What exactly does useContext do behind the scenes? [duplicate] - javascript

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How to solve problem with too many re-renders in context?
(1 answer)
Closed 10 months ago.
Hi everyone I'm new to React. I was trying to create a global state using the context api. I encountered something unexpected. What I've learned is that when a context is created, it has a provider that will wrap around those components that need the data and when the value changes, the provider will rerender all the wrapped components, right?
Take a look at this:
// AuthContext.js
export const AuthContext = createContext(null);
const AuthProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [user, setUser] = useState({
name: null,
return (
<AuthContext.Provider value={{ user, setUser }}>
// index.js
<App />
// App.js
function App() {
console.log("[App] ran");
return (
<Dashboard />
<Login />
// Dashboard.js
function Dashboard() {
console.log("[Dashboard] ran");
return <div>Dashboard</div>;
// Login.js
function Login() {
console.log("[Login] ran");
const { user, setUser } = useContext(AuthContext);
const inputNameRef = useRef();
return (
<input placeholder="Enter your name..." ref={inputNameRef} />
onClick={() => {
When the code runs for the first time the output is:
[App] ran
[Dashboard] ran
[Login] ran
and when the submit button is clicked, the setUser function will be called and a new value will be set to the AuthProvider state. The provider should rerender all of the components, and the above output should again be logged but nope, the output is just:
[Login] ran
Something that is interesting to me is that when I use useContext in the Dashboard component it works, I mean the component will be rerendered. It's related to the useContext hook I think but don't know how it works. What is going on under the hood?

To quote React's official documentation on Context (https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html):
All consumers that are descendants of a Provider will re-render whenever the Provider’s value prop changes. The propagation from Provider to its descendant consumers (including .contextType and useContext) is not subject to the shouldComponentUpdate method, so the consumer is updated even when an ancestor component skips an update.
You can think of "consumer" as the component whose state "consumes" the useContext hook. AKA you'll only see a re-render from the components where the hook is used. This way not ALL children inside a Context Provider will be re-rendered on a state change, only those who consume it.


Component should return same value wherever it's called. and Main Component should not rerender when Sub Component useState is updating in react?

I want same value in Home function from Component and Home function should not rerender when Component useState is updating.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function Component() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
let interval = setInterval(() => {
setCount(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000))
}, 1000)
return () => clearInterval(interval)
}, [])
return count
function OtherStuff() {
return (<h1>Should Not Rerender OtherStuff</h1>)
function MoreStuff() {
return (<h1>Should Not Rerender MoreStuff</h1>)
export default function Home() {
return (
<Component />
<OtherStuff />
<MoreStuff />
<Component />
I have called Component function two times, I want same value should render to both from Component.
and when ever Component {count} is update by using setCount, Main function should not rerender. at this time, there is no rerender for Component in Main function which is OK.
this is the simple problem.
Each instance of a component has its own state. Meaning their states are not shared. If you wanna share the state between them, one way would be to lift the state up.
If you do not want the Home to rerender, you cannot move the state to Home. So you probably need another component which holds the state. Because any component which has a react useState hook, will be rerendered when the state is updated.
You can use react context to do so. Wrap your instances of Component inside a context provider which holds the count state and provides count and setCount.
First you need to create a context:
const CountContext = createContext();
Then create a component which provides the context and holds the state:
const CountProvider = (props) => {
// `useCounter` uses `useState` inside.
const [count, setCount] = useCounter();
return (
<CountContext.Provider value={{ count, setCount }}>
(OP provided a codesandbox which uses useCounter custom hook. It stores a number to count state and updates it to a random number every 1000ms.)
Then wrap it around your components:
function Parent() {
return (
<Counter />
<Counter />
Note that:
If you render another component inside CountProvider using children prop, it will NOT rerender every time count state updates, unless it uses the context.
But if you render a component inside CountProvider and render it in the function, it WILL rerender, unless you use memo.

React Native how to reload a component from a useContext in nested component

I am building an app and I have a situation where I have a main component App that has a useContext to provide values for its children. I have a useState in the App that is passed through in the useContext and I want the App to rerender when this useState is changed in the children but it currently does not.
Below is some simple dummy code explaining it
App() {
[variable, setVariable] = useState(true)
return (
<ContextProvider value = {{
setVariable: setVariable
variable: variable
<Child />
Child() {
context = useContext()
setVariable = context.setVariable
variable = context.variable
function click() {
I want App to rerender every time 'click()' is called in the child
Any help is greatly appreciated

React - Passing callbacks from React Context consumers to providers

I have the following context
import React, { createContext, useRef } from "react";
const ExampleContext = createContext(null);
export default ExampleContext;
export function ExampleProvider({ children }) {
const myMethod = () => {
return (
/* callback={callbackPassedFromConsumer} */
As you can see, it renders a custom component which receive a method as prop. This method is defined in a specific screen, which consumes this context.
How can I pass it from the screen to the provider?
This is how I consume the context (with a HOC):
import React from "react";
import ExampleContext from "../../../contexts/ExampleContext";
const withExample = (Component) => (props) =>
{(example) => (
<Component {...props} example={example} />
export default withExample;
And this is the screen where I have the method which I need to pass to the context provider
function MyScreen({example}) {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const myMethodThatINeedToPass = () => {
return (<View>
export default withExample(MyScreen);
I am trying to do this because in my real provider I have a BottomSheet component which renders two buttons "Delete" and "Report". This component is reusable, so, in order to avoid repeating myself, I am using a context provider.
See: https://github.com/gorhom/react-native-bottom-sheet/issues/259
Then, as the bottom sheet component which is rendered in the provider can receive optional props "onReportButtonPress" or "onDeleteButtonPress", I need a way to pass the method which manipulates my stateful data inside the screen (the consumer) to the provider.
You can't, in React the data only flows down.
This is commonly called a “top-down” or “unidirectional” data flow. Any state is always owned by some specific component, and any data or UI derived from that state can only affect components “below” them in the tree.
Your callbacks ("onReportButtonPress", "onDeleteButtonPress") must be available at provider's scope.
Render SomeCustomComponent in Consumer component. This is the React way of doing things :)

How to communicate between React components which do not share a parent?

I am adding React to an already existing front end and am unsure how to communicate data between components.
I have a basic text Input component and a Span component, mounted separately. When the user types into the input, I want the text of the span to change to what is input.
Previously I would start a React project from scratch and so have the Input and Span share an App component as a parent. I'd use a prop function to lift the text state from the Input to the App and pass it down the value to the Span as a prop. But from scratch is not an option here.
I've considered:
Redux etc. As I'm introducing React piece by piece to this project and some team members have no React experience, I want to avoid using Redux or other state management libraries until very necessary, and it seems overkill for this simple case.
React Context API. This doesn't seem correct either, as my understanding was that context API should be kept for global data like "current authenticated user, theme, or preferred language" shared over many components, not just for sharing state between 2 components.
UseEffect hook. Using this hook to set the inner HTML of the Span component i.e
function Input() {
const inputProps = useInput("");
useEffect(() => {
document.getElementsByClassName('page-title')[0].innerHTML = inputProps.value;
return (
<h3>Name this page</h3>
placeholder="Type here"
Which sort of negates the whole point of using React for the Span?
I've gone with the UseEffect hook for now but haven't found any clear answers in the React docs or elsewhere online so any advice would be helpful.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function useInput(defaultValue) {
const [value, setValue] = useState(defaultValue);
function onChange(e) {
return {
function Input() {
const inputProps = useInput("");
useEffect(() => {
document.getElementsByClassName('page-title')[0].innerHTML = inputProps.value;
return (
<h3>React asks what shall we name this product?</h3>
placeholder="Type here"
export default Input;
import React from 'react';
function PageTitle(props) {
var title = "Welcome!"
return (
export default PageTitle
// Imports
const Main = () => (
<Input />
<Main />,
<PageTitle title="Welcome"/>,
In React, data is supposed to flow in only one direction, from parent component to child component. Without getting into context/redux, this means keeping common state in a common ancestor of the components that need it and passing it down through props.
Your useEffect() idea isn't horrible as a kind of ad hoc solution, but I would not make PageTitle a react component, because setting the value imperatively from another component really breaks the react model.
I've used useEffect() to set things on elements that aren't in react, like the document title and body classes, as in the following code:
const siteVersion = /*value from somewhere else*/;
useEffect(() => {
//put a class on body that identifies the site version
const $ = window.jQuery;
if(siteVersion && !$('body').hasClass(`site-version-${siteVersion}`)) {
document.title = `Current Site: ${siteVersion}`;
}, [siteVersion]);
In your case, you can treat the span in a similar way, as something outside the scope of react.
Note that the second argument to useEffect() is a list of dependencies, so that useEffect() only runs whenever one or more changes.
Another side issue is that you need to guard against XSS (cross site scripting) attacks in code like this:
//setting innerHTML to an unencoded user value is dangerous
document.getElementsByClassName('page-title')[0].innerHTML = inputProps.value;
If you want to be even more tidy and react-y, you could pass a function to your input component that sets the PageTitle:
const setPageTitle = (newTitle) => {
//TODO: fix XSS problem
document.getElementsByClassName('page-title')[0].innerHTML = newTitle;
<Main setPageTitle={setPageTitle} />,
//inside Main:
function Input({setPageTitle}) {
const inputProps = useInput("");
useEffect(() => {
return (
<h3>React asks what shall we name this product?</h3>
placeholder="Type here"
You can create a HOC or use useContext hook instead

Using a global object in React Context that is not related to state

I want to have a global object that is available to my app where I can retrieve the value anywhere and also set a new value anywhere. Currently I have only used Context for values that are related to state i.e something needs to render again when the value changes. For example:
import React from 'react';
const TokenContext = React.createContext({
token: null,
setToken: () => {}
export default TokenContext;
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Title from './Title';
import TokenContext from './TokenContext';
function App() {
const [token, setToken] = useState(null);
<TokenContext.Provider value={{ token, setToken }}>
<Title />
export default App;
How would I approach this if I just want to store a JS object in context (not a state) and also change the value anywhere?
The global context concept in React world was born to resolve problem with passing down props via multiple component layer. And when working with React, we want to re-render whenever "data source" changes. One way data binding in React makes this flow easier to code, debug and maintain as well.
So what is your specific purpose of store a global object and for nothing happen when that object got changes? If nothing re-render whenever it changes, so what is the main use of it?
Prevent re-render in React has multiple ways like useEffect or old shouldComponentUpdate method. I think they can help if your main idea is just prevent re-render in some very specific cases.
Use it as state management libraries like Redux.
You have a global object (store) and you query the value through context, but you also need to add forceUpdate() because mutating the object won't trigger a render as its not part of React API:
const globalObject = { counter: 0 };
const Context = React.createContext(globalObject);
const Consumer = () => {
const [, render] = useReducer(p => !p, false);
const store = useContext(Context);
const onClick = () => {
store.counter = store.counter + 1;
return (
<button onClick={onClick}>Render</button>
const App = () => {
return (
<Context.Provider value={globalObject}>
<Consumer />

