Vue how to display response from backend API - javascript

Sorry for such noob question but I'm a simply gave up. I've got below code which creates a POST request to the BE part of the app - user provides input (productCodes) and push submit button. That part works well, Vue sends request to BE but in the response FE should have received JSON with result: { id: 1234 }
How do I get this response and display it inside the app? I've got below:
const createProductsRequest = (self, products) => {
const jwtToken = self.$store.state.idToken;
const payload = JSON.stringify({ product_codes: products['product_codes'].split(',') })
return axios
.post(`/api/v1/imports/products/`, payload,{
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${jwtToken}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
.then(response =>
export {
import {
} from '../../api/imports'
import ModalController from '../general/modal_controller'
export default {
name: 'BackboneSyncProducts',
data() {
return {
styleCodes: [],
computed: {
productsToSyncAmount () {
return this.styleCodes.length
methods: {
async syncProducts() {
let confirmationText = `Do you want to ${this.productsToSyncAmount} sync products?`
if (this.productsToSyncAmount === 0) {
ModalController.showToast('', 'Type product codes for sync first, please!', 'warning')
else if (await ModalController.showConfirmation('Confirmation', confirmationText)) {
try {
await createProductsRequest(this, this.styleCodes)
const successMessage = `${this.productsToSyncAmount} products have been queued for sync`
await ModalController.showToast('', successMessage)
} catch (data) {
const errorMessage = `Error occurred during queueing products to sync - `
ModalController.showToast('', errorMessage + data?.message, 'error')
} finally {
this.styleCodes = []
That's all what I have.

Instead of calling your request without getting the return value:
await createProductsRequest(this, this.styleCodes)
You can get the return value which is the result of the request :
const data = await createProductsRequest(this, this.styleCodes)
By doing that, data must contain the result of the request, as you mentionned { id: 1234 }.
If you want to use this result in your component, you can create a reactive value in data()
data() {
return {
styleCodes: [],
data: null
And store the result like this : = await createProductsRequest(this, this.styleCodes)
With that you can display it in your template for example :
<!-- There is a v-if because before doing the request, data is null -->
<div v-if="data">{{ }}</div>


Axios instance/function not receiving argument?

I have a next.js App which has a working axios call, which I am trying to refactor. I have it mostly working, but I can't get my new function to receive arguments.
This problem has two components to it, my next.js page, and the external custom module where I am writing my functions to use axios to call the YouTube API to retrieve info.
My next.js getStaticProps call looks like this. I know this is working. Note the function where I am trying to pass in the video ID. (The 'const = video' line)
export async function getStaticProps(context: any) {
// It's important to default the slug so that it doesn't return "undefined"
const { slug = "" } = context.params;
const film = await client.fetch(query, { slug });
const video = await youtube.grabVideoInfo(film.VideoID);
return {
props: {
revalidate: 10,
I have tried writing the axios call in two ways, trying to pass in the video ID as an argument. Neither of which work, and fail to call from the API, stating an invalid video ID, which means it isn't being passed in.
The first way:
const grabVideoInfo = async (videoId) => {
const videoGrab = axios.create({
baseURL: "",
params: {
headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" },
part: "snippet",
id: videoId,
key: KEY,
const query = await videoGrab.get().then(
(response) => {
(error) => {
return error.toJSON();
return query;
The second way:
const grabVideoInfo = async (videoId) => {
const videoGrab = axios.create({
baseURL: "",
params: {
headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" },
part: "snippet",
key: KEY,
const query = await videoGrab.get({ params: { id: videoId } }).then(
(response) => {
(error) => {
return error.toJSON();
return query;
And this is the fully working version that I am trying to rewrite, which is live on the app currently. This demonstrates that the getStaticProps client call is working.
export async function getStaticProps(context: any) {
// It's important to default the slug so that it doesn't return "undefined"
const { slug = "" } = context.params;
const film = await client.fetch(query, { slug });
const KEY = process.env.YOUTUBE_API_KEY;
const conn = axios.create({
baseURL: "",
params: {
headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" },
part: "snippet",
id: film.videoID,
key: KEY,
const video = await (await conn.get("videos?")).data.items[0];
return {
props: {
revalidate: 10,
Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm really scratching my head with this one.
Ok so your refactor is accessing film.VideoId where the original uses film.videoId.

Vue.JS POST request pass null bearer token and failed with status code 401

I'm backend guy who wants to gain some Vue.js skills. In my app I've got Ruby on Rails as backend and Vue.js as front-end with a standard JWT token flow. I'm trying to send a POST request (fetchAllProductsRequest) to the backend that will trigger some background job using below code:
const fetchAllProductsRequest = (self) => {
const jwtToken = self.$store.state.idToken;
return axios
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${jwtToken}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
.then(response =>
Quite surprisingly I get an error: Request failed with status code 401. When I debugging it on the backend side I see that I send an empty token inside the header:
[1] pry(#<Api::V1::Imports::ProductsController>)> params[:headers]
=> #<ActionController::Parameters {"Authorization"=>"Bearer null", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Accept"=>"application/json"} permitted: false>
Here is a function that triggers fetchAllProductsRequest which is responsible for POST request:
import {
} from '../../api/imports'
import ModalController from '../general/modal_controller'
export default {
name: 'BackboneFetchAll',
data() {
return { }
components: {
computed: {
databaseSyncInProgress() {
return this.$store.getters.getDatabaseSyncStatus;
methods: {
async syncAll() {
let confirmationText = `Do you want to sync all Backbone products?`
if (await ModalController.showConfirmation('Confirmation', confirmationText)) {
try {
await fetchAllProductsRequest(this)
this.$store.commit('setSyncingProductsInProgress', value)
const successMessage = `Database synchronization has been queued`
await ModalController.showToast('', successMessage)
} catch (data) {
const errorMessage = `Error occurred during queueing products to sync - `
ModalController.showToast('', errorMessage + data?.message, 'error')
} finally {
What did I missed?

pass body JSON trough functions to post data axios

After a lot of research at last I found a good way to pass all my updated values of objects though components but I dont find the way to post it with axios. In my code I have a function onChange that brings the updated values from the inputs in another component (or the list of updated objects values) and a function to post, If I send a hardcoded object works just fine, but I cant find the way to sett the updated values from onChange to the actual "updateData" function (the function that make the axios post.
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import {CustomFieldsList} from './customFieldsList';
import {toast} from 'react-toastify';
import {ToastInnerDisplay} from '#learnifier/jslib-utils';
import axios from 'axios';
export function CustomFieldsContainer({match}) {
const [value, setValue] = useState({
data: null, // <-- maybe I should pass "newList" here?
loading: true,
error: null,
* Initial loading of data.
async function fetchData() {
setValue({...value, error: null, loading: true});
try {
let url = `http://localhost:3000/projectcustomfields.json/list/1741`;
const res = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors',
withCredentials: true,
credentials: 'include',
let data = await res.json();
setValue(prevValue => ({...prevValue, data: data.customFields, loading: false}));
} catch (error) {
toast.error(<ToastInnerDisplay message={error.message} />);
setValue({...value, error, loading: false});
const updateData = async () => {
let arrOfObj = { // <-- a "hardcoded" objects to update
"items": [
"id": 'party',
"value": 'value2new',
"id": 'goal',
"value": 'value2new2',
try {
await axios({
url: `http://localhost:3000/projectcustomfields.json/updateMany/1741`,
data: arrOfObj, // <-- right now im posting the body JSON avobe declared but I want to pass "newList" variable which I declare on onChange function
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors',
withCredentials: true,
} catch (error) {
toast.error(<ToastInnerDisplay message={error.message} />);
console.log('Error when updating values: ', error);
const onChange = ({index, updatedValue}) => {
const newList = [];
const newValue = {...newList[index]};
newValue.value = updatedValue;
newList[index] = newValue;
data: newList, //<-- this newList I want to post in upadteData()
loading: false,
error: null,
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (value.loading) {
return <div>loading...</div>;
} else if (value.error) {
return <div>ERROR</div>;
} else {
return (
<div className={'section-component'}>
<div className={'col-md-6 col-sm-12'}>
<h2>Custom Fields</h2>
<CustomFieldsList onChange={onChange} updateData={updateData} list={} />
Any help is more than appreciated!
Fixed :) I had to map the items like this:
let arrOfObj = {
items: [],
let postData = [];, index) => {
postData.push({id:, value: element.value});
arrOfObj.items = postData;
and VOILA! doing the job

415 (Unsupported Media Type) with REST Post request

I have a react component that when a checkbox is pressed, it calls a rest api, post request with a single parameter.
I put a breakpoint in the webapi and its never hit, still I get a 415 unsopported media type on the component
react js component (see onchange event)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Table, Radio} from 'antd';
import { adalApiFetch } from '../../adalConfig';
import Notification from '../../components/notification';
class ListTenants extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: []
fetchData = () => {
adalApiFetch(fetch, "/Tenant", {})
.then(response => response.json())
.then(responseJson => {
if (!this.isCancelled) {
const results= => ({
key: row.ClientId,
ClientId: row.ClientId,
ClientSecret: row.ClientSecret,
Id: row.Id,
SiteCollectionTestUrl: row.SiteCollectionTestUrl,
TenantDomainUrl: row.TenantDomainUrl
this.setState({ data: results });
.catch(error => {
render() {
const columns = [
title: 'Client Id',
dataIndex: 'ClientId',
key: 'ClientId'
title: 'Site Collection TestUrl',
dataIndex: 'SiteCollectionTestUrl',
key: 'SiteCollectionTestUrl',
title: 'Tenant DomainUrl',
dataIndex: 'TenantDomainUrl',
key: 'TenantDomainUrl',
// rowSelection object indicates the need for row selection
const rowSelection = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
if(selectedRows[0].key != undefined){
const options = {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({ clientid : selectedRows[0].key.toString() }) ,
config: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
adalApiFetch(fetch, "/Tenant/SetTenantActive", options)
.then(response =>{
if(response.status === 200){
'Tenant set to active',
throw "error";
.catch(error => {
'Tenant not activated',
getCheckboxProps: record => ({
type: Radio
return (
<Table rowSelection={rowSelection} columns={columns} dataSource={} />
export default ListTenants;
and the webapi method
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SetTenantActive([FromBody]string clientid)
var tenantStore = CosmosStoreFactory.CreateForEntity<Tenant>();
var allTenants = await tenantStore.Query().Where(x => x.TenantDomainUrl != null).ToListAsync();
foreach(Tenant ten in allTenants)
ten.Active = false;
await tenantStore.UpdateAsync(ten);
var tenant = await tenantStore.Query().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.clientid == clientid);
if (tenant == null)
return NotFound();
tenant.Active = true;
var result = await tenantStore.UpdateAsync(tenant);
return Ok(result);
Couple of things I noticed.
You're trying to do a POST request with a JSON body. On the client, your request looks fine.
As I understand the POST body is
{ clientid: 'some-client-id' }
The interesting thing is in the web API you receive it as
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SetTenantActive([FromBody]string clientid)
This is possibly the culprit. Your API is expecting a string as a POST body where it is a json object. Have you tried changing the type to dynamic or JObject?
So, essentially,
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SetTenantActive([FromBody]dynamic clientRequest)
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SetTenantActive([FromBody]JObject clientRequest)
If you want to continue using your API as is, then you can just change the request you’re making from the client to ’some-client-id’ instead of { clientid: 'some-client-id' }
const options = {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({ clientid : selectedRows[0].key.toString() }) ,
config: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const options = {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({ clientid : selectedRows[0].key.toString() }) ,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
Check your server settings. By default it should support json but its better to verify it. Also try to clear Accept header in yor api code and set to * which means all types.
Moreover check adalApiFetch method. What headers it send? Is the format of Content-Type used & set correctly?
For a simple RESTFul call like that you could follow suggestion naming conventions along with HTTP verbs that better clarifies the intention and simplify the call itself. No need to over complicate the API model for such a simple call.
Something like
[HttpPut] // Or HttpPost. PUT is usually used to update the resourcce
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SetTenantActive(string clientid) {
var tenantStore = CosmosStoreFactory.CreateForEntity<Tenant>();
var allTenants = await tenantStore.Query().Where(x => x.TenantDomainUrl != null).ToListAsync();
var updates = new List<Task>();
foreach(Tenant ten in allTenants) {
ten.Active = false;
await Task.WhenAll(updates);
var tenant = await tenantStore.Query().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.clientid == clientid);
if (tenant == null)
return NotFound();
tenant.Active = true;
var result = await tenantStore.UpdateAsync(tenant);
return Ok(result);
And on the client
const rowSelection = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
if(selectedRows[0].key != undefined){
var clientid = selectedRows[0].key;
var url = "/Tenant/" + clientid + "/Active"
const options = {
method: 'put'
adalApiFetch(fetch, url, options)
.then(response => {
if(response.status === 200){
'Tenant set to active',
throw "error";
.catch(error => {
'Tenant not activated',
getCheckboxProps: record => ({
type: Radio
Why are you using post? From a 'REST`y point of view, it is used to create an entity (a tenant in your case).
The simple request intended can be solved via GET with the clientid as part of the route:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SetTenantActive(string clientid)
// ...

localstorage.getitem('key') sometimes returns null - in a react app

this is a very weird problem! I'm trying to build a login form which sets a JWT token in localstorage. Other forms then use that token to post requests. I can see the token in my console.log just fine, but sometimes (like 3 out of 5 times), when I am setting localstorage.getitem('idToken'), it shows as null. This behavior most noticeably happens when I remove the console.log(idToken) from my loginUser() function (code in actions.js file - given below). What am I doing wrong? my app is built using React/Redux.
export function loginUser(creds) {
const data = querystring.stringify({_username: creds.username, _password: creds.password});
let config = {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
body: data
return dispatch => {
// We dispatch requestLogin to kickoff the call to the API
return fetch(BASE_URL+'login_check', config)
.then(response =>
response.json().then(user => ({ user, response }))
).then(({ user, response }) => {
if (!response.ok) {
// If there was a problem, we want to
// dispatch the error condition
return Promise.reject(user)
} else {
localStorage.setItem('idToken', user.token);
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken')
// if I remove this log, my token is returned as null during post.
}).catch(err => console.log("Error: ", err))
here's my POST request:
import axios from 'axios';
import {BASE_URL} from './middleware/api';
import {reset} from 'redux-form';
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
const AuthStr = 'Bearer '.concat(token);
let headers ={
headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization' : AuthStr }
export default (async function showResults(values, dispatch) {
console.log(AuthStr); + 'human/new', values, headers)
.then(function (response) {
alert("Your submit was successful");
}).catch(function (error) {
This GET request works everytime, BTW:
getHouses = (e) => {
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken') || null;
const AuthStr = 'Bearer '.concat(token);
axios.get(BASE_URL + 'household/list', { headers: { Authorization: AuthStr } }).then((response) =>
let myData =;
let list = [];
let key =[];
for (let i = 0; i < myData._embedded.length; i++) {
let embedded = myData._embedded[i];
this.setState({data: list, key: key});
.catch((error) => {
console.log('error' + error);
I'm at my wit's end! Please help!
The localStorage.setItem() is a asynchronous task, and sometimes you run let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken') just after the setItem will fail, so you get a null, so please put the getItem operation some later, have a try, it will be different :
setTimeout(function() {
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
}, 50);
Move your token logic (i.e. localStorage.getItem('idToken');) inside the exported function and it should work
export default (async function showResults(values, dispatch) {
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
const AuthStr = 'Bearer '.concat(token);
let headers ={
headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization' : AuthStr
}; + 'human/new', values, headers)...
There can't be a case where you set a key value in localstorage and then it returns you null, immediately in the next line.
localStorage.setItem('idToken', user.token);
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
This will only happen if your user.token value is null.
Maybe the case here is your thennable function not returning value to your next then like this:
.then(response =>
// return response to your next then function
// this will be passed to next then function as params
return response.json();
).then(({ user, response }) => {
Make a function whose return the value or a default value
const [hideTyC, setHideTyC] = useState(false);
const loadTyCFlag = (): any => {
if (
localStorage.getItem("tyc") !== null ||
localStorage.getItem("tyc") !== undefined
) {
return localStorage.getItem("tyc") || false;
useIonViewDidEnter(() => {

