How to use a MongoDB Search Index? - javascript

I am currently learning to build websites using Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB and PUG. I followed the Mozilla tutorial to understand the fundamentals and now I want to add a search bar.
I would like to profit from MongoDB search functionalities, but after 3-4 days, I am still at basket case.
Can anyone explain how it is supposed to be done? The code is exactly as described in the tutorial/example website.
Also, I really don't understand how this whole thing works, are there easier features to add or ways to 'get it' better? The debugger is an ocean of variables as I have never seen, and the slightest alterations to the example makes the whole thing sink. I am crying inside. Any help or resource is very welcomed.
Here is a link to a public repo (since it's a lot of code for a blog post).
Public GitHub Repository


Need help on Converse.js

Am trying to create a chat application using Converse.js. As a student am trying to figure out where to start from in order to edit the code to suit my application. i can not figure out things like the entry point of the application.javascript. i need pointers. Looking for step by step video on youtube yields nothing meaningful for me, i can not find anything meaning full. The online documentation i think its for advanced users. Am looking for some sort of baby steps. what i want is able to edit the source code without a hustle
I tried running it on my localhost and and connecting. Wat am concerned about is editing the source code

Can I disassociate my GitHub login with Code Chef?

I was looking at the Code Chef website. It looked like a good place to practice coding in JavaScript. I logged in using my GitHub information. But, after looking at the practice exercises, I realized that I can't just code in JavaScript there. I have to use either Rhino or NodeJS. I don't know either of them. (I can't afford a computer right now. So, that limits me.)
Is there a way to disassociate my GitHub profile with Code Chef since I am not going to use it? I searched and there doesn't appear to be a way to delete one's profile.
I have completed a lot of the exercises on Edabit and did a number in Code Wars. I don't want to compete. I just want to practice by doing exercises.
I ran into this same issue at Hacker Rank. I did the first few exercises in JavaScript and then couldn't run my solution in one of them because it was using NodeJS. At least, I think it was NodeJS. (It is the "Diagonal Difference".) If there is a way I can learn to run JavaScript through NodeJS just online without my own computer, that could be an option. But, I would have to be able to do everything online.
Yes, you can remove the association between GitHub and sites using your Github credentials. Go to

Jekyll and AngularChess

Problem: I am currently using to host my site. I am using Jekyll to update my site, post blogs, and create pages etc. I need to know how I can use things like AngularChess or ChessBoardJs to work with my website?
Things Tried: I have tried many things like bower install angular-chess, downloading it, and/or cloning things. I also tried creating .gitmodules files and directed them to assets/javascripts/angular-chess.
Source: I followed the application base format from here: Jekyll Base Application Format
Disclaimer: I am NOT a developer or have experience in this. So please explain in a little bit more painful detail than you usually would. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Creating a printable/downloadable PDF of a web application

I have been searching for an answer to this problem now for several weeks. I also previously tried to research this a few years ago to no avail.
Problem Summary:
My company has developed a web-based data analytics suite for a major beverage distributor. They have recently asked for a feature that allows the user to print or download a visually pleasing version of the rendered app as a PDF. I have had no luck in finding a solid, controllable, or reliable method to do this. I was hoping the stack community might be able to point me in the right direction.
Current Tech Stack:
Plack servers
Perl base on the Dancer framework
Standard web dev front-ends: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery/UI
Client is using IE9/10 and Chrome.
Attempted Solutions Summary:
Obviously I started with the window.print() and tried to control what printed using classes and a specialized print.css but the output was still awful.
I looked in to pdfmachine and pdfbox and even contacted Adobe's acrobat development team directly to see if they had an out of the box solution our company could purchase. I was informed that such a product would be counter intuitive to their desired business model of putting an acrobat subscription on each client computer rather than a single server side application.
I have extensively searched the stack articles but did not feel that the articles I found covered what I was looking for.
At present, I am all out of ideas and am hoping somebody out there has had better luck at this than I have.
tl;dr = I need a pdf version of the rendered output of a complex reporting app.
Thanks for your time stack, I appreciate it.
A solution I have used in the past is to use PhantomJS running on a server to generate the PDF for download/email. Usually if the content is sensitive the server (that handles authentication) would provide a single use viewing token that is then passed to a PhantomJS process. It loads the URL with the viewing token then saves as a PDF.
Further info on Phantoms screen cap API can be found here on GitHub.
Is it something you can create in Perl using PDF::API2 or PDF::Create? You can load and modify and existing PDF (handy if you want standard headers and footers), and then insert the relevant content. The learning curve can be a bit steep, but simple reports should be easy enough.
See PDF::TextBlock and PDF::Table too - they are great little helpers.
Consider this service . I try to use many perl modules, but they dont satisfy my problems.

Creating a note taking app using JQuery mobile and phone gap

I have an app i'm developing with JQ Mobile and PhoneGap. Within this app, i want to include a 'Notes Taking' page and it has to do the following.
Make new notes and save them locally.
Recall them whenever i need to,
Edit them and delete them
i could not find a good example to follow, i tried this:
but he lost me at the index php and how to implement that, i also tried this example:
but its so complex i got lost in all the code.
I'm a beginner at programming and my JavaScript is very very poor and i have no idea where to start and what kind of code is involved in making this part of the app.
Please help. Thank you.
Your first site ( will not work for you as the examples are embedding PHP into the html and that is not acceptable with phonegap apps.
Your second site is making it way more complicated than it needs to be for your limited scope.
Not going to do this for you but I will give you some advice and places to look.
Draw out what you want the user interface to look like and create that html
Create a load and save function in javascript to... well... load and save your notes. Take a look at the below references:
This will show you how to interact with the local database and store and retrieve info. Always a good thing to read the documentation.
This is a great resource for help all sorts of stuff. In this case, with SQL queries.
Test, test, test. With the above, you will be able to figure it out if you put your mind to it. Come back here and post specific questions with code samples of what you have tried if you get stuck.

