disabled browser back button google chrome and edge - javascript

window.history.pushState(null, null, location.href);
window.addEventListener('popstate', () => {
alert('Back button is not allowed.');
Show message when browser back button clicked on chrome and edge latest version above code snippet is not working.
On Firefox it works perfectly.
Please suggest any workaround.

Try running this code and then use browser back button.
(function (global) {
if (typeof global === "undefined") {
throw new Error("window is undefined");
var _hash = "!";
var noBackPlease = function () {
global.location.href += "#";
// making sure we have the fruit available for juice....
// 50 milliseconds for just once do not cost much (^__^)
global.setTimeout(function () {
global.location.href += "!";
}, 50);
// Earlier we had setInerval here....
global.onhashchange = function () {
if (global.location.hash !== _hash) {
global.location.hash = _hash;
global.onload = function () {
// disables backspace on page except on input fields and textarea..
document.body.onkeydown = function (e) {
var elm = e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (e.which === 8 && elm !== "input" && elm !== "textarea") {
// stopping event bubbling up the DOM tree..
<script src="http://static.jsbin.com/js/render/edit.js?4.1.8"></script>
jsbinShowEdit &&
static: "http://static.jsbin.com",
root: "http://jsbin.com",
(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
i["GoogleAnalyticsObject"] = r;
(i[r] =
i[r] ||
function () {
(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments);
(i[r].l = 1 * new Date());
(a = s.createElement(o)), (m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]);
a.async = 1;
a.src = g;
m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m);
ga("create", "UA-1656750-34", "auto");
ga("require", "linkid", "linkid.js");
ga("require", "displayfeatures");
ga("send", "pageview");


How to call dragscroll function manually after pageload?

I have below code for dragscroll which runs automatically when page load.
But I want to call this function manually because I'm uppending the html using DOM element.
I have tried with window.factory as well as window.reset but it is not working for me.
My Javascript module file:
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['exports'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
} else {
factory((root.dragscroll = {}));
}(this, function (exports) {
var _window = window;
var _document = document;
var mousemove = 'mousemove';
var mouseup = 'mouseup';
var mousedown = 'mousedown';
var EventListener = 'EventListener';
var addEventListener = 'add'+EventListener;
var removeEventListener = 'remove'+EventListener;
var newScrollX, newScrollY;
var dragged = [];
var reset = function(i, el) {
for (i = 0; i < dragged.length;)
<some code>
// cloning into array since HTMLCollection is updated dynamically
dragged = [].slice.call(_document.getElementsByClassName('dragscroll'));
for (i = 0; i < dragged.length;)
<some code>
}, 0
mouseup, cont.mu = function() {pushed = 0;}, 0
cont.mm = function(e) {
if (pushed) {
(scroller = el.scroller||el).scrollLeft -=
newScrollX = (- lastClientX + (lastClientX=e.clientX));
scroller.scrollTop -=
newScrollY = (- lastClientY + (lastClientY=e.clientY));
if (el == _document.body) {
(scroller = _document.documentElement).scrollLeft -= newScrollX;
scroller.scrollTop -= newScrollY;
}, 0
if (_document.readyState == 'complete') {
} else {
_window[addEventListener]('load', reset, 0);
exports.reset = reset;
I want to call above function manually.
Can you try with
this will call your reset function manually.
Let me know if it helps.
This looks like a standard JavaScript module that exports a reset() method. Depending on your environment you can load this module, e.g with CommonJS it would be
const module = require('name/path/of_your_module_file');
and then to call it when the DOM load is complete with jQuery:
$(() => {

Warn user before leaving web page if changes haven't been saved

When searching for a way to warn a user before leaving web page if changes haven't been saved, I found this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48238659/9512437, but the warning pops up even if the user is hitting the save button. I tried adding an event when the user clicks the submit button to set a variable to keep the warning from appearing, but now the warning never appears.
Here is what I tried:
"use strict";
var btn_click = false;
(() => {
const modified_inputs = new Set;
const defaultValue = "defaultValue";
// store default values
addEventListener("beforeinput", (evt) => {
const target = evt.target;
if (!(defaultValue in target || defaultValue in target.dataset)) {
target.dataset[defaultValue] = ("" + (target.value || target.textContent)).trim();
// detect input modifications
addEventListener("input", (evt) => {
const target = evt.target;
let original;
if (defaultValue in target) {
original = target[defaultValue];
} else {
original = target.dataset[defaultValue];
if (original !== ("" + (target.value || target.textContent)).trim()) {
if (!modified_inputs.has(target)) {
} else if (modified_inputs.has(target)) {
addEventListener("beforeunload", (evt) => {
if (modified_inputs.size && !btn_click) {
const unsaved_changes_warning = "Changes you made may not be saved.";
evt.returnValue = unsaved_changes_warning;
return unsaved_changes_warning;
document.getElementById("submit").onclick = function save() {
btn_click = true;
Any idea what I did wrong?
Turns out I was doing a couple things wrong. My guess is adding the document.getElementById("submit").onclick under "use strict" either caused an error (https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_strict.asp) or caused a problem with the detection since simply adding the function even without the && !btn_click caused it to not work. I also had to change if (modified_inputs.size && !btn_click) { to if (modified_inputs.size >> 0 && !btn_click) {.
In the end, the solution that ended up working for me is as follows:
var btn_click = false;
function save() {
btn_click = true;
"use strict";
(() => {
const modified_inputs = new Set;
const defaultValue = "defaultValue";
// store default values
addEventListener("beforeinput", (evt) => {
const target = evt.target;
if (!(defaultValue in target || defaultValue in target.dataset)) {
target.dataset[defaultValue] = ("" + (target.value || target.textContent)).trim();
// detect input modifications
addEventListener("input", (evt) => {
const target = evt.target;
let original;
if (defaultValue in target) {
original = target[defaultValue];
} else {
original = target.dataset[defaultValue];
if (original !== ("" + (target.value || target.textContent)).trim()) {
if (!modified_inputs.has(target)) {
} else if (modified_inputs.has(target)) {
addEventListener("beforeunload", (evt) => {
if (modified_inputs.size >> 0 && !btn_click) {
const unsaved_changes_warning = "Changes you made may not be saved.";
evt.returnValue = unsaved_changes_warning;
return unsaved_changes_warning;
Then add your onclick to the element:
<button type="submit" class="w3-button w3-right w3-theme" id="button" onclick="save()">Save</button>

Disable browser back and forward

I want to disable browser back and forward,so that i got code like this
(function (global) {
if(typeof (global) === "undefined") {
throw new Error("window is undefined");
var _hash = "!";
var noBackPlease = function () {
global.location.href += "#";
// making sure we have the fruit available for juice (^__^)
global.setTimeout(function () {
global.location.href += "!";
}, 50);
global.onhashchange = function ($valuable) {
if (global.location.hash !== _hash) {
global.location.hash = _hash;
global.onload = function () {
// disables backspace on page except on input fields and textarea..
document.body.onkeydown = function (e) {
var elm = e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (e.which === 8 && (elm !== 'input' && elm !== 'textarea')) {
// stopping event bubbling up the DOM tree..
It is working fine, but in url redirection page name along with #! is coming .How to remove this

Pop-Under : only one time per session and Onload

I'm searching on google but i can't find a good solution. I'm searching a pop under script which open a new url window but only once time per seesion. i found a lot of script but the open a new window just for the onclick ...
function jsPopunder(sUrl, sConfig) {
sConfig = (sConfig || {});
var sName = (sConfig.name || Math.floor((Math.random()*1000)+1));
var sWidth = (sConfig.width || window.innerWidth);
var sHeight = (sConfig.height || window.innerHeight);
var sPosX = (typeof(sConfig.left)!= 'undefined') ? sConfig.left.toString() : window.screenX;
var sPosY = (typeof(sConfig.top) != 'undefined') ? sConfig.top.toString() : window.screenY;
/* capping */
var sWait = (sConfig.wait || 3600); sWait = (sWait*1000);
var sCap = (sConfig.cap || 2);
/* cookie stuff */
var popsToday = 0;
var cookie = (sConfig.cookie || '__.popunder');
var browser = function() {
var n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var b = {
webkit: /webkit/.test(n),
mozilla: (/mozilla/.test(n)) && (!/(compatible|webkit)/.test(n)),
chrome: /chrome/.test(n),
msie: (/msie/.test(n)) && (!/opera/.test(n)),
firefox: /firefox/.test(n),
safari: (/safari/.test(n) && !(/chrome/.test(n))),
opera: /opera/.test(n)
b.version = (b.safari) ? (n.match(/.+(?:ri)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [])[1] : (n.match(/.+(?:ox|me|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [])[1];
return b;
function isCapped() {
try {
popsToday = Math.floor(document.cookie.split(cookie+'Cap=')[1].split(';')[0]);
} catch(err){}
return (sCap<=popsToday || document.cookie.indexOf(cookie+'=') !== -1);
function openIt(sUrl, sName, sOptions) {
if (isCapped()) return;
var _parent = (top != self && typeof(top.document.location.toString())==='string') ? top : self;
var popunder = _parent.window.open(sUrl, sName, sOptions);
if (popunder) {
setTimeout(function() {
document.onclick = function() { return; };
document.onmousedown = function() { return; };
}, 1000);
var now = new Date();
document.cookie = cookie+'=1;expires='+ new Date(now.setTime(now.getTime()+sWait)).toGMTString() +';path=/';
now = new Date();
document.cookie = cookie+'Cap='+(popsToday+1)+';expires='+ new Date(now.setTime(now.getTime()+(84600*1000))).toGMTString() +';path=/';
try{ opener.window.focus(); }catch(err){}
return popunder;
function popunder(sUrl, sName, sWidth, sHeight, sPosX, sPosY) {
if (isCapped()) return;
var sOptions = 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=yes,statusbar=yes,menubar=no,resizable=1,width='+sWidth.toString()+',height='+sHeight.toString()+',screenX='+sPosX+',screenY='+sPosY;
if (browser.webkit) {
document.onmousedown = function () {
openIt(sUrl, sName, sOptions);
document.onbeforeunload = function() {
} else {
document.onbeforeunload = function() {
var popunder = openIt(sUrl, sName, sOptions);
if (popunder) {
if (!browser.msie) {
popunder.params = { url: sUrl };
(function(e) {
with (e) {
if (typeof window.mozPaintCount != 'undefined' || typeof navigator.webkitGetUserMedia === "function") {
try {
var poltergeist = document.createElement('a');
poltergeist.href = "javascript:window.open('about:blank').close();document.body.removeChild(poltergeist)";
// abort?
if (isCapped()) {
} else {
popunder(sUrl, sName, sWidth, sHeight, sPosX, sPosY);
<?php mysql_close($base);?>
Can you help me ?
I managed to modify one of the code samples I found online (similar to yours) to open a Pop-Under on document load, automatically. Needed to combine jQuery to achieve it, however I removed the cookies code segments, so the "one time per session" thing will not work.
Here's the code:
function makePopunder(pUrl) {
var _parent = (top != self && typeof (top["document"]["location"].toString()) === "string") ? top : self;
var mypopunder = null;
var pName = (Math["floor"]((Math["random"]() * 1000) + 1));
var pWidth = window["innerWidth"];
var pHeight = window["innerHeight"];
var pPosX = window["screenX"];
var pPosY = window["screenY"];
var pWait = 3600;
pWait = (pWait * 1000);
var pCap = 50000;
var todayPops = 0;
var cookie = "_.mypopunder";
var browser = function () {
var n = navigator["userAgent"]["toLowerCase"]();
var b = {
webkit: /webkit/ ["test"](n),
mozilla: (/mozilla/ ["test"](n)) && (!/(compatible|webkit)/ ["test"](n)),
chrome: /chrome/ ["test"](n),
msie: (/msie/ ["test"](n)) && (!/opera/ ["test"](n)),
firefox: /firefox/ ["test"](n),
safari: (/safari/ ["test"](n) && !(/chrome/ ["test"](n))),
opera: /opera/ ["test"](n)
b["version"] = (b["safari"]) ? (n["match"](/.+(?:ri)[\\/: ]([\\d.]+)/) || [])[1] : (n["match"](/.+(?:ox|me|ra|ie)[\\/: ]([\\d.]+)/) || [])[1];
return b;
function doPopunder(pUrl, pName, pWidth, pHeight, pPosX, pPosY) {
var sOptions = "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=yes,statusbar=yes,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=" + pWidth.toString() + ",height=" + pHeight.toString() + ",screenX=" + pPosX + ",screenY=" + pPosY;
$( document ).ready(function (e) {
window["pop_clicked"] = 1;
mypopunder = _parent["window"]["open"](pUrl, pName, sOptions);
if (mypopunder) {
function pop2under() {
try {
if (browser["firefox"]) {
if (browser["webkit"]) {
} catch (e) {};
function openCloseWindow() {
var ghost = window["open"]("about:blank");
function openCloseTab() {
var ghost = document["createElement"]("a");
ghost["href"] = "about:blank";
ghost["target"] = "PopHelper";
var clk = document["createEvent"]("MouseEvents");
clk["initMouseEvent"]("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, false, false, true, 0, null);
window["open"]("about:blank", "PopHelper")["close"]();
function pop_isRightButtonClicked(e) {
var rightclick = false;
e = e || window["event"];
if (e["which"]) {
rightclick = (e["which"] == 3);
} else {
if (e["button"]) {
rightclick = (e["button"] == 2);
return rightclick;
doPopunder(pUrl, pName, pWidth, pHeight, pPosX, pPosY);}
Notice how I used jQuery in "$( document ).ready(function (e) {...}". This triggers the event on document load.
Then just add "makePopunder("https://www.myurl.com/");" inside script tags in your html document's body.
The original above script had the "once per session" functionality using cookies, so you're welcome to edit it using my modifications and keeping the original code for cookies:
Works in all browsers (desktop & mobile): Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.

Javascript file "FASW transitions" duplicating my header info. How to fix

Ok! I'm working on a wordpress site, and everything this javascript add on is supposed to do, it does...But, when I inspect element via safari develop, I notice that it's loading all of my headers scripts,meta,styles etc. into the body as well as the head. I can't figure out why. Here's what the script looks like:
function ft(params) {
var ol= document.addEventListener?"DOMContentLoaded":"load"; //on load event
var navB = params.navB || "reverse slide"; //backbrowser button effect, default empty
var but = params.but || false; //Allow transitions on input type button
var cBa = params.cBa || function() {};
function aDL(url, t, o) { //Ajax Div Load
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
r = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
r = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (r != undefined) {
r.onreadystatechange = function() {Ol(r, t, o);};
r.open("GET", url, true);
function Ol(r, t, o) { //On load div
if (r.readyState == 4) {
if (r.status == 200 || r.status == 0) {
t.innerHTML = r.responseText;
} else {
t.innerHTML="Error:\n"+ r.status + "\n" +r.statusText;
function DE() //Div Effect
var dochtml = document.body.innerHTML;
document.body.innerHTML = "";
var d1 = document.createElement("div");
d1.id = "d1";
d1.style.zIndex = 2;
d1.style.position = "absolute";
d1.style.width = "100%";
d1.style.height = "100%";
d1.style.left = "0px";
d1.style.top = "0px";
d1.innerHTML = dochtml;
var d2 = document.createElement("div");
d2.id = "d2";
d2.style.zIndex = 1;
d2.style.position = "absolute";
d2.style.width = "100%";
d2.style.height = "100%";
d2.style.left = "0px";
d2.style.top = "0px";
return {d1: d1, d2: d2 };
function timeOuts(e, d1,d2)
setTimeout(function() { d1.className = e + " out"; }, 1);
setTimeout(function() { d2.className = e + " in"; }, 1);
setTimeout(function() {
document.body.innerHTML = d2.innerHTML;
}, 706);
function slideTo(href, effect, pushstate)
var d = DE();
var d1 = d.d1;
var d2 = d.d2;
aDL(href, d2,
function() {
if (pushstate && window.history.pushState) window.history.pushState("", "", href);
function dC(e){ //Detect click event
var o;
var o=e.srcElement || e.target;
var tn = o.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (!but || tn!="input" || o.getAttribute("type")!="button") //if it is not a button
//try to find an anchor parent
while (tn!=="a" && tn!=="body")
o = o.parentNode;
tn = o.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (tn==="body") return;
var t = o.getAttribute("data-ftrans");
if (t)
var hr = o.getAttribute("href") || o.getAttribute("data-href");
if (hr) slideTo(hr, t, true);
function aE(ev, el, f) { //Add event
if (el.addEventListener) // W3C DOM
else if (el.attachEvent) { // IE DOM
var r = el.attachEvent("on"+ev, f);
return r;
aE("click", window, dC);
aE(ol, document, //On load
aE("popstate", window, function(e) { //function to reload when back button is clicked
slideTo(location.pathname, navB, false);
here is the link to the site: http://www.fasw.ws/faswwp/non-jquery-page-transitions-lightweight/
I assume that thats not supposed to happen. So im trying to figure out how to keep it clean, and keep the head files loaded in the head, and only load the page content. I cannot figure this one out, some help from the pros is needed :)
FASW comes with two functions that serves as "hooks" both before and after initializing the component. you can do it like this:
(function inittrans()
var params = { /*put your options here*/ };
new ft(params);
function onTransitionFinished()
function initComponents() {
// here is where you put your "other" javascript codes
Notice how your javascript codes are executed after loading your initial page and once again after the transition happened. Anyway, this is how I got the work around on it 'coz javascript codes just won't work as they are loaded by FASW via Ajax on-the-fly.

