How to generate single ES5 bundle file from ES6 project using webpack? - javascript

I am trying to use react-vis library in my project. In their readme file, they have asked to import library by adding following lines in non-node environment:
If you're working in a non-node environment, you can also directly include the bundle and compiled style using basic html tags.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
The global reactVis object will now be available for you to play around.
When I did that, I got following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call a class as a function
at _classCallCheck (dist.min.js:formatted:23789:27)
at LabelSeries (dist.min.js:formatted:23823:21)
at Constructor.render (<anonymous>:1866:23)
at Constructor.<anonymous> (react.js:6029:34)
at Constructor._renderValidatedComponent (react.js:11403:21)
at Constructor.<anonymous> (react.js:5582:14)
at Constructor.mountComponent (react.js:11403:21)
at Constructor.mountChildren (react.js:10913:42)
at Constructor._createContentMarkup (react.js:6812:32)
at Constructor.<anonymous> (react.js:6734:14)
After a lot of digging, I realised the issue was that the react-vis library follows ES6, while my project is in ES5. So, I thought to transpile react-vis library to ES5. I used babel as explained in this post to transpile ES6 to ES5 (with slight changes). But, it generated multiple files. I needed single bundle file.
So, I followed steps explained here to generate single ES5 bundle file. I used same webpack.config.js as specified in these steps. And my scripts in package.json look something like this:
"build:babel": "babel src -d build"
"build:app": "npm run build:babel",
"build:bundle": "webpack --mode production",
"build3": "npm run build:app && npm run build:bundle"
It was successful, but when I used generated bundle file, I got error ReferenceError: reactVis. When I checked the generated bundle file, it did not contain reactVis variable. So, now I have two doubts:
Q1. how can I tell webpack to preserve reactVis variable?
Q2. how can I make webpack to add it to global scope (or how can I access this variable in my project once I linked the generated bundle)?


GreenSock and TypeScript

I am writing a program in TypeScript and compiling code to JavaScript before running it on a browser. This is my package.json scripts:
"scripts": {
"clean": "rm -rf dist/",
// gsap.min.js is under ts/src/lib/
"build": "tsc && copyfiles -u 1 ts/src/lib/* dist/"
However, I cannot reference gsap in a TypeScript file as I get the the error Cannot find name 'gsap'. I believe this is because tsc does not read minified files (even if allowJs flag is true).
I can, however, use gsap fine in a JavaScript file, since the checking is less strict. (In JavaScript, referencing a variable that is not defined only throws an error when run, e.g. in browser console.)
Attempt to fix
I tried defining gsap, hoping gsap.min.js will then override the variable. However, gsap remains undefined at runtime (at least tsc compiles this with no errors). So this does not work.
<!-- index.html snippet -->
<script src="dist/src/lib/pseudo.js"></script>
<script src="dist/src/lib/gsap.min.js"></script>
// pseudo.js
let gsap: any;
If you use a bundler, then if you install gsap (npm install gsap) rather than just copying a minified version of it into your project, it should resolve the problem has gsap provides type definitions.
If you're not using a bundler, copy the .d.ts files containing the types (from into your project's directory tree, and if TypeScript doesn't automatically pick them up, point it at them via tsconfig.json. The type files include the necessary declaration to tell TypeScript about the gsap global (specifically, that declaration is in gsap-core.d.ts).

Compiling typescript path aliases to relative paths for NPM publishing?

I have a typescript project that uses paths for imports. For example:
"paths": {
"#example/*": ["./src/*"],
Thus the project can import files directly from using statement like:
import { foo } from "#example/boo/foo";
For publishing to NPM I have I'm compiling the typescript files and then copying the result to a dist folder. Thus all the *.d.ts and corresponding *.js files are in the dist folder. I also copy package.json to the dist folder.
I now test this by generation a new typescript project and then run npm i -S ../example/dist, in order to install the project and attempt to run some of the compiled typescript code.
However the relative imports no longer work. For example if boo.ts depends on foo.ts it will say that it can't resolve foo.ts.
When I look at the *.d.ts files they contain the same paths that were used the source code before it was compiled. Is it possible to turn these into relative paths?
I looks as if generating relative paths for Node is something Typescript does not perform automatically. If you would like this feature, as I would, please provide feedback on this bug report.
As a brief follow-up to arhnee's suggestion, it seems that as of Aug 2020, Microsoft still refuses to implement custom transformers for whatever reason, so these modules remain relevant.
So to future readers, here's how you can actually compile TS path aliases to relative paths. ttypescript is merely a transformer framework that requires a "path transformer" in order to actually convert the TS path aliases. Thus you will need to install both ttypescript and typescript-transform-paths.
npm i --save ttypescript typescript-transform-paths
Then, it's easy as just specifying usage by adding the following property to the compilerOptions object in tsconfig.json:
"plugins": [
{ "transform": "typescript-transform-paths" }
And finally, run ttsc instead of tsc.
There is a project called ttypescript that you can use for this. If you use it with the module typescript-transform-paths I beleive it will acheive what you want.

Unable to compile and publish my Typescript library using webpack or TSC

Ive created a library that helps to trace an object state using rx streams and
Im trying to publish it to npm community.
you can check this out In my github repo
I want to compile my library to a single Javascript file and also create a declaration file ".d.ts" for Typescript users.
As i understand, when running $ npm publish i release my entire repository. what i want is to release the dist folder with the library source and declaration file and so the end users will be able to debug my library if necessary through their code so i need also source map.
So first i need to compile my src directory to a single javascript file and i have 2 ways to do so, using tsc or with webpack.
What ive tried so far and you should know:
I used module alias, configured in tsconfig.json.
I separated the library's bussiness logic to multiple files.
I wanted to import internal library's modules using "#lib" prefix.
so in my tsconfig.json i added:
"paths": {
"#lib/*": [
That alone cause some problems.
first of all running the command:
$ tsc src/index.ts
doesn't work at all and it shows me an error:
src/index.ts(3,15): error TS2307: Cannot find module '#lib/state-traceable'.
src/index.ts(4,15): error TS2307: Cannot find module '#lib/traceable-decorator'. src/index.ts(5,15): error TS2307: Cannot find module '#lib/effect-decorator'.
src/index.ts(6,15): error TS2307: Cannot find module '#lib/meta'.
yet running the command:
$ tsc
does actually works but it compiles each source file and create declaration file for each one of them.
Additionally, it preserves the path alias "#lib/*" instead of compiling it to something javscript compatible with relative paths "../", "./" etc...
Using webpack:
I succeed to bundle all my library sources to a single file and get rid of the "#lib" prefix however im not able to create a single declaration file.
im using "awesome-typescript-loader" plugin for webpack.
I created an issue, thought its a bug but i yet received any response from them:
Also tried to get some help from Gitter chats, Typescript community, "awesome-typescript-loader" library has no dedicated chat but couldn't find any useful information. Most of the examples ive seen, Typescript library publishers used to create a single file in their source directory: "index.ts" and it makes life easier because you can use tsc and compile that single file to a javascript file.
I hope i will find salvation here.
Some general info about the environment itself:
OS: Windows 10 Pro
Node Version: 9.5.0
npm version: 5.6.0
webpack version: 4.2.0
Please use the path configuration like below
"paths": {
"#lib/state-traceable": ["src/state-traceable.ts"],
"#lib/meta": ["src/meta.ts"],
"#lib/effect-decorator": ["src/effect-decorator.ts"],
"#lib/traceable-decorator": ["src/traceable-decorator.ts"],
"#lib/contracts/*": ["src/contracts/*"],
"#lib/utils/*": ["src/utils/*"],
"#lib/rx-operators/*": ["src/rx-operators/*"]

Issue adding third-party (external ) js lib in angular5

I am working on to add jsplumb community js library version with the angular 5 application (Angular CLI: 1.6.1).
With the first build without any configuration to tsconfig.json I get the following error.
ERROR in src/app/jsplumb/jsplumb.component.ts(4,25): error TS6143: Module '../../../node_modules/jsplumb/dist/js/jsplumb.js' was resolved to 'D:/myproj/angular5/myapp/node_modules/jsplumb/dist/js/jsplumb.js', but '--allowJs' is not set.
With "allowJs":true in the tsconfig.json get the following error
ERROR in error TS5055: Cannot write file 'D:/myproj/angular5/myapp/node_modules/jsplumb/dist/js/jsplumb.js' because it would overwrite input file.
Adding a tsconfig.json file will help organize projects that contain both TypeScript and JavaScript files. Learn more at
As per tsconfig FAQ
Why am I getting the error TS5055: Cannot write file 'xxx.js' because it would overwrite input file.
with an outDir ("outDir": "./dist/out-tsc") this issue should be resolved. This is already set in my tsconfig.
If we add noEmit to true it simply builds the application, not including any js we get a blank white screen.
Let me know if anyone has tried to include external js with new angular cli and face the same kind of error and what is the solution for the same.
Without any additional option added to tsconfig.json if I try to modify any ts file the application will compile with success and I am able to work. But this does not help while running ng build, to create a deployable binary.
Update Workaround: until the fix in CLI is available. For development (ng serve) remove allowJs from tsconfig.json, when ever you get an error with adding allowJs simply modify a ts file to recompile the applicaiton, this time will compile with success. For production or distribution add back the allowJs to tsconfig.json run the application run with ng build --prod --watch=auto you should see the error about overriding the JS file in node_module, simple modify a ts file it should rebuild as --watch=auto is there in command but this time with sucess.
If you're trying to import a library to Angular 2+, you should do it inside angular-cli.json.
There you have a scripts key where you should configure the desired imports. They are generally like:
"scripts": [
Also you can import the library (not recommended) inside your main index.html, using <script src="/path_relative_to_root/file.js">
Angular Cli Webpack, How to add or bundle external js files?
have you tried upgrading it to angular 6? maybe they fixed this in the new version.
ng update #angular/cli

Using node modules with Rollup to build web client

I'm trying to build a react application using rollup instead of browserify and babel. I realize I need to use the rollup-plugin-babel to transpile jsx, but when I tell rollup the format is iife, the final page loads with an error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined
What do I need to add to the rollup.config.js to include the node modules I've installed in package.json in my final build?
Two options:
Include React as a separate <script> tag before your app bundle
Include rollup-plugin-node-resolve in your config file, to pull in dependencies from your node_modules folder.
If you take the second route you'll also need rollup-plugin-commonjs (to convert the CommonJS module into an ES module). I think you would also need to add import * as React from 'react' to each module that contained JSX, otherwise you'll continue to get the ReferenceError.
Note: you might be able to use rollup-plugin-buble to transpile JSX. It's similar to the Babel plugin but much faster (though it doesn't transpile every ES2015 feature)

