Removing items from a nested array with unknown depth - javascript

I am trying to remove items from a nested array based on an array of correct matches.
Three requirements apply:
The depth of the array is unknown. Items can have nested children.
Only items without children should be removed
The items should be removed if they are not in the matching array
I have build a function to recursively get to the deepest level and filter the items based on the $match array.
This is what my code looks like so far:
import * as lodash from "";
let filterRecursively = (arr, match) => {
// Recursively go to the deepest array we can find
arr.forEach(el => {
arr = el.children ? filterRecursively(el.children, match) : arr
// If we are at the deepest level we filter the items ...
if (arr[0] && arr[0].children === undefined) {
return _.filter(arr, (item) => {
return match.includes(
} else { // ... if not we just return the array as-is
return arr
let arr = [
'name': 'John',
'children': [
'name': 'John',
'children': [
{ 'name': 'John' },
{ 'name': 'Jane' },
{ 'name': 'Joe' }
}, {
'name': 'Jeff',
'children': [
'name': 'Joe',
'children': [
{ 'name': 'Jill' },
{ 'name': 'Jeff' },
{ 'name': 'Joe' }
let match = ['John', 'Joe'];
let result = filterRecursively(arr, match);
// Expected result:
'name': 'John',
'children': [
'name': 'John',
'children': [
{ 'name': 'John' },
{ 'name': 'Joe' }
}, {
'name': 'Jeff',
'children': [
'name': 'Joe',
'children': [
{ 'name': 'Joe' }
// Current output
"name": "Joe"
See the Codepen

Because the forEach basically "skips" layers without returning anything, you end up with just your first and deepest result.
I also think your function is a bit more complicated because it starts with an array, rather than a sort of ROOT node.
Here's an alternative that (I think) meets your requirements:
let childlessMatch = (node, match) => {
// If it's at the deepest level, check against match
if (node.children === undefined) {
return match.includes( ? [node] : [];
// If not, calculate the next child layer first
const newChildren = node.children.flatMap(c => childlessMatch(c, match));
// With the children calculated, we can prune based on whether there
// are any children left to show
if (newChildren.length === 0) return [];
return [{
children: newChildren
In a runnable snippet:
let childlessMatch = (node, match) => {
if (node.children === undefined) {
return match.includes( ? [node] : [];
const newChildren = node.children.flatMap(c => childlessMatch(c, match));
if (newChildren.length === 0) return [];
return {
children: newChildren
let arr = [
'name': 'John',
'children': [
'name': 'John',
'children': [
{ 'name': 'John' },
{ 'name': 'Jane' },
{ 'name': 'Joe' }
}, {
'name': 'Jeff',
'children': [
'name': 'Joe',
'children': [
{ 'name': 'Jill' },
{ 'name': 'Jeff' },
{ 'name': 'Joe' }
let match = ['John', 'Joe'];
let result = childlessMatch({ children: arr }, match).children;

I think it's better to separate out a generic node filtering technique that handles children appropriately from the code that checks the names. Here filterNodes accepts a predicate that says whether the node should be included (without worrying about children). It then does the child handling bit.
We write our main function by just passing a predicate that tests whether the name is on the allowed list.
Together, it looks like this:
const filterNodes = (pred) => (nodes) =>
nodes .flatMap (
(node, _, __,
kids = filterNodes (pred) (node .children || [])
) => pred (node) || node .children ?.length > 0
? [{...node, ... (kids .length ? {children: kids} : {})}]
: []
const removeUnmatchedNames = (names) =>
filterNodes (({name}) => names .includes (name))
const arr = [{name: "John", children: [{name: "John", children: [{name: "John"}, {name: "Jane"}, {name: "Joe"}]}]}, {name: "Jeff", children: [{name: "Joe", children: [{name: "Jill"}, {name: "Jeff"}, {name: "Joe"}]}]}]
console .log (removeUnmatchedNames (['John', 'Joe']) (arr))
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let filterRecursively = (arr, match) => {
// Recursively go to the deepest array we can find
return arr
.map((el) =>
? { ...el, children: filterRecursively(el.children, match) }
: el
.filter((el) => el.children || match.includes(;
I have updated filterRecursively.
let filterRecursively = (arr, match) => {
// Recursively go to the deepest array we can find
return arr
.map((el) =>
? { ...el, children: filterRecursively(el.children, match) }
: el
.filter((el) => el.children || match.includes(;
let arr = [
name: "John",
children: [
name: "John",
children: [{ name: "John" }, { name: "Jane" }, { name: "Joe" }],
name: "Jeff",
children: [
name: "Joe",
children: [{ name: "Jill" }, { name: "Jeff" }, { name: "Joe" }],
let match = ["John", "Joe"];
let result = filterRecursively(arr, match);
// Expected result:
// [
// {
// 'name': 'John',
// 'children': [
// {
// 'name': 'John',
// 'children': [
// { 'name': 'John' },
// { 'name': 'Joe' }
// ]
// }]
// }, {
// 'name': 'Jeff',
// 'children': [
// {
// 'name': 'Joe',
// 'children': [
// { 'name': 'Joe' }
// ]
// }]
// }];


Removing not matching obj from old array and replace matching obj from new array with old matching obj

I cant figure out how to do this...
const arr1 = [{ name: 'peter' }, { name: 'sam', id: 1 }, { name: 'mark' }];
const arr2 = [{ name: 'sam' }, { name: 't' }, { name: 'george' }];
Desired outcome:
const arr2 = [{ name: 'sam', id: 1 }, { name: 't' }, { name: 'george' }];
If you want the previous item I would do this:
const arr1 = [{
name: 'peter'
}, {
name: 'sam',
id: 1
}, {
name: 'mark'
const arr2 = [{
name: 'sam'
}, {
name: 't'
}, {
name: 'george'
const result = => {
const previousItem = arr1.find(i => ===
if (previousItem) {
return previousItem
return item
However, if you want to combine the old and new data, I would recommend spreading the data together, like so:
const arr1 = [{
name: 'peter'
}, {
name: 'sam',
id: 1
}, {
name: 'mark'
const arr2 = [{
name: 'sam'
}, {
name: 't'
}, {
name: 'george'
const result = => {
const previousItem = arr1.find(i => ===
if (previousItem) {
return {
return item
Both allude to the same result here, but you would get different results if arr2's "Sam" object had an additional key "age" on it...
In this example, the second snippet would keep the "age" key because the spread (...) operation combines the two objects together.
You can try this.
const arr1 = [{ name: 'peter' }, { name: 'sam', id: 1 }, { name: 'mark' }];
const arr2 = [{ name: 'sam' }, { name: 't' }, { name: 'george' }];
const result = [];
const res1 =, i) => {
let index = arr1.findIndex((x) => ===;
if ( index > -1 )

How to conditionally filter the data

I'm writing a small js code where I need to filter the data based on key passed. Here, the main issue is, the data is not consistent(please refer to my code sample).
var users = [{
name: 'paul',
job: 'engineer'
name: 'John',
job: 'Mechanic'
name: 'paul',
job: 'Mechanic'
name: 'George',
job: 'Plumber'
name: 'John'
filtersToApply = {
job: 'engineer'
returnFilteredList = (users, columnDataToFilter) => {
return users.filter((row) => {
return Object.keys(columnDataToFilter).every(
(propertyName) =>
.indexOf(columnDataToFilter[propertyName].toString().toLowerCase()) >
console.log(JSON.stringify(returnFilteredList(users, filtersToApply)));
Here I get the error, 'coz, there is no job for the last JSON object in the array. how can I handle this?
You could get the entries of you filter conditions and check with Array#every or Array#some, depending on the need.
users = [{ name: 'paul', job: 'engineer' }, { name: 'John', job: 'Mechanic' }, { name: 'paul', job: 'Mechanic' }, { name: 'George', job: 'Plumber' }, { name: 'John' }],
filtersToApply = { job: 'engineer' },
filters = Object.entries(filtersToApply),
result = users.filter(user =>
filters.every(([k, v]) => (user[k] || '').toLowerCase() === v)
If you have an array or only a sting, you need to compare each value and adjust the case in advance.
users = [{ name: 'paul', job: 'engineer' }, { name: 'John', job: ['Mechanic', 'Engineer'] }, { name: 'paul', job: 'Mechanic' }, { name: 'George', job: 'Plumber' }, { name: 'John' }],
filtersToApply = { job: 'engineer' },
filters = Object.entries(filtersToApply),
result = users.filter(user =>
filters.every(([k, v]) => []
.concat(user[k] || [])
.map(s => s.toLowerCase())
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Sometimes row[propertyName] will be undefined. You can use an Optional Chaining operator to avoid the errors:
return Object.keys(columnDataToFilter).every(
(propertyName) =>
row[propertyName]? //<--
.indexOf(columnDataToFilter[propertyName].toString().toLowerCase()) >
return Object.keys(columnDataToFilter).every(
(propertyName) =>
row[propertyName]|| '' //you can add undefined keys to empty string.
.indexOf(columnDataToFilter[propertyName].toString().toLowerCase()) >

Convert array of flat objects to nested objects

I have the following array (that's actually coming from a backend service):
const flat: Item[] = [
{ id: 'a', name: 'Root 1', parentId: null },
{ id: 'b', name: 'Root 2', parentId: null },
{ id: 'c', name: 'Root 3', parentId: null },
{ id: 'a1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'a' },
{ id: 'a2', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'a' },
{ id: 'b1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'b' },
{ id: 'b2', name: 'Item 2', parentId: 'b' },
{ id: 'b2-1', name: 'Item 2-1', parentId: 'b2' },
{ id: 'b2-2', name: 'Item 2-2', parentId: 'b2' },
{ id: 'b3', name: 'Item 3', parentId: 'b' },
{ id: 'c1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'c' },
{ id: 'c2', name: 'Item 2', parentId: 'c' }
where Item is:
interface Item {
id: string;
name: string;
parentId: string;
In order to be compatible with a component that displays a tree (folder like) view, it needs to be transformed into:
const treeData: NestedItem[] = [
id: 'a',
name: 'Root 1',
root: true,
count: 2,
children: [
id: 'a1',
name: 'Item 1'
id: 'a2',
name: 'Item 2'
id: 'b',
name: 'Root 2',
root: true,
count: 5, // number of all children (direct + children of children)
children: [
id: 'b1',
name: 'Item 1'
id: 'b2',
name: 'Item 2',
count: 2,
children: [
{ id: 'b2-1', name: 'Item 2-1' },
{ id: 'b2-2', name: 'Item 2-2' },
id: 'b3',
name: 'Item 3'
id: 'c',
name: 'Root 3',
root: true,
count: 2,
children: [
id: 'c1',
name: 'Item 1'
id: 'c2',
name: 'Item 2'
where NestedItem is:
interface NestedItem {
id: string;
name: string;
root?: boolean;
count?: number;
children?: NestedItem[];
All I've tried so far is something like:
// Get roots first
const roots: NestedItem[] = flat
.filter(item => !item.parentId)
.map((item): NestedItem => {
return { id:, name:, root: true }
// Add "children" to those roots
const treeData = => {
const children = flat
.filter(item => item.parentId ===
.map(item => {
return { id:, name: }
return {
count: node.count ? node.count + children.length : children.length
But this only gets the first level of children, of course (direct children of root nodes). It somehow needs to be recursive, but I have no idea how to accomplish that.
Making no assumptions about the order of the flattened array or how deep a nested object can go:
Array.prototype.reduce is flexible enough to get this done. If you are not familiar with Array.prototype.reduce I recommend reading this. You could accomplish this by doing the following.
I have two functions that rely on recursion here: findParent and checkLeftOvers. findParent attempts to find the objects parent and returns true or false based on whether it finds it. In my reducer I add the current value to the array of left overs if findParent returns false. If findParent returns true I call checkLeftOvers to see if any object in my array of left overs is the child of the object findParent just added.
Note: I added { id: 'b2-2-1', name: 'Item 2-2-1', parentId: 'b2-2'} to the flat array to demonstrate that this will go as deep as you'd like. I also reordered flat to demonstrate that this will work in that case as well. Hope this helps.
const flat = [
{ id: 'a2', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'a' },
{ id: 'b2-2-1', name: 'Item 2-2-1', parentId: 'b2-2'},
{ id: 'a1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'a' },
{ id: 'a', name: 'Root 1', parentId: null },
{ id: 'b', name: 'Root 2', parentId: null },
{ id: 'c', name: 'Root 3', parentId: null },
{ id: 'b1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'b' },
{ id: 'b2', name: 'Item 2', parentId: 'b' },
{ id: 'b2-1', name: 'Item 2-1', parentId: 'b2' },
{ id: 'b2-2', name: 'Item 2-2', parentId: 'b2' },
{ id: 'b3', name: 'Item 3', parentId: 'b' },
{ id: 'c1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'c' },
{ id: 'c2', name: 'Item 2', parentId: 'c' }
function checkLeftOvers(leftOvers, possibleParent){
for (let i = 0; i < leftOvers.length; i++) {
if(leftOvers[i].parentId === {
delete leftOvers[i].parentId
possibleParent.children ? possibleParent.children.push(leftOvers[i]) : possibleParent.children = [leftOvers[i]]
possibleParent.count = possibleParent.children.length
const addedObj = leftOvers.splice(i, 1)
checkLeftOvers(leftOvers, addedObj[0])
function findParent(possibleParents, possibleChild) {
let found = false
for (let i = 0; i < possibleParents.length; i++) {
if(possibleParents[i].id === possibleChild.parentId) {
found = true
delete possibleChild.parentId
if(possibleParents[i].children) possibleParents[i].children.push(possibleChild)
else possibleParents[i].children = [possibleChild]
possibleParents[i].count = possibleParents[i].children.length
return true
} else if (possibleParents[i].children) found = findParent(possibleParents[i].children, possibleChild)
return found;
const nested = flat.reduce((initial, value, index, original) => {
if (value.parentId === null) {
if (initial.left.length) checkLeftOvers(initial.left, value)
delete value.parentId
value.root = true;
else {
let parentFound = findParent(initial.nested, value)
if (parentFound) checkLeftOvers(initial.left, value)
else initial.left.push(value)
return index < original.length - 1 ? initial : initial.nested
}, {nested: [], left: []})
You could a standard approach for a tree which takes a single loop and stores the relation between child and parent and between parent and child.
For having root properties you need an additional check.
Then take an iterative and recursive approach for getting count.
var data = [{ id: 'a', name: 'Root 1', parentId: null }, { id: 'b', name: 'Root 2', parentId: null }, { id: 'c', name: 'Root 3', parentId: null }, { id: 'a1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'a' }, { id: 'a2', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'a' }, { id: 'b1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'b' }, { id: 'b2', name: 'Item 2', parentId: 'b' }, { id: 'b3', name: 'Item 3', parentId: 'b' }, { id: 'c1', name: 'Item 1', parentId: 'c' }, { id: 'c2', name: 'Item 2', parentId: 'c' }, { id: 'b2-1', name: 'Item 2-1', parentId: 'b2' }, { id: 'b2-2', name: 'Item 2-2', parentId: 'b2' },],
tree = function (data, root) {
function setCount(object) {
return object.children
? (object.count = object.children.reduce((s, o) => s + 1 + setCount(o), 0))
: 0;
var t = {};
data.forEach(o => {
Object.assign(t[] = t[] || {}, o);
t[o.parentId] = t[o.parentId] || {};
t[o.parentId].children = t[o.parentId].children || [];
if (o.parentId === root) t[].root = true; // extra
setCount(t[root]); // extra
return t[root].children;
}(data, null);
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Assuming that the flat items array is always sorted like in your case (parents nodes are sorted before children nodes). The code below should do the work.
First, I build the tree without the count properties using reduce on the array to build a map to keeping a track of every node and linking parents to children:
type NestedItemMap = { [nodeId: string]: NestedItem };
let nestedItemMap: NestedItemMap = flat
.reduce((nestedItemMap: NestedItemMap, item: Item): NestedItemMap => {
// Create the nested item
nestedItemMap[] = {
if(item.parentId == null){
// No parent id, it's a root node
nestedItemMap[].root = true;
// Child node
let parentItem: NestedItem = nestedItemMap[item.parentId];
if(parentItem.children == undefined){
// First child, create the children array
parentItem.children = [];
parentItem.count = 0;
// Add the child node in it's parent children
return nestedItemMap;
}, {});
The fact that the parents node always come first when reducing the array ensures that the parent node is available in the nestedItemMap when building the children.
Here we have the trees, but without the count properties:
let roots: NestedItem[] = Object.keys(nestedItemMap)
.map((key: string): NestedItem => nestedItemMap[key])
.filter((item: NestedItem): boolean => item.root);
To have the count properties filled, I would personally prefer performing a post-order depth-first search on the trees. But in your case, thanks to the node id namings (sorted, the parents nodes ids come first). You can compute them using:
let roots: NestedItem[] = Object.keys(nestedItemMap)
.map((key: string): NestedItem => nestedItemMap[key])
.map((item: NestedItem): NestedItem => {
if(item.children != undefined){
item.count = item.children
.map((child: NestedItem): number => {
return 1 + (child.count != undefined ? child.count : 0);
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
return item;
.filter((item: NestedItem): boolean => item.root)
I just reverse the array to get all children first (like in a post-order DFS), and compute the count value.
The last reverse is here just to be sorted like in your question :).
maybe this can help you, input is flat obj
nestData = (data, parentId = '') => {
return data.reduce((result, fromData) => {
const obj = Object.assign({}, fromData);
if (parentId === fromData.parent_id) {
const children = this.nestData(data,;
if (children.length) {
obj.children = children;
} else {
obj.userData = [];
return result;
}, []);
If you have this much information in advance, you can build the tree backwards a lot easier. Since you know the shape of the input so well and their relationships are clearly defined you can easily separate this into multiple arrays and build this from the bottom up:
function buildTree(arr: Item[]): NestedItem[] {
/* first split the input into separate arrays based on their nested level */
const roots = arr.filter(r => /^\w{1}$/.test(;
const levelOne = arr.filter(r => /^\w{1}\d{1}$/.test(;
const levelTwo = arr.filter(r => /^\w{1}\d{1}-\d{1}$/.test(;
/* then create the bottom most level based on their relationship to their parent*/
const nested = => {
const children = levelTwo.filter(c => c.parentId ===;
if (children) {
return {
count: children.length,
} else return item;
/* and finally do the same with the root items and return the result */
return => {
const children = nested.filter(c => c.parentId ===;
if (children) {
return {
count: children.length,
root: true
} else return { ...item, root: true };
This might not be the most performant solution, and it would need some tweaking depending on the expected shape of the input, but it is a clean and readable solution.
Another approach might look like this:
const countKids = (nodes) =>
nodes.length +{children = []}) => countKids(children)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
const makeForest = (id, xs) =>
xs .filter (({parentId}) => parentId == id)
.map (({id, parentId,}) => {
const kids = makeForest (id, xs)
return {id,, ...(kids .length ? {count: countKids (kids), children: kids} : {})}
const nest = (flat) =>
makeForest (null, flat)
.map ((node) => ({...node, root: true}))
const flat = [{id: "a", name: "Root 1", parentId: null}, {id: "b", name: "Root 2", parentId: null}, {id: "c", name: "Root 3", parentId: null}, {id: "a1", name: "Item 1", parentId: "a"}, {id: "a2", name: "Item 1", parentId: "a"}, {id: "b1", name: "Item 1", parentId: "b"}, {id: "b2", name: "Item 2", parentId: "b"}, {id: "b2-1", name: "Item 2-1", parentId: "b2"}, {id: "b2-2", name: "Item 2-2", parentId: "b2"}, {id: "b3", name: "Item 3", parentId: "b"}, {id: "c1", name: "Item 1", parentId: "c"}, {id: "c2", name: "Item 2", parentId: "c"}]
console .log (nest (flat))
.as-console-wrapper {min-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
The main function (makeForest) finds all the children whose ids match the target (initially null) and then recursively does the same with those children's ids.
The only complexity here is in not including count or children if the children for a node is empty. If including them is not a problem, then this can be simplified.
this.treeData = this.buildTreeData(
flat.filter(f => !f.parentId), flat
private buildTreeData(datagroup: Item[], flat: Item[]): any[] {
return => {
const items = this.buildTreeData(
flat.filter((f) => f.parentId ===, flat
return {,
root: !data.parentId,
count: items?.length || null
children: items,
Hi i tried the accepted answer by Cody and ran into some problems when data wasn't sorted and for nested data with level>2
in this sandbox:
i just changed the order a bit (id=3 was moved to the end of the list), see how in the console we now get that c has only 1 child
I had another problem where parents couldn't be found, because in findParent function the found var was reseted to false if the function was called recursivly with a first argument being an array longer than 1 (e.g. finding a parent for id=21 in:
{id: 1,parentId: null, children: [
id: 10,
parentId: 1,
children: []
id: 11,
parentId: 1,
children: [{
id: 21...
would fail
anyway i think the flow itself was good just needed some minor fixes and renames, so here is what's worked for me, I removed some properties that I didn't use (like counter) and added some of my own (like expanded) but it obviously shouldn't matter at all, also im using TS (but i changed all my types to any):
class NestService {
public nestSearchResultsToTree(flatItemsPath: any[]) {
const nested = flatItemsPath.reduce(
initial: { nested: any[]; left: any[] },
value: any,
index: number,
original: any
) => {
if (value.parentId === null) {
if (initial.left.length) this.checkLeftOvers(initial.left, value);
} else {
const parentFound = this.findParent(initial.nested, value);
if (parentFound) this.checkLeftOvers(initial.left, value);
else initial.left.push(value);
return index < original.length - 1 ? initial : initial.nested;
{ nested: [], left: [] }
return nested;
private checkLeftOvers(leftOvers: any[], possibleParent: any) {
for (let i = 0; i < leftOvers.length; i++) {
const possibleChild = leftOvers[i];
if ( === continue;
if (possibleChild.parentId === {
? possibleParent.children.push(possibleChild)
: (possibleParent.children = [possibleChild]);
possibleParent.expanded = true;
possibleParent.isFetched = true;
this.checkLeftOvers(leftOvers, possibleChild);
private findParent(
possibleParents: any,
child: any,
isAlreadyFound?: boolean
): boolean {
if (isAlreadyFound) return true;
let found = false;
for (let i = 0; i < possibleParents.length; i++) {
const possibleParent = possibleParents[i];
if ( === child.parentId) {
possibleParent.expanded = true;
possibleParent.isFetched = true;
found = true;
if (possibleParent.children) possibleParent.children.push(child);
else possibleParent.children = [child];
return true;
} else if (possibleParent.children)
found = this.findParent(possibleParent.children, child, found);
return found;

How to find a object in a nested array using recursion in JS

Consider the following deeply nested array:
const array = [
id: 1,
name: "bla",
children: [
id: 23,
name: "bla",
children: [{ id: 88, name: "bla" }, { id: 99, name: "bla" }]
{ id: 43, name: "bla" },
id: 45,
name: "bla",
children: [{ id: 43, name: "bla" }, { id: 46, name: "bla" }]
id: 12,
name: "bla",
children: [
id: 232,
name: "bla",
children: [{ id: 848, name: "bla" }, { id: 959, name: "bla" }]
{ id: 433, name: "bla" },
id: 445,
name: "bla",
children: [
{ id: 443, name: "bla" },
id: 456,
name: "bla",
children: [
id: 97,
name: "bla"
id: 56,
name: "bla"
id: 15,
name: "bla",
children: [
id: 263,
name: "bla",
children: [{ id: 868, name: "bla" }, { id: 979, name: "bla" }]
{ id: 483, name: "bla" },
id: 445,
name: "bla",
children: [{ id: 423, name: "bla" }, { id: 436, name: "bla" }]
How would I grab a certain object by key that might be deeply nested, using recursion?
I have tried this, but this won't work for nesting deeper than 2 levels, it then just returns undefined:
const findItemNested = (arr, itemId, nestingKey) => {
for (const i of arr) {
if ( === itemId) {
return i;
if (i[nestingKey]) {
findItemNested(i[nestingKey], itemId, nestingKey);
The result should be:
const res = findItemNested(array, 959, "children"); >> { id: 959, name: "bla" }
This can perhaps also be achieved using .find, or just to flatten the array (by the children key), but using recursion seems like the most logical solution to me. Does anybody have a solution to this?
Thanks in advance :).
You might use a recursive reduce:
const array=[{id:1,name:"bla",children:[{id:23,name:"bla",children:[{id:88,name:"bla"},{id:99,name:"bla"}]},{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:45,name:"bla",children:[{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:46,name:"bla"}]}]},{id:12,name:"bla",children:[{id:232,name:"bla",children:[{id:848,name:"bla"},{id:959,name:"bla"}]},{id:433,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:443,name:"bla"},{id:456,name:"bla",children:[{id:97,name:"bla"},{id:56,name:"bla"}]}]}]},{id:15,name:"bla",children:[{id:263,name:"bla",children:[{id:868,name:"bla"},{id:979,name:"bla"}]},{id:483,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:423,name:"bla"},{id:436,name:"bla"}]}]}];
const findItemNested = (arr, itemId, nestingKey) => (
arr.reduce((a, item) => {
if (a) return a;
if ( === itemId) return item;
if (item[nestingKey]) return findItemNested(item[nestingKey], itemId, nestingKey)
}, null)
const res = findItemNested(array, 959, "children");
This should work:
function findByIdRecursive(array, id) {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
const element = array[index];
if ( === id) {
return element;
} else {
if (element.children) {
const found = findByIdRecursive(element.children, id);
if (found) {
return found;
You might also use recursion with Array.find like below
const array=[{id:1,name:"bla",children:[{id:23,name:"bla",children:[{id:88,name:"bla"},{id:99,name:"bla"}]},{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:45,name:"bla",children:[{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:46,name:"bla"}]}]},{id:12,name:"bla",children:[{id:232,name:"bla",children:[{id:848,name:"bla"},{id:959,name:"bla"}]},{id:433,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:443,name:"bla"},{id:456,name:"bla",children:[{id:97,name:"bla"},{id:56,name:"bla"}]}]}]},{id:15,name:"bla",children:[{id:263,name:"bla",children:[{id:868,name:"bla"},{id:979,name:"bla"}]},{id:483,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:423,name:"bla"},{id:436,name:"bla"}]}]}];
function findById(arr, id, nestingKey) {
// if empty array then return
if(arr.length == 0) return
// return element if found else collect all children(or other nestedKey) array and run this function
return arr.find(d => == id)
|| findById(arr.flatMap(d => d[nestingKey] || []), id)
|| 'Not found'
console.log(findById(array, 12, 'children'))
console.log(findById(array, 483, 'children'))
console.log(findById(array, 1200, 'children'))
We use object-scan for most of our data processing. It's awesome for all sorts of things, but does take a while to wrap your head around. This is how one could answer your question:
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const find = (data, id) => objectScan(['**(^children$).id'], {
abort: true,
rtn: 'parent',
useArraySelector: false,
filterFn: ({ value }) => value === id
const array=[{id:1,name:"bla",children:[{id:23,name:"bla",children:[{id:88,name:"bla"},{id:99,name:"bla"}]},{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:45,name:"bla",children:[{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:46,name:"bla"}]}]},{id:12,name:"bla",children:[{id:232,name:"bla",children:[{id:848,name:"bla"},{id:959,name:"bla"}]},{id:433,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:443,name:"bla"},{id:456,name:"bla",children:[{id:97,name:"bla"},{id:56,name:"bla"}]}]}]},{id:15,name:"bla",children:[{id:263,name:"bla",children:[{id:868,name:"bla"},{id:979,name:"bla"}]},{id:483,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:423,name:"bla"},{id:436,name:"bla"}]}]}];
console.log(find(array, 12));
// => { id: 12, name: 'bla', children: [ { id: 232, name: 'bla', children: [ { id: 848, name: 'bla' }, { id: 959, name: 'bla' } ] }, { id: 433, name: 'bla' }, { id: 445, name: 'bla', children: [ { id: 443, name: 'bla' }, { id: 456, name: 'bla', children: [ { id: 97, name: 'bla' }, { id: 56, name: 'bla' } ] } ] } ] }
console.log(find(array, 483));
// => { id: 483, name: 'bla' }
console.log(find(array, 959));
// => { id: 959, name: 'bla' }
console.log(find(array, 1200));
// => undefined
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src=""></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan
You can do:
const array=[{id:1,name:"bla",children:[{id:23,name:"bla",children:[{id:88,name:"bla"},{id:99,name:"bla"}]},{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:45,name:"bla",children:[{id:43,name:"bla"},{id:46,name:"bla"}]}]},{id:12,name:"bla",children:[{id:232,name:"bla",children:[{id:848,name:"bla"},{id:959,name:"bla"}]},{id:433,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:443,name:"bla"},{id:456,name:"bla",children:[{id:97,name:"bla"},{id:56,name:"bla"}]}]}]},{id:15,name:"bla",children:[{id:263,name:"bla",children:[{id:868,name:"bla"},{id:979,name:"bla"}]},{id:483,name:"bla"},{id:445,name:"bla",children:[{id:423,name:"bla"},{id:436,name:"bla"}]}]}];
const findItemNested = (arr, itemId, nestingKey) => arr.reduce((a, c) => {
return a.length
? a
: === itemId
? a.concat(c)
: c[nestingKey]
? a.concat(findItemNested(c[nestingKey], itemId, nestingKey))
: a
}, []);
const res = findItemNested(array, 959, "children");
if (res.length) {
This will use recursive find by level, it'll try to find the item in array and then call itself with the children of each item in the array:
New browsers will have Array.prototype.flatten but in this case I've added the flatten function separately.
const array = [{"id":1,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":23,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":88,"name":"bla"},{"id":99,"name":"bla"}]},{"id":43,"name":"bla"},{"id":45,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":43,"name":"bla"},{"id":46,"name":"bla"}]}]},{"id":12,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":232,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":848,"name":"bla"},{"id":959,"name":"bla"}]},{"id":433,"name":"bla"},{"id":445,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":443,"name":"bla"},{"id":456,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":97,"name":"bla"},{"id":56,"name":"bla"}]}]}]},{"id":15,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":263,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":868,"name":"bla"},{"id":979,"name":"bla"}]},{"id":483,"name":"bla"},{"id":445,"name":"bla","children":[{"id":423,"name":"bla"},{"id":436,"name":"bla"}]}]}];
const flatten = (arr) =>
arr.reduce((result, item) => result.concat(item), []);
const findBy = (findFunction, subItemsKey) => (array) =>
//array is empty (can be when children of children of children does not exist)
array.length === 0
? undefined //return undefined when array is empty
: array.find(findFunction) || //return item if found
findBy(findFunction, subItemsKey)(//call itself when item is not found
//take children from each item and flatten it
//([[child],[child,child]])=>[child,child,child] => item[subItemsKey] || []),
const findChildrenById = (array) => (value) =>
findBy((item) => === value, 'children')(array);
const findInArray = findChildrenById(array);
console.log('found', findInArray(99));
console.log('not found', findInArray({}));
You need to iterate through your objects and then need to be parse each object using recursion. Try the answer mentioned here: JavaScript recursive search in JSON object
`function findNode(id, currentNode) {
var i,
if (id == {
return currentNode;
} else {
// Use a for loop instead of forEach to avoid nested functions
// Otherwise "return" will not work properly
for (i = 0; i < currentNode.children.length; i += 1) {
currentChild = currentNode.children[i];
// Search in the current child
result = findNode(id, currentChild);
// Return the result if the node has been found
if (result !== false) {
return result;
// The node has not been found and we have no more options
return false;

Convert array with tree structure to object in Javascript

I have an array with the following format
let array = [{id: 1, desc: 'd1', children:[{id:1.1, desc:'d1.1', children:[]}]},
{id:2, desc:'d2', children:[] },
{id:3, desc:'d3', children:[] }];
Where each child is of the same time as the parent element. I would like it to transform it into an object with the format { [id]: {values} }:
1: { id: 1, desc: 'd1', children: {1.1: {id:1.1, desc:'d1.1'}},
2: { id:2, desc:'d2' },
3: { id:3, desc:'d3' }
I tried in many ways but with no success. For instance:
let obj = => mapArrayToObj(a));
mapArrayToObj = (e) => {
let obj = {[]: e };
if(e.children.lenght > 0){
e.children = => mapArrayToObj(c));
return {[]: e };
Is it even feasible in Javascript?
You could use a recursive function which generates an object out of the given items without mutating the original data.
function getObjects(array) {
var object = {};
array.forEach(function (item) {
object[] = Object.assign({}, item, { children: getObjects(item.children) });
return object;
var array = [{ id: 1, desc: 'd1', children: [{ id: 1.1, desc: 'd1.1', children: [] }] }, { id: 2, desc: 'd2', children: [] }, { id: 3, desc: 'd3', children: [] }];
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Let's try with this code...
let array = [{id: 1, desc: 'd1', children:[{id:1.1, desc:'d1.1', children:[]}]},
{id:2, desc:'d2', children:[] },
{id:3, desc:'d3', children:[] }]
let object = {}
array.forEach(item => {
let children = item.children
object[] = item
object[].children = {}
children.forEach(child => {
object[].children[] = child
{ '1': { id: 1, desc: 'd1', children: { '1.1': [Object] } },
'2': { id: 2, desc: 'd2', children: {} },
'3': { id: 3, desc: 'd3', children: {} } }
You could use reduce() method to create recursive function and return object object as a result.
let array = [{id: 1, desc: 'd1', children:[{id:1.1, desc:'d1.1', children:[]}]}, {id:2, desc:'d2', children:[] }, {id:3, desc:'d3', children:[] }]
function build(data) {
return data.reduce(function(r, {id, desc, children}) {
const e = {id, desc}
if(children && children.length) e.children = build(children);
r[id] = e
return r;
}, {})
const result = build(array)

