '/api-endpoint',
type: 'GET',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(response){
response.forEach((res) => {
.then(() => {
// Fix for Selectize
$('#builder').on('afterCreateRuleInput.queryBuilder', function(e, rule) {
if (rule.filter.plugin == 'selectize') {
rule.$el.find('.rule-value-container').css('min-width', '200px')
It would be extremely helpful if someone could help me figure out how to properly configure this plugin, I've looked at every thread and haven't been able to figure it out.
Here is a simple example, using a local datasource, the namesList array
$(document).ready(function() {
let namesList = [{ id: '1', name: 'andrew' }, { id: '2', name: 'bob' }, { id: '3', name: 'charles' }, { id: '4', name: 'david' }];
let pluginConfig = {
preload: true,
valueField: 'id',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: 'name',
options: namesList,
items: ['2'],
allowEmptyOption: true,
plugins: ['remove_button'],
onInitialize: function () { },
onChange: function (value) {
valueSetter: function (rule, value) {
rule.$el.find('.rule-value-container input')[0].selectize.setValue(value);
valueGetter: function (rule) {
var val = rule.$el.find('.rule-value-container input')[0].selectize.getValue();
return val.split(',');
let filterList = [{
id: 'age',
type: 'integer',
input: 'text'
id: 'id',
label: 'name',
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
input: 'text',
plugin: 'selectize',
plugin_config: pluginConfig
let options = {
allow_empty: true,
operators: ['equal', 'not_equal', 'greater', 'greater_or_equal', 'less', 'less_or_equal'],
filters: filterList
// Fix for Selectize
$('#builder').on('afterCreateRuleInput.queryBuilder', function (e, rule) {
if (rule.filter.plugin == 'selectize') {
rule.$el.find('.rule-value-container').css('min-width', '200px').find('.selectize-control').removeClass('form-control');
I am using handson table lib in my angular project. have a date column and i want the dates to be formatted like that DD/MM/YYYY at the init of the table but unfortunately nothing is happened and even when i call afterRender() in angular's hooks(after view init and after view checked ) it tolds me cannot render of undefined so it's like the table is undefined at this time.
So what is the sollution for that?
this is afterRender method
private afterRender( ) {
this is my settings
hotSettings: Handsontable.GridSettings = {
height: MajStockComponent.HANDSON_TABLE_HEIGHT,
width: MajStockComponent.HANDSON_TABLE_WIDTH,
stretchH: 'all',
rowHeaderWidth: MajStockComponent.HANDSON_TABLE_ROW_HEADER_WIDTH,
colWidths: MajStockComponent.HANDSON_TABLE_COL_WIDTH,
colHeaders: MajStockComponent.HANDSON_TABLE_IS_COL_HEADER,
language: ConstantesNuc.HANDSOME_FR,
columns: [
data: "code",
type: 'text',
readOnly: true
data: "num",
type: 'text',
readOnly: true
data: "date",
type: 'date',
readOnly: true,
dateFormat: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
correctFormat: true,
nestedHeaders: [
label: '',
colspan: 3
['Code ', 'Num ', 'Date']
afterLoadData: (bool) => {
Hi you have make to custom cell render for your date cell.
columns: [
data: "code",
type: 'text',
readOnly: true
data: "num",
type: 'text',
readOnly: true
data: "date",
type: 'date',
readOnly: true,
renderer: function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
dateCell = value, // format your date value with custom pipe.
return dateCell;
I am trying to show data in group using jqGrid. It creates multiple group for same name.
Below is My Code
datatype: "local",
data: Projectdata,
colNames: ['Action', 'Opportunity Id', 'Salesforce Opportunity ID', 'Project Name (Opportunity Name)', 'Project Type', 'Type Of Revenue', 'Milestone Description', 'Amount', 'PO Number', 'PO Amount', 'Close Date', 'Assigned To',
'Business Unit', 'Product', 'Channel Name', 'Sales Person', 'Vertical', 'Customer Name', 'Customer Contact','Region'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'actionBtn', search: false, frozen: true, width: 200, align: 'center'},
{ name: 'OpportunityID', index: 'id', frozen: true },//, cellattr: arrtSetting
{ name: 'SalesforceOpportunityId', index: 'invdate', frozen: true },
{ name: 'OpportunityName', index: 'name', frozen: true },
{ name: 'ProjectTypeLongName', index: 'amount', frozen: true },
{ name: 'ProjectTypeChildName', index: 'tax', frozen: true },
{ name: 'ChannelName', index: 'total', frozen: true },
{ name: 'Amount', index: 'amount' },
{ name: 'PONumber', index: 'closedate' },
{ name: 'POAllocatedAmount', index: 'closedate' },
{ name: 'CloseDate', index: 'closedate' },
{ name: 'AssignedTo', index: 'note' },
{ name: 'BusinessUnit', index: 'note' },
{ name: 'Product', index: 'product' },
{ name: 'Channel Name', index: 'stage' },
{ name: 'SalesPerson', index: 'salesperson' },
{ name: 'Vertical', index: 'vertical' },
{ name: 'CustomerName', index: 'customername' },
{ name: 'CustomerContactNumber', index: 'currency' },
{ name: 'Region', index: 'amountexpected' }
shrinkToFit: false,
pager: "#jqGridPagerManage",
viewrecords: true,
autowidth: true,
height: 450,
sortname: "OpportunityID",
grouping: true,
groupingView: {
groupField: ["OpportunityID"],
groupColumnShow: [true, true],
groupCollapse: false,
groupDataSorted: true
resizeStop: function () {;;;
loadComplete: function () {;
gridComplete: function () {
var ids = $("#jqGridManage").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var rowId = ids[i],
// statusId = $("#list").jqGrid ('getCell', rowId, 'statusId'),
// activeBtn = "";
// if (statusId == 0) { // Inactive
activeBtn = "<button class='ManageEditBtn ManageEdit'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i> Edit</button> <button class='ManageEdit ManageCreate'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Create Invoice</button>";
//"onclick='publish(" + rowId + ")' />";
// }
jQuery("#jqGridManage").jqGrid('setRowData', rowId, { actionBtn: activeBtn });
In my code data coming from backend. I am grouping by OpportunityID; there are 4 opprtunity id's but each group is showing multiple times. Below is My screenshow for reference.
I have referred other same questions also but that are not helpful. Can anybody help me in this?
colModel, which you use have many inconsistencies. You should remove of index properties. If you use index in combination with datatype: "local", then the value of index property should corresponds the name property or to reference name of another column of colModel. The best choice is not using any index property at all.
Additionally you have to fix the name of Channel Name column. The value of name property will be used for building ids of some internal elements on the HTML page and HTML5 don't allow the usage of spaces in id.
The problem IMHO is that your data coming from the server should be sorted by OpportunityID. Check if this is true.
Another cause can be in your gridComplete event. Remove this event and see if the grouping is ok.
In JQGrid I have used the dropdown column with the following code (in colModel):
name: 'CountryList', index: 'CountryList', width: 120, resizable: true,
sortable: false, editable: true, edittype: 'select', formatter: 'select',
formatoptions: {
disabled: false
editoptions: {
size : 1,
dataUrl : 'GetLists.ashx?Type=CountrLists&RegionID=2'),
dataEvents: [{
type: 'change',
fn: function (e) {
style: "width: 95%"
When adding row (addrow), i want the added row to have the above mentioned dropdown column value selected, by passing a paramter (preferably value of select/option HTML control)
parameters =
rowID : undefined,
initdata: {
chkSave: "false", 'Label': 'test', people: 'Test person',
CountryList: '2', Notes: 'Test notes.'
position: "first",
useDefValues: true,
useFormatter: false,
addRowParams: { extraparam: {} }
$("#tbJQGrid").jqGrid('addRow', parameters);
Please provide some solution or alternatives.
To resolve this,used the "setColProp" property to modify the dataUrl:
$("#tbJQGrid").setColProp('CountryList', { editoptions: { dataUrl: 'GetLists.ashx?Type=CountrLists&RegionID=15' } });
Hope this helps.
Kindly add to the comments, in case better solution exist.
I am trying to create a grid builder object. This grid builder has a method, buildGrid, which I've designed to expect an object defining a bunch of paramaters for a grid:
buildOrdersGrid: function () {
var ordersGrid = buildGrid({
gridElementID: 'OrdersGrid',
gridPagerElementID: 'OrdersGridPager',
colNames: ['Order ID', 'Project Subcode', 'Incident Number', 'Cost Center', 'Name', 'Customer'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'ID', hidden: true },
{ name: 'ProjectSubcode' },
{ name: 'IncidentNumber' },
{ name: 'CostCenter' },
{ name: 'Name' },
{ name: 'Customer' }
defaultCaption:'Orders: no filter applied',
return ordersGrid;
function buildGrid(data) {
var grid = $('#' + data.gridElementID);
var gridPager = $('#' + data.gridPagerElementID);
datatype: 'local',
colNames: data.colNames,
colModel: data.colModel,
gridview: true,
height: 'auto',
pager: gridPager,
viewrecords: true,
multiselect: true,
defaultCaption: data.defaultCaption,
caption: data.defaultCaption,
shrinkToFit: false
return grid;
Something like that, but it's really new code, so open to advice on how to improve.
Now, I would like to extend this buildGrid method such that it can take non-predefined properties and give them to the jqGrid. Something like:
buildTaskGrid: function () {
var tasksGrid = buildGrid({
gridElementID: 'TasksGrid',
gridPagerElementID: 'TasksGridPager',
colNames: ['Order', 'Task ID', 'Task #', 'Type', 'Status', 'Assignee', 'Current Location', 'Dest Location', 'Change No', 'Net Patched', 'SAN Patched'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'Order' },
{ name: 'TaskID', hidden: true },
{ name: 'TaskNo' },
{ name: 'Type' },
{ name: 'Status' },
{ name: 'Assignee' },
{ name: 'CurrentLocation' },
{ name: 'DestLocation' },
{ name: 'ChangeNo' },
{ name: 'NetPatched' },
{ name: 'SANPatched' }
defaultCaption:'Tasks: no filter applied',
//Decorate with task-specific properties.
grouping: true,
groupingView: {
groupField: ['Order'],
groupColumnShow: [false]
ondblClickRow: function (rowid) {
$(this).trigger('taskDoubleClicked', selector.getRowData(rowid));
return tasksGrid;
I'm not sure how I should best 'find' the unanticipated properties and give them to the grid. Any ideas?
I think you can use this