MxGraph JavaScript: How to calculate edge length? - javascript

I am looking for a way to calculate the length of the edges in one graph.
As an example this image:
The connecting edge contains three parts, (a,b and c)
I have no idea how to retrieve this information that I can sum up the distances of a + b + c.
On a more complexe graph I want to calculate the length for each edge. There I would loop through all models of the graph, check with .isEdge if it is an edge and then calculate the length of each edge.
let cells = graph.getModel().cells;
for(let key in cells){
let mxCell = cells[key];
} }
calcLength() is the function I need. This one should return the length of the edge.
I used the helloPorts example from jGraph.
Thanks in advance!!

Back again,
together with a friend we found the solution. The information is stored under the graphView in the state as the length.
This is part of the mxCell object. If you are looking for the Euclidian length of an edge, this is stored under terminalDistance.
The code would look like this to access it:
let cells = graph.getModel().cells;
let graphView = graph.getView();
// The getModel needs to be triggered before the loop otherwise the the mxCell state is undefined
for(let key in cells){
let mxCell = cells[key];
let state = graphView.getState(mxCell).length;


Complete the algorithm for generating Sudoku puzzles

I have a code below but there's a problem with the current implementation in the function entriesToDel. It will not always produce n distinct co-ordinates to be turned blank in a puzzle. It should always produce an array with n elements consisting of two-element arrays storing the co-ordinates of an element and every element of the output should produce distinct co-ordinates but I'm not sure how to do that as I'm quite new to this.
// a function to randomly select n (row,column) entries of a 2d array
function entriesToDel(n) {
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var row = Math.round(3*Math.random());
var col = Math.round(3*Math.random());
return array;
A simple solution would be using a set instead of an array and add random numbers until you have enough unique entries.
In case you dont know what a set is: A set works similarly to an array, but it does not allow for duplicates (duplicates will be ignored). (It also does not give elements a fixed position; you can't access an entry of a set with set[i])
const size = 3 // define size of grid in variable
function entriesToDel(n) {
// create set of positions
const positions = new Set() // create set
while(positions.size < n) { // repeat until set has enough entries
positions.add(Math.floor((size ** 2) * Math.random())) // add random position (duplicates will be ignored by the set)
// convert set of positions to array of coordinates
const cords = []
for(const position of positions) { // iterate through positions
// convert position to column and row and add to array
const row = Math.floor(position / size)
const column = position % size
cords.push([row, column])
return cords
This solution is nice and simple. An issue is that if you're really unlucky, the random number generator will keep on generating the same number, resulting in a possibly very long calculation time. If you want to exclude this (very unlikely) possibility, it would be reasonably to use the more complex solution provided by James.

AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData() returns negative values

I'm trying to get the volume of a microphone input using the Web Audio API using AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData().
The spec states that "each item in the array represents the decibel value for a specific frequency" but it returns only negative values although they do look like they are reacting to the level of sound - a whistle will return a value of around -23 and silence around -80 (the values in the dataArray are also all negative, so I don't think it's to do with how I've added them together) . The same code gives the values I'd expect (positive) with AnalyserNode.getByeFrequencyData() but the decibel values returned have been normalised between 0-255 so are more difficult to add together to determine the overall volume.
Why am I not getting the values I expect? And/or is this perhaps not a good way of getting the volume of the microphone input in the first place?
function getVolume(analyser) {
analyser.fftSize = 32;
let bufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount;
let dataArray = new Float32Array(bufferLength);
let totalAntilogAmplitude = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++) {
let thisAmp = dataArray[i]; // amplitude of current bin
let thisAmpAntilog = Math.pow(10, (thisAmp / 10)) // antilog amplitude for adding
totalAntilogAmplitude = totalAntilogAmplitude + thisAmpAntilog;
let amplitude = 10 * Math.log10(totalAntilogAmplitude);
return amplitude;
Your code looks correct. But without an example, it's hard to tell if it's producing the values you expect. Also, since you're just computing (basically), the sum of all the values of the transform coefficients, you've just done a a more expensive version of summing the squares of the time domain signal.
Another alternative would square the signal, filter it a bit to smooth out variations, and get the output value at various times. Something like the following, where s is the node that has the signal you're interested in.
let g = new GainNode(context, {gain: 0});
// Output of g is now the square of s
let f = new BiquadFilterNode(context, {frequency: 10});
// May want to adjust the frequency some to other value for your needs.
// I arbitrarily chose 10 Hz.
// Now get the time-domain value from the analyser and just take the first
// value from the signal. This is the energy of the signal and represents
// the volume.

Create reversed mxHierarchical layout in mxgraph

Greetings to the community! I am currently creating a custom mxgraph editor and I am converting the graphs using different layouts. I would like to convert my graph layout into an mxHierarchicalLayout but reversed (instead of top-to-down I would like it to be down-to-top). Example of what I do and what I would like to do.
My graph
My graph converted with mxHierarchicalLayout
Code snippet:
let layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graph);
How I want to convert the graph
I found in the mxHierarchicalLayout that there is an orientation member variable which is by default 'NORTH'. However when I tried to do the following
let layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graph);
The graph went out of my "canvas" and cannot be seen to check if this is the responsible parameter to "reverse" the tree. Could anyone help ? Thanks in advance.
When I use layout.orientation = mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
it seems that the layout is converted as I want to but cannot be seen because the coordinates of the svg elements are of type x=-10, y=-5 (negatives), any workaround for this?
I do not know why mxgraph has that buggy behaviour with orientation = south in mxHierarchicalLayout but I managed to create a workaround solution for my problem since I realized that the newly generated layout put my mxCell children objects of the graph to the north ( negative y coordinate). So what I did was after layout.execute(graph.getDefaultParent()); I get each and every child of the graph and retrieve the most negative y coordinate and then move all the cells of the graph from their new coordinates to a new incremented by the absolute value of the most negative y-coordinated element.
function convertGraphToInverseHorizontalTree(){
let layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graph);
layout.orientation = mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
//get the most negative y
let mostNegativeY = getMostNegativeCoordinateY(graph);
let children = graph.getChildCells();
graph.moveCells(children, undefined , Math.abs(mostNegativeY));
function getMostNegativeCoordinateY(graph){
let children = graph.getChildCells();
let mostNegative = 10000;
for(let i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
if(children[i].geometry != undefined){
if(children[i].geometry.y < mostNegative){
mostNegative = children[i].geometry.y;
return mostNegative;
Now the graph is like this

Memory-efficient downsampling (charting) of a growing array

A node process of mine receives a sample point every half a second, and I want to update the history chart of all the sample points I receive.
The chart should be an array which contains the downsampled history of all points from 0 to the current point.
In other words, the maximum length of the array should be l. If I received more sample points than l, I want the chart array to be a downsampled-to-l version of the whole history.
To express it with code:
const CHART_LENGTH = 2048
onReceivePoint = function(p) {
// p can be considered a number
const chart = addPointToChart(p)
// chart is an array representing all the samples received, from 0 to now
console.assert(chart.length <= CHART_LENGTH)
I already have a working downsampling function with number arrays:
function downsample (arr, density) {
let i, j, p, _i, _len
const downsampled = []
for (i = _i = 0, _len = arr.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
p = arr[i]
j = ~~(i / arr.length * density)
if (downsampled[j] == null) downsampled[j] = 0
downsampled[j] += Math.abs(arr[i] * density / arr.length)
return downsampled
One trivial way of doing this would obviously be saving all the points I receive into an array, and apply the downsample function whenever the array grows. This would work, but, since this piece of code would run in a server, possibly for months and months in a row, it would eventually make the supporting array grow so much that the process would go out of memory.
The question is: Is there a way to construct the chart array re-using the previous contents of the chart itself, to avoid mantaining a growing data structure? In other words, is there a constant memory complexity solution to this problem?
Please note that the chart must contain the whole history since sample point #0 at any moment, so charting the last n points would not be acceptable.
The only operation that does not distort the data and that can be used several times is aggregation of an integer number of adjacent samples. You probably want 2.
More specifically: If you find that adding a new sample will exceed the array bounds, do the following: Start at the beginning of the array and average two subsequent samples. This will reduce the array size by 2 and you have space to add new samples. Doing so, you should keep track of the current cluster size c(the amount of samples that constitute one entry in the array). You start with one. Every reduction multiplies the cluster size by two.
Now the problem is that you cannot add new samples directly to the array any more because they have a completely different scale. Instead, you should average the next c samples to a new entry. It turns out that it is sufficient to store the number of samples n in the current cluster to do this. So if you add a new sample s, you would do the following.
if n = 1
append s to array
//update the average
last array element += (s - last array element) / n
if n = c
n = 0 //start a new cluster
So the memory that you actually need is the following:
the history array with predefined length
the number of elements in the history array
the current cluster size c
the number of elements in the current cluster n
The size of the additional memory does not depend on the total number of samples, hence O(1).

Arrays Inside Objects: Conditional Updating Of One Object's Array From Another Object's Array

I have absolutely no idea how to succinctly describe the nature of the problem I am trying to solve without going deep into context. It took me forever to even think of an appropriate title. For this reason I've found it nearly impossible to find an answer both on here and the web at large that will assist me. It's possible my question can be distilled down into something simple which does already have an answer on here. If this is the case I apologise for the elaborate duplicate
I have two arrays: a main array members and a destination array neighbours (technically many destination arrays but this is the tl;dr). The main array is a property of my custom group object which is auto-populated with custom ball objects. The destination array is a property of my custom ball object. I need to scan each element inside of the members array and calculate distance between that element and every other element in the members group. If there exist other elements within a set distance of the current element then these other elements need to be copied into the current element's destination array. This detection needs to happen in realtime. When two elements become close enough to be neighbours they are added to their respective neighbours array. The moment they become too far apart to be considered neighbours they need to be removed from their respective neighbours array.
My question is primarily regarding array iteration, comparison and manipulation but to understand my exact dilemma I need to provide some context. My contextual code snippets have been made as brief as possible. I am using the Phaser library for my project, but my question is not Phaser-dependent.
I have made my own object called Ball. The object code is:
Ball = function Ball(x, y, r, id) {
this.position = new Vector(x, y); //pseudocode Phaser replacement
this.size = r; = id;
this.PERCEPTION = 100;
this.neighbours = []; //the destination array this question is about
All of my Ball objects (so far) reside in a group. I have created a BallGroup object to place them in. The relevant BallGroup code is:
BallGroup = function BallGroup(n) { //create n amount of Balls
this.members = []; //the main array I need to iterate over
/*fill the array with n amount of balls upon group creation*/
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/*code for x, y, r, id generation not included for brevity*/
this.members.push(new Ball(_x, _y, _r, _i)
I can create a group of 4 Ball objects with the following:
group = new BallGroup(4);
This works well and with the Phaser code I haven't included I can click/drag/move each Ball. I also have some Phaser.utils.debug.text(...) code which displays the distance between each Ball in an easy to read 4x4 table (with duplicates of course as distance Ball0->Ball3 is the same as distance Ball3->Ball0). For the text overlay I calculate the distance with a nested for loop:
for (a = 0; a < group.members.length; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < group.members.length; b++) {
distance = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(group.members[a].x - group.members[b].x), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(group.members[a].y - group.members[b].y), 2)));
//Phaser text code
Now to the core of my problem. Each Ball has a range of detection PERCEPTION = 100. I need to iterate over every group.members element and calculate the distance between that element (group.members[a]) and every other element within the group.members array (this calculation I can do). The problem I have is I cannot then copy those elements whose distance to group.members[a] is < PERCEPTION into the group.members[a].neighbours array.
The reason I have my main array (BallGroup.members) inside one object and my destination array inside a different object (Ball.neighbours) is because I need each Ball within a BallGroup to be aware of it's own neighbours without caring for what the neighbours are for every other Ball within the BallGroup. However, I believe that the fact these two arrays (main and destination) are within different objects is why I am having so much difficulty.
But there is a catch. This detection needs to happen in realtime and when two Balls are no longer within the PERCEPTION range they must then be removed from their respective neighbours array.
group.members[0] -> no neighbours
group.members[1] -> in range of [2] and [3]
group.members[2] -> in range of [1] only
group.members[3] -> in range of [1] only
//I would then expect group.members[1].neighbours to be an array with two entries,
//and both group.members[2].neighbours and group.members[3].neighbours to each
//have the one entry. group.members[0].neighbours would be empty
I drag group.members[2] and group.members[3] away to a corner by themselves
group.members[0] -> no neighbours
group.members[1] -> no neighbours
group.members[2] -> in range of [3] only
group.members[3] -> in range of [2] only
//I would then expect group.members[2].neighbours and group.members[3].neighbours
//to be arrays with one entry. group.members[1] would change to have zero entries
I've tried enough things to confuse any person, which is why I'm coming here for help. I first tried complex nested for loops and if/else statements. This resulted in neighbours being infinitely added and started to become too complex for me to keep track of.
I looked into Array.forEach and Array.filter. I couldn't figure out if forEach could be used for what I needed and I got very excited learning about what filter does (return an array of elements that match a condition). When using Array.filter it either gives the Ball object zero neighbours or includes every other Ball as a neighbour regardless of distance (I can't figure out why it does what it does, but it definitely isn't what I need it to do). At the time of writing this question my current code for detecting neighbours is this:
BallGroup = function BallGroup(n) {
this.members = []; //the main array I need to iterate over
//other BallGroup code here
this.step = function step() { //this function will run once per frame
for (a = 0; a < this.members.length; a++) { //members[a] to be current element
for (b = 0; b < this.members.length; b++) { //members[b] to be all other elements
if (a != b) { //make sure the same element isn't being compared against itself
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(this.members[a].x - this.members[b].x), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(this.members[a].y - this.members[b].y), 2));
function getNeighbour(element, index, array) {
if (distance < element.PERCEPTION) {
return true;
this.members[a].neighbours = this.members.filter(getNeighbour);
I hope my problem makes sense and is explained well enough. I know exactly what I need to do in the context of my own project, but putting that into words for others to understand who have no idea about my project has been a challenge. I'm learning Javascript as I go and have been doing great so far, but this particular situation has me utterly lost. I'm in too deep, but I don't want to give up - I want to learn!
Many, many, many thanks for those who took the time read my very long post and tried provide some insight.
edit: changed a > to a <
I was learning more on object literals, I'm trying to learn JS to ween myself off of my jQuery dependency. I'm making a simple library and I made a function that adds properties of one object to another object. It's untested, but I think if you were apply something similar it might help. I'll try to find my resources. Btw, I don't have the articles on hand right now, but I recall that using new could incur complications, sorry I can't go any further than that, I'll post more info as I find it.
xObject could be the ball group
Obj2 could be the members
Obj1 could be the destination
/* augment(Obj1, Obj2) | Adds properties of Obj2 to Obj1. */
// xObject has augment() as a method called aug
var xObject = {
aug: augument
/* Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) */
(function() {
var Obj1 = {},
Obj2 = {
bool: true,
num: 3,
str: "text"
xObject.aug(Obj1, Obj2);
}()); // invoke immediately
function augment(Obj1, Obj2) {
var prop;
for (prop in Obj2) {
if (Obj2.hasOwnProperty(prop) && !Obj1[prop]) {
Obj1[prop] = Obj2[prop];

