Using a base component to unsubscribe from all observable subscriptions - javascript

In an Angular app, we're using a Base Component to unsubscribe from most of our app's observable subscriptions. If a component subscribes to an observable, that component will extend the Base Component. My thought is that this keeps observable subscriptions alive until the entire application is destroyed, rather than until each component is destroyed:
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { OnDestroy, Component } from '#angular/core';
export abstract class BaseComponent implements OnDestroy {
protected unsubscribe$ = new Subject<void>();
ngOnDestroy(): void {
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { MyService } from 'src/app/services/my.service';
import { BaseComponent } from '../base/component/base-component';
export class myComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit {
myProperty: string;
private myService: MyService,
) {
ngOnInit(): void {
.pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscribe$)) // take until baseComponent's unsubscribe$
.subscribe((data) => {
this.myProperty = data;
If many components extend BaseComponent and utilize its unsubscribe$ Subject, does that mean all of my subscriptions only get unsubscribed when the entire application is destroyed (aka user closes the tab or navigates away from web app, thus Base Component is destroyed), rather than when individual components get destroyed?
Is this a strategy you've seen before, and is it advisable? If it works as I'm assuming, this means all of our subscriptions across the application stay active until the whole app is destroyed. I see how, depending on our needs, that might be a bad thing or a good thing.
Bonus question: is Base Component going to act like a singleton? AKA if multiple components simultaneously extend BaseComponent, will they all be using the same instance of unsubscribe$ or will there be multiple instances of unsubscribe$ (one per component)?

I assumed this would work, but we all know where assumptions get you, so I made a test:
It works, as in subscriptions get destroyed when individual components get destroyed.
We make a service that holds a subject we can subscribe to, and a value we can change with the subscription, to show that the subscription exists:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/internal/Subject';
#Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class UpdateService {
subject = new Subject<void>();
value = 0;
In the root we'll fire the subject every second, and have a component that we can toggle on and off
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
extCompOpen = true;
constructor(public update: UpdateService) {}
ngOnInit() {
interval(1000).subscribe(() =>;
<app-extended *ngIf="extCompOpen"></app-extended>
<button (click)="extCompOpen = !extCompOpen">Toggle Component</button>
<p>This counter will keep going up as long as the subscription exists:</p>
<p>{{ update.value }}</p>
Then we'll use an extended component to tick that value up by 1 with a subscription
export class ExtendedComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private update: UpdateService) {
ngOnInit() {
this.update.subject.pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscribe$)).subscribe(() => {
<p>Extended component exists!</p>
Neat, closing the component stops the ticker, so the subscription has been unsubscribed.
Bonus question: BaseComponent does not act like a singleton, when you create an instance of an object it does not create shared instances of parent classes. Extending a class just adds properties and methods to that instance.
I'm not sure if I would recommend this, if someone overrides ngOnDestroy() they need to call super.ngOnDestroy(), which may be easy to forget. It's only four lines of code, probably better to explicitly put it in every component that needs it. Manual subscriptions should be pretty rare anyway, if you're using the async pipe.

I solved this in a project doing the following:
In base.component:
private sub: any = {};
ngOnDestroy() {
Object.keys(this.sub).map(item => {
Then in any component that extends:
this.sub.myService = this.myService.doStuff$.subscribe(......
With this method, the subscription stay active until the component is destroyed.


BehaviourSubject.getValue() returning default values

I am fairly new to angular. I have two components namely header and profile component. The header component handles the login functionality and maintains two information- the user details which is json object and a isLoggedIn which is a boolean that saves current state of login. The general layout of the profile page is-
Now since the header component handles the login. I want to avoid writing the logic for getting userDetails and the isLoggedIn status again for profile component. So i decided writing a shared service called profile service so that i can upload userDetails and isLogged from header and access that info in the profile component. The input in the loginlogout method comes from the header component.
SharedService code -
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { HttpService } from './https.service';
import { Observable, BehaviorSubject, of as observableOf } from 'rxjs';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { HttpHeaders, HttpParams } from '#angular/common/http';
import { BaseService } from './base.service';
export class ProfileServices{
userDetailsBS = new BehaviorSubject<any>('original value');
userDetails= this.userDetailsBS.asObservable();
loginlogout(userDetails:any , isLoggedIn:boolean){
console.log("Value of user details set in profile service",this.userDetails); //debug
console.log(".getValue() method:",this.userDetailsBS.getValue()); //debug
return this.userDetailsBS.getValue();
Post login from the header-component.ts i call the loginlogout method in the profile service to set the values. I also tried to access the value passed to the shared Service using the getUserDetails which shows that the userDetails object is passed correctly to the shared service.
The issue arises when i try to access the data from the profile component-
export class ProfileT1Component implements OnInit {
public profileService: ProfileServices){
console.log("received user details in profile component constructor: ", this.userDetails);
the result still shows "original value" and not the updated value. Is this wrong approach altogether or am i handling the observables incorrectly. Help would be much appreciated.
You need to make a couple of changes in your service to make it work. Add providedIn: root and remove all declarations from other modules. Secondly, you do not need this.userDetailsBS.asObservable() and you can use the subscribe directly on userDetailsBS. Your code will look something like the following.
providedIn: 'root'
export class ProfileServices {
constructor() {}
userDetailsBS = new BehaviorSubject<any>('original value');
isLoggedIn: boolean;
loginlogout(userDetails: any, isLoggedIn: boolean) {;
this.isLoggedIn = isLoggedIn;
getUserDetails() {
return this.userDetailsBS.getValue();
export class ProfileT1Component implements OnInit {
userDetails: any;
constructor(public profileService: ProfileServices) {
this.profileService.userDetailsBS.subscribe((result) => {
this.userDetails = result;
console.log('received user details in profile component constructor: ', this.userDetails);
the implementation seems to be OK
(except you should make the BehaviorSubject private and expose only the observable)
probably you have multiple instance of the service.
try to add :
providedIn: 'root',
and remove the service declaration from all the modules provider array

Angular4 - let multiple unrelated components notify each other of the problem of updating data, and whether there is a cleaner coding method?

I have encountered a project in progress, let multiple unrelated components notify each other of the update data, is there a cleaner coding method?
There are 3 components (more likely later) and a common-data component. They have no parent-child relationship with each other and only show on the same screen.
The desired effect is to press the button of any component, update the contents of common-data, and notify yourself and other components to fetch new messages from common-data.
At present, my approach is to use Rx's Observable and Subscription, but they must be imported in the component.ts and service.ts files of each component, and a lot of duplicate code appears, it is very messy, I don't know what is better. practice?
My code :
The sample name is test-a-comp (a.b.c and so on, the code is the same)
<button (click)="sendChange()">update</button>
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { CommonData } from '../common-data/common-data';
import { TestACompService } from './test-a-comp.service';
import { TestBCompService } from '../test-b-comp/test-b-comp.service';
import { TestCCompService } from '../test-c-comp/test-c-comp.service';
selector: 'app-test-a-comp',
templateUrl: './test-a-comp.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./test-a-comp.component.css']
export class TestACompComponent implements OnInit {
subscription: Subscription;
private testAService: TestACompService,
private testBService: TestBCompService,
private testCService: TestCCompService,
) {
this.subscription = this.testAService.getMessage()
.subscribe((test) => {
CommonData.message = test;
this.subscription = this.testBService.getMessage()
.subscribe(() => {
this.ownMessage = CommonData.message;
this.subscription = this.testCService.getMessage()
.subscribe(() => {
this.ownMessage = CommonData.message;
ngOnInit() {
sendChange() {
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import {Subject} from 'rxjs/Subject';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {Subscription} from 'rxjs/Subscription';
export class TestACompService {
subscription: Subscription;
private subject = new Subject<any>();
constructor() {
getMessage(): Observable<any> {
return this.subject.asObservable();
sendMessage(): void {'update message from A');
As far as i understand & you've mentioned in the above, there is a button in one of the component (test-a-component.html). If you update the button, you need to send message to other components which are subscribed.
The Components which have no Parent-Child relationship can communicate via a service:
Create a single service file (In your case: test-a-comp.service)
Create a Subject on what data you need to communicate via this service:
export class testMessageService {
constructor() {}
// Observable string sources
private message = new Subject<string>();
//Observable string streams
testMessage$ = this.message.asObservable();
constructor() {}
// Method to send message when a button is clicked
sendMessage(message: string) {;
/* You don't need "getMessage()" method as you've already subscribed to
the observables. There subscribed Observable string streams are
injected in your components (As below point 3) to display / do other
operation on the message. */
In your other Components, where you want to receive messages, do the following:
export class TestComponent 1 {
myMessage1: string;
constructor(private TestMessageService: testMessageService) {}
TestMessageService.testMessage$.subscribe(message => {
this.myMessage1 = message;
export class TestComponent 2 {
myMessage2: string;
constructor(private TestMessageService: testMessageService) {}
TestMessageService.testMessage$.subscribe(message => {
this.myMessage2 = message;
export class TestComponent 3 {
myMessage3: string;
constructor(private TestMessageService: testMessageService) {}
TestMessageService.testMessage$.subscribe(message => {
this.myMessage3 = message;
For more information/guidance refer Component interaction via a common
Hope this helps!

How exactly works this cross components comunication "pattern" in this Angular 2 application?

I am very new in Angular 2 and I have a doubt about how exactly works this use of the cross component comunication using services.
In my application I have this RecipeService service class:
export class RecipeService {
// Hold a Recipe object to be emitted to another component to implement cross component comunication:
recipeSelected = new EventEmitter<Recipe>();
// List of all recipes (maybe later can be obtained by a web service)
private recipes: Recipe[] = [
new Recipe(
'Tasty Schnitzel',
'A super-tasty Schnitzel - just awesome!',
new Ingredient('Meat', 1),
new Ingredient('French Fries', 20)
new Recipe('Big Fat Burger',
'What else you need to say?',
new Ingredient('Buns', 2),
new Ingredient('Meat', 1)
// Inject a sub service:
constructor(private slService: ShoppingListService) {}
* Return a copy of the reipes array.
* #returns {Recipe[]}
getRecipes() {
addIngredientsToShoppingList(ingredients: Ingredient[]) {
This class is used by 2 different components to implement the cross component comunication by this emitter:
recipeSelected = new EventEmitter<Recipe>();
From what I have understood (correct me if I am doing wrong assertion) this recipeSelected emit event that holds the information contained into a Recipe object (it contains some string fields).
Then I have this RecipeItemComponent component (it represents a recipe and it views show the information related a specific recipe):
selector: 'app-recipe-item',
templateUrl: './recipe-item.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./recipe-item.component.css']
export class RecipeItemComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() recipe: Recipe;
// Inkect the RecipeService to use it in this component:
constructor(private recipeService: RecipeService) { }
ngOnInit() {
* When a specific recipe is selected in the page it emit the selected recipe to comunicate
* with another component
onSelected() {
When the user click on a link into the view related to this RecipeItemComponent the onSelected() method of this class is performed.
From what I know it simply emit an event related to this Recipe object. So I think that it is shooting to someone else the content of this object, where someone else should be another component (so it is implemented the cross components comunication concept).
Then I have this other RecipesComponent component class:
selector: 'app-recipes',
templateUrl: './recipes.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./recipes.component.css'],
providers: [RecipeService]
export class RecipesComponent implements OnInit {
selectedRecipe: Recipe;
* Inject the RecupeService to use it in this component
* #param recipeService
constructor(private recipeService: RecipeService) { }
* Subscribe on the event emitted when a recipe is selected:
ngOnInit() {
(recipe: Recipe) => {
this.selectedRecipe = recipe;
From what I can understand I am registering the "listener" (is it a listerner?) for this kind of events into the ngOnInit() method, by:
ngOnInit() {
(recipe: Recipe) => {
this.selectedRecipe = recipe;
So, in practice, every time that the RecipeItemComponent component emit an event containing a Recipe object, this information is received by the RecipesComponent component that use it. Is it?
Then I have a doubt about this sintax:
(recipe: Recipe) => {
this.selectedRecipe = recipe;
What exactly means? I think that recipe: Recipe is the content of the received event. It is something like an implicit way to declare a function? (I came from Java and I am not so into this kind of syntax).
Another doubt is: why this code is declared into the ngOnInit()? My idea is that so it declare a listener when this component is created and then this listener react to events that could come in a second time. Is it?
An EventEmitter should not be used in a service.
See this post: What is the proper use of an EventEmitter?
From that post:
Use by directives and components to emit custom Events.
Not for use in services. As #Pablo mentioned, even for components it is recommended that you use #Output to expose your event.
For a service, normally Angular's change detection will handle changes to the service data. So all you need to do is expose that data. I have an example here:
And a corresponding plunker here:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
export class DataService {
serviceData: string;
So this:
export class RecipeService {
recipeSelected = new EventEmitter<Recipe>();
Becomes this:
export class RecipeService {
recipeSelected: Recipe;
And this:
onSelected() {
Becomes this:
onSelected() {
And this:
export class RecipesComponent implements OnInit {
selectedRecipe: Recipe;
ngOnInit() {
(recipe: Recipe) => {
this.selectedRecipe = recipe;
Becomes this:
export class RecipesComponent implements OnInit {
get selectedRecipe(): Recipe {
return this.recipeService.recipeSelected;
Every time the recipeSelected changes, the Angular change detection will be notified and the UI will rebind to the current value of selectedRecipe.
I think you have nailed the description of that piece of code. I think I would not use a service to emit a recipe, but just an #Output attribute, but anyway your analysis is correct.
About the arrow notation, I recommend you to read the MDN documentation.
And about the ngOnInit(): Usually in Angular the constructor is used to inject dependencies only, because the main initialization logic is set in the ngOnInit method just because all the attributes decorated with #Input are initialized just before calling this method, so the visual "construction" of the component won't be done before this method is called.

How to reload the current Angular 2 Component

How can I reload the same component again in Angular 2?
Here is my code below:
import { Component, OnInit, ElementRef, Renderer } from '#angular/core';
import { Router, ActivatedRoute, Params } from '#angular/router';
import { productModel } from '../_models/index';
import { categoryListService } from '../_services/index';
selector: 'app-product',
templateUrl: 'product.component.html',
styleUrls: ['product.component.css']
export class productComponent implements OnInit {
uidproduct: productModel;
param: number;
private elementRef: ElementRef,
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router,
private categoryListService: categoryListService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.route.params.subscribe(product => {
console.log('logging sub product obj', product);
this.uidproduct = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('product'));
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "http://this/external/script/needs/to/be/loaded/each/time.js";
let i = this.uidproduct.order;
this.param = ++i;
nextproduct() is bound to a click event in the template.
The uidproduct is a JSON object that has a number of properties and i'm updating the DOM with {{uidproduct.classname}}
I'm using this in the template like this:
<div id="selected-product" class="{{uidproduct.classname}}">
When I click the <button (click)="nextproduct()"> it will change the class property in the DOM but I need to reload the component for the external script to have effect.
You can use *ngIf to re-render the content of a template:
selector: '...',
template: `
<ng-container *ngIf="!rerender">
template content here
export class MyComponent {
rerender = false;
constructor(private cdRef:ChangeDetectorRef){}
doRerender() {
this.rerender = true;
this.rerender = false;
I don't understand why you need to reload the component. If you're binding to the various fields of uidproduct, then reloading that should refresh the values shown in the component. So reloading the component does nothing but add overhead.
If there is a terrific reason not mentioned here why you think you still need to do this, then here is what you do:
Navigate to another (possibly blank) component.
Navigate directly back.
The problem is that you need to wait for the first navigation to finish before doing the second one.
In your component, import NavigationEnd:
import { Router, NavigationEnd } from '#angular/router';
And then subscribe to it in your constructor:
constructor(private thingService: ThisThingService, private router: Router) { => {
if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
if (event.url === '/blank') {
Notice that I wait for NavigationEnd to happen and then check to see I was routing to my blank component. If it is the blank component's path, I navigate back to the product. If you really need to pass that ID, just store it on your object and add it here.
Instead of routing to your product page in nextproduct(), navigate to blank.
And that should reload your component perfectly fine.
The problem I intentionally left in for simplicity, is that the subscribe call in the constructor will execute for every reload. So as an exercise to the reader, take it out of the constructor and create a nice service for it, or move it to the constructor of your app component, or maybe to your routing module or wherever makes sense to you.

Angular2 component doesn't detect routing parameter updates (Router 3.0)

I've got a small Plunk I'm using for playing around with the new Router 3.0 alpha currently available in Angular 2. It works well in general, but the issue is that once I click on a link that routes to the 'detail' component with a particular ID, it never changes when I click on a different link with a different ID. The component is never being reinstantiated, so it only ever shows what it was passed the very first time it is loaded.
Here's the component in question:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '#angular/router';
import { ContactsService } from './contacts.service';
selector: 'contacts-detail',
template: `
export class ContactsDetailComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private contactsService: ContactsService, private route: ActivatedRoute) {
ngOnInit() { = this.contactsService.getContact(;
console.log('Fetching user',;
Here is the Plunk demonstrating the problem. Click on one author name and then another to see it not change.
In your ContactsDetailComponent, change the OnInit to this:
ngOnInit() {
this.sub = this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
let id = +params['id']; = this.contactsService.getContact(id);
Worked for me in your Plunk.
There appear to be multiple lifeCycle hooks that could possibly be used for this. I managed to get the desired behavior using the DoCheck interface and implementing the associated ngDoCheck() method in the component class, as seen below.
import { Component, DoCheck } from '#angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '#angular/router';
import { ContactsService } from './contacts.service';
selector: 'contacts-detail',
template: `
export class ContactsDetailComponent implements AfterViewChecked, DoCheck {
constructor(private contactsService: ContactsService, private route: ActivatedRoute) {
ngDoCheck() { = this.contactsService.getContact(;
Here's a plunk with the updated code.
I'm not convinced this is the best/correct lifecycle hook to use, though. Perhaps there is some sort of hook available from the Router that would serve this better.
Another way to do this:
ngOnInit() {
this.route.params.forEach((params: Params) => {
let id = +params['id']; = this.contactsService.getContact(id);
Here retrieve the route params from an Observable. The advantage of using an Observable over Snapshot is to reuse the component without instantiating it again. Looks like this is the recommended way of doing this as per Angular 2.0 final documentation.

