Please explain why my code can't replace redux-thunk - javascript

I have just finished reading redux fundamentals from the Redux doc. I now understand what happens underneath middleware functions and some of the other features of Redux. But I can't help questioning why you must use redux-thunk when processing async logic when you can just do:
const fetchSomething = async () => {
const { data } = await axios('someEndpoint..');
dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_SOME_DATA', payload: data.something });
and import this from components that need this logic. Somehow similar to action creators, though it doesn't return an action object.
EDIT: reviewing my question, I realized that fetchSomething function needs dispatch as parameter in order for it to be reused in different components.


Is it valid to dispatch multiple times inside redux middleware?

I'm trying to wrap my head around Redux or state management in general for the front-end applications.
As far as I know, there are three basic libraries to create complex actions logic: redux-thunk, redux-saga and redux-observable.
I'm using redux-thunk to create a chain of the async operations, but I found them a little bit inappropriate: action creators should create actions, not functions.
In order to get around this, I've created actions (simple action creators) and operations (thunks) with redux-toolkit, but I still see them a little bit confusing:
reducers.js (they also represent actions):
export function add(state, action) { ... }
export function added(state, action) { ... }
operations.js (they are performing complex actions logic):
export function addItem(payload) {
return async (dispatch) => {
const { data } = await Items.create(action.payload);
It looks ok, but I can see myself trying to dispatch add directly in the future.
Using redux-saga seems unnatural thanks to the generator syntax. I don't have to say anything about redux-observable, it's over-complicated for this simple task.
So I tried to use simple custom middleware for this kind of work, but I don't really know if it's a "good practice" or "bad practice". However, it allows to use simple actions to fire an observer that dispatches matching function:
middlewares/observer.js (simplified):
let listeners = {}
export const observer = store => next => action => {
const result = next(action)
if (action.type in listeners) {
listeners[action.type](store.dispatch, action)
return result
export const createListener = (action, listener) => {
listeners[action.type] = listener
Code above allows to write "observers" / "listeners" like below:
createListener(actions.add, async (dispatch, action) => {
const { data } = await Items.create(action.payload)
...which allows to dispatch callback attached to the listened actions. Looks very simple and clean for me.
Is this a bad way to solve this problem?
I'm a Redux maintainer and creator of Redux Toolkit.
Thunks exist to allow you to move complex synchronous and semi-complex async logic outside of components. Components typically use action creators to avoid knowing the details of how to define a given action object. Thunk action creators exist to provide parallel syntax, allowing components to kick off logic without needing to know the details of whether it's a simple action dispatch or something more complex.
That said, thunks do not give you a way to respond to dispatched actions, because the only thing the thunk middleware does is look to see if you've passed a thunk function to dispatch, and if so, call it. Sagas and observables both provide APIs that let you run additional logic in response to dispatched actions. See the Redux FAQ entry on "how do I choose between thunks, sagas, and observables?" for more details.
The middleware you've just shown there is a typical example of a simple "action listener" middleware - really a much simpler version of what sagas and observables let you do. In fact, we're hoping to add a similar middleware to Redux Toolkit, but haven't done so yet.
So, yes, the middleware itself is a valid tool to create, but you haven't provided sufficient information on what specific problem you're trying to solve, so I can't say whether it's an appropriate tool for your problem.

when I map my redux state with component state I am getting an error

when you click advanced sports search button I need to display drawer with my api values.
but right now when I map my redux state with component state I am getting an error.
Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.
can you tell me how to map my state.
so that in future I can fix all my redux issues by myself.
providing code snippet and sandbox below.
all my map state is done in tab-demo.js
getSportsPlayerHistory = values => {
toggleDrawer = (side, open) => () => {
if (open === true) {
[side]: open
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
onDeleteAllSPORTS: () => {
// console.log("called");
addFavoriteSPORTSs: data => {
fetchHistorySportsDatafromURL: () => {
Actions need to return plain objects, your fetchHistorySportsDatafromURL action returns a function. If you make your history reducer function async then you can make an async function to make your API call there and return the result to state.
API call in reducer
This works, but isn't ideal as you want your reducers to be pure functions, as-in, no side-effects, same input always produces the same output
You can also make the API request in the component's callback handler asynchronously and pass the result to the dispatched action.
API call in component then dispatched in action
This is a good solution and works great for small projects, but couples network business logic into your UI display components, which also isn't as ideal since it reduces code re-usability.
If you still want to keep your API logic separate from your component (which is a good thing), redux-thunk is a way to create asynchronous action creators, which is very similar to the pattern of your original code.
API call in action using redux-thunk
This is the most ideal as it completely de-couples business logic from your UI, meaning you can change back-end requests without touching front-end UI, and other components can now also use the same action. Good DRY principal.
Not really sure what you wanted to do with the new state, but this should get you to a good spot to handle that in your mapStateToProps function.

React + Redux, How to render not after each dispatch, but after several?

I am trying to make multiple changes to the store, but not render till all changes are done. I wanted to do this with redux-thunk.
Here is my action creator:
function addProp(name, value) {
return { type:'ADD_PROP', name, value }
function multiGeoChanges(...changes) {
// my goal here is to make multiple changes to geo, and make sure that react doesnt update the render till the end
return async function(dispatch, getState) {
for (let change of changes) {
await promiseTimeout(2000);
I dispatch my async action creator like this:
store.dispatch(multiGeoChanges(addProp(1, "val1"), addProp(2, "val2"), addProp(3, "val3")));
However this is causing react to render after each dispatch. I am new to redux-thunk, I never used async middleware, but I thought it could help me here.
#Kokovin Vladislav's answer is correct. To add some additional context:
Redux will notify all subscribers after every dispatch. To cut down on re-renders, either dispatch fewer times, or use one of several approaches for "batching" dispatches and notifications. For more info, see the Redux FAQ on update events: .
I also recently wrote a couple of blog posts that relate to this topic. Idiomatic Redux: Thoughts on Thunks, Sagas, Abstraction, and Reusability discusses the pros and cons of using thunks, and summarizes several ways to handle batching of dispatches. Practical Redux Part 6: Connected Lists, Forms, and Performance describes several key aspects to be aware of regarding Redux performance.
Finally, there's several other libraries that can help with batching up store change notifications. See the Store#Store Change Subscriptions section of my Redux addons catalog for a list of relevant addons. In particular, you might be interested in , which will allow you to dispatch an array of actions with only a single notification event.
There are ways to achieve the goal:
Classic way:
Actions describe the fact that something happened, but don't specify how the application's state changes in response. This is the job of reducers.
That also means that actions are not setters.
Thus, you could describe what has happened and accumulate changes, and dispatch one action
something like:
const multipleAddProp = (changedProps) =>({
type:'MULTIPLE_ADD_PROP', changedProps
And then react on action in reducer:
const geo=(state,action)=>{
switch (action.type){
// apply new props
Another way When rerendering is critical :
then you can consider to limit components, which could be rerendered on state change.
For example you can use shouldComponentUpdate to check whether component
should be rendered or not.
Also you could use reselect, in order to not rerender connected components
after calculating derived data...
Non standard way:
It works something like transaction.
In this example, the subscribers would be notified once:
import { batchActions } from 'redux-batched-actions';
const multiGeoChanges=(...arrayOfActions)=> dispatch => {
dispatch( batchActions(arrayOfActions) );
In react-redux 7.0.1+ batching is now built-in. Release notes of 7.0.1:
Batched Updates
React has an unstable_batchedUpdates API that it uses to group
together multiple updates from the same event loop tick. The React
team encouraged us to use this, and we've updated our internal Redux
subscription handling to leverage this API. This should also help
improve performance, by cutting down on the number of distinct renders
caused by a Redux store update.
function myThunk() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// should only result in one combined re-render, not two
batch(() => {
By design when the state, which is held by the store, changes the view should render.
You can avoid this by updating the state once.
If you are using promises you can use Promise.all to wait for all the promises to resolve and then dispatch a new action to the store with the calculated result.
Something like this:
Promise.all([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]).then(changes => {
}, err => {
// deal with error
Of course you'll need an action that will deal with many props, something like addManyProps this should update the state once, resulting in one render.
Batching action creator and associated higher order reducer for redux that enables batching subscriber notifications for an array of actions.
Coming to this a bit late, but I think this is a much nicer solution, which enables you to add meta.batch to actions you would like to batch together into a single react update. As a bonus this approach works with asynchronous actions.
import raf from 'raf'
import { batchedSubscribe } from 'redux-batched-subscribe'
let notify = null
let rafId = null
const shouldBatch = action => action?.meta?.batch
export const batchedSubscribeEnhancer = batchedSubscribe(freshNotify => (notify = freshNotify))
export const batchedSubscribeMiddleware = () => next => action => {
const resolved = next(action)
if (notify && rafId === null && !shouldBatch(action)) {
} else if (!rafId) {
rafId = raf(() => {
rafId = null
return resolved
Then connect up to your store
mport { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'
import { batchedSubscribeMiddleware, batchedSubscribeEnhancer } from './batching'
const store = createStore(

Redux: Calling store.getState() in a reducer function, is that an anti pattern?

I'm wondering, sometimes I have a reducer that needs information from another reducer. For example I have this reducer:
import * as ActionTypes from '../actions/action_type_constants';
import KeyCode from 'keycode.js/index';
import {store} from "../index";
import {mod} from "../pure_functions";
export function selectedCompletion(state = 0, action) {
if (action.type === ActionTypes.arrowKeyPressed) {
const completionsLength = store.getState();
if (action.keyCode === KeyCode.UP) {
return mod(state - 1, completionsLength);
} else if (action.keyCode === KeyCode.DOWN) {
return mod(state + 1, completionsLength);
return state;
I do call store.getState at the second line of the function, because otherwise I can not determine the index correctly.
I could probably refactor this and the other reducer, so that it becomes one big reducer, but for readability I would prefer this option.
I'm not sure if I would get somehow into problems if I use this pattern of calling store.getState() in a reducer.
Yes, this is absolutely an anti-pattern. Reducer functions should be "pure", and only based on their direct inputs (the current state and the action).
The Redux FAQ discusses this kind of issue, in the FAQ on sharing state between reducers. Basically, you should either write some custom reducer logic that passes down the additional information needed, or put more information into your action.
I also wrote a section for the Redux docs called Structuring Reducers, which discusses a number of important concepts related to reducer logic. I'd encourage you to read through that.
The pattern you want is a case of composition because you are preparing new state based in other existing states from other domain (in the sense of reducer domains). In the Redux documentation an example is provided under the topic entitled Computing Derived States.
Notice that their sample, however, combined the states in the container - not in the reducer; yet feeding the component that needs it.
For these coming to this page wondering how to upgrade their large applications to redux 4.0 without revamping their complete statemanagement because getState etc were banned in reducers:
While I, like the authors, dissaprove of that antipattern, when you realize that they banned the usage of these functions without this without any technical reasons and without opt-out, leaving people without updates that have the misfortune of having codebases which broadly use this antipattern... Well, I made a merge request to add an opt-out with heavy guards, but it was just immediately closed.
So I created a fork of redux, that allows to disable the bans upon creating the store:
For anyone else, use one of the examples here or the way I provided in another question:
An alternative way, if you use react-redux and need that action only in one place OR are fine with creating an HOC (Higher oder component, dont really need to understand that the important stuff is that this might bloat your html) everywhere you need that access is to use mergeprops with the additional parameters being passed to the action:
const mapState = ({accountDetails: {stateOfResidenceId}}) => stateOfResidenceId;
const mapDispatch = (dispatch) => ({
pureUpdateProduct: (stateOfResidenceId) => dispatch({ type: types.UPDATE_PRODUCT, payload: stateOfResidenceId })
const mergeProps = (stateOfResidenceId, { pureUpdateProduct}) => ({hydratedUpdateProduct: () => pureUpdateProduct(stateOfResidenceId )});
const addHydratedUpdateProduct = connect(mapState, mapDispatch, mergeProps)
export default addHydratedUpdateProduct(ReactComponent);
export const OtherHydratedComponent = addHydratedUpdateProduct(OtherComponent)
When you use mergeProps what you return there will be added to the props, mapState and mapDispatch will only serve to provide the arguments for mergeProps. So, in other words, this function will add this to your component props (typescript syntax):
{hydratedUpdateProduct: () => void}
(take note that the function actually returns the action itself and not void, but you'll ignore that in most cases).
But what you can do is:
const mapState = ({ accountDetails }) => accountDetails;
const mapDispatch = (dispatch) => ({
pureUpdateProduct: (stateOfResidenceId) => dispatch({ type: types.UPDATE_PRODUCT, payload: stateOfResidenceId })
otherAction: (param) => dispatch(otherAction(param))
const mergeProps = ({ stateOfResidenceId, ...passAlong }, { pureUpdateProduct, ... otherActions}) => ({
hydratedUpdateProduct: () => pureUpdateProduct(stateOfResidenceId ),
const reduxPropsIncludingHydratedAction= connect(mapState, mapDispatch, mergeProps)
export default reduxPropsIncludingHydratedAction(ReactComponent);
this will provide the following stuff to the props:
hydratedUpdateProduct: () => void,
otherAction: (param) => void,
accountType: string,
accountNumber: string,
product: string,
On the whole though the complete dissaproval the redux-maintainers show to expanding the functionality of their package to include such wishes in a good way, which would create a pattern for these functionalities WITHOUT supporting fragmentation of the ecosystem, is impressive.
Packages like Vuex that are not so stubborn dont have nearly so many issues with people abusing antipatterns because they get lost, while supporting a way cleaner syntax with less boilerplate than you'll ever archive with redux and the best supporting packages. And despite the package being way more versatile the documantation is easier to understand because they dont get lost in the details like reduxs documentation tends to do.

Where should I put synchronous side effects linked to actions in redux?

(Note: My question was not clearly written, and I was thinking about some things wrong. The current version of the question is just an attempt to write something that could make the accepted answer useful to as many people as possible.)
I want to have an action that adds an item to a store and registers it with an external dependency.
I could use the thunk middleware and write
export function addItem(item) {
return dispatch => {
But the subscribers would be notified before the item was registered, and they might depend on it being registered.
I could reverse the order and write
export function addItem(item) {
return dispatch => {
But I track the item in the external dependency by a unique id that it is natural to only assign in the reducer.
I could register the item in the reducer, but I am given to understand that it is very bad form to do side effects in a reducer and might lead to problems down the line.
So what is the best approach?
(My conclusion is: there are a number of approaches that would work, but probably the best one for my use case is to store a handle into the external dependency in Redux rather than a handle into Redux in the external dependency.)
If you use Redux Thunk middleware, you can encapsulate it in an action creator:
function addItem(id) {
return { type: 'ADD_ITEM', id };
function showNotification(text) {
return { type: 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION', text };
export function addItemWithNotification(id) {
return dispatch => {
dispatch(showNotification('Item was added.');
Elaborating, based on the comments to this answer:
Then maybe this is the wrong pattern for my case. I don't want subscribers invoked between dispatch(addItem(id)) and doSomeSideEffect().
In 95% cases you shouldn't worry about whether the subscribers were invoked. Bindings like React Redux won't re-render if the data hasn't changed.
Would putting doSomeSideEffect() in the reducer be an acceptable approach or does it have hidden pitfalls?
No, putting side effects into the reducer is never acceptable. This goes against the central premise of Redux and breaks pretty much any tool in its ecosystem: Redux DevTools, Redux Undo, any record/replay solution, tests, etc. Never do this.
If you really need to perform a side effect together with an action, and you also really care about subscribers only being notified once, just dispatch one action and use [Redux Thunk] to “attach” a side effect to it:
function addItem(id, item) {
return { type: 'ADD_ITEM', id, item };
export function addItemWithSomeSideEffect(id) {
return dispatch => {
let item = doSomeSideEffect(); // note: you can use return value
dispatch(addItem(id, item));
In this case you'd need to handle ADD_ITEM from different reducers. There is no need to dispatch two actions without notifying the subscribers twice.
Here is the one point I still definitely don't understand. Dan suggested that the thunk middleware couldn't defer subscriber notification because that would break a common use case with async requests. I still don't understand this this.
Consider this:
export function doSomethinAsync() {
return dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: 'A' });
dispatch({ type: 'B' });
setTimeout(() => {
dispatch({ type: 'C' });
dispatch({ type: 'D' });
}, 1000);
When would you want the subscriptions to be notified? Definitely, if we notify the subscribers only when the thunk exits, we won't notify them at all for C and D.
Either way, this is impossible with the current middleware architecture. Middleware isn't meant to prevent subscribers from firing.
However what you described can be accomplished with a store enhancer like redux-batched-subscribe. It is unrelated to Redux Thunk, but it causes any group of actions dispatched synchronously to be debounced. This way you'd get one notification for A and B, and another one notification for C and D. That said writing code relying on this behavior would be fragile in my opinion.
I'm still in the process of learning Redux; however my gut instinct says that this is could be a potential candiate for some custom middleware?

