Return result after the forEach loop - javascript

I have this function that returns a list, but the list stays empty even after I add items to the list in the forEach. So I tried using Promises, but I need a little help. Right now the result is "undefined". How do I return the result list after the forEach loop is done?
async function return_list() {
var result = [];
var list_of_skus = [...];
var promise = new Promise(() => {
list_of_skus.forEach((number) => {
//api request
return result;
i changed the code a bit:
In the forEach loop im using an api request to get some data, and then add an item the result list

Here you can find a bit more information about promises: Promises MDN
As long as you do nothing async (like network requests etc) you probably don't need promises in your forEach.
This should work:
function return_list() {
const result = [];
const list_of_skus = [...];
list_of_skus.forEach((number) => {
return result;
If you need promises, this would work:
async function return_list() {
const list_of_skus = [...];
const promises = (number) => {
return await somethingAsync(number)
return await Promise.all(promises)
As you transform every sku list item, you can use a map to transform all skus into a promise which does something async.
Using Promise.all() it is possible to execute the promises in parallel.


Empty Array returned and not being populated when pushing objects

I am using Node JS and Express JS, here is my controller code:
const UserComment = require("../model/UserComment");"/get/comments", async (request, response) =>{
let currentUserID = request.body.userID;
let myUserComment = await UserComment.find({userID: currentUserID});
let friendsCommentsArray = [ ...myUserComment];
let friendsComments = await`http://localhost:5000/router/accounts/account/following/list`, {userID: currentUserID})
.then((resp) => { =>{ =>{
let friendsCommentsToLookUp = UserComment.find({userID: friendID})
friendsCommentsToLookUp.then((commentsArray) =>{ =>{
if(String(comment.userID) === friendID){
}).catch((err) =>{
console.log("err: ", err);
throw err;
return response.status(200).json({message: friendsPostsArray});
return response.status(400).json({message: `${err}`});
The friendsCommentsArray, when I console.log it I can see the data, but when I return it, it’s empty. What is the problem, why is it empty, even though i'm pushing every comment iterated over to the friendsCommentsArray.
However, the returned friendsCommentsArray is empty. how to solve this issue ?
To make await Promise.all() work you need to return the promise
return axios.get(`http://localhost:5000/comments/by/post/${post._id}`)
Generally when you use await, you don't need to use .then(). Your problem is that your inner .map() is using friendsCommentsToLookUp.then(), but nothing is waiting for these promises to resolve before you move on in your code. One might think that you can await the friendsCommentsToLookUp promise, but this won't work, as the calls to the map callback are not awaited.
Removing the .then()'s makes this easier to work with:
const resp = await`http://localhost:5000/router/accounts/account/following/list`, {userID: currentUserID});
const message =;
for(const parentArrayOfArray of message) {
for(const friendID of parentArrayOfArray) {
const commentsArray = await UserComment.find({userID: friendID});
for(const comment of commentsArray) {
if(String(comment.userID) === friendID){
Above the for..of allows us to pause moving to the next iteration of the for loop until the Promises within the current iteration of the for loop have resolved. ie: it's sequential (note: if you tried to do this with .forEach() or .map(), your code would proceed directly to the portion after the loop before your Promises have resolved). Although, what you're after doesn't need to be sequential. We can create an array of Promises that we pass to Promise.all() which we can wait to resolve in parallel. Below I've shown a different approach of using .flatMap() to create an array of Promises that we can await in parallel with Promise.all():
const resp = await`http://localhost:5000/router/accounts/account/following/list`, {userID: currentUserID});
const message =;
const promises = message.flatMap(parentArr => friendID => {
const commentsArray = await UserComment.find({userID: friendID});
return commentsArray.filter(comment => String(comment.userID) === friendID);
const nestedComments = await Promise.all(promises);
const friendsCommentsArray = [...myUserComment, ...nestedComments.flat()];
instead of push try concatenation array and let me know if its work.
friendsCommentsArray = [...friendsCommentsArray , {...comment}];
// insted of
also try to use forEach instead of map() while you don't want to return a new array from your map statement.
The map method is very similar to the forEach method—it allows you to execute a function for each element of an array. But the difference is that the map method creates a new array using the return values of this function. map creates a new array by applying the callback function on each element of the source array. Since map doesn't change the source array, we can say that it’s an immutable method.

Resolving Promises sequentially not working

I have a code to:
Read last three data from Firebase
Iterate each retrieved data
Push a Promise-returning function expression to an array of Promise to be processed sequentially later
Process said array sequentially
firebase.database().ref('someRef').limitToLast(3).on('value', snapshot => {
let promiseArray = [];
snapshot.forEach(e => {
promiseArray.push(() => { => {
//Do something with URL
//In this case, I print out the url to see the order of URL retrieved
//Unfortunately, the order was incorrect
return 'Resolved, please continue'; //Return something to resolve my Promise
let result = Promise.resolve([]);
promiseArray.forEach(promise => {
result = result.then(promise);
I think that it should already be correct. However, the result I want to get is wrong. What did I miss?
I seem to have missed a point. In my Promise array, I want the first function to resolve the Promise it returns first before continuing to the second function.
You should use reduce. A very good example you will find here:
forEach is a synchronous method. You can use map to create the array of promises and then use promise.all.
firebase.database().ref('someRef').limitToLast(3).on('value', snapshot => {
let promiseArray = [];
const promiseArray = =>;
Promise.all(promiseArray).then((resultArr) => {
// Do anything with your result array
For sequential execution of promises you can use async await.
firebase.database().ref('someRef').limitToLast(3).on('value', async (snapshot) => {
let promiseArray = [];
const promiseArray = =>;
let result;
for(let i = 0; i < promiseArray.length; i++) {
result = await promiseArray[i];
I figured it out: apparently, I forgot to my function is not returning a Promise. Because of that, when I'm chaining the thens, it's not waiting for my Promise to resolve first as it wasn't even returned in the first place. I'm basically returning a void, thus the functions continue without waiting for the previous Promise to resolve. Simply adding return fixes the problem:
firebase.database().ref('someRef').limitToLast(3).on('value', snapshot => {
let promiseArray = [];
snapshot.forEach(e => {
promiseArray.push(() => {
return => { //Add return here
//Do something with URL
//In this case, I print out the url to see the order of URL retrieved
//Unfortunately, the order was incorrect
return 'Resolved, please continue'; //Return something to resolve my Promise
let result = Promise.resolve([]);
promiseArray.forEach(promise => {
result = result.then(promise);

Waiting for a forEach to finish before return from my promise / function

I am using Firebase Cloud Firestore, however, I think this may be more of a JavaScript asynchronous vs synchronous promise return issue.
I am doing a query to get IDs from one collection, then I am looping over the results of that query to lookup individual records from another collection based on that ID.
Then I want to store each found record into an array and then return the entire array.
results.length is always 0 because return results fires before the forEach completes. If I print results.length from inside the forEach it has data.
How can I wait until the forEach is done before returning from the outer promise and the outer function itself?
getFacultyFavoritesFirebase() {
var dbRef = db.collection("users").doc(global.user_id).collection("favorites");
var dbQuery = dbRef.where("type", "==", "faculty");
var dbPromise = dbQuery.get();
var results = [];
return dbPromise.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
var docRef = db.collection("faculty").doc(;
docRef.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
return results;
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting documents: ", error);
The trick here is to populate results with promises rather than the result. You can then call Promise.all() on that array of promises and get the results you want. Of course, you can't check if doc.exists before pushing the promise so you will need to deal with that once Promise.all() resolves. For example:
function getFacultyFavoritesFirebase() {
var dbRef = db.collection("users").doc(global.user_id).collection("favorites");
var dbQuery = dbRef.where("type", "==", "faculty");
var dbPromise = dbQuery.get();
// return the main promise
return dbPromise.then(function(querySnapshot) {
var results = [];
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
var docRef = db.collection("faculty").doc(;
// push promise from get into results
// dbPromise.then() resolves to a single promise that resolves
// once all results have resolved
return Promise.all(results)
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting documents: ", error);
.then(results => {
// use results array here and check for .exists
If you have multiple items of work to perform at the same time that come from a loop, you can collect all the promises from all the items of work, and wait for them all to finish with Promise.all(). The general form of a possible solution looks like this:
const promises = [] // collect all promises here
items.forEach(item => {
const promise = item.doWork()
Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
// continue processing here
// results[0] is the result of the first promise in the promises array
You can adapt this to something that suits your own specific form.
Use for of instead of forEach. Like this:
for (const item of array) {
//do something
"finished" will be logged after finishing the loop.
Well I know, the thread is old, but the problem is still the same. And because I did run into the same issue and non of the answers did work for me, I want share my solution.
I think it will help someone out there. And maybe it will help me, if I run into the same problem again. ;-)
So the solution is super easy. firebase implements "map" but not direct on snaposhot, but on
In combination with Promieses.all it works just fine.
const promise = (tenant) => {
return CheckTenant( =>
Promise.all(promise).then(result => {
// do somothing with the result});

How to return new variable after some promise process?

getCategory().then((res) => {
let itemList = res;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for(let i=0; i < res.length; i++ ) {
getItems(res[i].url).then((itempage) => {
const $ = itempage;
const pagination = $('.pagination .page').toArray().length;
itemList[i].total_page = pagination;
}).then((res) => {
Above is my code. First of all, I assign res to a new variable called itemList which is an object array.
Then I do some functions with promise and try to add new data to itemList.
However, when the console.log(res) still prints out original itemList.
I know this may caused by promise function but how to fix it?
Try this instead
getCategory().then(itemList => {
return Promise.all([itemList, Promise.all( => getItems(x.url)))]);
}).then(([itemList, items]) => {
items.forEach(($, i) => {
itemList[i].total_page = $('.pagination .page').toArray().length;
return itemList;
I think that will get you there (i.e. with the side-effected itemList). Note that this will fail if any of your getItems calls fails.
This is actually a common problem with Promises: you want to use the results asynchronously (as if you had a choice) but combine that with the original results. So here I've used Promise.all to resolve an array of Promises of the getItems calls which turns that into a single Promise that awaits all of the results. Then I put that in an array with the itemList and then call Promise.all on that and return that Promise. Then next .then in the chain gets an array with two arrays inside: the original itemList and the array of the now-resolved calls to getItems. At this point the forEach executes the side effects, and we just return the now updated itemList.

Best es6 way to get name based results with Promise.all

By default the Promise.All([]) function returns a number based index array that contains the results of each promise.
var promises = [];
promises.push(myFuncAsync1()); //returns 1
promises.push(myFuncAsync1()); //returns 2
//results = [0,1]
What is the best vanilla way to return a named index of results with Promise.all()?
I tried with a Map, but it returns results in an array this way:
[key1, value1, key2, value2]
My questions seems unclear, here is why i don't like ordered based index:
it's crappy to maintain: if you add a promise in your code you may have to rewrite the whole results function because the index may have change.
it's awful to read: results[42] (can be fixed with jib's answer below)
Not really usable in a dynamic context:
var promises = [];
[...].forEach(... => {
[...].forEach(... => {
/*Here i am basically fucked without clear named results
that dont rely on promises' ordering in the array */
ES6 supports destructuring, so if you just want to name the results you can write:
var myFuncAsync1 = () => Promise.resolve(1);
var myFuncAsync2 = () => Promise.resolve(2);
Promise.all([myFuncAsync1(), myFuncAsync2()])
.then(([result1, result2]) => console.log(result1 +" and "+ result2)) //1 and 2
.catch(e => console.error(e));
Works in Firefox and Chrome now.
Is this the kind of thing?
var promises = [];
promises.push(myFuncAsync1().then(r => ({name : "func1", result : r})));
promises.push(myFuncAsync1().then(r => ({name : "func2", result : r})));
Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
var lookup = results.reduce((prev, curr) => {
prev[] = curr.result;
return prev;
}, {});
var firstResult = lookup["func1"];
var secondResult = lookup["func2"];
If you don't want to modify the format of result objects, here is a helper function that allows assigning a name to each entry to access it later.
const allNamed = (nameToPromise) => {
const entries = Object.entries(nameToPromise);
return Promise.all( => e[1]))
.then(results => {
const nameToResult = {};
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
const name = entries[i][0];
nameToResult[name] = results[i];
return nameToResult;
var lookup = await allNamed({
rootStatus: fetch('').then(rs => rs.status),
badRouteStatus: fetch('').then(rs => rs.status),
var firstResult = lookup.rootStatus; // = 200
var secondResult = lookup.badRouteStatus; // = 404
If you are using typescript you can even specify relationship between input keys and results using keyof construct:
type ThenArg<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : T;
export const allNamed = <
T extends Record<string, Promise<any>>,
TResolved extends {[P in keyof T]: ThenArg<T[P]>}
>(nameToPromise: T): Promise<TResolved> => {
const entries = Object.entries(nameToPromise);
return Promise.all( => e[1]))
.then(results => {
const nameToResult: TResolved = <any>{};
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
const name: keyof T = entries[i][0];
nameToResult[name] = results[i];
return nameToResult;
A great solution for this is to use async await. Not exactly ES6 like you asked, but ES8! But since Babel supports it fully, here we go:
You can avoid using only the array index by using async/await as follows.
This async function allows you to literally halt your code inside of it by allowing you to use the await keyword inside of the function, placing it before a promise. As as an async function encounters await on a promise that hasn't yet been resolved, the function immediately returns a pending promise. This returned promise resolves as soon as the function actually finishes later on. The function will only resume when the previously awaited promise is resolved, during which it will resolve the entire await Promise statement to the return value of that Promise, allowing you to put it inside of a variable. This effectively allows you to halt your code without blocking the thread. It's a great way to handle asynchronous stuff in JavaScript in general, because it makes your code more chronological and therefore easier to reason about:
async function resolvePromiseObject(promiseObject) {
await Promise.all(Object.values(promiseObject));
const ret = {};
for ([key, value] of Object.entries(promiseObject)) {
// All these resolve instantly due to the previous await
ret[key] = await value;
return ret;
As with anything above ES5: Please make sure that Babel is configured correctly so that users on older browsers can run your code without issue. You can make async await work flawlessly on even IE11, as long as your babel configuration is right.
in regards to #kragovip's answer, the reason you want to avoid that is shown here:
"’s really easy to get used to await all of your network and I/O calls.
However, you should be careful when using it multiple times in a row as the await keyword stops execution of all the code after it. (Exactly as it would be in synchronous code)"
Bad Example (DONT FOLLOW)
async function processData() {
const data1 = await downloadFromService1();
const data2 = await downloadFromService2();
const data3 = await downloadFromService3();
"There is also absolutely no need to wait for the completion of first request as none of other requests depend on its result.
We would like to have requests sent in parallel and wait for all of them to finish simultaneously. This is where the power of asynchronous event-driven programming lies.
To fix this we can use Promise.all() method. We save Promises from async function calls to variables, combine them to an array and await them all at once."
async function processData() {
const promise1 = downloadFromService1();
const promise2 = downloadFromService2();
const promise3 = downloadFromService3();
const allResults = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]);

