Is it possible to add reactive pie charts on the world map using D3.js - javascript

I am making a component in Vue.js and I aim to make a reactive component as shown in the image. I don't know how D3.js works, if it is possible to achieve using D3.js then I will learn.
My requirement is:
When I click on any of the pie in the pie chart, the corresponding data related to that should be shown in different SVG. Is it possible to implement using D3.js
If this is possible with any other open-source library, please feel free to mention it.


Create column chart with sub elements for each bar

I need to create a data visualization in a web application, I wanted to use Highcharts since I have some previews experience, the problem is that the visualization I need to create is more custom, based on my investigation I'd need to use something like D3 which allows to do more things, but maybe someone has done something similar using a library with a smaller learning curve.
Is it possible to create a visualization like this (the image to the right) without using D3? Each of the small boxes inside the bars is an element that should be clickable to show it's details inside a card-like HTML element.
I saw this example with Highcharts, but it's not quite what I want and I'm not sure if what I need can also be done.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Looking for JS chart library with interactive diagrams

In my project I work on a web app that shall provide interactive charts to the user. Interactive is meant in that way that the user can adjust single data points by dragging them around in chart.
More specifically, assume a line chart consisting of six data points. The user clicks one data point and drags it to different coordinates within the chart (drag and drop). Afterwards the line should be rendered again considering the adapted coordinates.
I had a look into Chart.js already but found that this feature is not provided out-of-the-box. I rather have to implement that myself.
Are you aware of any chart library for JS that provides such feature?
Meanwhile I found two potential solutions:
Plugin for Highcharts
Draggable charts of FusionCharts
You can take a look to D3.js, it's battery-included and drag&drop is supported too.
But you have to make the chart in HTML/CSS yourself.

How to create a drilleable bar graph in jsp page using open source charts API

We are developing a web application using Spring+Tiles. We have a requirement that we have to create a bar graph in a jsp page. We searched a lot on web regarding this issue. Means how we can create a bar graph using Open source Charts API. We found many suggested APIs like JFreeChart, charts4j and etc.
But we are not sure which one to use. Actually our requirement is we have to create a bar graph which can be drillable.
Please help us. If you could give any examples that will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance. Thanks a lot.
I would recommend you to use the rest services and send the json to highcharts OR D3.js OR DDChart, its the best thing to do in your case below link can do what you want :
Highchart (licence) :
D3 (free) :
DDChart (free) :
You can try FusionCharts for a drill down chart.
Have a look to this and you can use this in your application : Fusion Charts Linked Charts. Regarding licensing issues,you may get in touch Sales Team.
Apart from that, you can use Raphael.js . Start from the basics say try creating a small rectangle, fill some color, opacity, binding some events,etc. With a day effort you can make a simple bar chart. Once you make a bar chart, attach an event to clear your container and redraw another bar chart with the drill down data. Thats the concept you need for your drill-down.
Having said that, I would still recommend you to use Fusion Charts because they takes care of some smart things - like space management of the bars, the intervals, the colour codes of the bars(if not hard-coded), axis part... Its a finished product which abstracts you from the technical obstructions and give your application a beautiful add-on.

Angular chartjs multiple chart types

I have imported the lib: angular-chart.js
Now i am trying to make a chart that contains both a bar graph and a line graph
Sadly though the documentation does not specify how i can achieve this.
Does anyone have any experience with this and know how i can accomplish the issue?
And know if it is even possible since the creating is rather different since you are using 1 canvas to contain your chart
Try Highcharts ng
Here is Angular Highcharts
Highchart bar-line chart example Bar-line

D3.js or EXT js for data visualization and why?

I am trying to learn D3 JS and how it can be applied in current application.I am new to this application.
While going through the application I found that there is already a feature providing data visualization in the form of graphs using EXT Js charts.
Could anybody help me understand the advantage of data visualization using ext js over D3 JS and is there any reason for going with one over other? Thanks in advance.
ExtJS is a commercial web app framework for many things including data visualization. D3.js is an open source low level library for creating svg-based charts.
The first question you need to figure out is if you only want charts or all the features that come with ExtJS.
If you just want to draw standard charts (bar, line, area, pie etc.) you may consider using highcharts, google charts, or a higher level library on top of d3.js such as nvd3.js or Rickshaw since they are easier to use. Otherwise if you want a very non-standard and customized chart, d3.js is very powerful for implementing any possible kind of visualization.
D3 is just for visualization, ExtJS is a full framework that hast a lot of other components (grids, windows, layouts, etc...).
Also ExtJS doesn't get well with other libraries, since it overrides several things in the global CSS.
Therefore, if you have a full page that has more than just graphs... feel free to use ExtJS for the whole page, but if you already have something else on the page, then go for D3.

