Start application in Zeppos simulator - javascript

I'm tryng develop apps for Zepp Os but facing trouble.
When a start a app using zeus dev the app section of simulator reconize the app, but i can't see the the "start" button to initialize the app, onlye "delete".
In the terminal log the console say "Connection closed"
See the in the images:
Simulator image
Terminal image

The cause of it sounds like the nodejs version is incompatible. Updating to version 16 LTS should fix it.


'expo start' or 'npm start' command stuck at ''Starting metro bundler"

I am using react native expo for building mobile app. I followed below steps:-
expo init myapp
cd myapp
expo start
After running above 3 commands everything was working fine few days ago. But from today it gets stuck on "Starting Metro bundler".
It should proceed further to "Building javascript bundle". But It is stuck with "Starting Metro bundler".
Try to restart your PC. It works for me. I think it happens to me everytime I install new packages while the Metro Bundler is running.
This happened to me because I reset my network settings on my phone earlier today which wiped out my all Wi-Fi connections. So my root cause was simple- my phone just wasn't on the same network as my PC anymore.
If you know you're on the right network, there are more details and potential solutions here: and I think it's important to note that bundling won't start until you click the link from the QR code.
Most likely, it is a network access issue.
I had similar problem several times. To me the previous answers are legit and an even simpler measure also worked for me: just tap phone screen to disconnect wifi of my phone and after a few seconds tap again to reconnect wifi, this solved the problem for me.
More info: the error message on my phone was
Uncaught Error: Failed to connect to /
My pc and phone are connected via wifi to the same router. Pc runs windows and phone runs Android.
what I did was restart my computer,
then I shared a network (hotspot) from my computer and connected again the android and iPad, and it worked.
also, connecting your computer to the same router with your devices is also the same,
always remember to log in with expo login command

Red Screen React Native Reference Error : Can't find variable : _fbBatchedBridge

I followed the steps mentioned in following documents and everything runs perfectly.
Now am trying to run the android app on my device but I get below error.
I tried following to resolve the issue:
react-native start > /dev/null 2>&1 &
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
If I try to run without a server, bundle the jsfile into the apk by running:
curl "http://localhost:8081/" -o "android/app/src/main/assets/"
I get
I followed all the steps outlined in this question react native android failed to load JS bundle but still I am not able to resolve the issue.
I am using my smartphone's data plan on my OSX machine via hotspot. I entered my machine's IP address inet along with port 8081 in the react-native developer setting.
Any idea what am missing here?
Device details:
OSX El Capitan 10.11.1
Nexus 5(Rooted) 6.0.1
Node - v4.2.1

Ionic + Genymotion : JavaScript logs

I'm trying to create an app with Ionic on Linux. I use the emulator Genymotion because ADB doesn't work on my computer (black screen until the end of time). I haven't any problem to run the app on Genymotion with ionic run android but I'm wondering how to see the JavaScript logs (I need to check what is wrong with the plugin cordova file). I tried to see it through the browser but it doesn't work.
Set adb to IP of genymontion.
Run Chrome
enter this url chrome://inspect/#devices

How to watch console.logs in ionic emulator?

I'm building an app using the Ionic framework, which I've done in the browser until now. Because I now want to use the cordovaOauth plugin I need to use the emulator. The problem is that I can't see any console.log() in the emulator as I do in the browser, which makes it hard to debug.
Does anybody know how in Ionic/Cordova I can make use of console logging in the emulator? All tips are welcome!
Just enable the console logs in the emulator. Here my example:
> ionic emulate ios --livereload
Setup Live Reload
Running dev server: http://localhost:8100
Adding in default Ionic hooks
Running live reload server: http://localhost:35729
Watching : [ 'www/**/*', '!www/lib/**/*' ]
Ionic server commands, enter:
restart or r to restart the client app from the root
goto or g and a url to have the app navigate to the given url
consolelogs or c to enable/disable console log output
serverlogs or s to enable/disable server log output
quit or q to shutdown the server and exit
Type consolelogs in the command line and hit enter.
Console log output: enabled
Loading: /?restart=382451
ionic $ 0 498458 log Hi there! This is from console.log
run ionic emulate ios -l -c
This will open the emulator with livereload feature, and you'll see all the console logs in the terminal.
To turn the console logs off (or on) just write consolelogs or just c in the terminal while the ionic server is running
Another very convenient way to debug your app when using iOS emulator/device is using the Safari developer tools
When the app runs - enter Safari and choose "Develop > iOS Simulator > your page"
If you work with a real device you'll see the device's name instead of "iOS Simulator"
If you don't see the "Develop" menu in safari - enter Safari's preferences and enable it from the "advanced" tab
If you wan't to watch console logs in emulator / simulator use
ionic emulate -l -c <PLATFORM>
If you wan't to watch console logs when testing in device you can launch this command :
ionic run -l -c <PLATFORM>
-c = --consolelogs : Print app console logs to Ionic CLI (livereload req.)
-l = --livereload : Live reload app dev files from the device
May help someone !
If you are testing your web app with a device running Android 4.4 or higher, you can remotely debug your web pages in WebView with Chrome Developer Tools. Just open chrome://inspect on your desktop with the phone in USB Debugging mode connected.
There are a few ways to debug your ionic app.
In the browser you can catch the errors in the console.
If you are emulating your app on a simulator or a mobile device you can install the cordova plugin that displays js errors in the xcode console. So you can emulate your device and catch errors on xcode.
Here is how you add the plugin:
cordova plugin add
Hope this helps! It came in very handy for me while I was debugging GeoFire errors and testing the cordova camera and geolocation api.
On Ionic 3, you can do this by
ionic cordova run android --emulator -l -c
Replace android with ios depending on your requirements. More information here:

Can't get Android device to be a target for Worklight application deployment

I have a Motorola DroidX that I want to use for testing my Javascript app that runs under Worklight. The DroidX is running Android 2.3.4. My Worklight project is configured for Android-8 (Android 2.2). I followed the tutorials for downloading the Goggle USB driver and including it in the Windows 7 device driver search. I also downloaded and installed the most recent Motorola USB drivers. I think I now have the right drivers in place to handle the USB for the DroidX.
I changed my DroidX settings to include USB debugging, and I've tried connecting to Worklight with both PC Mode and MASS Storage. I've issued the ADB devices command, and it shows that an Android device is connected to the PC. However, I never get any deployment dialog for the DroidX when I do the Build All and Deploy...
It seems like I'm missing some subtle item that is preventing the DroidX from being considered as a target for the Javascript application deployment.
How do I go about debugging - what is wrong?
Did you add an Android environment to your app?
After hitting "Build All and Deploy", are you going to the Android native project (it should be a folder below your WL project) and right-click "Run As > Android Application"?
After you do all that, do you get an errors/warnings in the console or in LogCat?
Can you see LogCat?
Finally, to make sure this is a WL issue, can you please create a Native HelloWorld Android app, and see if you can deploy that into your Droid X from your Eclipse environment. You may have an issue that has nothing to do with WL.

