Javascript auto "transform: scale()" iframe, preserving aspect ratio - javascript

I am trying to show a couple of iframes in my site, but want them to be responsive - keeping their aspect ratio (16:9) - and scale their contents using CSS scale() function - so preserving actual frame width & height.
Below you may find my attempt, which works fine on page load, but it's not responsive on page resize.
var iframe = document.getElementById('frame'),
iframeinitialwidth = $('iframe').width();
jQuery.fn.fitToParent = function () {
this.each(function () {
var $iframe = jQuery(this);
var width = $iframe.width();
var height = $iframe.height();
var parentWidth = $iframe.parent().width();
var parentHeight = $iframe.parent().height();
var aspect = width / height;
var parentAspect = parentWidth / parentHeight;
if (aspect > parentAspect) {
newWidth = parentWidth;
newHeight = newWidth / aspect;
} else {
newHeight = parentHeight;
newWidth = newHeight * aspect;
var scaleFactor = newWidth/iframeinitialwidth;
$('iframe').css({'-webkit-transform': 'scale('+scaleFactor+')', '-webkit-transform-origin': '0 0'});
$( window ).resize(function() {
console.log("resizing window");
aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
background-color: red;
position: relative;
.frame {
position: absolute;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
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How to make an image moving in JavaScript using paddle keys?

I'm trying to build a simple game where the player can move between multiple levels.
The player is an image in my case i tried to move it by using javascript but it's not moving! I have tried multiple websites suggestions but none of them has worked
var avatar = document.getElementByClassName("alien-avatar");
var avatarStyle = document.getComputedStyle("alien-avatar");
var topValue = avatarStyle.getPropertyValue("top").replace("px", "");
function moveDown(element) {
var eStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
var topValue = eStyle.getPropertyValue("top").replace("px", ""); = (Number(topValue) + 20) + "px";
// Subtract from the top style attribute to go up
function moveUp(element) {
var elStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
var topValue = elStyle.getPropertyValue("top").replace("px", ""); = (Number(topValue) - 20) + "px";
// Add to the left style attribute to go right
function moveRight(element) {
var elStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
var leftValue = elStyle.getPropertyValue("left").replace("px", ""); = (Number(leftValue) + 20) + "px";
// Subtract from the left style attribute to go left
function moveLeft(element) {
var elStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
var leftValue = elStyle.getPropertyValue("left").replace("px", ""); = (Number(leftValue) - 20) + "px";
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-eOJMYsd53ii+scO/bJGFsiCZc+5NDVN2yr8+0RDqr0Ql0h+rP48ckxlpbzKgwra6" crossorigin="anonymous">
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<div class="setting-log"></div>
<ul class="drop-menu show-sett-drop">
<li class="setting-btn">Settings</li>
<li class="exit-btn">Exit</li>
<div class="game-planets">
<div class="planet-containers">
<div class="complated-planet">
<img src="images/compl-miss.png" alt="">
<div class="compl-plnt-info" id="planet1-info">
<div class="stars">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<div class="celeb-message">
<div class="play-again">
play again
<div class="planet-containers">
<div class="complated-planet">
<img src="images/compl-miss.png" alt="">
<div class="compl-plnt-info" id="planet2-info">
<div class="stars">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star.png" alt="">
<div class="celeb-message">
<div class="play-again">
play again
<div class="planet-containers">
<div class="complated-planet">
<img src="images/compl-miss.png" alt="">
<div class="compl-plnt-info" id="planet3-info">
<div class="stars">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star.png" alt="">
<div class="celeb-message">
<span>keep it up</span>
<div class="play-again">
play again
<div class="planet-containers">
<div class="complated-planet">
<img src="images/compl-miss.png" alt="">
<div class="compl-plnt-info" id="planet4-info">
<div class="stars">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star-yellow.png" alt="">
<img src="images/mission-star.png" alt="">
<div class="celeb-message">
<div class="play-again">
play again
<div class="planet-containers">
<div class="current-planet">
<div class="alien-avatar" style="
"><img src="images/default-avatar.png" alt=""></div>
<div class="box" style="--n:20;--b:5px;width:150px;--c:#2beeff"></div>
<div class="planet-containers"></div>
<div class="planet-containers"></div>
<div class="planet-containers"></div>
<div class="planet-containers"></div>
<button class="start-btn">start</button>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-JEW9xMcG8R+pH31jmWH6WWP0WintQrMb4s7ZOdauHnUtxwoG2vI5DkLtS3qm9Ekf" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
any help would be highly appreciate it!
please note that im still a beginner in this field
You are using getComputedStyle to remember what the position of an element is, but I would recommend keeping track of your elements positions in your code and not just in the HTML/CSS. Just a short example:
let avatar = document.getElementById("alien-avatar");
let avatarx = 20;
let avatary = 20;
function movePlayerUp() {
avatary--; = avatary + "px";
You can also use getBoundingClientRect to check an element's position in the DOM
function moveRight() {
let position = avatar.getBoundingClientRect();
let newposition = position.x + 10; = newposition + "px";
The player element needs an id.
<div id="alien-avatar"...></div>

Image getting cut off from top using html2canvas and JSPdf

I am creating a multi page PDF from html using jspdf and html2canvas but my image is getting cut off little from top side. I tried all possible solutions from different forums but no success. below is the code
[Attached image for reference]
var data = document.getElementsByClassName('divtocapture');
for(let content=0;content<data.length;content++)
html2canvas(data[content] as HTMLElement,{scale: 2,width:1150,scrollX: 0,scrollY: 0, allowTaint: true, backgroundColor: '#fff'}).then(canvas => {
var imgWidth = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth()
var imgHeight = canvas.height * imgWidth / canvas.width;
const contentDataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/JPEG',1.0)
pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'JPEG', 5, 10, imgWidth, imgHeight)'mypdf.pdf');
<div class="divtocapture">
<div class="card-header mat-elevation-z20" >
Article Transfers
<!-- Transfer -->
<div class="row ">
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<div class="card mb-12">
<div class="card-header">
<div class="col col-sm-4 ">
<div class="card mb-3">
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<canvas baseChart [datasets]="this.service.NoofRejectionsChartData" [labels]="this.service.NoofRejectionslabels" [options]="this.graphSettings._barChart27Options"
[colors]="this.graphSettings._barChartColourList" [legend]="this.graphSettings.barChartLegend" [chartType]="this.graphSettings.barChartType" >
<div class="col col-sm-4">
<div class="card mb-3">
<div class="card-body">
<canvas baseChart [datasets]="this.service.OfferedChartData" [labels]="this.service.Offeredlabels" [options]="this.graphSettings._barChart13Options"
[colors]="this.graphSettings._barChartColourList" [legend]="this.graphSettings.barChartLegend" [chartType]="this.graphSettings.barChartType" >
<div class="col col-sm-4">
<div class="card mb-3">
<div class="card-body">
<canvas baseChart [datasets]="this.service.ReceivedChartData" [labels]="this.service.Receivedlabels" [options]="this.graphSettings._barChart14Options"
[colors]="this.graphSettings._barChartColourList" [legend]="this.graphSettings.barChartLegend" [chartType]="this.graphSettings.barChartType" >
Maybe it's because of x,y offset?
Try to set zero:
pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'JPEG', 0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight)
Also double check the imgHeight, maybe your calculation is wrong and imgHeight is lower that thay should be.

Multiple div height columns on row using JQuery

What approach can I take when I want to include multiple classes within a JQuery same height script?
I currently have four different divs classed as '.row-16' and it works perfectly, but how can I add more groups to this specific script?
I want to include .row-1 .row-2 etc..
Sorry for the confusion, but this is ultimately what I'm trying to achieve.
.row-1 has four columns that will all be the same height size depending on highest.
.row-2 will be separate from row-1 and will have it's own equal height columns.
Updated JSFiddle: - Working example on Row-11
Here is the code:
var highestBox = 0;
if($(this).height() > highestBox){
highestBox = $(this).height();
The above script currently aligns all four of my columns with the correct height, I just want to add more class groups.
Why not adding a new class, specifically for the elements that should have their height changed and target that? BTW, here is a similar script that I used a couple of years ago for such occasions.
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
* Equalize the height of the given items.
* #type {*|jQuery}
* #return mixed
* #param options
* Example: $('.item1, .item2').equalHeight({ container: '.container' });
$.fn.equalHeight = function (options) {
var items, settings;
items = this;
settings = $.extend({
container: ''
}, options);
if (settings.container) {
// If a container is set, apply setHeight() for all containers.
$(settings.container).each(function () {
var thisC = $(this),
getItems = [];
$.each(items, function (index, value) {
return setHeight(getItems);
} else {
// Otherwise we assume that the items exist only once in a page
// and we apply setHeight() to their first (and unique) instance.
return setHeight(this);
// Set the height of all items equal to the highest item.
function setHeight(getItems) {
var itemsH = [];
$(getItems).each(function () {
var maxH = Math.max.apply(Math, itemsH);
$(getItems).each(function () {
return $(this).css('height', maxH);
})(jQuery, window, document);
Of course, I don't need it anymore, thanks to flexbox.
This should select each class that starts with "row", then get each unique one and then get the max height for each class and set all those to the max of the largest.
Per the question update, using the question and fiddle for possible answer using a given "row-" begins with, which does not seem to be in the fiddle but is in the question.
var myselector = 'row-';
function getRowMax(row) {
var heights = $(row).map(function() {
return $(this).height();
var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, heights);
return maxHeight;
function onlyUnique(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
function getrow(value, index, self) {
return value.startsWith(myselector);
$(function() {
var rows = $('.container').find("[class^='" + myselector + "']");
var classListAll = [];
rows.each(function(item) {
var classes = item.attr('class').split(/\s+/);
// var classListAll = rows.attr('class').split(/\s+/);
var classList = classListAll.filter(onlyUnique).filter(getrow);
$.each(classList, function(index, item) {
var sel = '.' + item;
var m = getRowMax(sel);
.heading {
background-color: #00C6D7;
.sub-heading {
background-color: white;
border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;
h6 {
margin-bottom: 0px;
.container {
box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(77, 72, 69, 0.2), 0 6px 10px rgba(77, 72, 69, 0.15);
.row>.col-md-12>span {
font-size: smaller;
.col-md-4>.row {
padding-top: .6rem!important;
padding-bottom: .6rem!important;
.col-md-3>.row {
padding-top: .6rem!important;
padding-bottom: .6rem!important;
.col-md-2 {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.col-md-9 {
padding: 0px!important;
.bl {
border-left: 1px solid lightgray;
.bb {
border-bottom: 1px solid #00C6D7;
.bg-white {
background-color: white;
.mainText {
font-style: italic;
color: #00C6D7;
.bg-fhdark {
background-color: #5E6A71;
.title {
color: #A2AD00;
.blank {
background: transparent!important;
.slick-next {
background: black!important;
.r1 {
color: black;
/* BootStrap 4 Classes */
.py-5 {
padding-bottom: 3rem!important;
padding-top: 3rem!important;
.py-2 {
padding-bottom: .5rem!important;
padding-top: .5rem!important;
.text-white {
color: #fff!important;
.text-left {
text-align: left!important;
.text-uppercase {
text-transform: uppercase!important;
.font-weight-bold {
font-weight: 700!important;
.small {
font-size: 80%;
font-weight: 400;
.row {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
/* ----- */
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<h4 class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold">Core Competencies</h4>
<span class="small">Our goal was to develop a set of core competencies that are consistent across the agency amd reflect growth as a priority.
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<h6 class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold title">Mid</h6>
<span>Trusted Colleague; Proven and Creative Practitioner</span>
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<h6 class="text-uppercase font-weight-bold title">Senior</h6>
<span>Trusted Client Advisor and Partner; Proven Agency Leader</span>
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$(function() {
dots: false,
infinite: false,
slidesToShow: 2,
slidesToScroll: 1,
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.container').each(function() {
var highestBox16 = 0;
var highestBox1 = 0;
var highestBox2 = 0;
var highestBox3 = 0;
//var highestBox..
$(this).find('.row-16,.row-1,.row-2,.row-3').each(function() {
if ($(this).height() > highestBox16) {
highestBox16 = $(this).height();
if ($(this).height() > highestBox1) {
highestBox1 = $(this).height();
if ($(this).height() > highestBox2) {
highestBox2 = $(this).height();
if ($(this).height() > highestBox3) {
highestBox3 = $(this).height();

Show and hide image when clicked

I am trying to show an image when a thumbnail of it was clicked.
Here is my code as of now:
$('.theme-preview').click(function() {
var previewPopup = $(this).children('.popup-preview');
.css("position", "fixed")
.css("top", ($(window).height() / 2) - ($(this).children('.popup-preview').outerHeight() / 2))
.css("left", ($(window).width() / 2) - ($(this).children('.popup-preview').outerWidth() / 2));
return false;
$('html').click(function() {
return false;
.popup-preview {
background: black;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
display: none;
.col-md-6 {
float: left;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
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<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
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<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
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<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
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<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
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<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
The images are showing when click on any of the thumbnails. And it will hide if click outside of it.
What I want to add is:
When I clicked a parent class (e.g. thumbnail #1) and shows the larger image, I want to hide the large image when I clicked again the parent class (e.g. thumbnail #1). As well as to other thumbnails.
Then when I clicked the thumbnail #1 and shows the larger image, and click the thumbnail #2, the large image of thumbnail #1 will hide and the larger image of thumbnail #2 will show. The same as well to other thumbnails.
Note: When a large image was clicked(itself), it should not be hidden.
You can try something like this:
On click, check if thumbnail to be shown is visible/
If yes, hide it.
If not, then hide any other thumbnail and show current thumbnail.
$('.theme-preview').click(function() {
var previewPopup = $(this).children('.popup-preview');
if (":visible"))
else {
"position": "fixed",
"top": ($(window).height() / 2) - (previewPopup.outerHeight() / 2),
"left": ($(window).width() / 2) - (previewPopup.outerWidth() / 2)
return false;
$('html').click(function() {
return false;
$('.popup-preview').on("click", function(e){
.popup-preview {
background: black;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
display: none;
.col-md-6 {
float: left;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
First you need to check if the popup is visible , if yes hide it if a user clicks on its thumbnail.If no , hide any popup that is open.And if a popup is visible and user clicks on other popup , still close any popup that is visible and show the corresponding popup.
$('.theme-preview').click(function() {
var previewPopup = $(this).children('.popup-preview');
.css("position", "fixed")
.css("top", ($(window).height() / 2) - ($(this).children('.popup-preview').outerHeight() / 2))
.css("left", ($(window).width() / 2) - ($(this).children('.popup-preview').outerWidth() / 2));
return false;
$('html').click(function() {
return false;
.popup-preview {
background: black;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
display: none;
.col-md-6 {
float: left;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="theme-preview"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="">
<div class="popup-preview">
<div class="title">THEME 1-1</div>
<img src="" width="100%">
<div class="preview-btn">

how to toggle each div

I have a question for toggle, I wrote a function which when I hover some image then that image was change and click then div will display and other image click:hover acting is same close display before selected
this is html code
<div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-thumbnails">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4 thumbnail">
<img class="intro_ezer"
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4 thumbnail">
<img class="intro_coloris"
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4 thumbnail">
<img class="intro_galaxia"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 intro_ezer_detail intro">
<img class="intro_margot_main"
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 intro_coloris_detail intro">
<img class="intro_nanobuble"
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 intro_galaxia_detail intro">
<img class="intro_teatoxy"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">
class="intro_margot" src="/img/intro_margot_main.png"
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">
<img class="intro_teatoxy"
<div class="row detail">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 intro">
<img src="/img/intro_ezer.jpg">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 intro_nanobuble_detail intro">
<img src="/img/intro_ezer.jpg">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 intro_teatoxy_detail intro">
<img src="/img/intro_ezer.jpg">
var className = "";
var toggleImg = "";
$('div').find('img').hover(function() {
className = $(this).attr('class');
this.src = '/img/' + className + '_hover.png';
}, function() {
this.src = '/img/' + className + '_main.png';
}).click(function(e) {
toggleImg = className + "_detail";
e.preventDefault(); $('.intro').hide()
How can I do?
You should use .each
Check the example below.
<img alt="chrome" src="">
<img alt="firefox" src="">
JS :
$('div img').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {

