PasswordCredential does not store the data - javascript

I'm using the PasswordCredential API in Google Chrome and Edge to store authentication credentials, however this data is not saved.
I'm using the code below, and I only fire it if my AJAX login is successful.
var cred = new PasswordCredential({
name: account,
id: email,
password: password,
iconURL: ''
}); => {
if (redirect !== undefined) {
$window.location.href = 'dashboard.html';
If inside the then function of the .store I put it to pull the saved data, null data is displayed. => {
navigator.credentials.get({ password: true }).then(function (auth) {
console.log(auth); //Return NULL
console.log(auth.password); //Returns that does not exist
console.log(; //Returns that does not exist
console.log(; //Returns that does not exist
What did I do wrong in my code?
I believe I found the problem, as the user chooses and not saving the credentials in the browser the promise is pending.
Is there any way to do this automatically without the user having to manually save?
And how do I handle the promise when it completes?

As per W3C it store api will return the promise to make sure it has raised proper request to browser or not, it will not tell if use save or not. If you want to achieve this, you may create setInterval where you can regularly check by calling get from store.
In Reference to save, promise already shows fulfilled as below:


How to access user info in nuxt/auth?

I'm trying to access the data stored in local storage using function testData(), but for some reason my console prints out {ob: Observer}. I set the data inside function login() and I can also see it in my browser.
I'm new to front-end development, so I would appreciate any help.
testData() {
login() {
this.$auth.loginWith('local', {
data: {
username: this.username,
password: this.password
}).then(response => {
const user =
this.$auth.$storage.setUniversal('user', user.username, true)
You can access the nuxt/auth user with this.$auth.$storage.state.user properly (or even this.$auth.user).
When you see Observer, it just means that it's watching for your data but the object is currently empty, it's actually a getter.
I've tried to refresh and in that case, this is indeed empty.
But if you logout and log back in, or just log in as usually and check the value via a button or alike, you'll see it populated with email and password.
Meanwhile, I'm not sure that this.$auth.$storage.setUniversal('user', user.username, true) is needed because the module is doing that for you.
What are you actually want to do here?

Firebase Custom Claims doesn't propagate

I'm working in an Angular6 app with angularfire2. I'm setting the roles as custom claims in user creation, but it doesn't seem to propagate.
When I'm creating the user I send the userid, businessid and role to a cloud function:
bid > businessid
urole > role
req.body.uid > userid
const customClaims = {
roles: { [bid]: urole }
admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(req.body.uid, customClaims)
.then(result => {
The problem is when the call to cloud function finishes and I want to redirect the user to a route which requires the user to have the custom claim set, but it fails. After some debugging, I've found out that if run:
this.angularFireAuth.auth.currentUser.getIdTokenResult(true).then(result => {
immediately after the call to the cloud function "" is undefined, but if I refresh the page, "" have the data I set before.
I've already tried the reload method, and getIdToken(true) but I'm getting the same problem.
Is there a way to avoid refreshing the page and get the custom claims?
Thank you!
When the user is signed in, they get an ID token that is valid for about an hour. If you set a custom claim, their (server-side) profile is updated immediately, but their ID token is not auto-updated. So you'll need to refresh their ID token to get the new custom claims.
As far as I know this ID token is only refreshed by calling getIdTokenResult if it has expired. If that's the cause, calling user.reload() and then getting the ID token should give you the updated claims.
For me it simply worked taking the advice from one of the comments:
// --------
// Frontend
// --------
// Triggering the cloud function
const url: string = 'url-to-your-cloud-function'
await<unknown>(url, {}).toPromise();
// After cloud function was run and custom claim was set -> refresh the id token
// The 'currentUser' is a reference to the firebase user
await this.authService.currentUser.getIdToken(true);
// --------
// Cloud Function - createSubscription
// --------
const createSubscription = () => {
await admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(userId, {
subscriber: true

firebase - Firebase Current User not storing the correct user

I have a project using Firebase for the authentication. When I log into my project, sometimes the firebase.auth().currentUser method returns info from some other user. Sometimes I get the info from the actual current user and sometimes the previously signed in user - when this happens, the only way to correct the problem and get data for the correct user is to logout and sign back in again.
My login method:
onLoginClick = () => {
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(, this.state.password.trim())
.then((user) => {
//Some redirects depending on my users role
.catch((error) => {
console.log(error, error.message);
if (error.code == "auth/user-not-found" || error.code == "auth/wrong-password") {
//Handle error
And my Logout method:
onLogoutClick = () => {
firebase.auth().signOut().then(function () {
}).catch(function (error) {
They're pretty standard but seems like I'm doing something wrong. I've tried clearing the sessionStorage and the localStorage on the logout method but that didn't help.
I've tried with some suggestions like doing:
firebase.auth().signOut().then(() => {
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then((user) => {
//My redirects and everything
But this doesn't work.
Also, I've noticed that when I log in and use wrong credentials, the sessionStorage gets an entry with the previously signed in user, even though I signed him out.
I'm pretty sure that during the initialization of a new login session, until it is complete, currentUser hasn't been updated yet; use the user parameter when one is passed in on those methods. Because the login is still in progress, there is not yet a currentUser, so it passes the user in progress via the user parameter. (I think this means it is likely that it will be null the first time someone logs in, and it will be the previous one thereafter, unless it's cleared on logout by some code.)
Use the user parameter when it is provided, such as in the onAuthStateChanged handler. See the first example here, and the starred note in the blue box farther down that same page.

DynamoDB put returning successfully but not storing data

The situation is that I want to store some information in a DynamoDB database, and then send a notification only if I am sure that this information has been stored successfully. Here's what my code looks like:
const putObj = Bluebird.promisify(docClient.put, { context: docClient })
// ... a promise chain collecting information...
const params = {
TableName: 'my_table',
Item: {
name: itemName
return putObj(params)
.then((data) => {
if (Ramda.equals(data, {})) {
// ... send notification here
.catch((err) => {
throw err
I assume that if there is an error storing the data, this will be caught in the catch block and the notification will not be sent. However, I'm seeing in some cases that notifications are being sent despite the fact that the respective information has not been stored in the database. This only happens infrequently - in almost all cases the code functions as desired.
Any ideas about why/how this could be happening, and what I can do to stop it. DynamoDB doesn't return any useful information into the .then - it is only an empty object in case of success, and I'm already checking this before sending the notification.
Are you using 'eventually consistent' or 'strongly consistent' reads?
When you read data from a DynamoDB table, the response might not
reflect the results of a recently completed write operation. The
response might include some stale data. If you repeat your read
request after a short time, the response should return the latest
You may need to retry your read, or else change the read consistency value.

Parse - why does user.getSessionToken() return undefined

I'm using cloud function to fetch user's sessionToken. The documentation says, this method only returns correct value when a user object is fetched with the master key. However, even if I use the master key, I still get the undefined result. What's wrong with my code?
Parse.Cloud.define("hello", function(request, response) {
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
return query.first({useMasterKey:true});
return user.fetch({useMasterKey:true});
That won't work because the user is not logged in when you fetch him via cloud code. For getSessionToken to work you need to already have a logged in user. Because, otherwise how would CloudCode know which session of your user you want to get? (if he is logged in multiple devices) Also your code is returning the first user in the database, is that realy what you want?
Either way, you need to log the user in via cloud code and then return the session token. However I had some trouble doing that without the password (just by calling user.logIn(), it should work so give it a try) so the only solution I found was to change the password of the user and then log him in. Why do you need to fetch the user's session token? If you don't mind changing the user's password you can do something like:
var password; //create new random passowrd
query.first({useMasterKey: true}).then(function(user){
user.set("password", password);
return Parse.User.logIn(user.get("username"), password);
return user.getSessionToken();

