How to make firing "enter key" event in JavaScript? - javascript

I am working on something little app for sign-in automation.
It is like filling in the sign-in id, password inputs, and then pressing enter to submit.
I tried click(), submit() on the button element, but it's not working.
All I want is just fire the enter key event after filling the inputs, but many source codes are about get the keyboard event which I don't need to.
Is it impossible that press enter key event??

Try this code:
var element = document.getElementById(/* Element */);
element.addEventListener("keydown", fuction(e) {
if(e.key == "Enter") {
// Do something

You can use HTML form for this. Just wrap your inputs inside form and set onsubmit event. After you fill up the email and pass, enter will trigger the onsubmit.
Here is a simple example:
<form onsubmit="myFunction()">
Enter name: <input type="text" name="fname">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
function myFunction() {
alert("The form was submitted");
Hope this helps.


If the text-box value in HTML5 form is x, then y: Is that possible?

So basically, I want to enter a certain string into a text-box, and check what it is. It's basically for a command system that I'm trying to implement. There's a little Terminal pop-up and there is a text-box in it waiting for a command. This is the HTML I used to make the text-box inside a form:
<form id="command-input">
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Command" id="command-box">
<input type="submit" style="display: none">
I made the submit invisible so you could press enter and it would submit the form. Here is the JavaScript I'm using:
function changeStyle(sheet) {
document.getElementById('specific-sheet').setAttribute('href', sheet);
var command = document.getElementById('command-input');
I want to make it to where if I type "windows" into the command box and hit enter, it will change my stylesheet. The people on this website are smart, so I once again am asking for help. Thanks for contributing!
You will need to check with an event. Assuming this is in the plain tags; you can use the following:
var inputbox = document.getElementById('command-input');
function changeStyle(sheet) {
document.getElementById('specific-sheet').setAttribute('href', sheet);
inputbox.addEventListener('input', function (evt) {
if (this.value == 'windows'){
you can do this as well. Change the event to "onsubmit" if you want enter key to trigger.
function changeStyle(sheet) {
document.getElementById('specific-sheet').setAttribute('href', sheet);
if ( == 'windows'){
If you want to keep the changes even after the page refresh you might have to keep the file path in the localstorage and use that in dom load event.
Also, you really dont need to wrap this in a form tag. You can use a simple div and this is not triggered by a form submit.
You could create a function that you can call on form submission as explained here at
<form onsubmit="myFunction()">
Enter name: <input type="text">
<input type="submit">
function myFunction() {
var command = document.getElementById('command-input');

Page reloading when hitting enter on a form

Yes this question has been asked for, no the answers don't seem to be working for me.
Simply put, here's the code:
<form id="frm1" onsubmit="preventDefault();">
Message: <input type="text" name="message"><br>
<input type="button" onclick="sendMessage()">
function sendMessage() {
var message = document.getElementById("frm1").message.value;
socket.emit('browsermsg', {data: message})
$("frm1").submit(function (e) {
alert("call some function here");
using onsubmit="preventDefault();" doesn't have any effect, where as using "onsubmit="return false;" prevents the from from being submitted at all when enter is pressed.
I want the form to submit when enter is pressed, but then to also not reload the page. I'm failing to see where in code the page feels the need to reload when the enter key is pressed at all, I'm assuming it's something built into JS?
$("frm1").submit(function (e) { should be $("#frm1").submit(function (e) {
As you are selecting from by Id, this is how you use the selector with id $('#Id')

Formless "form" submission using enter button

We are currently building an application using Dojo Mobile and there are several areas where we have input fields and submit buttons. These input fields and submit buttons do are not in a form, and we just use onclick events to "submit" the values in the fields to be utilized in the javascript. Is there a way to make it so that when we press "enter", or, in the case of mobile applications, when the user presses "search" or "go" on their soft keyboard, it will trigger that particular button? We could potentially have multiple submit buttons on the same page.
<input dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" />
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit">
Place your related fields in a form. Register an "onsubmit" event handler and make it the same as your "onclick" handler for the button. When you return from the event handler, you should either return false or you should call event.preventDefault(). This will prevent the form from being submitted (via POST) to the server.
solution in JQuery:
//when you a key on an input
$("input").keyup(function (e) {
//if it is enter
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
//look for the next submit button a trigger a click
I'm not a dojo-coder but the documentation seems quite good:
see here for related answer:
Enter key press event in JavaScript
Overriding the Default Form Submit Action
You can override the default submit action on a form. It's semantically wise to keep your forms within <form> tags, even when you want to override the default behavior, and do what you want, as the strong, independent black woman that you are.
<form id="myForm">
<input type="text" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
var myForm = document.getElementById('myForm');
alert('submit pressed -- do as you please');
event.preventDefault(); // cancels form submission

form submitted with wrong action

My form is :
<script type="text/javascript">
<form if="formID">
<s:submit onclick="method1();" name="upload"/>
<s:textfield name="search" />
<s:submit onclick="method2()"/>
When i press enter key form is submitting with action 'first' . The control is directly going to method1 and submitting. When i press enter key i want control has to go to method2 and form should submit with action 'second'.
How do i can do it?
You can detect which key has been hit.
<s:submit onkeypress="return method2(event)"/>
function method2(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
return false;
Or you can use 2 forms, with 2 different submit buttons. But I guess you have more fields that in your code snippet.
Basically you should have only one submit button per form. If you want method2() to call for enter key, you may do a tweak like as, Define first submit as button and leave second submit as submit.

How do I submit a form to JavaScript without the submit button?

<input type="text" name="sometext">
<input type="button" value="Send" onClick="sendsometext(this.form);">
How would that be without using the submit button (I don't want it at all), just submitting the form by pressing the Enter key.
EDITED: I don't want to submit the form at all. I just want to type some text in the input field and call the function by the Enter key. Can I do this without JS?
<input type="text" name="sometext">
<input type="button" value="Send" onClick="this.form.submit">
Or, from the sendsometext function:
function sendsometext(form){
To run the function when the form submits (when the user presses Enter), try the following:
<form onsubmit="sendsometext(this)">
<input type="text" name="sometext">
If you return false from sendsometext, then the form will not submit.
Edit (Again)
Apparently you don't want to submit the form, all you want to do is let the function process the data and then do something with it. If your sendsometext function returns false, then the form should not submit:
function sendsometext(form){
//do something with the form;
return false;
and then the html code:
<form onsubmit="return sendsometext(this)">
<input type="text" name="sometext">
If this does not work, then please specify what browser you are using, and what happens. Also post a demo page with how you have implemented it. You cannot sumbmit the form to JavaScript without the use of JavaScript (that does not make sense).
Actually, I think you are looking for form.onsubmit
<form onSubmit="sendsometext(this.form);">
<input type="text" name="sometext">
<input type="submit" value="Send">
I wonder if the OP is missing the basic information that the browser automatically submits the form when you press Enter in any text field inside the form. That's why you can use the onsubmit handler if you want to invoke a method in response to the Enter key, per Marius' and Wogan's answers.
This is how you would create a Javascript function that acts on the the enter key being pressed to submit the form, instead of pressing the submit button.
Edit: On the code below where you see document.forms[0].submit() //submit the form ... You can change this line to point towards your function. That would stop the submission process and instead call your function when you press enter.
<input type="text" onKeyPress="checkEnter(event)">
function checkEnter(e){ //e is event object passed from function invocation
var characterCode;
if(e && e.which){ //if which property of event object is supported (NN4)
e = e
characterCode = e.which //character code is contained in NN4's which property
e = event
characterCode = e.keyCode //character code is contained in IE's keyCode property
if(characterCode == 13){ //if generated character code is equal to ascii 13 (if enter key)
document.forms[0].submit() //submit the form
return false
return true

