Loop into array object then check if there's a equal value? - javascript

Question, I have this array object, I want to find out which of this array have a similar values
then make them as one.
cartProduct: {
category: "chair"
color: "navy"
id: "628a1738fd8299ae6659d994"
image: "http://localhost:5000/../public/Product_chair_communal-navy.jpg"
name: "The Communal"
price: "4.30"
quantity: 1,
cartProduct: {{
category: "chair"
color: "navy"
id: "628a1738fd8299ae6659d994"
image: "http://localhost:5000/../public/Product_chair_communal-navy.jpg"
name: "The Communal"
price: "4.30"
quantity: 1,
For example the data above I want to know if they have the similar values interms of color if yes then only return one value.

You can use this loop:
let uniqueArray = [];
dataArray.forEach((item, indx) => {
let colorsArray = [];
if (colorsArray.includes(item.color)) {

Not the cleanest, or most performant approach:
// function to group the items
const groupCartItems = (items, byProperties = ['color', 'id']) => {
// utility funciton
const verifyEquality = (itemA, itemB) => {
let isEqual = true;
byProperties.forEach((prop) => {
if (itemA.cartProduct[prop] != itemB.cartProduct[prop]) {
isEqual = false;
return isEqual;
const groupedItems = [];
items.forEach((item) => {
// if item has been added, skip
if (groupedItems.find((i) => verifyEquality(item, i))) {
// find equal items
const equals = items.filter((i) => verifyEquality(item, i));
// sum quantities
const quantity = equals.reduce((previousValue, data) => previousValue + data.quantity, 0);
// push
cartProduct: item.cartProduct,
return groupedItems;
For the 'similarity' stuff, I would recommend not to do this, because it is just not a good practise. Have your values equal or else!!!
Now seriously, check string-similarity. From documentation, you would only need to change the if inside verifyEquality function to:
import stringSimilarity from 'string-similarity';
// tweak this value to change how similar strings should be to be considered equal
const EQUALITY_RATIO = 0.75;
// ....
if (stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings(itemA.cartProduct[prop], itemB.cartProduct[prop]) < EQUALITY_RATIO) {


Filter or compare a value in the same array [duplicate]

I have an array like this:
const array=[ {id:0, quantity:1}, {id:1, quantity:2}, {id:0, quantity:4} ]
My GOAL is to be like this:
const array=[ {id:1, quantity:2}, {id:0, quantity:4} ]
The order of the object does not matter as long as it can find the 'id' with the larger quantity
I tried filter + findIndex, map +filter, etc but I kept making mistake. I need help.
You could use a hash table and check if an object with the same id is in the result set. If the actual quantity is greater, assign the actual object.
var array = [{ id: 0, quantity: 1 }, { id: 1, quantity: 2 }, { id: 0, quantity: 4 }],
hash = Object.create(null),
unique = array.reduce(function (r, o) {
if (!(o.id in hash)) {
hash[o.id] = r.push(o) - 1;
return r;
if (o.quantity > r[hash[o.id]].quantity) {
r[hash[o.id]] = o;
return r;
}, []);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Let's get all the ids first. Then for each unique id, we'll find all the relevant objects in the array (using filter) and get the maximum of all their quantity properties.
function uniqByMax(arr) {
const ids = arr.map(elt => elt.id);
const uniqueIds = uniq(ids);
return uniqueIds.map(id => {
const matchingElts = arr.filter(elt => elt.id === id);
const quantities = matchingElts.map(elt => elt.quantity);
const quantity = Math.max(...quantities);
return {id, quantity};
You can grab uniq off the net somewhere, or use a library, or write it yourself.
Here is another approach, which uses a filter with side effects, if that is your cup of tea:
function uniqByMax(arr) {
return arr.filter(elt => {
const previous = arr.find(e2 => e2.id === elt.id);
if (previous === elt) return true;
previous.quantity = Math.max(previous.quantity, elt.quantity);
The basic idea is to loop through the elements. For each element, we find if there is an earlier element with the same id. If not, retain this element (return true;); otherwise, update the quantity of the earlier element we retained with the maximum of its quantity and this element's quantity.
In the interest of generality, it could be interesting to parameterize this function by the property we are finding unique values of, and the way to update/combine multiple items:
function uniqTransform(arr, prop, combine) {
return arr.filter(elt => {
const previous = arr.find(e2 => e2[prop] === elt[prop]);
if (previous === elt) return true;
combine(previous, elt);
Then we call this with
uniqTransform(arr, 'id', (a, b) => a.quantity = Math.max(a.quantity, b.quantity));
Or we could generalize it further by using another function to identify elements which are supposed to be considered the same for uniqueifying purposes, which we will call uniqueFunc:
function uniqTransform(arr, uniqueFunc, combineFunc) {
return arr.filter(elt => {
const previous = arr.find(e2 => uniqueFunc(elt, e2));
if (previous === elt) return true;
combineFunc(previous, elt);
Then we call this with
(a, b) => a.id === b.id,
(a, b) => a.quantity = Math.max(a.quantity, b.quantity));
Here you go.
const array=[ {id:0, quantity:1}, {id:1, quantity:2}, {id:0, quantity:4} ];
const arrayFiltered = [];
array.forEach(obj => {
const item = arrayFiltered.find(thisItem => thisItem.id === obj.id);
if (item) {
if (item.quantity < obj.quantity) {
item.quantity = obj.quantity;
Can you work with objects? There's a simple alternative using this code
const array = [{id:0, quantity:1}, {id:1, quantity:2}, {id:0, quantity:4}]
const object = {}
array.forEach((element) => {
object[element.id] = element
The only problem is that you will override the previous element each time you found an element with the same id.

After adding in Array element change oher element but not adding to array

i've got an array:
dataSet: [
{ name: "Имя1", image: "img.jpeg", author: "Александр Полтавченко", date: "21.02.2020", id: 1 },
{ name: "Имя2", image: "img.png", author: "Александр Полтавченко", date: "21.02.2020", id: 2 },
addedToCart: []
and here is the function which put value from dataSet to addedToCart according ID from props:
added = (id) => {
this.setState (( { addedToCart, dataList } )=>{
const newItem = dataList.filter(el=>el.id===id);
const testArr = [...addedToCart ];
const filteredATC = testArr.filter((item, el)=>{
return item, el
else {
return item
it is works well (only one element with count ++) but if click add to another element it is just change element in array (with correct count surprisingly).
How to put another element into addedToCart, just like
filter returns an array instead of the desired element, you should use find instead.
I believe you would desire an approach like this:
added = (id) => {
this.setState (( { addedToCart, dataList } ) => {
const newItem = dataList.find(el=> el.id === id);
const testArr = [...addedToCart ];
const filteredATCIndex = testArr.findIndex((_item, id) => newItem.id === id)
// if there is an added item
if (filteredATCIndex !== -1) {
const count = testArr[filteredATCIndex].count + 1
testArr[filteredATCIndex] = { ...testArr[filteredATCIndex], count }
return { addedToCart: testArr }
// for new item
const newItemAdded = { ...newItem, count: 1 }
return { addedToCart: testArr }
though this approach duplicates data, which is not desirable. I suggest you consider to change addedToCart to an object where key value pairs are the id and count respectively from added items. This way you would avoid duplicating data.
then your update state would look like:
added = (id) => {
this.setState (( { addedToCart } ) => {
const count = typeof addedToCart[id] === 'undefined' ? 1 : ++addedToCart[id]
return { addedToCart: { ...addedToCart, [id]: count } }

how to get array according to conditions in javascript

My array comes like this
var data=[{PRODUCT : P1}, {PRODUCT: P2}]
I wantt to convert this into [P1, P2].
Sometimes my array comes like this
var data=[{ITEM: I1, QUANTITY:1}, {ITEM: I2, QUANTITY:2}]
I wantt to convert this into [I1, I2].
so can we make a common function, where I just want to extract particular value of array and make a new array.
p.s. Thank you in advance
I tried to write the logic like this:
data.map((d, index) => { var result= [];
result.includes(d[0]); })
but it,s not dynamic
You could define a function which will always get the first value of the first object key, this should satisfy your needs based on the above
var data1 = [{
ITEM: 'I1',
}, {
ITEM: 'I2',
var data2 = [{
}, {
function getArrayOfValues(list) {
return list.reduce((acc, x) => {
const firstValue = Object.values(x)[0];
return acc;
}, [])
const result1 = getArrayOfValues(data1)
const result2 = getArrayOfValues(data2)
function getProductOrItem(list) {
return list.reduce((accumulator, obj) => {
if (obj.PRODUCT) {
} else if (obj.ITEM) {
return accumulator;
}, [])
you can iterate through your array with map() method and inside it extract the value of a first entity of an object in your array and simply get a new array with all values:
const data1 =[{PRODUCT : 'P1'}, {PRODUCT: 'P2'}]
const data2 = [{ITEM: 'I1', QUANTITY: 1}, {ITEM: 'I2', QUANTITY: 2 }]
const transformValuesOfArray = (arrayToTransform) =>
arrayToTransform.map(value => {
const firstObjectValue = Object.values(value)[0]
return firstObjectValue

How do i setState with hooks of an object which has multiple arrays ? How to setdebtors here?

I am deleting an one id in an array, how do I setState after filtering it here?
const Debtors = () => {
const debtors = [
id: 1,
name: "John",
relation: "friend",
statement: [
{ id: 1, date: 2010, amount: "1000", purpose: "John" },
{ id: 2, date: 2014, amount: "2000", purpose: "john" }
id: 2,
name: "Jack",
relation: "Friend",
statement: [
{ id: 1, date: 2010, amount: "1000", purpose: "jack" },
{ id: 2, date: 2014, amount: "2000", purpose: "jack" }
const [newDebtors, setdebtors] = React.useState(debtors);
const handleDelete = (stat, i) => {
const newList = newDebtors[0].statement.filter(x => x.id !== stat.id);
// How to set debtors here ?
// setdebtors({ ...newDebtors, statement[0]: newList });
// How to set debtors here ?
There's two problems:
1) You are iterating off the original debtors object in your render, instead of the newDebtors state you created via useState(), which is why there does not appear to be any UI change.
You need: newDebtors[0].statement.map
2) You need to pass in the item index in your handleDelete() so it knows what item in the array to update. You can have the function do something like this:
In the onClick:
onClick={() => handleDelete(stat, i, 0)}
In the handleDelete():
const handleDelete = (stat, i, arrayIndex) => {
const updatedDebtors = newDebtors.map((item, index) => {
if (index === arrayIndex) {
return {
statement: item.statement.filter(
statement => statement.id !== stat.id
} else {
return item;
See sandbox for full solution: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-example-x7uoh
You should do it like that:
setdebtors((prevState) => {
let newArray = Array.from(prevState); // Copy the array
// Manipulate the array as you wish
return newArray; // return it
The problem is you are mutating the array of "debtors" you need to map through the array of debtors and change any properties in the object.
const handleDelete = (stat, i) => {
const newList = newDebtors.map((debtor, i) => {
if (i === 0) {
debtor.statement = debtor.statement.filter(x => x.id !== stat.id);
return debtor;
An even better approach is to use "useReducer" which is used for mutating more complex pieces of state, like you have here. THe docs are very helpful useReducer
Hmm I dont know what exactly you are trying to do,
Is this what you are looking for?
const handleDelete = (stat, i) => {
const newList = newDebtors[0].statement.filter(x => x.id !== stat.id);
const newFirstItem = {...newDebtors[0],statement: newList}
const newDebtorList = newDebtors.filter(x => x.id !== newFirstItem.id);
I know this seems complex but you kinda actually need to do this as you cannot mutate an array in the state...
What I did here is I first created a new statement list(newList), then created a newFirstItem to be set as the new newDebtors[0], then created a new array(newDebtorList) of all the elements of newDebtors except the first one, I modified this array by pushing the newFirstItem to the 0th position(using unshift)
Finally updated the state with this new array...
hope it helps :)
Note: this is for changing the 0th element if you have the id please change the code accordingly

javascript find child object in nested arrays

I have a javascript structure like below (nested arrays of objects)
var categoryGroups = [
Id: 1, Categories: [
{ Id: 1 },
{ Id: 2 },
Id: 2, Categories: [
{ Id: 100 },
{ Id: 200 },
I want to find a child Category object matching an Id, assuming the Category Id's are all unique.
I've got this below, but was wondering if there is a more concise way of doing it:
var category, categoryGroup, found = false;
for (i = 0; i < categoryGroups.length ; i++) {
categoryGroup = categoryGroups[i];
for (j = 0; j < categoryGroup.Categories.length; j++) {
category = categoryGroup.Categories[j];
if (category.Id === id) {
found = true;
if (found) break;
Using flatMap in ES2019
const category = categoryGroups.flatMap(cg => cg.Categories).find(c => c.Id === categoryId);
Caveat: This uses a couple of Array.prototype functions that were only added in ECMAScript 5 and thus will not work with older browsers unless you polyfill them.
You can loop over all first-level objects in your array, and then filter the categories based on your condition and collect all matches in an array. Your final result will be the first element in the array of matches (no match found if array is empty).
var matches = [];
var needle = 100; // what to look for
arr.forEach(function(e) {
matches = matches.concat(e.Categories.filter(function(c) {
return (c.Id === needle);
console.log(matches[0] || "Not found");
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/b7ktf/1/
Using only Array.prototype.filter():
If you are sure that the id you are looking for exists, you can do:
var id = 200; // surely it exists
var category = arr.filter(g => g.Categories.filter(c => c.Id === id)[0])[0].Categories.filter(c => c.Id === id)[0];
If you are not sure that it exists:
var id = 201; // maybe it doesn't exist
var categoryGroup = arr.filter(e => e.Categories.filter(c => c.Id === id)[0])[0];
var category = categoryGroup ? categoryGroup.Categories.filter(c => c.Id === id)[0] : null;
Using reduce and recursion :
function nestedSearch(value) {
return categoryGroups.reduce(function f(acc, val) {
return (val.Id === value) ? val :
(val.Categories && val.Categories.length) ? val.Categories.reduce(f, acc) : acc;
> try on JSFiddle
check the code in the fiddle
var categoryGroups = [
Id: 1, Categories: [
{ Id: 1 },
{ Id: 2 },
Id: 2, Categories: [
{ Id: 100 },
{ Id: 200 },
var id = 100;
var x = 'not found';
var category, categoryGroup, found = false;
for (i = 0; i < categoryGroups.length ; i++) {
categoryGroup = categoryGroups[i];
for (j = 0; j < categoryGroup.Categories.length; j++) {
category = categoryGroup.Categories[j];
if (category.Id == id) {
var x = category.Id;
found = true;
if (found) break;
The above code checks if id = 100 is found in the array. If found will alert the value else alerts that its not found. value '100' has been hardcoded for the sake of demo
You could wrap it inside a function to get rid of the awkward break; syntax and you can load each element into a variable inside the for(;;) construct to shave off a few lines.
function subCategoryExists(groups, id)
for (var i = 0, group; group = groups[i]; ++i) {
for (var k = 0, category; category = group.Categories[k]; ++k) {
if (category.Id == id) {
return true;
return false;
var found = subCategoryExists(categoryGroups, 100);
Easy way using lodash library of NodeJS (assuming you are using NodeJS):
const _ = require('lodash');
let category ;
let categoryGroup = _.find(categoryGroups, (element)=>{
category = _.find(element.Categories, {Id : 100});
return category;
console.log(categoryGroup); // The category group which has the sub category you are looking for
console.log(category); // The exact category you are looking for
If you want to actually return the inner category (instead of just checking for it's presence) you can use reduce:
return categoryGroups.reduce((prev, curr) => {
//for each group: if we already found the category, we return that. otherwise we try to find it within this group
return prev || curr.Categories.find(category => category.Id === id);
}, undefined);
This short-circuits on the inner categories, and touches each categoryGroup once. It could be modified to short-cicuit on the categoryGroups as well.
Here's a JS Fiddle demonstration.
You could use underscore:
var cat = _(categoryGroups).
findWhere({Id: 2}).
What I'm doing here is that I'm extracting all Categories values in a single array and then grepping for the correct categories.
EDIT: sorry, didn't get your question right the first time. As the comments suggest, you might not want to use underscore just for that, but that's how I would do it :)
We are using object-scan for our data processing now. It's very powerful once you wrap your head around it. For your questions this would look like this:
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const lookup = (id, data) => objectScan(['Categories.Id'], {
useArraySelector: false,
abort: true,
rtn: 'parent',
filterFn: ({ value }) => value === id
const categoryGroups = [{ Id: 1, Categories: [{ Id: 1 }, { Id: 2 }] }, { Id: 2, Categories: [{ Id: 100 }, { Id: 200 }] }];
console.log(lookup(1, categoryGroups));
// => { Id: 1 }
console.log(lookup(100, categoryGroups));
// => { Id: 100 }
console.log(lookup(999, categoryGroups));
// => undefined
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src="https://bundle.run/object-scan#13.8.0"></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan

