Using ImmerJS to update child (by id) within a parent (by id) - javascript

How do I update the content of child12 using immerJS
const [fields, setFields] = useState([
name: "Parent 1",
id: "parent1",
children: [
{id:"child11", content=""},
{id:"child12", content=""}
name: "Parent 2",
id: "parent2",
children: [
{id:"child21", content=""},
{id:"child22", content=""}
I have been able to achieve changing the parent name using the following:
produce((draft) => {
const field = draft.find((field) => === "parent1");
field[name] = "new parent1";
How do I go deeper, find within children the child by id and change its content value?

Turns out it is remarkably simple: just mutate the data.
produce((draft) => {
const child = draft.find((field) => === "parent1").children.find((child)=>"child21");
child[content] = "new value";


Deleting a child from a nested object structure in JavaScript [duplicate]

In my application I create a JavaScript object based on a JSON similar to this:
name: "root",
id: 112,
children: [
name: "child one",
id: 231,
children: [
{name: "grand child 1", id: 334, children: []},
{name: "grand child 2", id: 784, children: []}
name: "child two",
id: 343,
children: []
How can I remove any Child by his id? Please note that I don’t know the static path to the node e.g id == 334 so I am wondering how I could remove that node with just knowing it's id.
function del(obj,id){
obj.children = obj.children.filter(el => {
if(el.children) del(el,id);//delete subnodes
return !== id; //delete this
A recursive approach to traverse the objects, usable as:
{ children:[ { id:1 }, { id:2, children:[{id:1}] }] },
check this :
var abc = your json object;
//now filter the item based on id
abc = jQuery.grep(
function (item,index) {
return != "343";
hope it helps.
var delIt = function (obj,id) {
return obj.children = obj.children.filter(function (child) {
if(child.children) delIt(child,id);
var x= delIt(Tobj,335);
You can use filter function to collect items which are not equals to given id

How to filter an object array based on the contents of child array?

I have this data
var data = [
title: "App development summary",
category: [],
title: "to experiment 2",
category: [],
title: "Some of these books I have read",
category: [
_id: "5f7c99faab20d14196f2062e",
name: "books",
_id: "5f7c99faab20d14196f2062f",
name: "to read",
title: "Quora users and snippets",
category: [
_id: "5f7c99feab20d14196f20631",
name: "quora",
title: "Politics to research",
category: [
_id: "5f7c9a02ab20d14196f20633",
name: "politics",
Say I want to get all the entries with the category of books. I tried doing this:
var bookCat = => {
return => {
if( === "books" ) return note
But the result comes back with some empty and undefined arrays.
I was able to filter the empty arrays (at one point) but not the undefined
In plain English "if the object ha "books", give me the title"
Filter by whether the array's category contains at least one name which is books:
var data=[{title:"App development summary",category:[]},{title:"to experiment 2",category:[]},{title:"Some of these books I have read",category:[{_id:"5f7c99faab20d14196f2062e",name:"books"},{_id:"5f7c99faab20d14196f2062f",name:"to read"}]},{title:"Quora users and snippets",category:[{_id:"5f7c99feab20d14196f20631",name:"quora"}]},{title:"Politics to research",category:[{_id:"5f7c9a02ab20d14196f20633",name:"politics"}]}];
const output = data
.filter(item => item.category.some(
({ name }) => name === 'books'
If there's guaranteed to be only a single matching object, use .find instead:
var data=[{title:"App development summary",category:[]},{title:"to experiment 2",category:[]},{title:"Some of these books I have read",category:[{_id:"5f7c99faab20d14196f2062e",name:"books"},{_id:"5f7c99faab20d14196f2062f",name:"to read"}]},{title:"Quora users and snippets",category:[{_id:"5f7c99feab20d14196f20631",name:"quora"}]},{title:"Politics to research",category:[{_id:"5f7c9a02ab20d14196f20633",name:"politics"}]}];
const output = data
.find(item => item.category.some(
({ name }) => name === 'books'

Filter an array of objects with a second array with multiple values

I am trying to write a function to take the first object in the "parent" array, pull out the child field (which is in that array) and use that field to filter the second object called "child".
I want to get all the related records from the child object that are in the child field in the parent object.
Expected output
child: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Jimmy Yukka',
**id: 2,**
name: 'Up North',
Parent: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Melbourne Bands',
**child: [1, 2]**
I have the following data
Parent: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Melbourne Bands',
**child: [1, 2]**
id: 2,
name: 'Sydney Bands',
child: [3]
child: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Jimmy Yukka',
**id: 2,**
name: 'Up North',
id: 3,
url: '',
name: 'INXS',
CreatedByUserId: 1
The code of the function I have implemented so far:
currentChildrenIds(ParentId, parentData, childData) {
const singleParentRecord = parentData.filter(function(parent) {
return === ParentId;
const parentsChildIds = singleParentRecord[0].books;
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return === parentsChildIds
return childRecords
This bit here is where it is wrong
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return === parentsChildIds
This bit here is also a bit rubbish (hardcoding the [0])but not I'm not sure how I should be coding it correctly
const parentsChildIds = singleParentRecord[0].books;
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return === parentsChildIds
parentsChildIds is a reference to an array: you don't want to test if an id is === to a a reference,
You have to be explicit and check if the id is contained in the array:
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return parentsChildIds.includes(
Regarding the singleParentRecord[0] that does feel weird,
since you know the method filter will always return an array of size 1 or 0,
you can use the method find instead of filter
Also in functionnal programming (array functions such as filter, map, find...)
I advice you to read a bit about the arrow function syntax because:
The syntex is more dense and it makes it easier for your brain to understand when several functions are chained
If you want to use variables which are defined outside of the function it will be available only inside of an arrow function
your code with an arrow function:
const childRecords = childData.filter((child) => {
return === parentsChildIds
Try this:
const Parent = [
id: 1,
name: 'Melbourne Bands',
child: [1, 2]
id: 2,
name: 'Sydney Bands',
child: [3]
const children = [
id: 1,
name: 'Jimmy Yukka',
id: 2,
name: 'Up North',
id: 3,
url: '',
name: 'INXS',
CreatedByUserId: 1
// We create a new array with
const result = => ({
// Spread properties of the parent
// Override the child property and filter the children array with the `includes` method
child: children.filter(child => parent.child.includes(,

How to remove an nested JSON object using id

In my application I create a JavaScript object based on a JSON similar to this:
name: "root",
id: 112,
children: [
name: "child one",
id: 231,
children: [
{name: "grand child 1", id: 334, children: []},
{name: "grand child 2", id: 784, children: []}
name: "child two",
id: 343,
children: []
How can I remove any Child by his id? Please note that I don’t know the static path to the node e.g id == 334 so I am wondering how I could remove that node with just knowing it's id.
function del(obj,id){
obj.children = obj.children.filter(el => {
if(el.children) del(el,id);//delete subnodes
return !== id; //delete this
A recursive approach to traverse the objects, usable as:
{ children:[ { id:1 }, { id:2, children:[{id:1}] }] },
check this :
var abc = your json object;
//now filter the item based on id
abc = jQuery.grep(
function (item,index) {
return != "343";
hope it helps.
var delIt = function (obj,id) {
return obj.children = obj.children.filter(function (child) {
if(child.children) delIt(child,id);
var x= delIt(Tobj,335);
You can use filter function to collect items which are not equals to given id

Querying JavaScript Parent Child object

I have a json object that shows parent children relationships.
I find it very difficult to query for a certain child.
For example here's the data.
var parents = [
name: 'Susan',
children: [{
name: 'Joe'
}, {
name: 'Sam'
}, {
name: 'Michael'
name: 'Ted',
children: [{
name: 'Richard'
}, {
name: 'Brad'
In an elegant way I'd like to be able to find the object based on parent name and child name.
Parent: Susan
Child: Joe
Here's how I'd do the 3 types of queries I'm trying to do in C#
var parentQuery = parents.filter(parent=> == 'Susan');
var childQuery = parents.filter(parent=> == 'Joe');
var parentChildQuery = parents.filter(parent=> == 'Susan' && == 'Joe')
The parentQuery works out of the box in Javascript to my delight. But the childQuery search doesn't work. Since parent has an internal array I'm not sure how to reference to query on a property. Shown below. == 'Joe'
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
.children is an array and doesn't have a .name property. Maybe you meant one of
parents.filter(parent => parent.children[0].name == 'Joe');
parents.filter(parent => parent.children.every(child => == 'Joe'));
parents.filter(parent => parent.children.some(child => == 'Joe'));

