Js function is not recognize in github page - javascript

I have uploaded my local project to github and turned it into github page.
All the functions are working properly in my localhost but, when I open the app via github page (this is repo for you to see code), it shows the error on console that the function calculateAmount() is not defined. See the screenshot
I have tried pushing the code to github again a few time to make sure it is not commit error. But, the error is still the same.
I have double checked the function name and it is the same.
I have no idea what is happening.
Please help.


URL address changing from localhost:3000/home to localhost:3000/home#_=_

I configured my project first with passport-google-oauth20 authentication and it was working fine.
I added the passport-facebook after that and its working fine as well, however, after logging/registering with my FB account my redirecting URI which is supposed to be "http://localhost:3000/home" shows "http://localhost:3000/home#=" instead. It isn't showing any errors in the console and also working as it is intended to. I've got no clue what part of code I'm suppose to share with you guys as the functionality of the project is intact, so please let me know the snippet which may help you to better understand the issue.
This is not a problem itself.

Component-changes.json not found SAPUI5

I am getting below error in console, everytime I am creating any project and I am not able to fix it.. I tried creating this file in different folders but still same error.. I have seen some of the threads which are opened for this Error on SCN but none of them worked for me. In my case app is not showing data.
I deployed the app on Git but it doesn't resolved. please help me.. This error I never got earlier.
create a "Component-changes.json" file in the same folder in that your index.html is located. inside your component-changes.json goes {}.

Google Apps Script Not Uploading File: NetworkError: Form Submission Failed

So I am trying to upload a file to my drive using Google Apps Script HTML Service. I have achieved a proof of concept, using only the code needed to upload a file to my drive. It uploads successfully. When I try to integrate this code into the project I am working on, which is a form where a user inputs information, selects a file to upload, and clicks submit, the code fails with 'NetworkError: Form Submission Failed'. I have seen other people ask this on other websites, but no one has provided a solution. Has anyone seen this before? I can provide my code if needed.
I figured out what is causing the error. In my project, once the page loads, the Javascript automatically calls:
I tested this, and even when the functions getCurrentUser() and currentUser()do not contain any code (example below), I get the NetworkError: Form Submission Failed message. Anyone seen this before?
function currentUser() {
function getCurrentUser() {
This was an issue which came up around June 20th, 2015. Apparently, if you called a google.script.run function before you uploaded the form, the program would fail. It has since been resolved. The code works fine now.

jquery conflict with my website

I layout'd a page and on my server which is it hostgator works extremely fine, using the jQuery mobile components:
But my friend who is programming the page wanted me to insert the newest CDNs from either jQuery and jQuery Mobile:
And this is what the page looks like when I insert those codes:
Do you know how to fix this?
When working with JavaScript or jQuery on your website - if something isn't working as you intend - the first thing you should do is check the browser console to see if anything is being logged there.
To check the browser console:
Hit F12 on your keyboard. When the developer tools open, choose the console tab, its placed in the toolbar at the top of the new window.
In the console you will see a few errors in red with error codes (404). A 404 means the requested file wasn't found.
This tells us that your reference to jQuery isn't correct. This could be because the file path you've written isn't correct, or that you haven't deployed those files correctly to your site.
Check your file paths you've referenced and make sure the file is on your server. Once both are correct - the errors should go away.
Here's a link to view more about developer tools: https://developer.chrome.com/devtools#console
Check following files in your "test/js" and "teste/js" folders, because i've got 404 not found error:

examples from timeline-2.6.1 not working - error links is undefined timeline code 0

Just started using Chaps links library - timeline, works fine if I copy any of the examples of Github and paste them in my index.jsp page, I have made sure that I reference the location of timeline.js and timeline.css correctly.
However, when I paste the code in a jsp page that gets launched as a result of a get request going through my controller, I get no timeline showing. The page error says "links is undefined". I am hardcoding the data an exact copy of the example demo so I am not feeding any data. Any idea how to resolve it?
EDIT - ok the problem is with the way I am trying to load Javascript library in Spring MVC. It has nothing to do with the timeline component.
issue resolved. Added in my dispatcher servlet followed by mvc:resource tag inputting mapping and location. mvc annotation was missing

