I have a function for setting up push notifications which needs to be called one time after the user logs in. This has to be outside of useEffect because the documentation says so.
I tried calling it in the component which comes after the user logs in, but the function is called 3 times after app is opened from killed state. Is there a way to limit this call to only one?
Here is the code so far:
const HomeScreen: FC<Props> = ({navigation}) => {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={homeStyles.wrapper}>
<Header navigation={navigation} />
<View style={homeStyles.container}>
One way to do it would have been to use constructor in react classes, but the whole application is written in ES6 and relies too much on hooks.
Is there any other way i can make this work?
You can call this in your main file index.js in root directory of your project
import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
import App from './App';
import {name as appName} from './app.json';
AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);
But you said you want to call it only if user is logged in then in the same file where you placed setupPushNotifications just update the position of it and move it out side class block.
const HomeScreen: FC<Props> = ({navigation}) => {
I am trying to implement a Redux in a simple React application that uses the latest version (React 18). Here is my code in index.js so far:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { store, App } from './App';
import { createStore } from 'redux'
export const renderApp = () => {
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')).render(<App />);
However, I get a warning in the console that says:
"You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has
already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call
root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it"
What is the supposed to mean, and how would I need to change my code in index.js?
The most basic implementation would be something like the following, which creates a single root, renders against it, and then passes a callback which closes over that root for further subscription calls.
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(<App />);
store.subscribe(() => root.render(<App />));
I have a NextJS app. I want to add a function that can redirect to any page using nextjs routing.
For example, after finishing signup I want to redirect to a certain page.
If I create this function (reusable everywhere) :
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
const goTo = (href) => {
const router = useRouter()
I want to add this to my signup Logic, the problem is that I break React Hooks rules :
react-dom.development.js?ac89:14906 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
You might have more than one copy of React in the same app
See https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-call for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.
And effectively useRouter is a React Hook, and I'm trying to call it outside a React function, as stipulated here https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-rules.html it will not work.
How can I then have a routing solution for NextJS to be callable in regular Javascript ?
So If you're using purely React.js (without Next.js on top of it), you can simple do it this way:
Import React from 'react'
export const handleRoutes = (url) => {
const history = React.useHistory()
return history.push(url)
Then You'd import this regular js function in any of your react files, like this:
import { handleRoutes } from 'fileName.js'
<button onClick={() => handleRoutes("/routeToBeRedirectedTo")}> Click to redirect </button>
However when using Nextjs I'm not sure that the above way would work. My personal method would be simply implementing this function (in a utility.js file):
export const handleRedirect = (router, url) => {
return router.push(url)}
Then just importing the function & useRouter hook in the file you want:
import { handleRedirect } from "./utility.js"
import { useRouter } from "next/router"
const router = useRouter
Then inside your JSX return statement:
<button onClick={() => handleRedirect(router, "/routeToBeRedirectedTo")}> Click to redirect </button>
And if it's a redirect after sign in/sign up, just simply useEffect like so:
// depends if you're storing your user credentials in your local storage or cookies, this example below would be if your User credentials are stored in localstorage
const user = JSON.parse(localstorage.getItem("user"))
UseEffect(() => {
if (user) return handleRedirect(router, "/routeToBeRedirectedTo")
}, [user])
I'm going through this article and I'm trying to figure out how the persistence is supposed to occur in Option 4. From what I can tell, you'd need to redefine the .getLayout for every page. I'm not sure how the logic for nesting is incorporated into further urls.
Here's the code from the article
// /pages/account-settings/basic-information.js
import SiteLayout from '../../components/SiteLayout'
import AccountSettingsLayout from '../../components/AccountSettingsLayout'
const AccountSettingsBasicInformation = () => <div>{/* ... */}</div>
AccountSettingsBasicInformation.getLayout = page => (
export default AccountSettingsBasicInformation
// /pages/_app.js
import React from 'react'
import App from 'next/app'
class MyApp extends App {
render() {
const { Component, pageProps, router } = this.props
const getLayout = Component.getLayout || (page => page)
return getLayout(<Component {...pageProps}></Component>)
export default MyApp
For example, say AccountSettingsBasicInformation.getLayout is /settings/, how would I use this template to produce something at /settings/username
P.S. If someone has done something in the past they'd recommend over this, I'm open to ideas.
Yes, you have to redefine the getLayout function to every page. As long as the SiteLayout component stays “unchanged” (eg.no props change) the rendered content in that layout component (not the page content itself) stays persistent. This is because React wont rerender that component.
I used Adam’s article when I was building next.js lib for handlin modal routes. You can check the example folder where you can see I am defining the getLayout property on every page which should be rendered with layout.
Example: https://github.com/svobik7/next-bodies/tree/master/example
I am new to React. I am trying to build a page and having like 3 button or img on main page. When I click either one, I shall be routed to another class component. You can treat it like click the icon and route you to another category page (just an example). Below is my structure and partial code I tried. I have no idea how to achieve that, and I googled and seems cannot find the stuff I want.
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
<App />,
import React from "react";
import BookStore from "./BookStore";
const AppContainer = () => {
return (
//do the routing
export default AppContainer;
export default class BookStore extends React.Component {
const contentDiv = document.getElementById("root");
const gridProps = window.gridProps || {};
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(BookStore , gridProps), contentDiv);
First, you could have a look at the/one react router, e.g. https://reactrouter.com/web/guides/quick-start
However, since you're writing you're new to react, this might be a little too much ...
First, I was wondering why you're using the "ReactDOM" in your indexjs (that seems to be correct), but also in the BookStore.js. I would also recommend to write your components as functions, like your "AppContainer" and not use the class components anymore (or do you really need to do that? - why?). You can use hooks instead to have e.g. state in the components.
You would then need any kind of state in your AppContainer which is used for the routing. Maybe like this:
const AppContainer = () => {
const [showDetail, setShowDetail] = useState();
return <>
{!showDetail && <BookStore onDetail={detail => setShowDetail(detail)} />}
{showDetail && <DetailPage detail={showDetail} onBack={() => setShowDetail(undefined)}}
Your AppContainer then has a state wheter or not to show the Bookstore (which is shown when "showDetail" is falsy, or a DetailPage which is shown when showDetail is truthy.
For this to work, your Bookstore needs to provide callbacks to let the AppContainer know that something should change. Very simply it could look like this:
const BookStore = ({onDetail}) => {
return <button onClick={() => onDetail("anything")}>Click me</button>
Now when someone clicks the button on the bookstore, it calls the "onDetail" callback, which was set in the AppContainer to set the "showDetail" state. So this one will be updated to "anything" in this case. This will result in a rerender on the AppContainer which will now render a DetailPage component instead.
I am getting the following warning multiple times (for multiple pages) despite me initializing at the root of my app. This makes me wonder if google analytics is even working properly?
[react-ga] ReactGA.initialize must be called first or GoogleAnalytics should be loaded manually
I am using ReactGA to handle my google analytics tags, and I cannot get it to work. According to the documentation and a handful of other questions about this online, all I need to do is insert this at my application root:
import ReactGA from 'react-ga';
const app = () => (
// Root level components here, like routing and navigation
I am using Server Side Rendering, so I am making sure the window object exists before tracking. This line is put at the end of my imports on each of my pages:
example page.js:
import ReactGA from 'react-ga';
if (typeof(window) !== 'undefined') {
ReactGA.pageview(window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
function page() {
return(<div className="page">Hello, World</div>)
export default page;
At this point, there isn't a lot of information on how to set up Google Analytics for SSR applications, so I'm not entirely sure what I need to do to get this working. Any help is appreciated!
I finally found the solution after a lot of tinkering with potential solutions. Since pageview was being fired before initialize could finish, I tired delaying pageview as much as I could by placing it in componentDidMount(). That implementation looks like this:
import ReactGA from 'react-ga';
const App = () => (
<div className="App">
<Navigation />
<AppRouting />
import ReactGA from 'react-ga';
class MyPage extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
ReactGA.pageview(window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
render() {
<Component />
In functional components the same can be done using the useEffect hook
useEffect(() => {
ReactGA.pageview(window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
}, ['your dep'])