How do I resolve WalletLoginError in web3auth? - javascript

I'm currently working on web3auth authentication, In their documentation most of the code is in typescript. But I'm using javascript in my Next.js project. I'm using core packages to build custom ui interface. But getting this wallet error when I tried to login using walletAdapters
This is my code for that
const web3AuthCoreCtorParams = {
chainConfig: {
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
chainId: "0x1",
"", // This is the testnet RPC we have added, please pass on your own endpoint while creating an app
// creating new web3auth instance
const web3AuthInstance = new Web3AuthCore(web3AuthCoreCtorParams);
const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
adapterSettings: {
network: "testnet",
uxMode: "redirect",
const web3authProvider = await web3AuthInstance.connectTo(
relogin: true,
loginProvider: "discord",
And the error I'm getting is
Unhandled Runtime Error
WalletLoginError: Failed to connect with walletFailed to login with openlogin
Call Stack
node_modules/#web3auth/base/dist/base.esm.js (315:0)
node_modules/#web3auth/base/dist/base.esm.js (320:0)
node_modules/#web3auth/openlogin-adapter/dist/openloginAdapter.esm.js (141:12)
async Web3AuthCore.connectTo
node_modules/#web3auth/core/dist/core.esm.js (105:0)
I'm using version 1.0.0


MS graph API: 400 AuthenticationError with "/me/onlineMeetings" request

I am trying to create an online meeting and recover its URL like explained here in the docs, but when the request is run I get this error:
"statusCode": 400,
"code": "AuthenticationError",
"message": "Error authenticating with resource",
"requestId": "652ea3be-6a97-47e8-bfc6-3d7d1d51d425",
"date": "2020-09-01T12:53:41.000Z",
"body": "{
"message":"Error authenticating with resource",
I tried also the get started projet for JS and it's working fine so I can't spot the problem.
here is what I used:
const msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: 'my_app_id',
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:8080'
cache: {
cacheLocation: "sessionStorage",
storeAuthStateInCookie: false,
forceRefresh: false
const loginRequest = { scopes: [
const options = new MicrosoftGraph.MSALAuthenticationProviderOptions([
const onlineMeeting = {
subject:"test meeting"
const authProvider = new MicrosoftGraph.ImplicitMSALAuthenticationProvider(msalClient, options);
// Initialize the Graph client
const graphClient = MicrosoftGraph.Client.initWithMiddleware({authProvider});
// then I call this inside an async function
let events = await graphClient.api('/users/my_UserPrincipalName/onlineMeetings').post(onlineMeeting);
//let events = await graphClient.api('/me/onlineMeetings').post(onlineMeeting);
// I tried with both calls and none of them worked
and here are the permissions on azure active directory:
So any ideas on how to solve this ?
You didn't provide a correct access token.
Since Create onlineMeeting only supports Delegated (work or school account) permission type, you need to get the access token with Auth code flow or Implicit flow.
The started project for JS is using Implicit flow. So you can use Implicit flow to get the access token.
Here is the example in Postman:
The Auth URL above is{your tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize.
I figured out how to make it work in my code:
let's call my user, which I used all this time, user "A", all I did is that I simply created another user "B" in Azure Active Directory and then logging in with this new user "B" in the login screen instead of the admin user "A" that I used before..... and now it's working.
But this does not explain the issue, so if anyone can explain the difference or why it didn't work with the first account, that would be very helpful.

Expo IntentLauncher can't open Application_Details_Settings

I want to open the details settings of my application from the app itself.
I use the IntentLauncher from Expo itself:
The code I use that I assume should work is:
But this gives me this error:
[Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Encountered an exception while calling native method: Exception occurred while executing exported method startActivity on module ExpoIntentLauncher: null]
I'm not sure if I should give some kind of parameter with it so it links to my app?
Opening all other settings does work, ex:
This does open a list off all apps, I just need to get the detailed screen of the app itself, not the list.
I found this solution by bodolsog working.
Complete solution
import * as IntentLauncher from "expo-intent-launcher";
import Constants from "expo-constants";
const pkg = Constants.manifest.releaseChannel
? // When published, considered as using standalone build
: "host.exp.exponent"; // In expo client mode
{ data: 'package:' + pkg },
Hope this helps someone
import { startActivityAsync, ActivityAction } from 'expo-intent-launcher';
import * as Linking from 'expo-linking';
import Constants from 'expo-constants';
const pkg = Constants.manifest.releaseChannel
? // When published, considered as using standalone build
: 'host.exp.exponent'; // In expo client mode
openSettings = async () => {
try {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
// console.log(Constants);
startActivityAsync(ActivityAction.APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS, {
data: 'package:' + pkg,
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
} catch (error) {

How to correctly configure unit tests for Probot with Scheduler Extension?

I am using the following minimal probot app and try to write Mocha unit tests for it.
Unfortunately, it results in the error below, which indicates that some of my setup for the private key or security tokens is not picked up.
I assume that the configuration with my .env file is correct since I do not get the same error when I start the probot via probot-run.js.
Are there any extra steps needed to configure probot when used with Mocha?
Any suggestions on why the use of the scheduler extension may result in such issue would be great.
Code and error below:
import createScheduler from "probot-scheduler";
import { Application } from "probot";
export = (app: Application) => {
createScheduler(app, {
delay: !!process.env.DISABLE_DELAY, // delay is enabled on first run
interval: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 1 day
app.on("schedule.repository", async function (context) {"schedule.repository");
const result = await context.github.pullRequests.list({owner: "owner", repo: "test"});;
import createApp from "../src/app";
import nock from "nock";
import { Probot } from "probot";
describe("my scenario", function() {
let probot: Probot;
beforeEach(function() {
probot = new Probot({});
const app = probot.load(createApp);
it("basic feature", async function() {
await probot.receive({name: "schedule.repository", payload: {action: "foo"}});
This unfortunately results in the following error:
Error: secretOrPrivateKey must have a value
at Object.module.exports [as sign] (node_modules/jsonwebtoken/sign.js:101:20)
at (node_modules/probot/lib/github-app.js:15:39)
at Application.<anonymous> (node_modules/probot/lib/application.js:260:72)
at step (node_modules/probot/lib/application.js:40:23)
at (node_modules/probot/lib/application.js:21:53)
Turns out that new Probot({}); as suggested in the documentation initializes the Probot object without any parameters (the given options object {} is empty after all).
To avoid the error, one can provide the information manually:
new Probot({
cert: "...",
secret: "...",
id: 12345

How to login to gmail account and read a mail in protractor not using the browser

I have a scenario which I need to login to a gmail account and read the content or the message. Then need to get a URL from that message. I can do this using a browser in protractor. But the issue is that gmail account enabled the 2FA. I have achieved this using the core Selenium which has jar files to log in to the gmail account using IMAP protocol.
Can someone please give me a good solution?
You can read emails from Gmail inside protractor tests using mail-listener2 npm package. Check the below example code.
const MailListenerClient = require("mail-listener2");
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const simpleParser = require('mailparser').simpleParser;
export class MailListener {
public mailListener:any;
constructor() {
this.mailListener = new MailListenerClient({
username: "",
password: "password",
host: "",
port: 993,
tls: true,
mailbox: "INBOX",
searchFilter: ["UNSEEN", ["FROM", ""],["SUBJECT","subject of the email"]],
/*it will search for are "unseen" mail send from "" with subject ""*/
connTimeout: 10000,
authTimeout: 5000,
markSeen: true,
mailParserOptions: {streamAttachments: true}, // options to be passed to mailParser lib.
attachments: true, // download attachments as they are encountered to the project directory
attachmentOptions: {directory: "attachments/"},
debug : console.log
init() {
close() {
getLinkFromEmail() {
var self = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
self.mailListener.on("mail", function (mail) {
/*simpleParser is used to convert string to HTML format*/
simpleParser(mail.eml).then(function (parsedEmail) {
var html = parsedEmail.html;
/* cheerio is used to write query on parsed HTML content
* refer
self.mailListener.on("error", function (err) {
import {MailListener} from "mailListner";
describe("Read email from gmail using imap", function () {
let mailListener = new MailListener();
it("Test email recieved",function(){
let urlFromEmail = mailListener.getLinkFromEmail();
/*Perform some action on UI that triggers email.(Just for example im doing it)*/
element(by.buttonText("Send Email")).click();
expect(urlFromEmail).toEqual("some link");
I have written the code in typescript and hope you can rewrite the same in javascript. Let me know if this is clear or do I need to add more details to the code.
One of the best practice is to use Gmail API. Take a look at official documentation

Workbox Service Worker with Background Sync module

I've been using Workbox for a few days and i correctly set it up for generating a service worker from a source and dont let Workbox generate it for me.
It works ok but now im trying to include the workbox-background-sync module for storing some failed POST requests and i cant get it to work.
After running the SW, i get "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'QueuePlugin' of undefined" on the first backgroundSync line (line number 9). This is the generated ServiceWorker file:
const workbox = new WorkboxSW({
skipWaiting: true,
clientsClaim: true
let bgQueue = new workbox.backgroundSync.QueuePlugin({
callbacks: {
replayDidSucceed: async(hash, res) => {
self.registration.showNotification('Background sync demo', {
body: 'Product has been purchased.',
icon: '/images/shop-icon-384.png',
replayDidFail: (hash) => {},
requestWillEnqueue: (reqData) => {},
requestWillDequeue: (reqData) => {},
const requestWrapper = new workbox.runtimeCaching.RequestWrapper({
plugins: [bgQueue],
const route = new workbox.routing.RegExpRoute({
regExp: new RegExp('^'),
handler: new workbox.runtimeCaching.NetworkOnly({requestWrapper}),
const router = new workbox.routing.Router();
new RegExp('.*\/api/catalog/available'),
new RegExp('.*\/api/user'),
new RegExp('.*\/api/security-element'),
I've tried to load it with workbox.loadModule('workbox-background-sync'), a workaround i've found on github, but it still not working. Also, trying with
self.workbox = new WorkboxSW(), with the same faith.
P.S: Is there a way i can hook a function AFTER a strategy like networkFirst has failed and its going to respond with cache? because i want to know, if im getting a cached response i would like to tell the user that by modifying the incoming response and handle it later in Vue for example. Thanks for reading!
I solved it.. it was actually pretty silly, i was accesing the const workbox instead of instantiating a new workbox.backgroundSync, i fixed it by simply renaming the const workbox to const workboxSW

