Compile Vue.js to static HTML - javascript

I would like to be able to take a Vue.js component and compile it to static html (ideally at runtime). I do not need any javascript but I do need styles. I'm looking for a library where I could run something along the lines of this:
<div class="world">
<style lang="scss">
.world {
background: blue;
const vueComponent = `
<div class="hello">Hello!</div>
<SomeNextedComponent />
<style lang="scss">
.hello {
background: red;
const staticHtml = compileVueComponent(vueComponent)
<div style="background: red;">Hello!</div>
<div style="background: blue;">World!</div>

You will not get any benefits from using Vue here especially for email templates, quite the opposite (need back and forth without a lot of plus value).
If you need to create some dynamic views with backend data, you'll better be using EJS, Jinja, pug or any other backend templating language. You could achieve dynamic rendering, looping on lists, bring your CSS and pretty much everything needed for an email template.
This video could also be somehow helpful I guess (didn't watched it myself):


Vuejs and drupal

I'm working on a Drupal project where we compile the js and sass of the theme with webpack. As we are moving in a near future to other backend(Laravel), and the idea is to use vuejs on front-end. So it seems to us a good idea, in meanwhile, start using vuejs in some pages and components, so we could start learn it about it. I have experience with angular and react but none with vue. I add it vue, the vue-loader, etc, but seems dificult to make it work and I'm not sure which could be the best way to implement/add vuejs in this escenario. Any recomendation or link will we very helpful.
Vue is good choice because of two reasons in your case:
It is simplest to learn than Angular and React
It is progressive - it means you can easy use it only in constrained part of your existing project.
If you look at dock of life cycle of Vue instance
You will see there are some options of create template and connect it with instance of vue.
a) by "el" option - selecting existing element from dom
b) by template option
including template as a string
selecting template by id of script with type text/x-template
You can use Vue instantly after page load or mount it later so you have flexibility.
I understood your question is about simplest way to integrate vue with drupal. I think that these examples of use Vue on simple html page will help you.
Simplest way
Simplest way is use el option and load Vue from cdn. ( remember about change cdn to minified on production )
[v-cloak] {
display: none;
<div id="app" v-cloak>
<h1>{{ heading }}</h1>
<script src=""></script>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: { heading: "Hello World" }
By using text/x-template
<div id="app"></div>
<script id="app-template" type="text/x-template">
<script src=""></script>
let v = new Vue({
template: `#app-template`,
data: { heading: "Hello World" }

What is an elegant way to initialize multiple react-live components from a static website?

I'm currently creating a react component library that i want to provide as an npm package. I also want to provide a documentation that features fancy live rendering of the available components on e.g. github pages.
For the live editing feature i'm planning to use react-live which provides multiple react components to display a live editor and a preview. See an example from the styled-components docs how this looks like.
The react-live component accepts a string code containing the initial code that should be displayed in the editor and a list of components scope that can be used inside the live editor.
Now i want to use gohugo or a similar static site generator to deploy my documentation. I thought i could maybe provide a <div> inside my static site that has a special class react-live-demo and i will get these containers with document.getElementsByClassName('react-live-demo'), loop over them and render the react-live component into it.
I created a code snippet that shows a little example:
const {LiveProvider, LiveEditor, LiveError, LivePreview} = window['react-live'];
// a random component that i want to render in the live editor
const MyComponent = () => (
<h1>react live demo</h1>
<p>This is a component from the script tag.</p>
// a wrapper for the react-live editor
const Editor = ({code, scope}) => (
<LiveProvider code={code} scope={scope}>
<div className="live-example row">
<div className="col-xs">
<LiveEditor />
<LiveError />
<div className="col-xs">
<LivePreview />
// get all containers that have the initial code as innerHTML
const examples = document.querySelectorAll('script[data-name="react-live"]');
examples.forEach(example => {
// insert a new div before the script tag
const container = document.createElement('div');
example.parentNode.insertBefore(container, example.nextSibling);
// render the editor with the code from the script tag
const code = example.innerHTML.trim();
ReactDOM.render(<Editor code={code} scope={{MyComponent}} />, container);
.static-content {
background-color: papayawhip;
.live-example {
border: 1px solid orange;
.react-live-demo.code {
display: none;
.invalid {
color: red;
<p class="static-content">HERE IS SOME STATIC HTML CONTENT</p>
<script type="text/html" data-name="react-live">
<h1>react live demo</h1>
<p>This code is editable.</p>
<p class="static-content">SOME MORE STATIC HTML CONTENT</p>
<script type="text/html" data-name="react-live">
<MyComponent />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
The question is now:
How do embed the code string into my static site so that i can grab it with my js code and pass it to my react-live component?
I thought about <pre> or something like that. Or should i just embed it as inner html and read that? But then it would be displayed for short when the react component hasn't rendered yet. Or should i use some sort of script tag and make it available as globals? The key goal is to make it as easy as possible to add live editing examples to the documentation without touching any javascript code.
However if i pass something like <MyComponent /> as innerHTML this does of course not work as you can see in the code snippet.
Any best practice for that use case appreciated.
Based on the suggestion of #Daniel Alexandrov i edited the code snippet. The solution now reads the innerHTML of script tags with type="text/html set and creates a <div> container to insert the editor. This seems to work quite well. Any more ideas?
In my opinion the best choice is to use the <script> tag with a custom type attribute. Take a look at the Knockout.js template binding which uses type="text/html or the Angular <script type="text/ng-template">
This way the browser will ignore the script tag completely, because it doesn't know how to interpret it.

What js template engine is that?

I'm working in huge nodejs project. It comes from outsource guys. It contains hundreds of plugins and libraries. I can't recognize a template engine which uses in it. Can someboby help with this?
var $mapsIfAlbum = (
<section class="slide section" data-index="2" style={{top: mapsPos + '%', zIndex: mapsPos}}>
<div class="maps">
<_Maps />
This one looks like Mustache, but both pieces are in one file. Is it posible to use two template engines in one file?
var bodyStyles = `
#media screen and (max-width: 720px) {
body {
background: #fff !important;
It is called as Template Literals.
When you update your NodeJS to version 4.0.0 and above, This is considered to be a new feature from ES6 where you can use this backquotes, (also known as grave accents) instead of using + for concatenation.
Hope this helps!
The first looks like it's JSX which is commonly used with React.
And yes like others have mentioned, the second one is a template literal.

In Vue.js, is there a way to keep component templates out of JavaScript strings?

I just worked through the Guide on Vue.js's website, and I have a bad feeling about templates for components. It seems strange to me that they are specified in strings; sure, maybe this works for very short templates, but once you get to multiline templates, you need to start escaping your new lines and it just feels wrong to have html in javascript strings to begin with. Not to mention that syntax highlighting or any other nice IDE features are useless with HTML in JS strings.
Two alternatives that are detailed in the docs are using inline templates, or X-templates, but both of these options are discouraged.
The only other alternative seems to be Single File Components, which seems like a good option, but they are in the Advanced section and in the docs, it is said that for small and medium sized apps, simply using Vue.component should be enough. Furthermore, Single File Components look like they're more difficult to integrate into a project, requiring tapping into the project's build system (the docs talk about Webpack and Browserify).
So I'm confused. Do I just need to accept that my component code is going to look as messy as this example, pulled straight from the docs?
Vue.component('currency-input', {
template: '\
Given that you are starting a new project, you can use vue-hackernews-2.0 as boilerplate, where you see lot of components already coded with webpack integration for both dev and prod env. This is also developed by core vue team and recommended in official docs.
You can see there are different files for each component and one component looks like following having clear separation of HTML, JS and CSS part:
<li v-if="comment" class="comment">
<div class="by">
<router-link :to="'/user/' +">{{ }}</router-link>
{{ comment.time | timeAgo }} ago
<div class="text" v-html="comment.text"></div>
<div class="toggle" :class="{ open }" v-if=" &&">
<a #click="open = !open">{{
? '[-]'
: '[+] ' + pluralize( + ' collapsed'
<ul class="comment-children" v-show="open">
<comment v-for="id in" :id="id"></comment>
export default {
name: 'comment',
props: ['id'],
data () {
return {
open: true
computed: {
comment () {
return this.$store.state.items[]
methods: {
pluralize: n => n + (n === 1 ? ' reply' : ' replies')
<style lang="stylus">
margin-left 1.5em
border-top 1px solid #eee
position relative
.by, .text, .toggle
font-size .9em
margin 1em 0
color #999
color #999
text-decoration underline
overflow-wrap break-word
color #ff6600
white-space pre-wrap
background-color #fffbf2
padding .3em .5em
border-radius 4px
color #999
cursor pointer
padding 0
background-color transparent
margin-bottom -0.5em
This uses webpack for build and adds working config as well which I myself am using in production without any issue.
You can use <template>...</template> or <script type="text/x-template">...</script>, and specify the selector in template attribute for that.
<template id="myComponent">
Vue.component('myComponent', {
template: '#myComponent'
Simple working example here:
Also, the build process of single file components is not that difficult. You can check the webpack-simple template:, the vue-loader will do everything for you.
Once you feel comfortable with webpack, you can take a look at the full webpack template:
From my experiences, if the template is very short, use inline mode is OK. If not, x-template also allows you to get rid of escaping line breaks. I don't see why you think these approaches are discouraged. Can you provide more information?
However, if you insist to embed long template inline, you can still do that without escaping. The answer is ES6 template literals - string wrapped within ``:
template: `
On the other hand, I really think vue-cli is a great tool. Webpack is something worth learning.
This is not really a direct answer (It's editor Specific) but i just thought i should share, but if you're using Visual Studio Code as your editor, Then you can keep your templates as part of your component and still get Syntax highlighting.
Thanks to this awesome extension
It was Originally meant for Angular 2, but it works for all ES6 Template strings (Provided the key of Template String is "template").
Single File components are the Recommended way, but they can become a burden when you're not building a Full-fledged SPA and you're just using Vue to enhance some HTML templates Here and there, and you don't want to get Involved with Webpack.
Don't believe it? I'm currently using it.
Thanks to #danidee answer I was able to track an Atom extension to properly do syntax highlighting for "backticked" HTML strings. However as he indicates it will only work when the template is declared inside the very component definition (and I want to separate template in another .js file). So I did this and it's a more ellegant solution, I think:
/* template definition */
import { csFooterView } from './csfooter-view.js?v6';
/* component definition */
const csfooter = {
name: 'csfooter',
props: ['projectName'],
data: function() {
return {
copyrightCompany: 'CSDev'
template: csFooterView.template
/* exports */
export { csfooter };
* VUE Footer Component
* Template
/* template definition */
const csFooterView = {
template: `
<footer class="footer bg-warning p-4 m-auto">
<p>{{ copyrightCompany }} (c) 2020 - {{ projectName }}</p>
export { csFooterView }
Link to Atom extension

How to create style scoping for arbitrary content with Polymer / Web Components

I am trying and failing to create a simple web component just for style scoping purposes.
The idea is that I would define a component - say <scoped-style> - which #imports a stylesheet so that any instance of <scoped-style> will scope the imported stylesheet for me. I just want to separate styles within elements and without.
So far I haven't even been able, using Polymer, to create a component which applies <style> based styles to the arbitrary content any instance might contain. It appears that content which goes in <content></content> can only be styled using
:host ::content [selector] {
/* shadowy styles */
This is extremely limiting and wrecks my #import plan too.
Here's the component definition so far:
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="scoped-style">
p {
background: red;
<p>Paragraph outside content (below) which _does_ go red</p>
is: "scoped-style"
And here's the usage I intend:
<p>This paragraph should _also_ go red, but doesn't.</p>
Many thanks!
No, that’s right. On the Guide to Styling Elements it notes:
The distributed [element - <p>, in your case] remains [black] because it’s logically still in the parent page and therefore matching scoped-style > p. It’s simply being rendered elsewhere (over in Shadow DOM land).

