Using pdfMake.createPdf() is it possible to createPdf from an existing blob? - javascript

I would need something like this:
var docDefinition = {
content: [blob]
is this possible to set up an existing blob[pdf] inside document definition (using typescript)?

It seems that no, you can't do that with pdfmake.
Pdfmake is used to create/make a pdf file (in a declarative way), what you seem to want to do is to read one. If you want to add a blob to your document-definition-object I believe you can't unfortunately..
I would suggest you to use something else to read a pdf file from binary data. This may do what you want to achieve.


How to get file extension from file content using Node.js

I need some help. I need to fetch what the file type should be from the file containing only using Node.js. I am explaining the scenario below.
Let's say I have some content like below.
let fileContent = "The textContent property sets or returns the text content of the specified node, and all its descendants."
As we can see here the variable fileContent has some text data and I want to write this data into one file. So for that, I need to create the file with a proper extension like abc.txt. Similarly, If fileContent has some json data then I will create the file like abc.json and write the value inside it.
So here I need to fetch what should be the type of file from this content only using Node.js. If anybody has a solution for this will be a great help.
You can use popular file-type package for this. You can send buffer/file/stream/blob as an input and get file type as an output.
const FileType = require('file-type');
const { ext, mime } = await FileType.fromBuffer(your_data);

how to check MIME type without hardcoded string

I fetch the file via fetch api.
I finally get something like this:
const result = response.blob()
currently, result.type returns image/jpeg. What I need to do is check if the file returned is a directory or image or text file.
One way is to do this:
I am wondering if there's any other way without hardcoding image string like the above.
mime types never change over time but will be extended, so it's not bad to hard code needed mime types, by the way you can check for image like below,
for images it must start with "image":
and for text:
for other types, for example:
let others= ["video/mp4",...]

How to dynamically populate files in multiple file input

I'm using a JavaScript lib here to select multiple image and save them in database through a form, and when i edit the form i get the images from data and populate like this.
var upload = new FileUploadWithPreview('myUniqueUploadId', {
showDeleteButtonOnImages: true,
text: {
chooseFile: 'Įkelkite nuotrauką',
browse: 'naršyti',
selectedCount: 'Pasirinkti failai',
presetFiles: [
foreach($Workimages as $Workimg){
echo $website_url.'master_image/'.$Workimg.','
The Images are coming as Blob and are being populated but when i update the data in database the old images are disregard but the new selected images get uploaded. I also checked $_FILES['images']. it don't have my old image files.
I have also tried to used methods upload.cachedFilesArray.push and upload.addFiles() but i wasn't successful at that. Is there any other way to populate multiple file input?
I'm the author of this library.
It seems as though you've uncovered a problem with a Blob type being accepted by your PHP server. This may be something that I just never ran into before, because I feel like I've uploaded Blob types in the past to my PHP servers - but maybe I'm just imagining things and they've always been File types and that's why I never had any issue.
Regardless, to make your situation work in the meantime, I made a simple codepen that loops over the upload.cachedFileArray array and converts each Blob (or File) into a File type, and appends it to a new temp array that's ready for uploading. See the comments in the codepen for more.
At this point, you can just upload the new temp array and you'll be all set. In the future I'll look at making sure all the presetFiles are of the type File instead of Blob.

How to get Model object metadata properties in Javascript AutoDesk

I am working with AutoDesk Forge Viewer (2D) in Javascript with Offline svf file.
I have converted the .dwg file to svf file.
How can I get Model Object Metadata properties in Javascript like we get using the api "{urn}/metadata/{guid}/properties" ?
I tried using viewer.model.getProperties(dbId,function,funtion), but this only gives me details of particular to that dbId but i want the list of properties.
Please help me with this.
firstly, the other blog talks about how Model Derivative extracts properties. In theory, if you get 'aka json (json.gz)' or 'sqlLite (sdb/db)', you would be able to extract yourself by other tools.
How properties.db is used in Forge Viewer?.
I believe you have known as you said you have downloaded SVF. provides you with the logic to download translated data, including json.gz and sqlLite db.
While if you prefer to dump all properties within browser by Forge Viewer, the only way I can think is as below:
function getAllDbIds(viewer) {
var instanceTree = viewer.model.getData().instanceTree;
var allDbIdsStr = Object.keys(instanceTree.nodeAccess.dbIdToIndex);
return { return parseInt(id)});
var AllDbIds = getAllDbIds(myViewer);
myViewer.model.getBulkProperties(AllDbIds, null,
console.log(elements);//this includes all properties of a node.
Actually, I combined two blogs:

Read JavaScript variables from a file with Python

I use some Python scripts on server-side to compile JavaScript files to one file and also add information about these files into database.
For adding the information about the scripts I now have yaml file for each js file with some info inside it looking like this:
title: Script title
alias: script_alias
I would like to throw away yaml that looks redundant here to me if I can read these variables directly from JavaScript that I could place in the very beginning of the file like this:
var title = "Script title";
var alias = "script_alias";
Is it possible to read these variables with Python easily?
Assuming you only want the two lines, and they are at the top of the file...
import re
js = open("yourfile.js", "r").readlines()[:2]
matcher_rex = re.compile(r'^var\s+(?P<varname>\w+)\s+=\s+"(?P<varvalue>[\w\s]+)";?$')
for line in js:
matches = matcher_rex.match(line)
if matches:
name, value = matches.groups()
print name, value
Have you tried storing the variables in a JSON format? Then, both javascript and python can easily parse the data and get the variables.

