Javascript group data and append additional data - javascript

I am looking to solve 2 problems here
Group the orders to create an items array based on based on orderNo
Include the tracking-information from the tracking array in tracking.json into the orders array.
So far I have only managed to get started with the grouping.
const orders = [
"orderNo": "1",
"tracking_number": "001",
"courier": "FedEx",
"street": "1745 T Street Southeast",
"zip_code": 20020,
"city": "Louisville",
"destination_country": "USA",
"email": "",
"articleNo": "A",
"articleImageUrl": "watch.jpg",
"quantity": 1,
"product_name": "Watch"
"orderNo": "1",
"tracking_number": "001",
"courier": "FedEx",
"street": "1745 T Street Southeast",
"zip_code": 20020,
"city": "Louisville",
"destination_country": "USA",
"email": "",
"articleNo": "B",
"articleImageUrl": "belt.jpg",
"quantity": 2,
"product_name": "Belt"
"orderNo": "2",
"tracking_number": "002",
"courier": "FedEx",
"street": "637 Britannia Drive",
"zip_code": 94591,
"city": "Vallejo",
"destination_country": "USA",
"email": "",
"articleNo": "",
"articleImageUrl": "",
"quantity": "",
"product_name": ""
const tracking = [{
"tracking_number": "001",
"location": "",
"timestamp": "2018-04-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"status": "OrderProcessed",
"status_text": "Order processed",
"status_details": "The order has been processed."
"tracking_number": "002",
"location": "",
"timestamp": "2018-04-06T05:58:00.000Z",
"status": "OrderProcessed",
"status_text": "Order processed",
"status_details": "The order has been processed."
//expected output data.json
const data = [
"street":"1745 T Street Southeast",
"status_text":"Order processed",
"status_details":"The order has been processed."
"orderNo": "2",
"tracking_number": "002",
"courier": "FedEx",
"street": "637 Britannia Drive",
"zip_code": 94591,
"city": "Vallejo",
"destination_country": "USA",
"email": "",
"articleNo": "",
"articleImageUrl": "",
"quantity": "",
"product_name": "",
"tracking_number": "002",
"location": "",
"timestamp": "2018-04-06T05:58:00.000Z",
"status": "OrderProcessed",
"status_text": "Order processed",
"status_details": "The order has been processed."
const groupBy = key => array =>
(objectsByKeyValue, obj) => ({
[obj[key]]: (objectsByKeyValue[obj[key]] || []).concat(obj)
const groupByOrders = groupBy('orderNo');
I am looking to get the data in the format shown in data.json
This is the current code along with the data

Below is one possible way to achieve the target.
Code Snippet
const groupAndInclude = (base, delta) => {
const result = []; // result array
base.forEach( // iterate over the "orders"
({ // de-structure to directly access specific props
orderNo, tracking_number, articleNo,
articleImageUrl, quantity, product_name, // remaining props not directly-accessed
}) => {
const foundOrder = result.find( // find if "order" already in "result"
ob => ob.orderNo === orderNo
if (foundOrder) { // found a match, simply push "article"-info
if (articleNo.length > 0) { // push to "items" only if not "empty"
foundOrder.items.push({ // to the "items" array
articleNo, articleImageUrl, quantity, product_name
} else { // match not-found. Add new entry to "result"
const resObj = { // construct the result-object "resObj", orderNo // using all relevant "order" props
if (articleNo.length > 0) { // do not add "empty" item
resObj.items = [{ // add "items" as an array
articleNo, articleImageUrl, quantity, product_name
} else {
resObj.items = [];
const foundTracker = delta.find( // look for "tracking_number"
ob => ob.tracking_number === tracking_number
// if "tracking_number" found, add to result-object
if (foundTracker) resObj.tracking = {...foundTracker};
result.push(resObj); // push the result-object to the "result" array
return result; // explicitly return the "result" array
const orders = [{
"orderNo": "1",
"tracking_number": "001",
"courier": "FedEx",
"street": "1745 T Street Southeast",
"zip_code": 20020,
"city": "Louisville",
"destination_country": "USA",
"email": "",
"articleNo": "A",
"articleImageUrl": "watch.jpg",
"quantity": 1,
"product_name": "Watch"
"orderNo": "1",
"tracking_number": "001",
"courier": "FedEx",
"street": "1745 T Street Southeast",
"zip_code": 20020,
"city": "Louisville",
"destination_country": "USA",
"email": "",
"articleNo": "B",
"articleImageUrl": "belt.jpg",
"quantity": 2,
"product_name": "Belt"
"orderNo": "2",
"tracking_number": "002",
"courier": "FedEx",
"street": "637 Britannia Drive",
"zip_code": 94591,
"city": "Vallejo",
"destination_country": "USA",
"email": "",
"articleNo": "",
"articleImageUrl": "",
"quantity": "",
"product_name": ""
const tracking = [{
"tracking_number": "001",
"location": "",
"timestamp": "2018-04-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"status": "OrderProcessed",
"status_text": "Order processed",
"status_details": "The order has been processed."
"tracking_number": "002",
"location": "",
"timestamp": "2018-04-06T05:58:00.000Z",
"status": "OrderProcessed",
"status_text": "Order processed",
"status_details": "The order has been processed."
console.log(groupAndInclude(orders, tracking));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0 }
Inline comments added in the snippet above.

You could take two objects as reference to same orderNo and tracking_number.
For adding an oder to the result set remove item properties and take a new object of this properties.
orders = [{ orderNo: "1", tracking_number: "001", courier: "FedEx", street: "1745 T Street Southeast", zip_code: 20020, city: "Louisville", destination_country: "USA", email: "", articleNo: "A", articleImageUrl: "watch.jpg", quantity: 1, product_name: "Watch" }, { orderNo: "1", tracking_number: "001", courier: "FedEx", street: "1745 T Street Southeast", zip_code: 20020, city: "Louisville", destination_country: "USA", email: "", articleNo: "B", articleImageUrl: "belt.jpg", quantity: 2, product_name: "Belt" }, { orderNo: "2", tracking_number: "002", courier: "FedEx", street: "637 Britannia Drive", zip_code: 94591, city: "Vallejo", destination_country: "USA", email: "", articleNo: "", articleImageUrl: "", quantity: "", product_name: "" }],
tracking = [{ tracking_number: "001", location: "", timestamp: "2018-04-01T00:00:00.000Z", status: "OrderProcessed", status_text: "Order processed", status_details: "The order has been processed." }, { tracking_number: "002", location: "", timestamp: "2018-04-06T05:58:00.000Z", status: "OrderProcessed", status_text: "Order processed", status_details: "The order has been processed." }],
keys = ["articleNo", "articleImageUrl", "quantity", "product_name"],
items = {},
trackings = {},
result = [];
for (let order of orders) {
const item = {};
for (const key of keys) {
let value;
({ [key]: value, ...order } = order);
item[key] = value;
if (!items[order.orderNo]) result.push(items[order.orderNo] = { ...order, items: [] });
if (Object.values(item).some(Boolean)) items[order.orderNo].items.push(item);
trackings[order.tracking_number] = items[order.orderNo];
for (const transfer of tracking) trackings[transfer.tracking_number].tracking = transfer;
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


Filter one object with another object recursively

What i am trying to do is filter one object using another. I have it working for the keys such as name or email but the problem is for the address field where it needs to check the value recursively.
I have the following object:
"id" : 1,
"name": "Michael",
"surname": "Smith",
"emailAddress": "",
"id": "2",
"name": "Sam",
"surname": "Smith",
"emailAddress": "",
"address": {
"text": "123 Fake Street, Some Place, United kingdom",
"street_number": "123",
"route": "Fake Street",
"locality": "Some Place",
"country": "UK",
"postcode": "HP18",
"lat": 51.648858999292999,
"lng": 4.08207329992999786,
"id": 3,
"name": "Josh",
"surname": "Fradley",
"emailAddress": "",
"address": {
"text": "1 Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA, USA",
"street_number": "1",
"route": "Apple Park Way",
"locality": "Cupertino",
"administrative_area_level_1": "California",
"country": "US",
"postcode": "95014",
"lat": 37.3346326,
"lng": -122.01268240000002,
Example search object
"name": "",
"phone": "",
"address": "",
"emailAddress": ""
The code i use for the email and name fields
let res = array.filter(o =>
Object.keys(searches).every(k =>
o[k] && o[k].length ? removeDiacritics(o[k].toLowerCase()).indexOf(removeDiacritics(searches[k].toLowerCase())) >= 0 : true
What i am struggling with is how to search the address key which is an object, for example if i search "address": "Fake Street" it should return id 2
Any suggestions?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the filters array is dynamic so i cant hard code in "address", i used here as an example of an object
You could take a local function and check the value of the object for nested objects.
var data = [{ id: 1, name: "Michael", surname: "Smith", emailAddress: "" }, { id: "2", name: "Sam", surname: "Smith", emailAddress: "", address: { text: "123 Fake Street, Some Place, United kingdom", street_number: "123", route: "Fake Street", locality: "Some Place", country: "UK", postcode: "HP18", lat: 51.648858999293, lng: 4.082073299929998 } }, { id: 3, name: "Josh", surname: "Fradley", emailAddress: "", address: { text: "1 Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA, USA", street_number: "1", route: "Apple Park Way", locality: "Cupertino", administrative_area_level_1: "California", country: "US", postcode: "95014", lat: 37.3346326, lng: -122.01268240000001 } }],
search = { name: "", phone: "", address: 123, emailAddress: "" },
result = data.filter(o => Object.entries(search).every(([k, v]) => {
function check(value) {
return value && typeof value === 'object'
? Object.values(value).some(check)
: value.toString().includes(v);
if (v === '') return true;
if (k in o) return check(o[k]);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

filter thought the contacts that have secondary numbers

Im trying to filter and take only the contacts that the number is in numbers my problem is that one numbers could be the secondary number of the contact and filter(indexOf(foreach())) doesn't seem to work here any advice?
const filteredContacts = contacts.filter(contact => numbers.indexOf(contact.phoneNumbers.forEach(phone => phone.number)) > -1);
//sample of contacts
Object {
"company": "Financial Services Inc.",
"contactType": "person",
"firstName": "Hank",
"id": "2E73EE73-C03F-4D5F-B1E8-44E85A70F170",
"imageAvailable": false,
"jobTitle": "Portfolio Manager",
"lastName": "Zakroff",
"middleName": "M.",
"name": "Hank M. Zakroff",
"phoneNumbers": Array [
Object {
"countryCode": "us",
"digits": "5557664823",
"id": "337A78CC-C90A-46AF-8D4B-6CC43251AD1A",
"label": "work",
"number": "(555) 766-4823",
Object {
"countryCode": "us",
"digits": "7075551854",
"id": "E998F7A3-CC3C-4CF1-BC21-A53682BC7C7A",
"label": "other",
"number": "(707) 555-1854",
Object {
"contactType": "person",
"firstName": "David",
"id": "E94CD15C-7964-4A9B-8AC4-10D7CFB791FD",
"imageAvailable": false,
"lastName": "Taylor",
"name": "David Taylor",
"phoneNumbers": Array [
Object {
"countryCode": "us",
"digits": "5556106679",
"id": "FE064E55-C246-45F0-9C48-822BF65B943F",
"label": "home",
"number": "555-610-6679",
//Sample of numbers
numbers = [
(707) 555-1854,
filteredContacts = //Both contacts
This should work for you:
const contacts= [
company: "Financial Services Inc.",
// ....
number: "(555) 766-4823",
number: "555-610-6679",
//Sample of numbers
const numbers = [
'(707) 555-1854',
const filteredContacts = contacts.filter(contact => {
let number_exists=false; => phone.number).forEach( phoneNr =>{
if(numbers.indexOf(phoneNr)>-1) number_exists=true;
return number_exists;

Nested .unionWith, with one unique merge per level

Original data looks like that:
let AddressesBook = [
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "1512",
"cityID": 19,
"city": "London",
"countryID": 1,
"country": "UK",
"houseType": "private"
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "2003",
"cityID": 14,
"city": "York",
"countryID": 1,
"universe": "UK",
"houseType": "private"
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "435",
"cityID": 31,
"city": "Washington",
"countryID": 2,
"universe": "USA",
"houseType": "private"
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "1123",
"cityID": 18,
"city": "Oxford",
"countryID": 1,
"universe": "UK",
"houseType": "private"
i was mapping the data hierarchy by relevant unique ID using Lodash and
a suppurated dictionary:
function nestMaker(list, order) {
if (_.isEmpty(order)) return [];
let groups = _.groupBy(list, _.first(order));
return, (children, key) => {
let group = {};
group[_.first(order)] = key; = nestMaker(children, _.drop(order));
return _.isEmpty( ? _.omit(group, 'data') : group;
let hierarchical = nestMaker(AddressesBook, [
it works fine, but i would like to have the name relevant to the id in each level of the object.
unfortunately you can't use _.groupBy on two keys. i was thinking about using _.unionWith separately from the first iteration but i couldn't find a way to use it recursively omitting the unnecessary data.
expected output:
let output =
"countryID": "1",
"country": "UK",
"data": [
"cityID": "14",
"city": "York",
"data": [
"houseType": "private",
"data": [
"doorNumber": "2003"
"cityID": "18",
"city": "Oxford",
"data": [
"houseType": "private",
"data": [
"doorNumber": "1123"
"cityID": "19",
"city": "London",
"data": [
"houseType": "private",
"data": [
"doorNumber": "1512"
"countryID": "2",
"country": "USA",
"data": [
"cityID": "31",
"city": "Washington",
"data": [
"houseType": "private",
"data": [
"doorNumber": "435"
You can get the 1st item in the group, and extract the name (country, city) from the item:
const AddressesBook = [{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"1512","cityID":19,"city":"London","countryID":1,"country":"UK","houseType":"private"},{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"2003","cityID":14,"city":"York","countryID":1,"country":"UK","houseType":"private"},{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"435","cityID":31,"city":"Washington","countryID":2,"country":"USA","houseType":"private"},{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"1123","cityID":18,"city":"Oxford","countryID":1,"country":"UK","houseType":"private"}];
const nestMaker = (list, order) => {
if (_.isEmpty(order)) return [];
const idKey = _.first(order);
const nameKey = idKey.replace('ID', '');
let groups = _.groupBy(list, idKey);
return, (children, key) => {
const group = {};
const child = _.first(children);
group[idKey] = key;
if(_.has(child, nameKey)) group[nameKey] = child[nameKey]; = nestMaker(children, _.drop(order));
return _.isEmpty( ? _.omit(group, 'data') : group;
const hierarchical = nestMaker(AddressesBook, [
<script src=""></script>
If the id and the name keys are doesn't follow the same pattern, you can explicitly state them as entry in the order:
const AddressesBook = [{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"1512","cityID":19,"city":"London","countryID":1,"universe":"UK","houseType":"private"},{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"2003","cityID":14,"city":"York","countryID":1,"universe":"UK","houseType":"private"},{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"435","cityID":31,"city":"Washington","countryID":2,"universe":"USA","houseType":"private"},{"userName":"Jay12","doorNumber":"1123","cityID":18,"city":"Oxford","countryID":1,"universe":"UK","houseType":"private"}];
const nestMaker = (list, order) => {
if (_.isEmpty(order)) return [];
const entry = _.first(order);
const [idKey, nameKey] = Array.isArray(entry) ? entry : [entry];
let groups = _.groupBy(list, idKey);
return, (children, key) => {
const group = {};
const child = _.first(children);
group[idKey] = key;
if(_.has(child, nameKey)) group[nameKey] = child[nameKey]; = nestMaker(children, _.drop(order));
return _.isEmpty( ? _.omit(group, 'data') : group;
const hierarchical = nestMaker(AddressesBook, [
["countryID", "universe"],
["cityID", "city"],
<script src=""></script>
This is a bit manual but does the job.
let AddressesBook = [{
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "1512",
"cityID": 19,
"city": "London",
"countryID": 1,
"country": "UK",
"houseType": "private"
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "2003",
"cityID": 14,
"city": "York",
"countryID": 1,
"country": "UK",
"houseType": "private"
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "435",
"cityID": 31,
"city": "Washington",
"countryID": 2,
"country": "USA",
"houseType": "private"
"userName": "Jay12",
"doorNumber": "1123",
"cityID": 18,
"city": "Oxford",
"countryID": 1,
"country": "UK",
"houseType": "private"
database = []
AddressesBook.forEach(a => {
doesExist = database.some(d => (d.countryID == a.countryID))
if (doesExist) {
let instance = database.filter(d => d.countryID == a.countryID)[0]{
"cityID": a.cityID,
"data": [{
"houseType": a.houseType,
"data": [{
"doorNumber": a.doorNumber
} else {
"countryID": a.countryID,
"data": [{
"cityID": a.cityID,
"data": [{
"houseType": a.houseType,
"data": [{
"doorNumber": a.doorNumber

Group data by first char in JSON response

I want to group JSON by First char of first name but the resultant object should have two attributes "Key" & "Data"
I tried using lodash which has given me partial expected result but not the complete.
Following are the details with data, expected result, current result and current code implemented using lodash.
Any help will be appreciated.
UserData = [
"street":"7927 bollinger rd",
"dob":"1972-04-26 11:40:09",
"registered":"2013-07-04 17:42:44",
"street":"2583 brorsonsvej",
"city":"brøndby strand",
"dob":"1948-05-06 21:48:27",
"registered":"2009-03-09 17:04:40",
"street":"9471 rue bony",
"dob":"1969-08-18 16:41:01",
"registered":"2015-04-21 19:26:04",
{ key: 'A', data: [{...}, {...}, {...}] },
{ key: 'B', data: [{...}, {...}, {...}] },
{ key: 'C', data: [{...}, {...}, {...}] },
{ 'A': [{...}, {...}, {...}] },
{ 'B': [{...}, {...}, {...}] },
{ 'C': [{...}, {...}, {...}] },
Current Code:
let sectionedUsers = _.groupBy(users, function(user) {
return user.first_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
Use lodash.chain and after grouping, map the results to create objects of your choice:
let UserData = [{
"gender": "male",
"name": {
"title": "mr",
"first": "landon",
"last": "gonzalez",
"location": {
"street": "7927 bollinger rd",
"city": "madison",
"state": "washington",
"postcode": 24642
"email": "",
"dob": "1972-04-26 11:40:09",
"registered": "2013-07-04 17:42:44",
"phone": "(038)-931-4026",
"cell": "(808)-824-5320",
"nat": "US"
"gender": "male",
"title": "mr",
"first_name": "jonathan",
"last_name": "petersen",
"location": {
"street": "2583 brorsonsvej",
"city": "brøndby strand",
"state": "hovedstaden",
"postcode": 87814
"email": "",
"dob": "1948-05-06 21:48:27",
"registered": "2009-03-09 17:04:40",
"phone": "03441612",
"cell": "73824887",
"nat": "DK"
"gender": "male",
"name": {
"title": "mr",
"first": "roméo",
"last": "marchand",
"location": {
"street": "9471 rue bony",
"city": "créteil",
"state": "maine-et-loire",
"postcode": 30698
"email": "romé",
"dob": "1969-08-18 16:41:01",
"registered": "2015-04-21 19:26:04",
"phone": "04-43-18-74-25",
"cell": "06-83-89-77-72",
"nat": "FR"
let sectionedUsers = _.chain(UserData)
.groupBy(function(user) {
let firstName = _.get(user, 'name.first') || user.first_name;
return firstName.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
.map((data, key) => ({
<script src=""></script>
You could the grouped result.
var userData = [{ gender: "male", name: { title: "mr", first: "landon", last: "gonzalez" }, location: { street: "7927 bollinger rd", city: "madison", state: "washington", postcode: 24642 }, email: "", dob: "1972-04-26 11:40:09", registered: "2013-07-04 17:42:44", phone: "(038)-931-4026", cell: "(808)-824-5320", nat: "US" }, { gender: "male", title: "mr", name: { first: "jonathan", last: "petersen" }, location: { street: "2583 brorsonsvej", city: "brøndby strand", state: "hovedstaden", postcode: 87814 }, email: "", dob: "1948-05-06 21:48:27", registered: "2009-03-09 17:04:40", phone: "03441612", cell: "73824887", nat: "DK" }, { gender: "male", name: { title: "mr", first: "roméo", last: "marchand" }, location: { street: "9471 rue bony", city: "créteil", state: "maine-et-loire", postcode: 30698 }, email: "romé", dob: "1969-08-18 16:41:01", registered: "2015-04-21 19:26:04", phone: "04-43-18-74-25", cell: "06-83-89-77-72", nat: "FR" }];
let sectionedUsers = _(userData)
.groupBy(user =>[0].toUpperCase())
.map((data, key) => ({ key, data }))
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
<script src=""></script>

Update object in Angular Javascript application

I have the following data
"lineItems": [
"serviceLocation": {
"verified": true,
"formattedAddress": "2110 El Pinto Rd, Sullivan City, TX 78595",
"address1": "2110 El Pinto Rd",
"city": "Sullivan City",
"state": "TX",
"zip": "78595"
"additionalLocations": [],
"services": {
"electric": {
"selectedProgramId": null,
"utilityAndProgram": null,
"serviceProvider": null
"naturalGas": {
"selectedProgramId": null,
"utilityAndProgram": null,
"serviceProvider": null
"authorizedParty": {
"firstName": "sdfsad",
"lastName": "asdgfdsaf",
"phone": "(222) 222-2222"
"contactPreference": "phone",
"signature": null,
"isNew": false
I want to change the property address1
So I created a bit of code but the problem is that it wipes out all my other properties when I do this
var newAddress = [{
"address1": orderNew + " apt 335"
order.lineItems[0].serviceLocation = newAddress[0].serviceLocation;
I was trying to then do something like this
var newOrder = [{
"serviceLocation": {
".address1": orderNew + " apt 335"
orders.lineItems.serviceLocation[0].address1; =newOrder[0].serviceLocation['.address1'];
Having problems with that though.
well, if we were to store that data into an object like so
var obj = {
"lineItems": [
"serviceLocation": {
"verified": true,
"formattedAddress": "2110 El Pinto Rd, Sullivan City, TX 78595",
"address1": "2110 El Pinto Rd",
"city": "Sullivan City",
"state": "TX",
"zip": "78595"
"additionalLocations": [],
"services": {
"electric": {
"selectedProgramId": null,
"utilityAndProgram": null,
"serviceProvider": null
"naturalGas": {
"selectedProgramId": null,
"utilityAndProgram": null,
"serviceProvider": null
"authorizedParty": {
"firstName": "sdfsad",
"lastName": "asdgfdsaf",
"phone": "(222) 222-2222"
"contactPreference": "phone",
"signature": null,
"isNew": false
the way to change address1 will be like so:
a.lineItems[0].serviceLocation.address1 = 'new value';
is this what you were looking for?
Keep me posted!

