Why isn't my svelte {#each} block reactive? - javascript

So basically I am playing with Svelte trying to spin up a quick app, details of the app aren't important but basically it hosts a bunch of embedded sites. see example here & for replicability:
My problem is that when I add a new url & title to the sites list, the {#each} block that creates the embedded views doesn't update to reflect the new state of the list, even though the list is clearly updating in the console output. Is it something to do with scope or is it a Svelte issue of not triggering reactivity on prop reassignments from components?
Update: some sites don't allow embedding so use https://wikipedia.org as a safe one for testing.
if you replace a hard-coded url in the sites list with wiki address it should work fine. i basically want a new window to pop up as the {#each} block creates a new SiteView component

There are several things wrong with your code, the first being that you do not propagate the changes made to the sites array back to the main application, you should use bind: to keep the two arrays in sync.
<InputBar bind:sites {site} />
The second is that you are modifying an object when adding a new site and then adding that object to the array, this will always be the same object so if you change it the previously added sites will also change. You can solve this by spreading the new object into the array instead:
function add() { sites = sites.concat({...site}); console.log(sites)}
// or alternatively
function add() { sites = [...sites, {...site}]; console.log(sites); }
That said, the application is not very "Svelte" like as it mixes responsibilities and exposes data to components that don't need that data. For example, why would the input bar need to know about the current sites ? It would be a lot better to have the input bar be just that, an input bar. When the user clicks 'add' it raises an event that says 'something has been added' and resets the fields. Then the parent is responsible to add it to the array. This will make for a more flexible solution. If you do that you will see there is also no reason to have a 'site' variable on the top level (or even have that object at all, you can just have two fields)
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte'
let url = ''
let title = ''
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
function add() {
dispatch('add', { url, title })
url = ''
title = ''
<div class="rounded">
<p>Enter a site to stream:</p>
<input type="text" placeholder="www.example.com" bind:value={url}>
<input type="text" placeholder="example" bind:value={title}>
<button on:click={add}>add</button>
<InputBar on:add={(ev) => sites = [...sites, ev.detail]} />
On a final note, to add things to the head of the html use <svelte:head> instead.

If you want to change a value from another component you need to bind the property, otherwise the relationship is one-way only (from parent component to child).
<InputBar bind:sites {site}/>


Are dynamic arguments in Vue.js templates possible?

Here is my setup, and I know its not ideal (I inherited this project from a couple of developers that are no longer working on this web app). I'm trying to marry Vue.js and JQuery so that I can simply re-use JQuery based components (instead of rewriting them) on my Vue.js page (the two previous developers having design differences).
What I need is this: I am filling a table with components post page Mount. Everything about this table populates correctly except I have buttons in some of the cells in which I would like to use Vue.js to operate those buttons' functionality. I can add a v-on:click= attribute just fine but since these attributes are added to the buttons post Mount their Vue attributes are not being listened to. On the client side (Edge/Chrome in this case) I can see the vue attributes in the developers console when inspecting the element. I looked up examples such as this article:
How to make Vue js directive working in an appended html element regarding how to correctly re-render components after they are appended post Mount. Since these objects were created and appended to the web page after mounting they are not Reactive.
The article suggests creating a component that can then be mounted manually, using a template to create the component. I've tried this and found that using Vue.extend to create a new subclass/component now disallows me to access methods in my original app. Let me place some code and then I'll recap:
What I see on the client side console:
<button type="button" class="results_table_col_1_button" v-on:click="test()">200-715-122-306-ATP</button>
How the data table is being updated via JQUERY
display_search_results: function (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
let num = data.row_order.length;
if (num > 0) {
$("#test_count").text(num + " test" + (num === 1 ? '' : 's') + " found");
$('#dataDisplayTable tr').not(':first').each(function (i, el) {
let save_id = $(el).find('td.results_table_col_1').text()
$(el).find('button.results_table_col_1_button').attr("v-on:click", 'test()')
What I tried via the article
//How the new component is being created:
var testComp = new ATP_Button().$mount()
//with the constructor:
var ATP_Button = Vue.extend({
template: '<button type="button" v-on:click="test()">Is this working</button>',
This creates the button but test is then undefined as it is not initialized or referenced to in the subclass object ATP_Button. How do I pass my 'main' Vue app's test() function to this component so that when the button $emits its event the parent's test() function is called?
I also tried adding props to the constructor so that I could maybe pass test() into the component upon creation like this:
var ATP_Button = Vue.extend({
props: ['test'],
template: '<button type="button" v-on:click="test_child()">Is this working</button>',
methods: {
test_child: function () {
And created the component as such:
var testComp = new ATP_Button(this.test_func).$mount()
Now however this.test inside the component is undefined as it would seem that passing the function through is not working properly (probably due to developer error aka me).
A JQUERY table object is being populated via a backend process with HTML elements to be displayed on the front end view of the webpage
One element that is added is a button that needs to be able to call a Vue.js method from the main app
The elements are added to the table after the page has been mounted thus they are not reactive
Trying to manually mount the component creates a subclass object that does not have access to the main app's methods
Trying to pass the main app's method test() to the component during construction failed and left the test variable undefined
Eventually I need the buttons to call a method from the main app with dynamic variables inside as arguments
I appreciate anyone who is able to offer any assistance.

Display react component name in attribute

While working with React, i would like to display component name in an attribute of the component. E.g. if I have a component <LoginBox /> I would like it to be rendered as
<div data-react-name="LoginBox">...</div>
But I want this to be done automatically for each transpiled component. Reason for this is automated testing when I'd check for rendered elements in HTML/DOM, currently a component is not differentiated by the name in rendered HTML.
I thought I'd write a babel plugin, but I have no idea what visitors I'd use and how to make it robust enough. I tried google for such a plugin but I have no idea how it would be called and found nothing useful.
So is there any plugin or any way to achieve this?
Now after a year, as I'm rethinking, it should be quite easy.
For more details on writing plugins see handbook.
Use ASTexplorer to inspect what AST would your code result in. And then, for generated tree, prepare visitors. So e.g. with code:
<div><Custom some-prop="prop">Some text</Custom></div>
we would infer, that we need to use visitor JSXOpeningElement and alter node's property attribute. To this property - array we would add a new element that we would create by Babel.types.jsxAttribute(name, value). We will get the name of tag from node's property .name.name (the name string is nested inside name object). We also need to use appropriate types. So it would look like this:
module.exports = function(Babel) {
return {
visitor: {
JSXOpeningElement(path) {
const name = Babel.types.jsxIdentifier('data-testname');
const value = Babel.types.stringLiteral(path.node.name.name);
path.node.attributes.push(Babel.types.jsxAttribute(name, value));
The code is tested with the ASTExplorer.

Material Table not reflecting changes on datasource

This is my first question in Stack Overflow. I'll try to be specific but I don't know how to keep this short, so this is going to be a long post. Sorry about that. I promise I searched and tried a lot of stuff before asking, but I'm kind of lost now.
I'm developing a simple app in Angular 6 to keep track of software requisites and the tests associated to those requisites.
I have a component, called RequisiteList, whose HTML part consists in a mat-table with an Array of my own Requisite model class as [dataSource]. This array is received as an #Input parameter, and it also has an #Output parameter which is an EventEmitter that notifies and passes to the parent component every time a Requisite on the list is clicked.
I make use of RequisiteList inside of ReqListMain, which is a component consisting on the list and a hierarchical tree for filtering. This component is working fine, showing, and filtering requisites as intended. This component also captures the #Output event of the list and passes it as an #Output to its parent.
Finally (for what it's related to this question), I have a TestView component that has both an instance of RequisiteList to show the requisites currently associated to current test, and an instance of ReqListMain to add new requisites to current test (like a "browser"). This TestView has an instance of the model class Pectest corresponding to the test that is being currently visualized, which has an array of Requisite.
The idea in this last component was that whenever a requisite of the "browser" list was clicked, it was added to the current test's list. In order to do that, in the callback method associated to the #Output event of the browser list, I tried to add the Requisite received as a parameter:
addrequisite(requisite: Requisite) {
console.log('Current test: ');
In the HTML part of TestView, I inserted the RequisiteList component like this:
<app-requisitelist [requisites]="currentTest.requisites" ngModel name="reqlistview"></app-requisitelist>
(The ngModel property is part of the things I've been trying, I'm not sure it's necessary).
The result is:
The clicked requisite is not shown in the list.
In the console output I can see the content of currentTest object, and I verify that clicked requisites are in fact added to the requisites array of that object, so the event fires and the object is passed upwards by the children components.
I'm not sure if my problem is that data binding is made by value (I don't think so, as I bind an Array, which is an object AFAIK), or the table is not detecting data changes (I've tried to force data change detection with ChangeDetector), or anything else.
You pass a array to the app-requisitelist component. This component waits this array changes to update the content. When you do this.currentTest.requisites.push(requisite), the array this.currentTest.requisites doesn't change, I mean, if you do
const tmp = this.currentTest.requisites;
if (tmp === this.currentTest.requisites) {
console.log('The arrays are the same');
You will get the log printed. So, I suggest do something like that:
addrequisite(requisite: Requisite) {
this.currentTest.requisites = this.currentTest.requisites.map(item => item);
console.log('Current test: ');
The inserted line forces this.currentTest.requisites to be a new array with the same content.

Adobe Analytics not recording all prop updates

We have Adobe Analytics set up on our site, and we have a handful of share buttons. I've set up a direct call event to track a custom "Share" event whenever one is clicked, and to record the type of share (Facebook, Twitter, etc) in a prop so that we can categorize the shares and compare them
This works fine when the events come in with plenty of time between them, but when I try doing multiple shares back to back, only the last one is incrementing its property (Example: If I do a Twitter share, a Facebook share, and then a Pinterest share, I get 3 share events, but only Pinterest gets tracked as a share type instance)
Is there a way to keep these prop updates from getting conflated? Or is there a better way of subcategorizing a particular event?
sendEvent function:
sendEvent: function(analyticsEvent) {
for (var prop in analyticsEvent.props){
if (analyticsEvent.props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
Object I'm passing:
condition: 'share',
props: {shareType:'Twitter'}
DTM code:
var _shareType = _satellite.getVar('shareType');
s.prop123 = _shareType;
I think I may have solved the issue. On the DTM side I'd only referenced the prop I was modifying in the custom code, not in the props section of the rule. I added prop123 = "undefined" there, and it looks like that fixed things somehow.

Reactive Meteor Templates and Deps Dependency -- update a template when another changes or is re/rendered

Problem: Meteor JS app with 2 distinct templates that need to share some data.
They are dependent on one another, since I aim to extract text (Step 1) from one, and then create dynamic buttons (Step 2) in another template. The content of the buttons is dependent on the table.
<template name="buttons">
{{#each dynamicButtons }}
<button id="{{ name }}">{{ name }}</button>
My goal is for the name property to come from the content of reactiveTable.html (see above, or their Github page, package meteor add aslagle:reactive-table.
These need to be dynamically linked since table re-renders constantly w/ different group of products, which are linked up through Template.reactiveTable and a specific data context (Pub/Sub pattern).
IF the table is (re)rendered, then parse it's content and extract text. Once the table is parsed, dynamically inject newly created buttons into the UI. Note UI.insert takes two arguments, the Object to insert, and then location (DOM node to render it in).
Template.reactiveTable.rendered = function () {
UI.insert( UI.render( Template.buttons ) , $('.reactive-table-filter').get(0) )
(Insert new buttons every time a reactiveTable is rendered.)
This code works, but is flawed since I cannot grab the newly rendered content from reactiveTable. As shown in this related question, using ReactiveDict package:
dynamicButtons: function() {
var words = UI._templateInstance().state.get('words');
return _.map(words, function(word) {
return {name: word};
Template.buttons.rendered = function() {
// won't work w/ $('.reactiveTable) since table not rendered yet, BUT
// using $('h1') grabs content and successfully rendered dynamicButtons!
var words = $('h1').map(function() {
return $(this).text();
this.state.set('words', _.uniq(words));
Template.buttons.created = function() {
this.state = new ReactiveDict;
How can I change my selector to extract content from Template.reactiveTable every time is re-renders to create buttons dynamically? Thanks.
You’re using a lot of undocumented functions in there, and UI.insert and UI.render which are bad practice. The just-released Meteor 0.9.1 eliminates them, in fact.
Create your dynamic buttons the Meteoric way: by making them dependent on a reactive resource. For example, a Session variable. (You could also use a client-side-only collection if you want.)
Template.reactiveTable.rendered = function () {
// Get words from wherever that data comes from
Session.set('buttons', words);
dynamicButtons: function() {
if (Session.equals('buttons', null))
return [];
return _.map(Session.get('buttons'), function(word) {
return {name: word};
Every time reactiveTable is rendered or rerendered, the buttons Session variable will update. And because your dynamic buttons are depending on it, and since Session variables are a reactive resource, the buttons will rerender automatically to reflect the changes.

