How do I get the timezone using javascript? - javascript

How do I get the timezone using javascript? instead of America/New_York I want "Eastern Time - US/Canada 5:13pm" with the timestamp and country.
How can I get that using React/Javascript? just like Calendly has it.

You can use date.toLocaleTimeString()


Dealing with time in different timezones react/javascript (PST/PDT)

So I have this use case where a user should be able to enter data into a react site having an order_fulfilment_datetime_str which is supposed to be a RFC 3339 datetime string according to the specs of the api this would be posted to.
So essentially a user(in any timezone) selects a (future) date and time (using a plugin such as react-datepicker) assuming that the date time is going to be in PST/PDT.
But the plugin and javascript date object returns the selected date time in the browser's timezone. So I have two things to solve:
How do I make sure that selected date/time is in PST/PDT
How to deal with DST?
Currently what I am trying to do is to simply get individual date, hours, minutes using getHours(), getMinutes(), getDate() to form the string. But again then how will I find out if this selected datetime has offset of -8 or -7(i.e. PST/PDT)?
I checked date-fns and date-fns-tz library but was not sure how to solve this issue using these.
You can use luxon library for setting a global timezone that you want, and then whenever a user selects a date-time using a date-time picker you can simply convert that into the timezone you want.
import { Settings } from "luxon"
Settings.defaultZone = <time-zone>
The above code snippet will set a default zone for the app
Now when a user selects a date-time convert it to the timezone you want using the below code
DateTime.fromISO(dateTimeValue, { setZone: true})

How to save the current date/time when I add new value to Firebase Realtime Database in JavaScript

I want to add data in firebase database using webpage.
For unique id I want to use date and time like below format
MTB + yyyyddmmhhmmss
How to do this? Please tell me any one.
I strongly recommend you to use moment.js wich handles a lot of weird Date behaviours (like non UTC dates and formatting).
If you use moment you can format the date using:

JavaScript : Convert TimeZone Offset to TimeZone String (Eg: "-5.00" to "CST")

I am getting a timezone offset as "-5.00" from a service response and I need to format it in the UI as CST. How do I convert this in JavaScript? I searched and am not sure there is any direct method in JavaScript.
I would look at using Moment. It provides a full timezone library. You may be able to make use of it still depending on your requirements and situation.

How to convert a date which is in user timezone to JST or any other timezone using Date() in JavaScript?

I want to convert a date which i get from new Date() to JST timezone or any other timezone without using any JavaScript library. The method should be generalized so that in future if i want to switch to any other timezone, it should be able to do so.
Timezones are not that straight forward (some locations do not follow the rules), so you will never get that accurate without a lib which includes a DB of locations e.g.,
However, I believe you're looking for getTimezoneOffset()

Change timezone in Arshaw FullCalendar

From my understanding, Arshaw FullCalendar displays events according to the timezone of the local computer's operating system. I assume this is done by the javascript Date() object, which also is based on the local computer's operating system. I have an application that has group calendars and a group timezone, I want to be able to force every local Arshaw Calendar to display according to that group's time-zone, no matter what timezone that computer is. How do you do this?
Note: I've looked through the documentation fairly thoroughly, and found no such option. I'm hoping that javascript has something equivalent to php's date_default_timezone_set(), which seems to me the way this could be solved.
*Edit 1/31/2013 12:23pm CST:
I am sending everything to the calendar as unix timestamps, so I assume the option ignoreTimezone would not apply here, as described in this stackoverflow thread:
jQuery FullCalendar timezone synchronization
You should probably try to set the option "ignoreTimezone" to "false" and give to Arshaw FullCalendar date in ISO8601.
You can get more information about that here:
To convert unix timestamps to ISO8601, you can use this in javascript:
var d = new Date(1360412434000).toISOString();
This is ECMAScript 5.
See here for compatibility and fallback code:

