HTML5 Javascript Canvas Rotate Sprite - javascript

I have already looked for many questions like this and his answers on stackoverflow but it seems that I never complety have the exact same problem:
Player, created at x = canvas.width /2, y = canvas.height /2
The code that I use to generate the various sprites on the canvas is:
class Sprite {
framesMax = 1,
offset = { x: 0, y: 0 },
}) {
this.position = position
this.width = 50
this.height = 150
this.image = new Image()
this.image.src = imageSrc
this.scale = scale
this.framesMax = framesMax
this.framesCurrent = 0
this.framesElapsed = 0
this.framesHold = 5
this.offset = offset
draw() {
this.framesCurrent * (this.image.width / this.framesMax),
this.image.width / this.framesMax,
this.position.x - this.offset.x,
this.position.y - this.offset.y,
(this.image.width / this.framesMax) * this.scale,
this.image.height * this.scale
animateFrames() {
if (this.framesElapsed % this.framesHold === 0) {
if (this.framesCurrent < this.framesMax - 1) {
} else {
this.framesCurrent = 0
update() {
Then what I want to do is to create the "Fishnet" that you see in the first picture, and position the image on a certain angle, but keep the starting point of the coordinates, another image is possible useful.
I have tried many things, but the most common that I see everywhere, is to draw de image, save the canvas context, translate the canvas, rotate the canvas, and draw the image.
For reasons that I can't get in to, I never could rotate the image and maintain the starting position.
I wrote another sprite class specific for this rotation, and added the rotate method:
this.position.x - this.offset.x,
this.position.y - this.offset.y,
(this.image.width / this.framesMax) * this.scale,
this.image.height * this.scale
The x and y continue to be the (canvas.width / 2) and (canvas.height / 2) in witch I have my doubts of working...
The angle is calculate by the position of the yellow (projetile) and the center of the canvas:
angle = Math.atan2(projectile.position.y - canvas.height / 2, projectile.position.x - canvas.width / 2)
One of the few attempts this has """worked""", was by an example that I saw online, but I had to remove most of my parameters on the drawImage as I rotated it, like this:
draw() {
this.framesCurrent * (this.image.width / this.framesMax),
this.image.width / this.framesMax,
this.position.x - this.offset.x,
this.position.y - this.offset.y,
(this.image.width / this.framesMax) * this.scale,
this.image.height * this.scale
Then I called the Draw method and after the Rotate method. It generated me 2 images. If I only call the rotate method it is obvious that I create only one image, but idk why, can't get the drawImage from rotate to work with the scale and position's x,y. Only works with those 3 paramaters
(this.image, -(this.image.width),-(this.image.height))
Here is the result of working only with the rotate method:
Rotation working with no scaling or proper angle (maybe translate is wrong?)
It can be a problem only on the angle, and I will try to figure it out (I do not think so anyway, because I have another solution launching a circle at that angle to check if its right, and it is.)
Still can't get it to work with scaling.. like I do in the draw() method above.
I know this will be very confusing but I have little knowledge of canvas in JavaScript (and overall..), feel free to comment on more information.
Thanks in advance.

Expanding on my comment, you can just draw the net yourself no need for an image, it does not look too complicated, an arc and a few lines should be a good starting point to test the concept
And the most complicated part I see you are already using:
Here is a quick example:
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var angle = 0
function drawNet(x, y, w, h, angle) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.arc(0, h, w / 2, 0, Math.PI)
ctx.lineTo(0, 0);
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0,0, c.width, c.height)
drawNet(70, 50, 55, 50, angle)
drawNet(200, 80 + Math.sin(angle)*30, 45, 30, -angle*2)
angle += 0.1
setInterval(draw, 60)
<canvas id="myCanvas" style="border:1px solid;">
In my function drawNet I'm translating and rotating to the given parameters then rotating back and translating back to the original position, that allows all following drawing to be at the correct location


How to shoot missile similar to Galaga?

I am making a game similar to Galaga. I used to have my player at the middle of the screen and it would fire missiles in the direction of the click event, but now I want it to only fire straight up the screen (just like Galaga). How could I change my current code to accomplish this?
Here is my code:
class Missle {
constructor(x, y, radius, color, velocity) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.radius = radius
this.color = color
this.velocity = velocity
draw() { // Draws the missle
c.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0,
Math.PI * 2, false) // Draws a 360 degree circle
c.fillStyle = this.color //Sets the color to whatever color is passed in
c.fill() // Fills the circle
update() { // Updates classes properties over and over again
this.x = this.x + this.velocity.x
this.y = this.y + this.velocity.y
const missle = new Missle( // Passing parameters
canvas.width / 2, (canvas.height / 2) * 1.75, // Sets missle beginning point at center
{ // Creates an object for the velocity
x: 1,
y: 1
fireBtn.addEventListener('click', (event) => { // when we click it calls this function below
const angle = Math.atan2(event.clientY - canvas.height / 2,
event.clientX - canvas.width / 2)
const velocity = { //creates velocity object
x: Math.cos(angle) * 1, // sets speed (velocity)
y: Math.sin(angle) * -6 // sets speed (velocity)
missles.push(new Missle(
//canvas.width / 2,
//(canvas.height / 2) * 1.75,
'rgb(250, 0, 0, .75',
I know I need to change the way the velocity works unless there are better ways of doing so. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Rather than making the velocity use the angle between the center of the screen and the mouse position the velocity should just be your up vector. In other words change you velocity in the click event to be:
const velocity = {
x: 0,
y: -1
You can google "vector math" to get a better understanding of where those values are coming from.

Using trigonometry to animate HTML5 canvas, but how to position this square?

Sometimes you wish you could go back in time to tell your younger self that maths are indeed important! But I doubt I would've listened back then. I've been playing with trigonometry lately for animation purposes with the HTML5 canvas in this particular example.
It's a super simple animation: It positions an arc in a circular manner around the center of the canvas. The X and Y positions are calculated based upon the basic trigonometry functions sinus and cosinus. "SohCahToa". I think I'm starting to get it. But somehow I cannot figure out how to draw a square in the middle of one of the triangular sides.
let radius = 200;
let angle = 0;
x = centerX + Math.cos(angle) * radius;
ctx.fillRect(x/2, centerY, 20, 20);
So the arc is drawn by adding up the center of the canvas with the
rework formulas: (co)sinus - for X = Cos, for Y = Sin) of the angle times the radius of the circle.
If we only take the X position (red line) and want to draw the square half of the position of the arc. ( So in the middle of the red line ) we should just be able to divide the freshly calculated X position by two right? But if I do that, the square is magically drawn completely outside the circle.
What's happening? Why does it behave like this? And what calculation should I use instead for the square to position in the middle of the red line throughout the animation?
Thanks in advance!
Your x defined as:
x = centerX + Math.cos(angle) * radius;
but when you want to divide by 2, you just need to divide the Math.cos(angle) * radius, while the centerX is the zero point, and its stand as it is.
So the rect should be placed at:
centerX + Math.cos(angle)/2
Also, I think will be better if you reduce half of the rect width, and get:
centerX + Math.cos(angle)/2 - 10
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let radius = 200;
function frame(angle) {
const cx = canvas.width / 2,
cy = canvas.height / 2,
x = Math.cos(angle) * radius,
y = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.moveTo(cx, cy);
ctx.lineTo(cx+x, cy+y);
ctx.lineTo(cx+x, cy);
ctx.lineTo(cx, cy);
ctx.arc(cx+x, cy+y, 10, 0, Math.PI*2);
ctx.fillRect(cx + x/2 - 10, cy - 10, 20, 20);
canvas {
display: block;
max-height: 100vh;
margin: auto;
<canvas width="500" height="500"></canvas>

Repeat texture to loop around with clip()

I have a texture which I use drawImage() over a clipping plane. But i have an issue where by I can't figure out how to wrap it around once it's moved more than the width of the texture so it loops indefinitely, it also does not clip for some reason.
My draw code looks like this:
var radius = 120;
var pos = {'x':canvas.width/2,'y':canvas.height/2};
var x = 0;
var offsetX = 0;
function draw() {
x += 1.1415;
ctx.arc(pos.x, pos.y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
var scale = (radius * 2) / img.height;
ctx.drawImage(img, pos.x+x, pos.y, img.width, img.height, pos.x - radius - offsetX * scale, pos.y - radius, img.width * scale, img.height * scale);
I have created the demo here so you can see what happens when the texture moves too far, it basically disappears and i need it to loop again without a gap between so its seamless:
What is the best way to draw the texture's position so it will wrap around, i don't quite understand how to do it.
I have created a seamless loop now. The code I change are below. Changing the y on drawImage encapsulates the whole circle
if (x > img.width) {
x = 0;
ctx.drawImage(img, x, 0, ...);
ctx.drawImage(img, -img.width+x,0, ...);
Updated answer with full circle

How to rotate image in Canvas

I have built a canvas project with
<canvas width="640" height="480" ng-show="activeateCanvas" ap-canvas src="src" image="image" zoomable="true" frame="frame" scale="scale" offset="offset"></canvas>
I am successfully able to zoom and pan the image using following code
scope.zoomIn = function() {
scope.scale *= 1.2;
scope.zoomOut = function() {
scope.scale /= 1.2;
Additionally I want to rotate the image. any help i can get with which library i can use and how can i do it inside angularjs.
You can rotate an image using context.rotate function in JavaScript.
Here is an example of how to do this:
var canvas = null;
var ctx = null;
var angleInDegrees = 0;
var image;
var timerid;
function imageLoaded() {
image = document.createElement("img");
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
image.onload = function() {
ctx.drawImage(image, canvas.width / 2 - image.width / 2, canvas.height / 2 - image.height / 2);
image.src = "";
function drawRotated(degrees) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);;
ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2);
ctx.rotate(degrees * Math.PI / 180);
ctx.drawImage(image, -image.width / 2, -image.height / 2);
<button onclick="imageLoaded();">Load Image</button>
<canvas id="canvas" width=360 height=360></canvas><br>
<button onclick="javascript:clearInterval(timerid);
timerid = setInterval(function() {
angleInDegrees += 2;
}, 100);">
Rotate Left
<button onclick="javascript:clearInterval(timerid);
timerid = setInterval(function() {
angleInDegrees -= 2;
}, 100);">
Rotate Right
With curtesy to this page!
Once you can get your hands on the canvas context:
// save the context's co-ordinate system before
// we screw with it;
// move the origin to 50, 35 (for example)
context.translate(50, 35);
// now move across and down half the
// width and height of the image (which is 128 x 128)
context.translate(64, 64);
// rotate around this point
// then draw the image back and up
context.drawImage(logoImage, -64, -64);
// and restore the co-ordinate system to its default
// top left origin with no rotation
To do it in a single state change. The ctx transformation matrix has 6 parts. ctx.setTransform(a,b,c,d,e,f); (a,b) represent the x,y direction and scale the top of the image will be drawn along. (c,d) represent the x,y direction and scale the side of the image will be drawn along. (e,f) represent the x,y location the image will be draw.
The default matrix (identity matrix) is ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0) draw the top in the direction (1,0) draw the side in the direction (0,1) and draw everything at x = 0, y = 0.
Reducing state changes improves the rendering speed. When its just a few images that are draw then it does not matter that much, but if you want to draw 1000+ images at 60 frames a second for a game you need to minimise state changes. You should also avoid using save and restore if you can.
The function draws an image rotated and scaled around its center point that will be at x,y. Scale less than 1 makes the images smaller, greater than one makes it bigger. ang is in radians with 0 having no rotation, Math.PI is 180deg and Math.PI*0.5 Math.PI*1.5 are 90 and 270deg respectively.
function drawImage(ctx, img, x, y, scale, ang){
var vx = Math.cos(ang) * scale; // create the vector along the image top
var vy = Math.sin(ang) * scale; //
// this provides us with a,b,c,d parts of the transform
// a = vx, b = vy, c = -vy, and d = vx.
// The vector (c,d) is perpendicular (90deg) to (a,b)
// now work out e and f
var imH = -(img.Height / 2); // get half the image height and width
var imW = -(img.Width / 2);
x += imW * vx + imH * -vy; // add the rotated offset by mutliplying
y += imW * vy + imH * vx; // width by the top vector (vx,vy) and height by
// the side vector (-vy,vx)
// set the transform
ctx.setTransform(vx, vy, -vy, vx, x, y);
// draw the image.
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// if needed to restore the ctx state to default but should only
// do this if you don't repeatably call this function.
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // restores the ctx state back to default

How to draw an oval in html5 canvas?

There doesnt seem to be a native function to draw an oval-like shape. Also i am not looking for the egg-shape.
Is it possible to draw an oval with 2 bezier curves?
Somebody expierenced with that?
My purpose is to draw some eyes and actually im just using arcs.
Thanks in advance.
So scale() changes the scaling for all next shapes.
Save() saves the settings before and restore is used to restore the settings to draw new shapes without scaling.
Thanks to Jani;
ctx.scale(0.75, 1);
ctx.arc(20, 21, 10, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
scaling method can affect stroke width appearance
scaling method done right can keep stroke width intact
canvas has ellipse method that Chrome now supports
added updated tests to JSBin
JSBin Testing Example (updated to test other's answers for comparison)
Bezier - draw based on top left containing rect and width/height
Bezier with Center - draw based on center and width/height
Arcs and Scaling - draw based on drawing circle and scaling
see Deven Kalra's answer
Quadratic Curves - draw with quadratics
test appears to not draw quite the same, may be implementation
see oyophant's answer
Canvas Ellipse - using W3C standard ellipse() method
test appears to not draw quite the same, may be implementation
see Loktar's answer
If you want a symmetrical oval you could always create a circle of radius width, and then scale it to the height you want (edit: notice this will affect stroke width appearance - see acdameli's answer), but if you want full control of the ellipse here's one way using bezier curves.
<canvas id="thecanvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('thecanvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
drawEllipse(ctx, 10, 10, 100, 60);
drawEllipseByCenter(ctx, 60,40,20,10);
function drawEllipseByCenter(ctx, cx, cy, w, h) {
drawEllipse(ctx, cx - w/2.0, cy - h/2.0, w, h);
function drawEllipse(ctx, x, y, w, h) {
var kappa = .5522848,
ox = (w / 2) * kappa, // control point offset horizontal
oy = (h / 2) * kappa, // control point offset vertical
xe = x + w, // x-end
ye = y + h, // y-end
xm = x + w / 2, // x-middle
ym = y + h / 2; // y-middle
ctx.moveTo(x, ym);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym);
//ctx.closePath(); // not used correctly, see comments (use to close off open path)
Here is a simplified version of solutions elsewhere. I draw a canonical circle, translate and scale and then stroke.
function ellipse(context, cx, cy, rx, ry){; // save state
context.translate(cx-rx, cy-ry);
context.scale(rx, ry);
context.arc(1, 1, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
context.restore(); // restore to original state
There is now a native ellipse function for canvas, very similar to the arc function although now we have two radius values and a rotation which is awesome.
ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise)
Live Demo
ctx.ellipse(100, 100, 10, 15, 0, 0, Math.PI*2);
Only seems to work in Chrome currently
The bezier curve approach is great for simple ovals. For more control, you can use a loop to draw an ellipse with different values for the x and y radius (radiuses, radii?).
Adding a rotationAngle parameter allows the oval to be rotated around its center by any angle. Partial ovals can be drawn by changing the range (var i) over which the loop runs.
Rendering the oval this way allows you to determine the exact x,y location of all points on the line. This is useful if the postion of other objects depend on the location and orientation of the oval.
Here is an example of the code:
for (var i = 0 * Math.PI; i < 2 * Math.PI; i += 0.01 ) {
xPos = centerX - (radiusX * Math.sin(i)) * Math.sin(rotationAngle * Math.PI) + (radiusY * Math.cos(i)) * Math.cos(rotationAngle * Math.PI);
yPos = centerY + (radiusY * Math.cos(i)) * Math.sin(rotationAngle * Math.PI) + (radiusX * Math.sin(i)) * Math.cos(rotationAngle * Math.PI);
if (i == 0) {
cxt.moveTo(xPos, yPos);
} else {
cxt.lineTo(xPos, yPos);
See an interactive example here:
You could also try using non-uniform scaling. You can provide X and Y scaling, so simply set X or Y scaling larger than the other, and draw a circle, and you have an ellipse.
You need 4 bezier curves (and a magic number) to reliably reproduce an ellipse. See here:
Two beziers don't accurately reproduce an ellipse. To prove this, try some of the 2 bezier solutions above with equal height and width - they should ideally approximate a circle but they won't. They'll still look oval which goes to prove they aren't doing what they are supposed to.
Here's something that should work:
Here's the code:
function ellipse(cx, cy, w, h){
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var lx = cx - w/2,
rx = cx + w/2,
ty = cy - h/2,
by = cy + h/2;
var magic = 0.551784;
var xmagic = magic*w/2;
var ymagic = h*magic/2;
I did a little adaptation of this code (partially presented by Andrew Staroscik) for peoplo who do not want a so general ellipse and who have only the greater semi-axis and the excentricity data of the ellipse (good for astronomical javascript toys to plot orbits, for instance).
Here you go, remembering that one can adapt the steps in i to have a greater precision in the drawing:
/* draw ellipse
* x0,y0 = center of the ellipse
* a = greater semi-axis
* exc = ellipse excentricity (exc = 0 for circle, 0 < exc < 1 for ellipse, exc > 1 for hyperbole)
function drawEllipse(ctx, x0, y0, a, exc, lineWidth, color)
x0 += a * exc;
var r = a * (1 - exc*exc)/(1 + exc),
x = x0 + r,
y = y0;
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
var i = 0.01 * Math.PI;
var twoPi = 2 * Math.PI;
while (i < twoPi) {
r = a * (1 - exc*exc)/(1 + exc * Math.cos(i));
x = x0 + r * Math.cos(i);
y = y0 + r * Math.sin(i);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
i += 0.01;
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
My solution is a bit different than all of these. Closest I think is the most voted answer above though, but I think this way is a bit cleaner and easier to comprehend.
function bezierCurve(centerX, centerY, width, height) {
con.moveTo(centerX, centerY - height / 2);
centerX + width / 2, centerY - height / 2,
centerX + width / 2, centerY + height / 2,
centerX, centerY + height / 2
centerX - width / 2, centerY + height / 2,
centerX - width / 2, centerY - height / 2,
centerX, centerY - height / 2
con.fillStyle = 'white';
And then use it like this:
bezierCurve(x + 60, y + 75, 80, 130);
There are a couple use examples in the fiddle, along with a failed attempt to make one using quadraticCurveTo.
I like the Bezier curves solution above. I noticed the scale also affects the line width so if you're trying to draw an ellipse that is wider than it is tall, your top and bottom "sides" will appear thinner than your left and right "sides"...
a good example would be:
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
ctx.scale(1, 0.5);
ctx.arc(20, 20, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
you should notice the width of the line at the peak and valley of the ellipse are half as wide as at the left and right apexes (apices?).
Chrome and Opera support ellipse method for canvas 2d context, but IE,Edge,Firefox and Safari don't support it.
We can implement the ellipse method by JS or use a third-party polyfill.
ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise)
Usage example:
ctx.ellipse(20, 21, 10, 10, 0, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
You can use a canvas-5-polyfill to provide ellipse method.
Or just paste some js code to provide ellipse method:
if (CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.ellipse == undefined) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.ellipse = function(x, y, radiusX, radiusY,
rotation, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise) {;
this.translate(x, y);
this.scale(radiusX, radiusY);
this.arc(0, 0, 1, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise);
Yes, it is possible with two bezier curves - here's a brief tutorial/example:
Since nobody came up with an approach using the simpler quadraticCurveTo I am adding a solution for that. Simply replace the bezierCurveTo calls in the #Steve's answer with this:
You may also remove the closePath. The oval is looking slightly different though.
This is another way of creating an ellipse like shape, although it uses the "fillRect()" function this can be used be changing the arguments in the fillRect() function.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Sine and cosine functions</title>
<canvas id="trigCan" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas = document.getElementById("trigCan"), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
for (var i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
var x = Math.sin(i), y = Math.cos(i);
ctx.fillRect(50 * 2 * x * 2 / 5 + 200, 40 * 2 * y / 4 + 200, 10, 10, true);
With this you can even draw segments of an ellipse:
function ellipse(color, lineWidth, x, y, stretchX, stretchY, startAngle, endAngle) {
for (var angle = startAngle; angle < endAngle; angle += Math.PI / 180) {
ctx.moveTo(x, y)
ctx.lineTo(x + Math.cos(angle) * stretchX, y + Math.sin(angle) * stretchY)
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth
ctx.strokeStyle = color
Here's a function I wrote that uses the same values as the ellipse arc in SVG. X1 & Y1 are the last coordinates, X2 & Y2 are the end coordinates, radius is a number value and clockwise is a boolean value. It also assumes your canvas context has already been defined.
function ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius, clockwise) {
var cBx = (x1 + x2) / 2; //get point between xy1 and xy2
var cBy = (y1 + y2) / 2;
var aB = Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2); //get angle to bulge point in radians
if (clockwise) { aB += (90 * (Math.PI / 180)); }
else { aB -= (90 * (Math.PI / 180)); }
var op_side = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2)) / 2;
var adj_side = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius, 2) - Math.pow(op_side, 2));
if (isNaN(adj_side)) {
adj_side = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(op_side, 2) - Math.pow(radius, 2));
var Cx = cBx + (adj_side * Math.cos(aB));
var Cy = cBy + (adj_side * Math.sin(aB));
var startA = Math.atan2(y1 - Cy, x1 - Cx); //get start/end angles in radians
var endA = Math.atan2(y2 - Cy, x2 - Cx);
var mid = (startA + endA) / 2;
var Mx = Cx + (radius * Math.cos(mid));
var My = Cy + (radius * Math.sin(mid));
context.arc(Cx, Cy, radius, startA, endA, clockwise);
If you want the ellipse to fully fit inside a rectangle, it's really like this:
function ellipse(canvasContext, x, y, width, height){
var z = canvasContext, X = Math.round(x), Y = Math.round(y), wd = Math.round(width), ht = Math.round(height), h6 = Math.round(ht/6);
var y2 = Math.round(Y+ht/2), xw = X+wd, ym = Y-h6, yp = Y+ht+h6, cs = cards, c = this.card;
z.beginPath(); z.moveTo(X, y2); z.bezierCurveTo(X, ym, xw, ym, xw, y2); z.bezierCurveTo(xw, yp, X, yp, X, y2); z.fill(); z.stroke();
return z;
Make sure your canvasContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; for no fill with this design.

