How can I select children options from optgroup in Select2? - javascript

I have successfully created a select2 template with a group but I can't select the items in it, is there anything missing from the code I made below? Any help from you means a lot to me, thank you
See this first,
Preview Image
For the data below, i folow
Result from AJAX :
"status": true,
"message": null,
"data": [
"text": "Bank",
"children": [
"id": "002",
"icon": ".../payment/bri_1.png",
"text": "BANK BRI"
"id": "008",
"icon": ".../payment/mandiri_1.png",
"text": "BANK MANDIRI"
"id": "009",
"icon": ".../payment/bni_1.png",
"text": "BANK BNI / SYARIAH"
"id": "014",
"icon": ".../payment/bca_1.png",
"text": "BANK BCA"
"id": "022",
"icon": ".../payment/1280px-CIMB_Niaga_logo.svg.png",
"id": "016",
"icon": ".../payment/Maybank-Logo.png",
"text": "Maybank"
"id": "013",
"icon": ".../payment/images.png",
"text": "PERMATA BANK"
"id": "213",
"icon": ".../payment/Jenius-logo.png",
"text": "Jenius/BTPN"
"id": "011",
"icon": ".../payment/kissclipart-danamon-logo-png-clipart-bank-danamon-logo-a9b2b21755c37a3a.png",
"text": "Danamon"
"id": "012",
"icon": ".../payment/images_1.png",
"text": "Bank Neo Commerce/Bank Yudha Bakti"
"id": "017",
"icon": ".../payment/images-removebg-preview.png",
"text": "Bank Syariah Indonesia"
"text": "eMoney",
"children": [
"id": "900",
"icon": ".../payment/ovo.png",
"text": "OVO"
"id": "901",
"icon": ".../payment/gopay.png",
"text": "GOPAY"
"id": "903",
"icon": ".../payment/dana_1.png",
"text": "DANA"
"id": "904",
"icon": ".../payment/linkaja.png",
"text": "LINK AJA"
"id": "906",
"icon": ".../payment/",
"text": "SHOPEE PAY"
Code :
placeholder: 'Payment',
width: 'resolve',
minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity,
templateResult: function formatState(state) {
if (! return state.text;
var $state = $(
'<span><img src="' + state.icon + '" style="width:30px;"/> ' + state.text + '</span>'
return $state;
ajax: {
url: base_url + 'user/api/payment',
dataType: 'json',
processResults: function(data) {
return {
results: $.map(, function(item, key) {
var children = [];
for (var k in item.children) {
var childItem = []; = item.children[k].id;
childItem.icon = item.children[k].icon;
childItem.text = item.children[k].text;
return {
text: item.text,
children: children,
<script src=""></script>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Payment</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<select name="payment" id="payment" class="form-control">

As far as I can see in your code, your API is returning results already formatted, so keep it simple. Please check this fiddle with a fully working example based on your code.
placeholder: 'Payment',
width: 'resolve',
ajax: {
url: '', //a random URL to simulate a request response in jsfiddle
dataType: 'json',
processResults: (data) => ({ results: })


Get all its parent nodes path for each child nodes

Hi I have below code running, but I would like to add one more property called path which should consist all its parent node path
Expected output I need something as I have shown for cardTtile, so I need same for each node.
"id": "cardShop",
"key": "cardShop",
"title": "cardShop",
"selectable": false,
"children": [
"id": "cardData",
"key": "cardData",
"title": "cardData",
"parentId": "cardShop",
"selectable": false,
"children": [
"id": "cardTitle",
"key": "cardTitle",
"title": "cardTitle",
"parentId": "cardData",
"isLeaf": true
"id": "cardType",
"key": "cardType",
"title": "cardType",
"parentId": "cardData",
"isLeaf": true
"id": "dtmProductName",
"key": "dtmProductName",
"title": "dtmProductName",
"parentId": "cardData",
"isLeaf": true
"id": "viewAllCards",
"key": "viewAllCards",
"title": "viewAllCards",
"parentId": "cardData",
"selectable": false,
"children": [
"id": "url",
"key": "url",
"title": "url",
"parentId": "viewAllCards",
"isLeaf": true
"id": "text",
"key": "text",
"title": "text",
"parentId": "viewAllCards",
"isLeaf": true
"id": "eligibilityChecker",
"key": "eligibilityChecker",
"title": "eligibilityChecker",
"parentId": "cardShop",
"selectable": false,
"children": [
"id": "header",
"key": "header",
"title": "header",
"parentId": "eligibilityChecker",
"isLeaf": true
"id": "subHeader",
"key": "subHeader",
"title": "subHeader",
"parentId": "eligibilityChecker",
"isLeaf": true
"id": "bulletPoints",
"key": "bulletPoints",
"title": "bulletPoints",
"parentId": "eligibilityChecker",
"isLeaf": true
I have below running code example here. I tried to persist parentKey recursively but its not giving me expected output.
const transform = data => {
const loop = (data, parent) => Object.entries(data).map(([key, value]) => {
let additional = parent? {
parentId: parent
if(typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)){
additional = {
selectable: false,
children: loop(value, key)
additional.isLeaf = true
return {
id: key,
title: key,
return loop(data)
let jsonObj = {
"data": {
"cardShop": {
"cardData": {
"cardTitle": "The Platinum Card<sup>®</sup>",
"cardType": "credit-cards",
"dtmProductName": "PlatinumCard",
"viewAllCards": {
"url": "credit-cards/all-cards",
"text": "All Cards"
"eligibilityChecker": {
"header": "Check your eligibility",
"subHeader": "The Platinum Card®",
"bulletPoints": [
"Only takes a couple of minutes to complete",
"Will not impact your credit rating",
"Allows you to apply with confidence"
You suggestion would be appreciated
You could take another variable for path and add the actual key to it.
const transform = data => {
const loop = (data, parentId, previousPath = '') => Object
.map(([key, value]) => {
additional = parentId ? { parentId } : {},
path = previousPath + (previousPath && '.') + key;
value && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)
? { selectable: false, children: loop(value, key, path) }
: { isLeaf: true }
return { id: key, key, title: key, path, ...additional };
return loop(data);
const data = { cardShop: { cardData: { cardTitle: "The Platinum Card<sup>®</sup>", cardType: "credit-cards", dtmProductName: "PlatinumCard", viewAllCards: { url: "credit-cards/all-cards", text: "All Cards" } }, eligibilityChecker: { header: "Check your eligibility", subHeader: "The Platinum Card®", bulletPoints: ["Only takes a couple of minutes to complete", "Will not impact your credit rating", "Allows you to apply with confidence"] } } };
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

How To Get The Parent value from Json for this select2

var preload_data = [{
"id": 2049,
"text": "style",
"children": [{
"id": "6906957ed912c883",
"text": "Country"
}, {
"id": "d239d844608fdbcf",
"text": "Christmas"
}, {
"id": 0,
"text": "unassigned",
"children": [{
"id": "52d8e1e8d419bb61",
"text": "Punk"
}, {
"id": "88b9826121aeb89b",
"text": "Upbeat"
}, {
"id": "8485e6dd8e33fc50",
"text": "test arda"
}, {
"id": "da9fa55495a4a463",
"text": "test1"
}, {
"id": "feb1177719f4b5a4",
"text": "test arda 3"
}, {
"id": "64a2ae4ec2c0a1ef",
"text": "Feel Good"
}, {
"id": "2512f7946f660dc5",
"text": "Happy"
}, {
"id": "b1e7203207bd068f",
"text": "Love"
}, {
"id": "fb3a42b8abbf975a",
"text": "Reminiscent"
}, {
"id": "56d60aed1278c5a0",
"text": "Indie"
}, {
"id": "5733de46970ac503",
"text": "Rock"
}, {
"id": "801c33b478d1d5be",
"text": "Singer Songwriter"
}, {
"id": "ee4c6f5c12782bb9",
"text": "World"
}, {
"id": "4605140218eb9e52",
"text": "Reality"
}, {
"id": "92934140c305706e",
"text": "Pop"
}, {
"id": "f40f55db44dc0846",
"text": "Acoustic"
}, {
"id": "07b3c4640e84bfeb",
"text": "Folk"
and I want the output for dropdown list
Style:Christmas for example
this is the select2 code
containerCssClass: 'styleContainer',
data: preload_data,
width: '100%',
allowClear: true,
multiple: true,
dropdownCssClass: 'select2-hidden',
placeholder: 'Please enter the name of style here to assign it to this album',
formatSelection: format1,
escapeMarkup : function(m) { return m;},
formatSearching: null
//formatSelection : format
and this is How I format the Json :
function format1(item) {
opt = $("#hidStyles").find(':selected');
sel = opt.text;
//og = opt.closest(".select2-results-dept-0").attr(".select2-result-label");
ogx =;
return ogx + ':' + item.text;
how can I get the value so that it's like style : christmas
I am sorry the jsfiddle I am not familiar with for making the front end, but mostly the code is like written there

Get a value from Nested JSON

I am completely new to Node.js. I have to read specific value from a API responded Nested JSON. I have tried to figure out but getting Undefined instead of the value. Whenever I am trying to read the base object I am getting the responded value but whenever I am trying to read the object under array then I am getting Undefined value.
Code Snippet:
var https = require('https');
var optionget = {
host: '',
port: 443,
path: '/test1/test2/',
method: 'GET',
'Authorization': 'Basic grege==',
'X-PruAppID : '
PlainCardPortal '
var reqGet = htttps.request(optionsget, function(res) {
console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
res.on('data', function(d) {
var Value = jsonobj.items.item.topping.type;
reqGet.on('error', function(e) {
var optionsgetmsg = {
host: '',
port: 443,
method: 'GET'
var reqGet = https.request(optionsget, function(res) {
console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
res.on('data', function(data) {
reqGet.on('error', function(e) {
Nested JSON Snippet:
"id": "0001",
"type": "donut",
"name": "Cake",
"ppu": 0.55,
{ "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" },
{ "id": "1002", "type": "Chocolate" },
{ "id": "1003", "type": "Blueberry" },
{ "id": "1004", "type": "Devil's Food" }
{ "id": "5001", "type": "None" },
{ "id": "5002", "type": "Glazed" },
{ "id": "5005", "type": "Sugar" },
{ "id": "5007", "type": "Powdered Sugar" },
{ "id": "5006", "type": "Chocolate with Sprinkles" },
{ "id": "5003", "type": "Chocolate" },
{ "id": "5004", "type": "Maple" }
I want to read type : Glazed from this JSON only but I am getting Undefined.
You have to iterate over the values in an array. You cannot access them using . notation. Use map to iterate over the array and get they types in the topping array
var jsonobj = {
"items": {
"item": [{
"id": "0001",
"type": "donut",
"name": "Cake",
"ppu": 0.55,
"batters": {
"batter": [{
"id": "1001",
"type": "Regular"
"id": "1002",
"type": "Chocolate"
"id": "1003",
"type": "Blueberry"
"id": "1004",
"type": "Devil's Food"
"topping": [{
"id": "5001",
"type": "None"
"id": "5002",
"type": "Glazed"
"id": "5005",
"type": "Sugar"
"id": "5007",
"type": "Powdered Sugar"
"id": "5006",
"type": "Chocolate with Sprinkles"
"id": "5003",
"type": "Chocolate"
"id": "5004",
"type": "Maple"
var Value =>e.topping)[0].map(x=>x.type);

how to replace the value in an JSON array for a existing key?

In my application I have a ajax call and am getting the following response based on this am constructing the questions & answer section which I have included in the JSFiddle
var responseQuestions = {
"error": false,
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"Questions": [{
"Id": "131a",
"Text": "In what county do you live?",
"Answers": [{
"Id": "abc1",
"Text": "option1"
"Id": "abc2",
"Text": "option2"
"Id": "abc3",
"Text": "option3"
"Id": "abc4",
"Text": "option4"
"Id": "abc5",
"Text": "option5"
"SelectedAnswerId": null
"Id": "132a",
"Text": "Which zip code has ever been a part of your address?",
"Answers": [{
"Id": "def1",
"Text": "option1"
"Id": "def2",
"Text": "option2"
"Id": "def3",
"Text": "option3"
"Id": "def4",
"Text": "option4"
"Id": "def5",
"Text": "option5"
"SelectedAnswerId": null
"Id": "133a",
"Text": "What was the original amount of your most recent mortgage?",
"Answers": [{
"Id": "ghi1",
"Text": "option1"
"Id": "ghi2",
"Text": "option2"
"Id": "ghi3",
"Text": "option3"
"Id": "ghi4",
"Text": "option4"
"Id": "ghi5",
"Text": "option5"
"SelectedAnswerId": null
Required Format:
var responseQuestions = {
"error": false,
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"Questions": [{
"Id": "131a",
"Text": "In what county do you live?",
"Answers": [{
"Id": "abc1",
"Text": "option1"
"Id": "abc2",
"Text": "option2"
"Id": "abc3",
"Text": "option3"
"Id": "abc4",
"Text": "option4"
"Id": "abc5",
"Text": "option5"
**"SelectedAnswerId": "abc2"**
"Id": "132a",
"Text": "Which zip code has ever been a part of your address?",
"Answers": [{
"Id": "def1",
"Text": "option1"
"Id": "def2",
"Text": "option2"
"Id": "def3",
"Text": "option3"
"Id": "def4",
"Text": "option4"
"Id": "def5",
"Text": "option5"
**"SelectedAnswerId": "def1"**
"Id": "133a",
"Text": "What was the original amount of your most recent mortgage?",
"Answers": [{
"Id": "ghi1",
"Text": "option1"
"Id": "ghi2",
"Text": "option2"
"Id": "ghi3",
"Text": "option3"
"Id": "ghi4",
"Text": "option4"
"Id": "ghi5",
"Text": "option5"
**"SelectedAnswerId": "ghi2"**
Now I need to submit this answer with the same above mentioned format along the "SelectedAnswerId" value(in the above mentioned array "SelectedAnswerId" is null and now I have to include the original selected ans Id based on questions ).
I have tried to fetch all the selected ans id in a array and attached the same in jsfiddle but am unable to proceed on how to append this ans id in the existing array based on questions. How to achieve this ?
Try the following loops:
$('input[type="radio"]:checked').each(function() {
var questionId = $(this).closest('.radioGroup').prev().attr('id');//get the question id
var answerId =;//get the answer id
$.each(responseQuestions.result.Questions, function(i, v) {//loop each question
if (v.Id == questionId) {
$.each(v.Answers, function(ind, val) {//loop each answer
if (val.Id == answerId) {
responseQuestions.result.Questions[i]['SelectedAnswerId'] = answerId;//save the answer
Note: you need to change your question id to remove or add the a to be consistent both in the page and in the json
You have to find index based on question id and then set answerid at specific index
var index = responseQuestions.result.Questions.findIndex(function(val){
return val.Id === yourQuestionid;
responseQuestions.result.Questions[index].SelectedAnswerId = youranswerID;
First of all you need to have your main question id and Ans id into same array as given fiddle by Madalin
second you get this array, you can loop through your first array and replace the string by compairing Id,

Javascript multiple drop down box

Is there a way to get a multiple drop down field from a list of arrays without having to hardcode the information into the HTML? So that by selecting each category the relevant subcategory will drop down.
The list looks something like this:
var listData = [
"title": "Meeting Room",
"category": "Forms",
"url": ""
"title": "Book a Car",
"category": "Forms",
"url": ""
"title": "Stationery",
"category": "Forms",
"url": ""
"title": "Hospitality",
"category": "Forms",
"url": ""
"title": "Communications",
"category": "News",
"url": ""
"title": "Industries",
"category": "News",
"url": ""
"title": "Policy",
"category": "News",
"url": ""
"title": "Get started",
"category": "Information",
"url": ""
"title": "What do you need",
"category": "Useful Information",
"url": ""
"title": "Accessibility features",
"category": "Useful Information",
"url": ""
"title": "Videos",
"category": "Useful Information",
"url": ""
The following code does the work. It's vanilla JS.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Dynamic Form</title>
<select id="categories" onchange="changeCategory(event)"> </select>
<select id="title"> </select>
<select id="url"> </select>
var listData = [{
"title": "Meeting Room"
, "category": "Forms"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Book a Car"
, "category": "Forms"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Stationery"
, "category": "Forms"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Hospitality"
, "category": "Forms"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Communications"
, "category": "News"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Industries"
, "category": "News"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Policy"
, "category": "News"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Get started"
, "category": "Information"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "What do you need"
, "category": "Useful Information"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Accessibility features"
, "category": "Useful Information"
, "url": ""
}, {
"title": "Videos"
, "category": "Useful Information"
, "url": ""
function removeOptions(selectbox) {
var i;
for (i = selectbox.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
function changeCategory(event) {
mySelect1 = document.getElementById('title')
mySelect2 = document.getElementById('url');
listData.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item.category == {
mySelect1.options[mySelect1.options.length] = new Option(item.title, item.title);
mySelect2.options[mySelect2.options.length] = new Option(item.url, item.url);
Array.prototype.contains = function (obj) {
var i = this.length;
while (i--) {
if (this[i] == obj) {
return true;
return false;
var mySelect = document.getElementById('categories');
var categories = new Array;
listData.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (!categories.contains(item.category)) {
mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option(item.category, item.category);

