Get each variable from class in a for loop - javascript

I'm creating an interpreter that reads
variable1: 2
variable2: 400
variable3: 31
from a text file, and initializes the variables on runtime. using eval() and Regular Expressions
class Rules{
getSegmentArgs_string(sgmnt, scope)
let argarray = new Array;
let vardeclaration;
for(let i=0; i<this.rules[sgmnt].length; i++)
let regexp = /(\w+): ([0-9\.]+)/g;
for (const match of this.rules[sgmnt][i].matchAll(regexp)) {
vardeclaration = (scope+match[1].toString() + " = "+match[2].toString()+";");
argarray[i] = vardeclaration;
return argarray;
this.segment = sgmnt;
this.defaultvars = this.getSegmentArgs_string(this.segment,"this.")
for(let i=0; i<this.defaultvars.length; i++)
constructor() {
this.rules = this.dump();
let rules = new Rules;
However, I can not understand how to access these initialized variables in a for loop that dumps each variable's name, as well as its' value
for (const variables in rules)
I'm capable of accessing the value when doing
but due to the nature of the task, I need to loop through all variables without naming them in code. gives you the key of the object properties. You have to access the value with the key
for (const key in rules)
console.log(key, rules[key]);


template strings inside if statements

is it correct syntax to use string literals inside if statements. please guide. how can i use categ dynamically in the function based on different values so that i dont have to write the same function for every button clicked.
const filterButtons= document.querySelectorAll(".filter-btn")
let categ;
filterButtons.forEach(function (btn) {
btn.addEventListener("click",function (e) {
if("price") {
categ = "price";
if("discountPercentage") {
categ = "discountPercentage";
if("rating") {
categ = "rating";
let newModData = [...mainProducts];
let i=0;
let j=0;
let fixed = 0
while(j< newModData.length-1) {
while(i< newModData.length-1)
if(`newModData[i+1].${categ}`< `newModData[fixed].${categ}`)
const temp = Object.assign({}, newModData[fixed]);
newModData[fixed] = newModData[i+1];
newModData[i+1] = temp;
is it correct syntax to use string literals inside if statements. please guide. how can i use categ dynamically in the function based on different values so that i dont have to write the same function for every button clicked.
If newModData is an array of objects, then the correct syntax is:
if(newModData[i+1][categ] < newModData[fixed][categ]) {
// Your logic here
To access properties of an object dynamically you must use brackets [] instead of dot .:
const prop = "name"; //
const someObj = {
name: "Jane",
age: 20
console.log(someObj[prop]); // --> Jane

Which type of variable is created in the code below

In the code below is an iterator:
const cart = ['Product 0','Product 1','Product 2','Product 3','Product 4','Product 5','Product 6','Product 7','Product 8','Product 9','Product 10']
function createIterator(cart) {
let i = 0;//(*)
return {
nextProduct: function() {
//i:0; (**)
let end = (i >= cart.length);
let value = !end ? cart[i++] : undefined;
return {
end: end,
value: value
const it = createIterator(cart);
First I know a copy of the present state of the function's variables and the parameters are parsed.(Right?)...
And when you run
const it = createIterator(cart);
Is a property below created?
//i:0 (**);
Making; equivalent to
i:0;//state or value of i from createIterator() definition;
next : function(cart){
let end = (this.i >= cart.length);
let value = !end ? cart[this.i++] : undefined;
return {
end: end,
value: value
Or does state of the value of i in line (*) from the first code, Is what's what is modified?
Please if this point is not clear... let me know to explain better.
Calling the iterator will create an instance of i scoped to the createIterator function. The object returned from it will only have access to that specific instance of i, but i is not a property of the object returned. It only can access it due to the function scope.
You can see a little better how this works if we break your code down a little more simply:
function createIterator(cart, display) {
let i = 0;
return {
next: function() {
console.log(display + ' next: ', i);
const cart1 = [];
const cart2 = [];
const it1 = createIterator(cart1, 'cart1');;;
const it2 = createIterator(cart2, 'cart2');;;
Each instance of the iterator has a different copy of i and only the object returned from the iterator function can access it.

My object isn't updating by reference, what's wrong with the logic?

I've been working with this bug for a few days now, and I think I've pinpointed the problem area, but I'm not sure why it doesn't work. I think it may have to do with a problem with passing an object by reference, but if that's the case I'm not sure how to apply that solution to my situation.
Basically, I'm working on (as a learning experience) my own implementation of dependency injection (although I've been told my structure is actually called AMD, I'll keep using "DI" until I understand more about the difference). So I'll briefly explain my code, then highlight the problematic part.
The syntax:
This is what my code should do, it's just very very simple DI.
I created scope with a string path, using "/scopeName/subScopeName:componentName" to select a scope, so that code users can select the scope while defining the component in a simple way, using a ":" to select a component from the scope.
There are no interfaces since it's so simple to type check in JS. There are no special component types such as factories, values, etc, every component is treated equally.
var JHTML = new Viziion('JHTML');
/* ... snip ... */
JHTML.addComponent('/generate:process', function(nodes) {
/* ... snip - the code inside isn't important here - snip ..*/
The inject function just takes an array of component paths in the order the component's arguments are expected.
Hooks are components stored in the hooks property, and then there's a function returnUserHandle which will return an object consisting of just the hooks, so all of the functions are hidden in closures, and you can feed the code user just the usable methods.
JHTML.addHook('generate', function(jsonInput, process) {
var html = process(jsonInput);
return html;
}).inject(['/generate:jsonInput', '/generate:process']);
var handle = JHTML.returnUserHandle();
/* HTML Generator Syntax - Client */
The problem:
To point inject to the correct object intuitively, there's a focus property on the main object, and I thought I could use that.focus ( which is a reference to this.focus) within my different methods such as addComponent and inject to link new functions to the correct location in my scope model and have them still referenced in focus after being created with addComponent or after being called by the focusComponent method, and then inject could find the dependencies, and "wire" them by doing this:
that.focus = function() {
that.focus.apply(null, dependencies);
And I thought that would package the dependencies (an array) as a closure and when the code user calls the function, the correct dependencies get applied and that's the ball game. But nope. The functions dont seem to be passing by reference from that.focus into the scope model. that.focus updates, but the scope model does not.
What's wrong with my reference logic?
The code:
Here's a simplified version of the code. I think I've done my best to explain how it works and where exactly the reference problem I'm trying to solve is located.
/* Dependency Injection Framework - viziion.js */
function Viziion() {
var that = this;
//here's the focus property I mentioned
this.focus = null;
this.scope = {
'/': {
'subScopes': {},
'components': {}
this.hooks = {};
this.addScope = function(scopeName) {
/* the way this works inst relevant to the problem */
this.addComponent = function(componentName, func) {
var scopeArray = // snip
// snip - just code to read the component path
for (var i = 0; i <= scopeArray.length; i++) {
if (scopeArray[i] !== "") {
if (scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]) {
scope = scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]];
} else if (i == scopeArray.length) {
// And here's where I add the component to the scope model
// and reference that component in the focus property
scope.components[scopeName] = func;
that.focus = scope.components[scopeName];
} else {
throw 'Scope path is invalid.';
} else {
throw 'Path does not include a component.';
return that;
this.returnComponent = function(componentName, callback) {
/* ... snip ... */
this.addHook = function(hookName, func) {
/* ... snip ... */
this.inject = function(dependencyArray) {
if (dependencyArray) {
var dependencies = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dependencyArray.length; i++) {
that.returnComponent(dependencyArray[i], function(dependency) {
that.focus = function() {
that.focus.apply(null, dependencies);
return that;
/* ... snip - focusComponent - snip ... */
/* ... snip - returnUserHandle - snip ... */
This should, when applied as shown up above under the "Syntax" header, produce a console log with a string of HTML.
Instead, I get TypeError: undefined is not a function, corresponding to the line var html = process(jsonInput);.
If you want to test the full code, all together, here it is:
/* Dependency Injection Framework - viziion.js */
function Viziion(appName) {
if (typeof appName == 'string') {
var that = this; = appName;
this.focus = null;
this.scope = {
'/': {
'subScopes': {},
'components': {}
this.hooks = {};
this.addScope = function(scopeName) {
if (typeof scopeName == 'string') {
var scopeArray = scopeName.split('/');
var scope = that.scope['/'];
for (var i = 0; i < scopeArray.length; i++) {
if (scopeArray[i] !== "") {
if (scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]) {
scope = scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]];
} else {
scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]] = {
'subScopes': {},
'components': {}
} else {
throw 'Scope path must be a string.';
return that;
this.addComponent = function(componentName, func) {
if (typeof componentName == 'string') {
var scopeArray = componentName.split(':');
if (scopeArray.length == 2) {
var scope = that.scope['/'];
var scopeName = scopeArray[1];
scopeArray = scopeArray[0].split('/');
for (var i = 0; i <= scopeArray.length; i++) {
if (scopeArray[i] !== "") {
if (scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]) {
scope = scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]];
} else if (i == scopeArray.length) {
scope.components[scopeName] = func;
that.focus = scope.components[scopeName];
} else {
throw 'Scope path is invalid.';
} else {
throw 'Path does not include a component.';
} else {
throw 'Component path must be a string.';
return that;
this.returnComponent = function(componentName, callback) {
if (typeof componentName == 'string') {
var scopeArray = componentName.split(':');
if (scopeArray.length == 2) {
var scope = that.scope['/'];
var scopeName = scopeArray[1];
scopeArray = scopeArray[0].split('/');
for (var i = 0; i <= scopeArray.length; i++) {
if (scopeArray[i] !== "") {
if (i == scopeArray.length) {
} else if (scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]]) {
scope = scope.subScopes[scopeArray[i]];
} else {
throw 'Scope path is invalid.';
} else {
throw 'Path does not include a component.';
} else {
throw 'Component path must be a string.';
this.addHook = function(hookName, func) {
if (typeof hookName == 'string') {
that.hooks[hookName] = func;
that.focus = that.hooks[hookName];
} else {
throw 'Hook name must be a string.';
return that;
this.inject = function(dependencyArray) {
if (dependencyArray) {
var dependencies = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dependencyArray.length; i++) {
that.returnComponent(dependencyArray[i], function(dependency) {
that.focus = function() {
that.focus.apply(null, dependencies);
return that;
this.focusComponent = function(componentPath) {
that.focus = that.returnUserHandle(componentPath);
this.returnUserHandle = function() {
return that.hooks;
} else {
throw 'Viziion name must be a string.';
/* JSON HTML Generator - A Simple Library Using Viziion */
var JHTML = new Viziion('JHTML');
JHTML.addComponent('/generate:jsonInput', [{
}, {
tag: 'html',
children: [{
tag: 'head',
children: []
}, {
tag: 'body',
children: []
JHTML.addComponent('/generate:process', function(nodes) {
var html = [];
var loop = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
if (nodes[i].tag) {
html.push('<' + tag + '>');
if (nodes[i].children) {
html.push('</' + tag + '>');
return html;
} else {
throw '[JHTML] Bad syntax: Tag type is not defined on node.';
JHTML.addHook('generate', function(jsonInput, process) {
console.log('Process func arg:');
var html = process(jsonInput);
return html;
}).inject(['/generate:jsonInput', '/generate:process']);
var handle = JHTML.returnUserHandle();
/* HTML Generator Syntax - Client */
Big question, bigger answer. Let's get started.
Heavy OOP, Proper Scope
First and foremost, from your code, it looks like you maybe don't fully grasp the concept of this.
Unless you change the execution context of an object's methods beforehand, said object's methods always have their contextual this bound to the object instance.
That is:
function A () {
var that = this;
this.prop = 1;
this.method = function () {
new A().method();
is generally equivalent to:
function A () {
this.prop = 1;
this.method = function () {
new A().method();
unless method is adjusted before execution with .bind, .call, or .apply.
Why does this matter? Well, if we use our this context properly we can utilize object prototypes. Prototypes serve as a far more elegant solution to defining every method of an object on a per-instance basis.
Here we create two instances, but only ever one method.
function A () {
this.prop = 1;
A.prototype.method = function () {
new A().method();
new A().method();
This is important for clarity, and later on is important when you are binding contexts and arguments to functions (!).
Code Hygiene
You can skip this topic if you like (head down to The Problems(s)), since it might be considered out of place, but keep in mind it does relate to part of the problem with the code.
Your code is hard to read.
Here are some thoughts on that.
Use them. You shouldn't need to worry about users changing execution contexts on you, as that's probably a misuse of your program. Security shouldn't be a concern considering they have the source code.
Not much else to say here.
Exit early
If you're doing sanity checks, try to opt out as early in your code as you can. If you need to throw because of a type mismatch, throw right then and there - not 27 lines later.
// Not great
if (typeof input === 'string') {
} else throw 'it away';
// Better
if (typeof input !== 'string') throw 'it away';
This goes for loops as well - making appropriate use of the continue keyword. Both of these things improve code clarity, and reduce nesting and code bloat.
Loop caching
When you're looping over a data structure, and you plan to use the current element several times within the block, you should save that element in a variable. Accessing elements and properties isn't necessarily a free-OP.
// Not great
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
if (myArray[i] > 5) callback(myArray[i]);
// Better
var len = myArray.length, element;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
element = myArray[i];
if (element > 5) callback(element);
When used correctly this improves both clarity and performance.
The Problem(s)
First off, what are we really doing here? The whole problem boils down to an overly complicated application of function binds. That is, simply changing the execution contexts of functions.
I'll also state outright that this program has no bug - it's just flawed.
The major crux of the problem would be these three lines
that.focus = function() {
that.focus.apply(null, dependencies);
found in the inject method. They don't make any sense. This would cause an infinite recursion, plain and simple. When you define that function, it doesn't care at all what the focus property of that is right then and there. That matters solely at execution time.
Lucky for us, we never actually get that far, since the process component doesn't get bound correctly.
A huge part of the problem is the focus property. In your program, you're using this as a sort of most recent action. A singular history as to what has just occurred. The problem is, you've tried to hot-swap this value in strange ways.
The focus property (and as you'll see later, other properties) is needed however, because of the reverse application of inject. The way you've structured your component/hook registers into inject model requires state to be held between method invocations.
As an end note for this section, the process component function definition would never have returned anything. Even if your model was correct, your input was flawed. handle.generate() would have returned undefined always.
The Answer(s)
So how can we fix this? Well, the first idea would be to scrap it, honestly. The reverse injection model is ugly, in my opinion. The level of indirection involved with the inject method is very confusing from the surface.
But then we wouldn't learn anything, would we?
So really, how do we fix this? Well, much to the dismay of the functional programmers reading, we need to hold more state.
On its own, our focus property can't provide enough information to properly change the execution contexts of our functions.
On top of our focus, which will simply hold a reference to our most recent component value, we need the field (component/hook name), and the fragment (component object, nothing if hook).
Using these two or three values inside inject, we can take our depedancies array, bind it to our focus, and set the resulting function back into our field.
The great thing about the next part is we can actually drop our closure by making the contextual this of our component/hook the unbound function.
The whole operation looks like this:
var focus = this.focus,
fragment = this.fragment,
field = this.field,
hook = function hook () {
return this.apply(null, arguments);
}, func;
func = Function.prototype.bind.apply(hook, dependencies);
if (fragment) fragment[field] = func;
else this.hooks[field] = func;
Most of this should be pretty straight forward, but there is one piece that may give people some issues. The important thing to remember is we are essentially creating two functions in sequence here, 'discarding' the first in a sense. (It should be noted that this can be done another way with hook.bind.apply, but it creates even more confusing code. This is about as elegant as you can get.)
func = Function.prototype.bind.apply(hook, dependencies);
First, we add our focus (our original function) to the front of our list of dependencies. This is important in a moment.
Then we invoke Function.prototype.bind using Function.prototype.apply (remembering that function prototype methods also share the function prototype methods. Pretty much turtles all the way down).
Now we pass our bind context, hook, and our prefixed dependencies to apply.
hook is used as the host for bind, whose contextual this is altered by the first element of the array of arguments passed to apply. The remaining elements are unrolled to shape the subsequent arguments of bind, thus creating the bound arguments of the resulting function.
This isn't a very simple concept, so take your time.
The other thing to note is I've dropped focusComponent completely. Its implementation didn't make sense in context. Your model relies on a last input injection, so you'll need to re-implement focusComponent as a method that simply adjusts the focus, field, and fragment states.
A small sub-fix is the process component function. Not going to go into detail here. You can compare and contrast with your original code, the differences are pretty obvious.
JHTML.addComponent('/generate:process', function (nodes) {
return (function build (struct, nodes) {
var length = nodes.length, node, tag;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
tag = node.tag;
if (!tag) throw '[JHTML] Bad syntax: Tag type is not defined on node.';
struct.push('<' + tag + '>');
if (node.children) {
build(struct, node.children)
struct.push('</' + tag + '>');
return struct;
}([], nodes));
The Code
Below is what I would consider a fixed version of your code. It's written in a style that I find useful for both clarity and performance.
/* Dependency Injection Framework - viziion.js */
function Scope () {
this.subScopes = {};
this.components = {};
function Viziion (appName) {
if (typeof appName !== 'string') throw 'Viziion name must be a string.'; = appName;
this.working = this.field = this.focus = null
this.scope = { '/': new Scope() };
this.hooks = {};
Viziion.prototype.addScope = function (scopeName) {
if (typeof scopeName !== 'string') throw 'Scope path must be a string.';
var scopeArray = scopeName.split('/'),
scope = this.scope['/'],
len = scopeArray.length,
element, sub;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
element = scopeArray[i];
if (element === '') continue;
sub = scope.subScopes[element]
if (sub) scope = sub;
else scope.subScopes[element] = new Scope();
return this;
Viziion.prototype.addComponent = function (componentName, func) {
if (typeof componentName !== 'string') throw 'Component path must be a string.';
var scopeArray = componentName.split(':'),
len, element, sub;
if (scopeArray.length != 2) throw 'Path does not include a component.';
var scope = this.scope['/'],
scopeName = scopeArray[1];
scopeArray = scopeArray[0].split('/');
len = scopeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
element = scopeArray[i];
if (element === '') continue;
sub = scope.subScopes[element];
if (sub) scope = sub;
else if (i === len) {
this.fragment = scope.components;
this.field = scopeName;
this.focus = scope.components[scopeName] = func;
else throw 'Scope path is invalid';
return this;
Viziion.prototype.returnComponent = function (componentName, callback) {
if (typeof componentName !== 'string') throw 'Component path must be a string.';
var scopeArray = componentName.split(':'),
len, element, sub;
if (scopeArray.length != 2) throw 'Path does not include a component.';
var scope = this.scope['/'],
scopeName = scopeArray[1];
scopeArray = scopeArray[0].split('/');
len = scopeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
element = scopeArray[i];
if (element === '') continue;
sub = scope.subScopes[element]
if (i === len) callback(scope.components[scopeName]);
else if (sub) scope = sub;
else throw 'Scope path is invalid';
Viziion.prototype.addHook = function (hook, func) {
if (typeof hook !== 'string') throw 'Hook name must be a string.';
this.fragment = null;
this.field = hook;
this.focus = this.hooks[hook] = func;
return this;
Viziion.prototype.inject = function (dependancyArray) {
if (!dependancyArray) return;
var dependencies = [],
len = dependancyArray.length,
function push (dep) { dependencies.push(dep); }
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
element = dependancyArray[i];
this.returnComponent(element, push);
var focus = this.focus,
fragment = this.fragment,
field = this.field,
hook = function hook () {
return this.apply(null, arguments);
}, func;
func = Function.prototype.bind.apply(hook, dependencies);
if (fragment) fragment[field] = func;
else this.hooks[field] = func;
return this;
Viziion.prototype.returnUserHandle = function () { return this.hooks; };
/* JSON HTML Generator - A Simple Library Using Viziion */
var JHTML = new Viziion('JHTML');
JHTML.addComponent('/generate:jsonInput', [{
tag: '!DOCTYPE html'
}, {
tag: 'html',
children: [{
tag: 'head',
children: []
}, {
tag: 'body',
children: []
JHTML.addComponent('/generate:process', function (nodes) {
return (function build (struct, nodes) {
var length = nodes.length, node, tag;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
tag = node.tag;
if (!tag) throw '[JHTML] Bad syntax: Tag type is not defined on node.';
struct.push('<' + tag + '>');
if (node.children) {
build(struct, node.children)
struct.push('</' + tag + '>');
return struct;
}([], nodes));
JHTML.addHook('generate', function (jsonInput, process) {
return process(jsonInput);
}).inject(['/generate:jsonInput', '/generate:process']);
var handle = JHTML.returnUserHandle();
/* HTML Generator Syntax - Client */

Pushing object into array erases instead of adding

I have a function like this :
$scope.saveSearch = function () {
var alreadyExist = false;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.savedSearch.length; i++) {
if (JSON.stringify($scope.searched) === JSON.stringify($scope.savedSearch[i])) {
alreadyExist = true;
if (!alreadyExist) {
localStorage.setItem("savedSearch", JSON.stringify($scope.savedSearch));
Before that : $scope.savedSearch = [];
$scope.searched = {
IS: "",
area: "",
block: "",
type: "",
level: ""
The values in $scope.searched object are initialized and then modified by the user.
My problem is :
$scope.savedSearch always contains only the last pushed object. Instead of adding the object to the array, it just replaces the current object.
I don't understand why.
You'll want to change your push line to:
I believe your problem is that objects are passed by reference. Since the object you have in the savedSearch is always pointing to the exact object you're searching, alreadyExist will always be true.
My guess is that the object reference is being stored in your array, not the actual object itself. Because of this, any subsequent calls to push the object to your array will not work because the object reference already exists in the array. It's merely updated.
Try this instead. Use angular.copy() to create a deep copy of the object and push the copy to your array. See if that works.
if (!alreadyExist) {
localStorage.setItem("savedSearch", JSON.stringify($scope.savedSearch));
You are pushing the Object outside of the for so only 1 element get pushed in try move it inside the for and every object which doesnt already exist will be pushed in
$scope.saveSearch = function () {
var alreadyExist = false;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.savedSearch.length; i++) {
if (JSON.stringify($scope.searched) === JSON.stringify($scope.savedSearch[i])) {
alreadyExist = true;
if (!alreadyExist) {
localStorage.setItem("savedSearch", JSON.stringify($scope.savedSearch));
easier way would be to just
$scope.saveSearch = function () {
var alreadyExist = false;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.savedSearch.length; i++) {
if (JSON.stringify($scope.searched) != JSON.stringify($scope.savedSearch[i])) {
localStorage.setItem("savedSearch", JSON.stringify($scope.savedSearch));

How to create a "function that returns a function and splits csv file"? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do JavaScript closures work?
(86 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm learning JS and I need help with the following task:
I need to create a function compile_csv_search(text, key_name) that parses text in
the CSV format. (not required to handle quoting and escaping in values;
assume field values never contain commas or other special characters.)
A function must return a function that looks up a record by a value of the
field specified as the second argument to compile_csv_search. Assume that all
values in the key field are unique.
Sample usage:
var csv_by_name = compile_csv_search(
",server1,Main Server\n"+
",server2,Backup Server\n",
...will print:
{ip: "", name: "server2", desc: "Backup Server"}
** I didn't understand what does it mean "function that return function". How can function return another function?
Thank you!
attaching my solution for your review
function compile_csv_search(csvServerData){
var header = csvServerData.split('\n')[0].split(",");
var spleatedServerData = csvServerData.split('\n');
return function(serverName)
for(var i = 1; i < spleatedServerData.length; i++){
var singleServer = spleatedServerData[i].split(',')
var result = {};
var exist = false;
for (var j = 0; j < header.length; j++) {
if(singleServer.indexOf(serverName) == -1)
exist = true;
result[header[j]] = singleServer[j];
var csv_by_name = compile_csv_search(
",server1,Main Server\n"+
",server2,Backup Server\n");
Functions in JavaScript are objects; they can be referred to by variables, passed as arguments and returned from functions like any other object.
Here's a function that returns an object:
function returnObject() {
var result = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
return result;
And here's a function that returns another function:
function returnFunction() {
var result = function() {
console.log('another function!');
return result;
Notice how they're really similar - object returned by the first function is a plain Object created using object literal syntax ({}), and the object returned by the second happens to be a function.
You could call the inner, returned function like this:
var out = returnFunction();
Or even returnFunction()();
However, you can't just call result() - result is only defined inside of returnFunction. The only way to access it from outside is to retrieve it by calling the outer function.
Something like this would be fine:
function compile_csv_search(text, key_name) {
var lines = text.split('\n');
var keys = lines[0].split(',');
var key_index = keys.indexOf(key_name);
return function(value) {
for(var i = 1; i<lines.length; i++) {
current_line_values = lines[i].split(',');
if(current_line_values[key_index] === value) {
var result = {};
for(var j = 0; j<keys.length; j++) {
result[keys[j]] = current_line_values[j];
return result;
Also see this fiddle:
You can always treat a function the same as any other js objects. Assign to a variable, pass to a function, store in an array... all are fine.
The magic in this example is that, you can read/write the variables defined in the compile_csv_search() function within the returned function. So it's possible to store something in the local variables of the defining function, and later retrieve from the returned one, even when the defining function has finished execution long time ago. You may have heard of "closure", right?

