Convert function to javascript, calling from c++ to node.js server - encryption - javascript

I'm trying to encrypt a string using the juce framework generatekeypair, this create a RSA keypair and splits it into 2 parts, (and puts it in hex format I think).
This is the working code I'm using in c++:
const juce::String encryptString (const juce::String& str)
juce::RSAKey private_key2 ("thisistheprivatekeypart1,thisistheprivatekeypart2");
auto utf8 = str.toUTF8();
auto* utf8Address = utf8.getAddress();
juce::MemoryBlock plainMemoryBlock(utf8Address, utf8.sizeInBytes());
juce::BigInteger sourceInteger;
if (!sourceInteger.isZero())
juce::BigInteger encodedInteger(sourceInteger);
juce::MemoryBlock encodedMemoryBlock = encodedInteger.toMemoryBlock();
return encodedMemoryBlock.toBase64Encoding();
return {};
Now i'm doing my first steps in node.js, i've successfully setup a server that takes and sends parameters, does anyone know how to write this function in node.js?
On the juce website they have this unconfirmed java snippet but it's not helping me a lot:
public class RSAKey
static BigInteger applyToValue (BigInteger value, String key_part1, String key_part2)
BigInteger result = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger part1 = new BigInteger (key_part1, 16);
BigInteger part2 = new BigInteger (key_part2, 16);
if (part1.equals (BigInteger.ZERO) || part2.equals (BigInteger.ZERO)
|| value.compareTo (BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0)
return result;
while (! value.equals (BigInteger.ZERO))
result = result.multiply (part2);
BigInteger[] div = value.divideAndRemainder (part2);
value = div[0];
result = result.add (div[1].modPow (part1, part2));
return result;


How to pass array of strings between javascript and C/C++ code with webassembly/emscripten?

I am trying to write a web application that will do sort of word processing (say spell check, grammar check, word analysis) using back-end C/C++ code. (I have got c/C++ code working in another desktop app... I want to bring it to web).
I want an example minimal code doing this (pass array of strings from JavaScript to c/c++ code...c/c++ code will do the word operations... I have this code ......and the resulting array of strings will be sent back to JavaScript where they will be processed further. (passing arrays to and from is important)
Please point me to any such code/tutorial, from where I can make a start.
I searched GitHub. I found several projects using emscripten but could not get this anywhere. (Only place I could get some clue was Hunspell built with emscripten ... however I could not build it successfully)
Please let me know . Thanks in advance.
First prepare the C++ side to receive a string (character array):
static char *string_buffer = NULL;
static size_t string_length = 0;
void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE string_start_js(void) {}
void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE string_final_js(void) {}
char * EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE string_ensure(size_t length)
// ensure that the buffer is long enough
if (length <= string_length) return string_buffer;
// grow the buffer
char *new_buffer = realloc(string_buffer, length + 1);
// handle the out of memory
if (new_buffer == null) return NULL;
// remember
string_buffer = new_buffer;
string_length = length;
// done
return string_buffer;
void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE string_handle(size_t length)
// sanity
if (string_buffer == NULL || length > string_length) halt;
// terminate
string_buffer[length] = 0;
// work with the string characters, store/process it
void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE string_clear(void)
// friendly
if (string_buffer == NULL) return;
// free
// remember
string_buffer = NULL;
string_length = 0;
From the JavaScript side send one string to the C++ side:
let strings = ["abc", "defg", "1"];
// inform the C++ side that some strings are going to be transferred
// send all strings
for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++)
// single string to transport
let string = strings[i];
// convert to a byte array
let string_bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(string);
// ensure enough memory in the C++ side
let string_offset = exports["string_ensure"](string_bytes.byteLength);
// handle the out of memory
if (string_offset == 0) throw "ops...";
// have view of the instance memory
let view = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, string_offset, string_bytes.byteLength);
// copy the string bytes to the memory
// handle
// inform the C++ side that all strings were transferred
// clear the used buffer
The way from C++ to WASM can be more simple:
have a character array (pointer) and its length
call an import function to give the array pointer to JavaScript and its length
make a view of the memory
read the characters from the view
Something like this in the C++ side:
extern "C" {
extern void string_start_cpp(void);
extern void string_final_cpp(void);
extern void string_fetch(char *pointer, size_t length);
void foo(void)
// inform the JavaScript side that
// runtime string
const char *demo = "abc";
// send to JavaScript
string_fetch(demo, strlen(demo));
// inform the JavaScript side all strings were send
And in JavaScript supply the functions during the instance creation:
string_start_cpp: function(offset, length)
string_final_cpp: function(offset, length)
string_fetch: function(offset, length)
// view the bytes
let view = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, offset, length);
// convert the UTF-8 bytes to a string
let string = new TextDecoder().decode(view);
// use
I did not test the code, there could be some syntax errors. You can improve in many places the code, but the idea is what counts.

TripleDES Java Encryprion to Javascript Decryption

I am using Java to encrypt a text payload with Triple DES. First I create an ephemeral key that I will use for encrypting the payload:
private byte[] createEphemeralKey() throws Exception {
KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede");
return keygen.generateKey().getEncoded();
Then I encrypt my payload with said key:
private String encryptTripleDES(byte[] ephemeralKey, String payload) throws Exception {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(ephemeralKey, "DESede"));
byte[] plainTextBytes = payload.getBytes();
byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainTextBytes);
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherText);
Also need a padding function to ensure the data length is divisable by 8:
private String adjustPadding(String input, int blockSize) {
int len = input.length() % blockSize;
int paddingLength = (len == 0) ? 0 : (blockSize - len);
while (paddingLength > 0) {
input += "F";
return input;
And here is my process end to end:
String data = "Marnus"
byte[] = ephemeralKey = createEphemeralKey();
String adjustedData = adjustPadding (data,8);
String encryptedPayload = encryptTripleDES(ephemeralKey, adjustedData);
String encodedKey = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(ephemeralKey)
So I take the 2 variables encryptedPayload and encodedKey, that are both Base64 encoded string, and send it off via HTTP to node express app.
In the Javascript side of things, I use node-forge - Here is the part of my express app that does the decryption:
let nodeBuffer = Buffer.from(data, 'base64')
let input = forge.util.createBuffer(nodeBuffer.toString('binary'))
// 3DES key and IV sizes
let keySize = 24;
let ivSize = 8;
let derivedBytes = forge.pbe.opensslDeriveBytes(ephemeralKey, null, keySize + ivSize);
let buffer = forge.util.createBuffer(derivedBytes);
let key = buffer.getBytes(keySize)
let iv = buffer.getBytes(ivSize)
let decipher = forge.cipher.createDecipher('3DES-ECB', key)
decipher.start({iv: iv})
console.log('decipher result', decipher.finish())
let decryptedResult =;
Here is an Triples DES example in the node-forge docs:
A few notes:
I create a node-forge buffer from a regular buffer since I don't have a input file like the examples gives. Here is how the docs states one should create one buffer from the other:
*I use base64 as that is what I used in the java side to encode the data that was sent.
Then, I dont have a salt so I left the 2'nd param null in opensslDeriveBytes as specified in the docs I should do.
Thirdly, I am also not sure if my keysize of 24 is correct?
My results
So doing an end to end test yields the following:
In my Java app, the test data was "Marnus", the encryptedPayload was ez+RweSAd+4= and the encodedKey was vCD9mBnWHPEBiQ0BGv7gc6GUCOoBgLCu.
Then in my javascript code data was obviously ez+RweSAd+4=(encryptedPayload) and the ephemeralKey was vCD9mBnWHPEBiQ0BGv7gc6GUCOoBgLCu(encodedKey).
After the decryption ran, the value of decryptedResult was ©ýÕ?µ{', which is obviously just garbage since it was not encoded yet, but I cant figure out which encoding to use?
I tried using forge.util.encode64(, but that just gave me qf3VP7UYeyc=, which is not right.
For what it's worth, here is the type that decipher.output
With a lot more tweaking and testing different options, I got it working - and the good news is I managed to get it all working with the built in crypto library in nodejs (v12.18.4).
First things first, the JAVA side just needs a change to the key size (from 168 to 112), the rest remains the same - see below example as one single method (should be split up in final implementation of course for testability and usability):
//Some data:
String payload = "{\"data\":\"somedata\"}";
// Create Key
KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede");
byte[] ephemeralKey = keygen.generateKey().getEncoded();
// Adjust the data, see adjustPadding method in the question for details.
String data = adjustPadding (payload,8);
// Wil now be "{"data":"somedata"}FFFFF", can just chop off extra in JS if need be. When sending JSON one knows the end of the object will always be "}"
// Do Encrypt
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(ephemeralKey, "DESede"));
byte[] plainTextBytes = data.getBytes();
byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainTextBytes);
String encryptedPayload = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherText);
//Lastly, Base64 the key so you can transport it too
String encodedKey = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(ephemeralKey)
on the Javascript side of things we keep it simple:
// I'm using TS, so change the import if you do plain JS
import crypto = require('crypto')
//need bytes from the base64 payload
let buff = Buffer.from(ephemeralKey, 'base64')
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('des-ede3', buff, null)
let decrypted = decipher.update(data, 'base64', 'utf8')
decrypted +='utf8')

How can I decrypt text in kotlin, encrypted in nodejs?

I am trying to decrypt a text which is encrypted using nodejs. Simply Saying I am trying to encrypt data from the server-side and decrypt it to the client-side whenever an API gets called.
Here is my code on the server-side.
function encrpt(text) {
const seckey = '12345678123456781234567812345678';
var aesDec = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-256-ecb", seckey , '');
var output = aesDec.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex');
output +='hex');
return output;
This is the code in am using to decrypt on client-side it is in Kotlin.
fun String.test() {
val skc = SecretKeySpec("12345678123456781234567812345678".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8), "AES")
val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding")
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skc)
val result = cipher.doFinal(this.toByteArray())
But doing so I am getting javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: error:1e000065:Cipher functions:OPENSSL_internal:BAD_DECRYPT in android studio.
You can use like that:
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")
secretKeySpec = SecretKeySpec(secret.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8),"AES")
fun decrypt(cipheredText: String?): String? {
val array: ByteArray = Base64.decode(cipheredText, Base64.DEFAULT)
val encrypted: ByteArray = array.copyOfRange(0, array.size)
return String(cipher!!.doFinal(encrypted)).trim()
Note: iv must be 16 byte (128 bit)

AES encryption in node resulting is different output compared to java

I'm trying to port the Java code for AES ECB encryption into node.js
The issues is that the output from java and node are not the same.
Here's the java code
public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
public static final String SEC_PROVIDER = "SunJCE";
public static final String AES_ALGORITHM = "AES";
public static final String RIJNDAEL_CIPHER = **"Rijndael/ECB/NoPadding"**;
public static final int **CIPHER_PAD_SIZE = 32**;
public static final String HEX_KEY = "3b6ce332ca3b6519eac769710f41ca5c";
public static String encryptData(String text, String hexKey) throws
Exception {
byte[] b1 = Hex.decodeHex(HEX_KEY.toCharArray());
SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(b1, AES_ALGORITHM);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(RIJNDAEL_CIPHER, SEC_PROVIDER);
text = padRightToMod(text, CIPHER_PAD_SIZE);
byte[] buf = text.getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
buf = cipher.doFinal(buf);
String result = new String(Hex.encodeHex(buf));
result = result.toUpperCase();
return result;
// ensure block size of 32
public static String padRightToMod(String text, int mod) {
if (text == null || mod <= 0) {
return text;
final int len = text.length();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
for (int i = len; i % mod > 0; i++) {
buf.append(" ");
String rs = buf.toString();
return rs;
// Call to the encrypt function
String encText = encryptData("Hello", HEX_KEY);
The result is CC0AC95B5FFD4758DBFA40F909C285F0F86A8F19ED1A12C1BFC098348A2AC683
And with this javascript code
crypto = require('crypto');
function encrypt(data,key) {
var cipher = crypto.createCipher('**aes-128-ecb**', key); //create aes cipher
var encrypted = cipher.update(data,'utf8', 'hex'); //output as hex
return encrypted;
function padRightTo32(str) // ensure block size of 32
for(i=len; i%32>0; i++){
str=str +" ";
return str;
// call to encryption function
The result is
==== Update ======
I tried implementaiton form github with this code
const Rijndael = require("./node_modules/node-rijndael-master");
function padRightTo32(str)
for(i=len; i%32>0; i++){
str=str +" ";
return str;
let key = "3b6ce332ca3b6519eac769710f41ca5c";
let original = padRightTo32("Hello");
let cipher = new Rijndael(key, "ecb");
let ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(original, 128);
I get this result e97282fb5838a9c78e6df1f1b4aad108aa010418ec573d74b9c991f4e897e752 but not the encrypted text that Iget from in java. Trying the 256 block size doesn't help either.
what I'm missing that is resulting in a different output?
Concerning your key you have to convert your hex-string into binary data using a buffer (see e.g. Encrypt binary data with aes-ecb on node.js).
Moreover, you have to use the method crypto.createCipheriv to instantiate the cipher (see e.g.
The currently used (deprecated) method crypto.creataCipher expects a password and generates the key from the password (see e.g.
The following code
crypto = require('crypto');
function encrypt(data,key) {
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-ecb', key,''); //create aes-128 cipher
var encrypted = cipher.update(data,'utf8', 'hex'); //output as hex
return encrypted;
function padRightTo32(str) { // ensure block size of 32
for(i=len; i%32>0; i++) {
str=str +" ";
return str;
// call to encryption function
var hexKey = new Buffer('3b6ce332ca3b6519eac769710f41ca5c', 'hex'); // 16 Byte-key
has the output
which is equal to the output of the Java code.
In Java the length of the key defines the used AES-variant, e.g. if you choose a 16-Byte key AES-128 is used, if a 32-Byte key is chosen, AES-256 is used.
In the nodejs-code you have to explicitly specifiy the AES-variant, i.e. aes-128-ecb for a 16-Byte key, and aes-256-ecb for a 32-Byte key etc.
As already mentioned in the comments ECB in't a secure mode (see e.g.
I don't know if there is really a difference between Rijndael/ECB/NoPadding and AES/ECB/NoPadding concerning the cipher-instantiation in Java. In my testcases at least the results are identical. Thus, for the nodejs-code the selection of aes-128-ecb (for 16-Byte key) or aes-256-ecb (for 32-Byte keys) should work.

C# SHA256 ComputeHash result different with CryptoJS SHA256 function

I have a C# function as below:
string stringvalue = "530500480530490480530480480520570480520510500490";
var encodedvalue= Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(stringvalue);
using (HashAlgorithm ssp = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA256"))
var digest = ssp.ComputeHash(encodedvalue);
return BitConverter.ToString(digest);
I need to create a javascript function that match the code above so that the end result for both C# and JS is the same.
Currently in my JS code, I'm using this:
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256("530500480530490480530480480520570480520510500490");
var hexhash = hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.hex);
This is the result of my hexhash:
But in my C# code, this line of var digest = ssp.ComputeHash(bPass); return the following array:
I don't know much about encoding. Please tell me what type of result is being populated in the c# code above? If I'm not mistaken, the ComputeHash is returning bytes but I need lots of reading to confirm that which is another long hour of studying
I tried many different ways of converting the JS Sha256 code but no luck. I'm stuck at this particular line for almost a day.
Please help. Thanks
Sorry for the code error. I had updated the C# code. ComputeHash accept an array
In my example I am using System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed to get SHA256 in C#.
The method SHA256Managed.ComputeHash takes a byte array as a parameter and return another byte array. Now we need to convert back your byte array to a string.
The following code return the same result a Javascript SHA-256.
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("530500480530490480530480480520570480520510500490");
SHA256Managed hashstring = new SHA256Managed();
byte[] hash = hashstring.ComputeHash(bytes);
string hashString = string.Empty;
foreach (byte x in hash)
hashString += String.Format("{0:x2}", x);
Just to explain : String.Format("{0:x2}", x)
X means Hexadecimal format.
2 means 2 characters.
I finally found the answer after uncountable hours of trial and error.
The C# code var digest = ssp.ComputeHash(encodedvalue) is returning byte array from the result of var encodedvalue= Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(stringvalue); as Jean replied. In order to create the function in Javascript, I need to ensure that the encodedvalue is producing the correct encoding format and size just like the one in C#.
Using only CryptoJS, I manage to get the matching result from below
function GetHexFromString() {
var stringVal = '8563A578-7402-4567-A6CE-4DE4E0825B021234';
// Convert the string to UTF 16 little-endian
// Result: 560530540510650530550560450550520480500450520530540550450650540670690450520680690520690480560500530660480500490500510520
var utf16le = CryptoJS.enc.Utf16LE.parse(stringVal);
// Convert to Sha256 format and get the word array
var utf16Sha256 = CryptoJS.SHA256(utf16le);
// Convert the Sha256 word array to Uint8Array to get the 32 byte array just to see the result to ensure it match with the C# function
// Result: 94,203,69,29,35,202,209,149,121,144,44,6,98,250,141,161,102,7,238,35,228,117,111,236,118,115,51,113,134,72,52,69
var utf16sha256Array = convertWordArrayToUint8Array(utf16Sha256);
// Convert the Sha256 to hex (if i'm not mistaken, it's base 16) format
var hexSha256 = utf16Sha256.toString(CryptoJS.enc.hex);
// Insert a dash in between 2 characters in the string
hexSha256 = hexSha256.replace(/(\S{2})/g, "$1-");
// Remove the last dash in the string
hexSha256 = hexSha256.replace(/-$/, "");
// Final Result: 5E-CB-45-1D-23-CA-D1-95-79-90-2C-06-62-FA-8D-A1-66-07-EE-23-E4-75-6F-EC-76-73-33-71-86-48-34-45
return hexSha256.toUpperCase();
function convertWordArrayToUint8Array(wordArray) {
var len = wordArray.words.length,
u8_array = new Uint8Array(len << 2),
offset = 0, word, i
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var word = wordArray.words[i];
u8_array[offset++] = word >> 24;
u8_array[offset++] = (word >> 16) & 0xff;
u8_array[offset++] = (word >> 8) & 0xff;
u8_array[offset++] = word & 0xff;
return u8_array;
Hope it help whoever that need such method
An alternative to Koo SengSeng's answer (if you don't want to use CryptoJS library).
SHA256 function is from here, the arrToUintArr function is from Koo SengSeng's answer.
var SHA256=function a(b){function c(a,b){return a>>>b|a<<32-b}for(var d,e,f=Math.pow,g=f(2,32),h="length",i="",j=[],k=8*b[h],l=a.h=a.h||[],m=a.k=a.k||[],n=m[h],o={},p=2;64>n;p++)if(!o[p]){for(d=0;313>d;d+=p)o[d]=p;l[n]=f(p,.5)*g|0,m[n++]=f(p,1/3)*g|0}for(b+="\x80";b[h]%64-56;)b+="\x00";for(d=0;d<b[h];d++){if(e=b.charCodeAt(d),e>>8)return;j[d>>2]|=e<<(3-d)%4*8}for(j[j[h]]=k/g|0,j[j[h]]=k,e=0;e<j[h];){var q=j.slice(e,e+=16),r=l;for(l=l.slice(0,8),d=0;64>d;d++){var s=q[d-15],t=q[d-2],u=l[0],v=l[4],w=l[7]+(c(v,6)^c(v,11)^c(v,25))+(v&l[5]^~v&l[6])+m[d]+(q[d]=16>d?q[d]:q[d-16]+(c(s,7)^c(s,18)^s>>>3)+q[d-7]+(c(t,17)^c(t,19)^t>>>10)|0),x=(c(u,2)^c(u,13)^c(u,22))+(u&l[1]^u&l[2]^l[1]&l[2]);l=[w+x|0].concat(l),l[4]=l[4]+w|0}for(d=0;8>d;d++)l[d]=l[d]+r[d]|0}for(d=0;8>d;d++)for(e=3;e+1;e--){var y=l[d]>>8*e&255;i+=(16>y?0:"")+y.toString(16)}return i};
var arrToUintArr=function(a){for(var l=a.length,b=new Uint8Array(l<<2),o=0,w,i=0;i<l;i++) w=a[i],b[o++]=w>>24,b[o++]=(w>>16)&0xff,b[o++]=(w>>8)&0xff,b[o++]=w&0xff;return b;}
var computeHash=function(k){for(var a=[],s=SHA256(k),i=0;i<8;i++) a.push(parseInt(s.substr(i*8,8),16));return arrToUintArr(a);}
computeHash(k) will return an array of numbers representing bytes.
This is equal to below code in C#:
new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(k));
var digest = ssp.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringvalue))
return BitConverter.ToString(digest)
.Replace("-", string.Empty)
That js library is converting the string to UTF8 before calculating its hash.
typescript code:
private computeHash(text: string): string {
return CryptoJS.SHA256(text).toString();
c# equivalent:
private string ComputeHash(string text)
using (var sha256 = SHA256.Create())
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
var hash = sha256.ComputeHash(bytes);
return hash.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, x) => current + $"{x:x2}");
after two days of research it works perfectly! Two different codes give the same result.
const sha1 = require('sha1');
const getHash = str =>{
const hashingBytes = Buffer.from(sha1(str), "hex");
const base64Value = Buffer.from(hashingBytes).toString('base64');
return base64Value;
System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1 sha = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
byte[] hashingbytes = sha.ComputeHash(bytes);
var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashingbytes);

