java script guessing between 100 and 0 - javascript

hello i am very new to coding and i have no clue on how this codes does not work.
what i need to do is make a random number(the test value is 20) from 0 to 100 and store it in a value then the user must guess it if its higher then the random value the code will say to high and if too lower then it will say to low and if they type -1 or get the number right the code will then break and stop the loop
the problem: i dont know how to loop the code back to the start so it can ask the user the same question
the code its self:
var min = 0
var max = 100
var roll = 20
function start() {
println("hello pick a num between 0 and 100 type -1 if you wanna quit")
var roll = 20
var userguess = readInt("what is your guess: ")
while(userguess > min){
if (userguess > roll){
println("too high you ")
if (userguess < roll){
println("to low ")
if(userguess == -1 ){
println(" you quit")
if(userguess == roll ){
println("wait you got it ")

welcome to the coding world.
In this case, you can use Recursive Functions. If you Google it, you’ll find tutorials that can explain it much better than my answer.
I'll just implement your requirements.
var min = 0
var max = 100
var roll = 20
function start(min, max, roll) {
println("hello pick a num between 0 and 100 type -1 if you wanna quit")
var userguess = readInt("what is your guess: ")
if(userguess == -1 ) {
println("you quit")
return "User exited";
if(userguess == roll ) {
println("wait you got it")
return userguess;
if(userguess < min && userguess > max) {
println("out of range")
return start(min, max, roll)
if (userguess > roll){
println("too high you")
return start(min, max, roll)
if (userguess < roll){
println("to low")
return start(min, max, roll)


making a point counter for a dice game in javascript

I am trying to make a dice game point counter where you are awarded points based on how close your guess of what you thought the number was going to be to what the number rolled is. My current code looks like this
function continueL(e){
if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.letter('L')){
var evorod = readInt("What number do you think it's going to be? You are guessing ");
println("Please click the die to roll a number");
function contin(e){
var num = Randomizer.nextInt(1,12);
println("The number rolled is.... " + num);
var numText = new Text("The number rolled is...." + num, "20pt Arial");
numText.setPosition(50, 200);
if (num == evorod){
println("Congrats! You Win! Here is 100 points");
} else {
if(num == evorod - 1 || num == evorod + 1){
println("So close! Here is 80 points!");
} else {
if(num == evorod - 2 || num == evorod + 2){
println("Almost got it. Take 60 points!");
} else {
if(num == evorod - 3 || num == evorod + 3){
println("Nice try. Take 40 points!");
} else {
if(num == evorod - 4 || num == evorod + 4){
println("Whoops... maybe next time? Take 20 points");
} else {
println("Better luck next time.");
But it only displays the final else no matter what your guess was vs the number rolled.
edit: evorod is a global variable
evorod needs global scope, right now it only exists inside the continueL() function so will be undefined when you try to use it in contin(). Fix that by declaring it outside the function.
Meanwhile your if statements could be simplified to this, instead of a bunch of separate nested conditionals:
if (num == evorod) {
println("Congrats! You Win! Here is 100 points"); // there is no println in javascript, I'll assume you've coded your own equivalent
} else if (num == evorod - 1 || num == evorod + 1) {
println("So close! Here is 80 points!");
} else if (num == evorod - 2 || num == evorod + 2) {
println("Almost got it. Take 60 points!");
} else if (num == evorod - 3 || num == evorod + 3) {
println("Nice try. Take 40 points!");
} else if (num == evorod - 4 || num == evorod + 4) {
println("Whoops... maybe next time? Take 20 points");
} else {
println("Better luck next time.");
Try a switch statement instead. There are 6 possible outcomes per throw. If you guessed less or more than the actual outcome you lose 20 points per digit away from the true outcome.
First of all, let's find how off your prediction was from the roll. We do that by subtracting (excuse my shabby math).
int outcome = ...
int guess = ...
int difference;
if(outcome > guess)
difference = outcome - guess;
else if(outcome < guess)
difference = guess - outcome;
case 0:
System.out.println("100 Wondred points!");
case 1:
System.out.println("You get 80 hamsters!");
And so on it goes, with a difference of 5 being the lowest score because it means you were 5 numbers away from the outcome.

Grading Students in JS with recursion - Range Error

I was trying to work on this hackerrank problem.
Every student receives a grade in the inclusive range from
0-100 to .
Any less than 38 is a failing grade.
Sam is a professor at the university and likes to round each student's according to these rules:
If the difference between grade the and the next multiple of
5 is less than 3, round up to the next multiple of 5. If the value of grade is less than 38, no rounding occurs as the
result will still be a failing grade.
Given the initial value of for each of Sam's students, write code to
automate the rounding process.
My code is:
function gradingStudents(grades) {
const roundup = y => y + 1;
if ( grades < 38 || grades % 5 === 0) return grades;
else if ( grades % 5 < 4 && grades % 5 !== 0) return roundup(grades);
if (roundup % 5 === 0) return roundup;
else { gradingStudents(roundup + 1) }
gradingStudents(38) // -> 39
I tried to use Math.ceil(grades) inside the variable roundup but output didnt change. So, when you invoke the function with a number that is not before a multiple of 5 (e.g. 43) it returns the proceeding number. However, if it is the number before a multiple of 5 it gives a range error. "maximum call stack size reached."
As far as I got, the code doesnt proceed to the second part. Even if it did, I am not sure if it would fetch the current value of the function roundup when dealing with if statements in the second block.
What do I dont get in here?
Also, this is actually meant for an array output but since I am a beginner I am pretty much okay with this one for the start as well :D .
Javascript solution:
function gradingStudents(grades) {
return => {
if (grade > 37) {
const offset = 5 - (grade % 5);
if (offset < 3) {
grade += offset;
return grade;
Try this:
function gradingStudents(grades) { //input: 43
var finalGrade;
if(grade < 38)
return grades;
var gradeDif = grades % 5; //3
if(gradeDif > 3){
return grades;
else {
return grades + (5 - gradeDif); //Output: 45
One solution calculates the next multiple of 5 no bigger than the grade and uses that value to test whether or not to round up (next5 - grade < 3).
We write a simple function to round an individual grade and then for a list of grades use .map with that function.
const roundGrade = (grade) => {
const next5 = 5 * Math.ceil (grade / 5)
return (grade < 38) ? grade : (next5 - grade < 3) ? next5 : grade
const gradingStudents = (grades) =>
grades .map (roundGrade)
console .log (gradingStudents ([73, 67, 38, 33]))
Note that, like most solutions to this problem, no recursion is needed.
1-Use the according to the question logic.
const gradingStudents = (grades) => grades
.map(n => (n >= 38 && n % 5 >= 3)?(n + ( 5 - ( n % 5 ) )):n )
let result = gradingStudents([0,25,38,56,89,77,78,57,58])
My solution is this
function gradingStudents(grades) {,i)=>{
if(grade >= 38){
let fg = (grade/5).toString().split('.');
grades[i]=((parseInt(fg[0],10)+1) * 5);
return grades;
my solution:
function gradingStudents(grades) {
return {
return (grade >= 38 && grade % 5 >= 3) ? grade + 5 - (grade % 5) : grade;

Roll dice game if else statement not working

Here is the description of the code i need to write:
Deisgn the logic for a game that simulates rolling two dice by generating two numbers between 1 and 6 inclusive (one number for each die).
The player will choose a number between 2 and 12 (the lowest and highest totals possible for two dice).
The program will then roll the dice three times
-- if the user's guess comes up in one of the rolls the user wins.
-- If the guess does not come up computer wins.
We have not started arrays yet but I am to use a for loop and if else.
It is my if else statement that is not working.
Every roll comes up you lose.
Here is the code:
randNumber = prompt("Please enter a number between 2 and 12");
while (randNumber <= 1 || randNumber >= 13) {
alert("Input was incorrect, try again.");
randNumber = prompt("Please enter a number between 2 and 12");
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
computerRoll = 1 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 11);
document.write(computerRoll + "<br>");
function rollDice() {
var computerRoll = rollDice(2, 12);
var computerRoll = rollDice;
if (randNumber == computerRoll) {
document.write("You win.");
} else {
document.write("You lose.");
if the computer is trying to roll 2 dice, you need 2 random numbers, both converted to range 0 to 5, and then added, and adding 2. (Try making a function to roll one die, and then calling it twice.)
The rolldice() function does not return a value. And it's computerRoll is independent of the outer computerRoll.
the outer computerRoll is set to a function, which is never equal to a number. This is why you get only losses.
if my translator is correct :
let randNumber, computerRoll
if (randNumber != undefined) {
alert('Input was incorrect, try again.')
randNumber = parseInt(prompt('Please enter a number between 2 and 12')) // bce promt value is string
while (!(1<randNumber && randNumber<13)) // to also process NaN values (not a number)
document.write('randNumber -> '+ randNumber + '<br>' )
for (let i=0;i<3;i++)
computerRoll = Math.floor(Math.random() *6) +1 // first dice
computerRoll += Math.floor(Math.random() *6) +1 // second dice
document.write('computerRoll -> '+ computerRoll + '<br>' )
if ( computerRoll === randNumber ) break
if (randNumber === computerRoll) {
document.write('You win.')
else {
document.write('You lose.')

Can't detect why my loop is infinite

var randomNum = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
guesses = prompt("guess a number between 1 and 100");
var scores = 0;
while (randomNum < 100) {
if (guesses < randomNum) {
console.log(" too low.. continue")
} else if (guesses > randomNum) {
console.log("too high ... continue ");
} else if (guesses === randomNum) {
console.log("great ... that is correct!!")
} else {
console.log("game over ... your guess was right " + scores + " times");
I have been struggling with the while loop concept for some time now and in order to confront my fears I decided to practice with some tiny exercises like the one above.
You're not incrementing randomNum hence it will always stay in an infinite loop.
You initialize randonNum and guesses at the beginning of your code, but then you never change their values again. So, once you go inside the while loop and the condition starts out to be false, then there is nothing inside the while loop to ever change the outcome of the comparison condition. Thus, the condition is always false and you end up with an infinite loop. Your loop structure boils down to this:
while (randomNum < 100) {
// randomNum never changes
// there is no code to ever break or return out of the loop
// so loop is infinite and goes on forever
You can fix the problem by either putting a condition in the loop that will break out of the loop with a break or return or you can modify the value of randomNum in the loop such that eventually the loop will terminate on its own.
In addition, guesses === randomNum will never be true because guesses is a string and randomNum is a number so you have to fix that comparison too.
It's not 100% clear what you want to achieve, but if you're trying to have the user repeatedly guess the number until they get it right, then you need to put a prompt() inside the while loop and a break out of the while loop when they get it right or ask to cancel:
var randomNum = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
var guess;
var score = 0;
while ((guess = prompt("guess a number between 1 and 100")) !== null) {
// convert typed string into a number
guess = +guess;
if (guess < randomNum) {
console.log(" too low.. continue")
} else if (guess > randomNum) {
console.log("too high ... continue ");
} else if (guess === randomNum) {
console.log("great ... that is correct!!")
console.log("score was: " + score);
// when we match, stop the while loop
the below line of code of your assign randomNum only one time hence it doesn't change
var randomNum = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
so when you are trying to create the while loop the randomNum value remains same
try changing the randomNum value in the while loop
I think this is what you tried to achieve. Retry x number of times
var randomNum = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
var guesses;
var scores = 0;
var tries = 0
while (tries++ < 3) { // Loop if less than 3 tries, and increment
guesses = prompt("guess a number between 1 and 100");
if (guesses < randomNum) {
console.log(" too low.. continue")
} else if (guesses > randomNum) {
console.log("too high ... continue ");
} else {
// It's not to low, not to high. It must be correct
console.log("great ... that is correct!!");
randomNum = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
console.log("game over ... your guess was right " + scores + " times");

Calculating and displaying the result depending on the score

In the following JavaScript code you answer both questions and then you will get a specific answer based on your score.
Let's say, you choose Yes a lot for the first question and Chocolate for the second question, you will score 8 points and instead of displaying the number 8 I would like to display a comment. That's why I have created an if loop, but for some reason the javascript code is displaying nothing, any suggestions for a solutions?
By the way you can find the code in the following link:
if (totalScore <=2) {
calculate = healthy;
} else if (totalScore >= 3 && totalScore <= 6) {
calculate = average;
} else {
calculate = unhealthy;
Your condition syntax is wrong, and you use variables out of scope.
function getTotal()
var totalScore = getScoreCake() + getScoreChoco();
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML =
//"Your total score is: "+totalScore;
function getComment(score)
if (score <=2)
return healthy;
else if(score >= 3 && score <=6)
return average;
return unhealthy;
You need an else if
if (totalScore <=2) {
calculate = healthy;
} else if (totalScore >= 3 && totalScore <= 6) {
calculate = average;
} else {
calculate = unhealthy;
Also, use the console! You'll see:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number
This was due to the else (expr) clause, it's else if
You conditional statement has errors. Should be:
if (totalScore <= 2) {
calculate = healthy;
} else if (totalScore >= 3 && totalScore <= 6) {
calculate = average;
} else {
calculate = unhealthy;
Here is an updated jsFiddle.
You are not calling getComment function. Try the one below to see how you can output the string.

